Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (2024)

This guide will tell you how to complete Chapter 07: Into the Void of the Dead Space Remake. The walkthrough also includes the available side mission objectives!

This guide is for the Dead Space Remake, released in 2023!

List of Power Node locations in Chapter 7:Power Node Location Guide.

List of Semiconductor locations in Chapter 7:Semiconductor Location Guide.

Get to Engineering

After you defeat the Leviathan in Hydroponics, a new path will open up that will lead you to an elevator that takes you to the Mining Deck. Go down and override the lockdown at the Tram Station. Then proceed to the Mining Operations room. You’ll find a Store and a Bench here so stock up as you’re going to need to be prepared.

Activate the Launch Tubes

Make your way to the central cargo lift and select Deck C – Mining. This is the only level you’re able to go to anyway since the rest are locked down.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (1)

Halfway down the elevator is going to stop. Slashers will drop down and start attacking you. After defeating the necromorphs, the elevator will continue descending and bring you to the Mining level. Some graffiti on the wall will warn you that there are traps ahead but you must proceed anyway.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (2)

If you have been using the Line Gun, then you know exactly what these traps are. If you don’t know what they are, just wait a bit as a necromorph will walk through these. These laser traps will cut through flesh very easily so you have two options here.

First option is to shoot the traps to deactivate them. Your other option is to use Kinesis to grab crates and use those crates to block the laser traps. Either method is fine, do either and make your way forward following your Locator.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (3)

Your Locator will lead you to the Extraction Area where you can find another Store and Bench. Do be warned that a necromorph will pop out behind you after using the Bench. The lift that takes you to the Mining Control Room is unpowered so you’ll need to find a battery for it. Fortunately there’s one in this same room, pick it up with Kinesis and insert it into the slot.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (4)
Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (5)

When you get to the Mining Control Room, activate the Launch Tubes. It turns out you lack the clearance to use this console so you’ll need to find the Admin’s RIG and the SOS Beacon that Jacob Temple was building. Since finding the Admin RIG is highlighted by default, we’ll start with that objective.

Find the Admin’s RIG

Make your way back to the central cargo lift and go to Deck B – Processing. You’ll need to go to this deck to find the Admin’s RIG.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (6)

When you reach this level, just follow your Locator until you reach the room with Zero Gravity. Here you’ll be unable to restore gravity until all of the anomalies here are dealt with. These anomalies are asteroids that you’ll need to toss into the fire tunnel with Kinesis.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (7)

A panel on the wall will tell you how many anomalies are left. Once all the asteroids have been burnt, go to the gravity control console and activate it. Doing this will raise the walking platforms as well as bring in a bunch of necromorphs. Fight them off and enter the room on the other side.

Here you’ll find Dallas’s RIG and his final audio log. In this log you’ll learn that Dallas shot off his own limbs to prevent himself from being turned into a necromorph. It’s a rather morbid audio log so it can be a bit disturbing. Pick up Dallas’s RIG to complete this objective as well as gaining Level 3 Clearance.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (8)
Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (9)

Find the SOS Beacon

Go back to the Central Elevator and to go Deck D – Maintenance. This is the deck that contains the SOS Beacon.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (10)

Follow your Locator until you reach a long hall with a gondola. Pull the gondola towards you using Kinesis so you can climb aboard to travel to the other side of the room. As you travel along this gondola, you’ll encounter Pods and Spitters attacking you. There are numerous explosive canisters around here that you can throw at them to quickly dispatch them.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (11)

When you reach the other side of the room, you’ll encounter Nicole! She’ll be able to unlock the room you need to go to but you’ll have to protect her from any necromorphs coming her way. Keep Nicole alive and you’ll gain access to the locked door.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (12)
Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (13)

When Nicole takes off, go to the room she unlocked and you’ll find the SOS Beacon on a table. Pick up the SOS Beacon and go outside to find a circuit breaker. Turn off the gravity and fly your way back to the other side of the room. Return to the Central Cargo Lift and go back to Deck C – Mining.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (14)

Attach the SOS Beacon

When you get back to the Mining deck, return to the Mining Control Room and activate the Launch Tubes. As it turns out, these are trapped and will break when used. So now you’ll need to find a new way to launch the beacon. Isaac comes up with the idea to attach the beacon to an asteroid that’s being processed then launch the asteroid.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (15)

With your new task, head down the cargo lift and take the battery with you. You’re going to need it to power a cargo lift up ahead.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (16)

Open the door that leads to the Mining Bay and bring the battery with you before the door closes. Place the battery into the slot that powers the Mining Bay cargo lift. This guide will have a brief summary on what you need to do to complete this segment. If you would like a more in-depth explanation, check out our How to plant the Distress Beacon in Dead Space Remake guide!

When you make it to the Mining Bay, you’re going to encounter some Leapers. Defeat them to continue your mission in peace. Before you can launch the SOS Beacon on the asteroid, you’ll first need to destroy the gravity tethers anchoring down the asteroid. These are the round spinning machines emitting blue kinetic energy at the asteroid.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (17)

To destroy these, use Stasis on them and aim for the bright, blue fuses inside. When you hit these, the gravity tethers will blow up. There are two inside, one of which you’ll need to fly to reach. When you destroy these two tethers, head outside past the asteroid.

Be sure to not get hit by the moving parts of the machine carving the asteroid. Take a moment to watch how they move and go through it using either the lower left or upper right corner as these areas become devoid of machinery every so often. When you’re outside, destroy the two remaining gravity tethers.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (18)

From here, pick any spot on the asteroid and plant the SOS Beacon.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (19)

Go back inside and avoid the machinery parts as even then they’re still, they can still harm you. Go up the cargo lift from the Mining Bay to the Mining Deck. Take the battery with you as you’ll need that again for the Mining Control Room cargo lift.

Launch the SOS Beacon

However there is a new problem to deal with, there are huge jets of flames shooting every so often in the hallway you came from. Use Kinesis to throw the battery past here as it can’t get damaged by the fire. Then make your way past the flames until you’re safe.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (20)

Place the battery into the Control Room cargo lift and return to the control room. Use the central console near the window to let the asteroid go into space.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (21)

The room will go under a quarantine lockdown and guess who it is! It’s Harris! Yes, the Hunter is back and he is not happy with you. He also brought some buddies here to beat you up. You know the drill, defeat the Slashers and dismember + Stasis the Hunter.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (22)

While you’re fighting for your life, Kendra will be working to override the lockdown. However the best she can do is expose the manual override controls. When these controls are active, you’ll need to use Kinesis to pull the switch down to unlock the room.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (23)

Get out of there and run to the Central Cargo lift and take it to Deck A – Preparation. When you make it to the top, you’ll encounter Divider fragments. Defeat them and take a deep breath. You have now completed Chapter 7 and since you’ve made it back up to the Preparation Deck, the Hunter will be gone so you can explore more of the Mining Deck of the Ishimura in peace.

Your next task is to report to the Bridge so you can access the Communication Hub. While the Distress Beacon was sent out, the Ishimura is currently unable to receive incoming transmissions so you’ll need to fix that.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (24)

Side Mission: Scientific Methods

To make progress with the Scientific Methods side mission, you’ll need to go to the Equipment Supply Room. This room is on Deck D – Maintenance. When you get to this deck, go left of the “Teamwork Improves Safety” sign until you reach a flesh hallway with a circuit breaker at the end.

Activate the circuit breaker and allocate power to Storage 2. Follow the blue power line and enter this room.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (25)

This is Dr. Kyne’s Sanctuary where you can find several audio logs. Pick up the log on the floor to complete what you can of this quest!

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (26)

Side Mission: You Are Not Authorized

After you receive Level 7 Clearance and preferably after you complete Chapter 7, go to the Tram Station and walk through the Tram Shuttle to get to the Mining Deck. Head towards the path that leads to the Engine Room until you reach the fleshy room you’ve encountered before.

There will be a Level 3 Clearance locked door. With your new Clearance level, go inside to find Rousseau’s RIG. This is the most you can do for now for this side mission.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (27)
Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (28)

Side Mission: Premeditated Malpractice

To make progress on this side mission, you’ll need to go to Deck C – Mining. In the hallway where the traps are, you can find Ore Storage at the end beyond even more traps. There will be a broken Store Kiosk here.

To the left of the store, there will be a pile of crates blocking a Transmission Terminal. Use Kinesis to move these crates and listen to the audio log. This is all you can do for this side mission for now.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (29)

Next up, read our Walkthrough to Dead Space Remake Chapter 8 Search and Rescue. As always, it includes the side mission objectives in the areas you will go through.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (30)

This is a step-by-step walkthrough summary of the objectives you have to complete in Chapter 7: Into the Void of the Dead Space Remake. The guide also includes the available optional objectives!


  1. Using the shortcut you gained from Hydroponics, head through there to find an elevator that takes you to the Mining Deck.
  2. Override the lockdown at the Mining Deck's Tram Station.
  3. Go to the Central Cargo Lift and select Deck C - Mining
  4. Avoid the traps and go down the hall to find Ore Storage.
  5. Move the crates in Ore Storage to find an Audio Log for the Premeditated Malpractice side mission.
  6. Go to the Extraction Area on the Deck C.
  7. Place the battery into the slot that activates the cargo lift to the Mining Control Room.
  8. Go to the Mining Control Room and activate the Launch Tubes.
  9. Go back to the Central Cargo Lift and go to Deck B - Processing.
  10. Reach the room with Zero-G and the anomalies.
  11. Use Kinesis to fire the asteroid chunks into the tube of fire and restore gravity.
  12. Pick up Dallas's RIG and return to the Central Cargo Lift.
  13. Go to Deck D - Maintenance.
  14. Go left of the "Teamwork Improves Safety" sign until you find a hallway with a 4-way circuit breaker at the end.
  15. Activate Storage 2 and pick up the Audio Logs inside to complete the objective for the Scientific Methods side mission.
  16. Make your way to the room with the gondola and pull the gondola towards you.
  17. Board the gondola and activate it to get to the other side.
  18. Protect Nicole from the necromorphs.
  19. Pick up the SOS Beacon and use the circuit breaker to deactivate gravity in this room.
  20. Fly back to the other side and return to the Central Cargo Lift.
  21. Return to the Mining Control room on Deck C.
  22. Launch the beacon and fail to do so.
  23. Return to the Extraction area and bring the cargo lift's battery with you.
  24. Place the battery inside the slot that activates the Mining Bay's cargo lift.
  25. Destroy the gravity tethers in the Mining Bay and plant the SOS beacon on the asteroid.
  26. Go up the Mining Bay's cargo lift and take the battery with you past the halls of fire.
  27. Repower the Control Room's Cargo lift, go to the Control Room and launch the asteroid.
  28. Fight the necromorphs and the Hunter while Kendra unlocks the Manual Override.
  29. Escape the room and get to Deck A - Preparation at the Central Cargo Lift.
  30. Go to the Tram Station and go through the Tram Shuttle and into the Engineering Deck.
  31. Head towards the Engine Room until you reach the fleshy room with the Level 3 Clearance locked door.
  32. Enter the Level 3 door to find Rousseau's RIG as part of the You Are Not Authorized side mission.
  33. Take the Tram to the Bridge.

Dead Space Remake Chapter Walkthroughs Collection

Full detailed walkthroughs are available for every one of the twelve chapters of Dead Space Remake. Each guide includes helpful tips on how to get to your next objective, what to do, where to go through and what to pick up. You'll also find instructions on how to start and complete all side missions available on the way.

Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (31)

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Dead Space Remake Chapter 7 Walkthrough (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.