Die Meistersinger: Synopsis (2024)


Libretto and Music by Richard Wagner

first performance: Hoftheater, Munich, 21 June 1868

conducted by Hans von Bülow

Eva, daughter of Pogner, soprano (Mathilde Mallinger)
Walther von Stolzing, a Franconian knight, tenor (FranzNachbaur)
Hans Sachs, cobbler, bass (Franz Betz)
Magdalene, nurse to Eva, soprano or mezzo-soprano (SophieDietz)
David, apprentice to Sachs, lover of Magdalene, tenor(Karl Schlosser)
Sixtus Beckmesser, town clerk, bass (Gustav Hölzel)
Veit Pogner, goldsmith, bass (Kaspar Bausewein)
Fritz Kothner, baker, bass (Karl Fischer)
Kunz Vogelgesang, furrier, tenor (Karl Heinrich)
Konrad Nachtigall, tinsmith, bass (Eduard Sigl)
Balthasar Zorn, pewterer, tenor (Herr Weixlstorfer)
Ulrich Eisslinger, grocer, tenor (Herr Hoppe)
Augustin Moser, tailor, tenor (Herr Pöppl)
Hermann Ortel, soapboiler, bass (Herr Thoms)
Hans Schwarz, stocking weaver, bass (Herr Grasser)
Hans Foltz, coppersmith, bass (Herr Hayn)
Nightwatchman, bass (Ferdinand Lang)
Chorus of Apprentices, Townfolk, Guildsmen, SSSSAAATTTTTTBBBB
Source for World Premier cast list: Raymond Mander and Joe Mitchenson,The Wagner Companion (NY: Hawthorne Books, Inc.) 1977.

ACT I - Interior, St. Catherine's Church, Nürnberg. (16thcentury)

Scene 1Mass is just ending. The assembled congregation sing a last hymn beforeslowly departing (Da zu dir der Heiland kam). Walther vonStolzing, a young knight from Franconia, has been watching a young ladythroughout the mass. The young lady, Eva Pogner, daughter of the localgoldsmith, and her nurse Magdalene are leaving when Walther entreats herto remain behind. He wishes to speak to her. Eva seems to have lefther handkerchief behind and sends Magdalene back to their pew in searchof it. Walther apologizes for his unseemly breach of conduct, but intaking time to do so he still has not asked his intended question whenMagdalene reappears with the handkerchief. Eva suddenly remembers shehad a scarf pin and sends the nurse back to look for that. Again,Magdalene's quick return with the forgotten item interrupts Walther'sflow of words. But they are in luck - Magdalene herself has forgottenher prayer book! Walther finally asks: "My young lady, tell me, are youbetrothed?" Before Eva can answer, Magdalene returns once more. Seeingthat Walther has not moved from the spot, Magdalene assumes that he ishoping to see Eva's father, Veit Pogner. When Eva confesses thatWalther desires to know whether she was married or betrothed, Magdalenetries to hurry her along home. David, an apprentice to Hans Sachs thecobbler and an aspirant to the guild of the Mastersingers, enters.Although slightly older, Magdalene is David's lover. Her attention isdistracted by his arrival and she answers Walther's question. "Theanswer isn't an easy one. Eva is betrothed - her father haspromised her hand to the winner of the upcoming song contest of theMastersingers." Eva hopes that Walther is a Mastersinger. He is not.

Eva and Magdalene discuss Eva's feelings for the young stranger. Shehad seen him only the day before, but has already fallen deeply in lovewith him. Eva likens Walther to Dürer's depiction of David, whooverthrew Goliath. Magdalene calls out "David, David" as Eva talks on,comparing the two. Believing his lover is calling him, David reappears.He has been preparing the masters' ring for their traditional meetingheld after mass.

Magdalene insists that she and Eva leave, but tells Walther he shouldstay. Eva's father will arrive shortly for the meeting. If he reallywants Eva's hand, he is in the right place and at the right time.David, she says, can answer questions Walther may have concerning theguild of the Mastersingers. With promises to meet that very evening,Eva and Walther part.

Scene 2Other apprentices arrive. David starts telling them what needs to bedone before the arrival of the Mastersingers. When the others ask Davidto help them prepare the marker's box and he is unwilling to help, theapprentices deride him, calling him co*cky because his master is thecobbler Hans Sachs, a Mastersinger and a poet.

David busies himself with Walther, running him through what he will beasked to do during the competition. When Walther questions what therole of the 'Marker' is, David asks: "Are you a poet? Are you a singer?Were you not a scholar?" Walther confesses to being none of these. Howon earth, David wonders, can Walther want to become a Master then?Walther, however, doesn't see how his lack of background could be aproblem. Noticing David's obvious displeasure (he has been mutteringabout Magdalene getting him into this mess), Walther asks for David'sadvice.

In a convoluted manner (Mein Herr! Der Singer meisterschlag),David explains what he is learning from his Master, Hans Sachs: thetheories of the Mastersingers, the rules for poetry and music, theordering of stanzas and strophes, and the 'Aftersong,' which must beneither too short nor too long and contain no rhyme which has occurredbefore. "Even after knowing all this, one is still not yet a Master."Confused by David's melding of the art of singing and the trade ofcobbling, Walther is overwhelmed.

David goes on, explaining the multitudinous tones and melodies that theMastersingers have named, which, of course, one must not only be able toname, but also to sing! The other apprentices impatiently call toDavid, who instead answers Walther's question: What is a poet? "Whenyou have become a 'Singer' and you yourself have added rhymes and wordsfitting the Masters' tones, then you become a 'Poet'. When a 'Poet' isable to fashion his own words and new music from the Masters' tones,then he is a 'Mastersinger'."

David's attention is caught by the box the other apprentices haveerected for the trial, the incorrect box, the one usually used for the'song-school'. David helps them to erect the smaller box, which has astool, a small desk, a chalk board for the marking and is enclosed by acurtain. As the apprentices chide David for his thoughts of his ownaccomplishments, David mutters about Walther: without being either'Scholar', 'Singer' or 'Poet' he thinks, because he is a knight, that hecan become a Mastersinger!

Scene 3Veit Pogner and the town clerk Sixtus Beckmesser are the first of theMastersingers to enter. Pogner and Beckmesser seem to agree thatBeckmesser will win the contest - and thus Eva's hand - but Beckmesseris wondering if Eva will agree to marry him. Although Pogner haspledged his daughter to the winner, she and she alone has the decidingvote. Beckmesser asks Pogner to speak to Eva on his behalf. Pogneragrees. Pogner sees Walther, whom he has helped with some recent estatebusiness. The two men meet most cordially. Beckmesser, too, hasspotted Walther and is none too pleased, sensing a rival - and one morefavorable to the lady - for Eva's hand.

Walther tells Pogner that he wishes to become a Mastersinger, that theLove of Art was his reason for coming to Nürnberg. He asks to beadmitted to the Guild of Mastersingers.

Pogner greets other Mastersingers, Kunz Vogelgesang and KonradNachtigall, as they enter, telling them of Walther's wishes.Beckmesser, meanwhile, is worrying himself about the turn of events. Hewill do his utmost to deny Walther's aspirations - he is after all theMarker! - but will also try wooing Eva by serenading her that veryevening.

As the other Mastersingers enter, Pogner tells Walther that he wouldgladly welcome him into the guild, and agrees to propose him.

The Mastersingers have assembled. Fritz Kothner calls the roll: HermannOrtel, Balthasar Zorn, Konrad Nachtigall, Augustin Moser, Hans Sachs,Sixtus Beckmesser, Ulrich Eisslinger, Hans Foltz, Hans Schwartz - onlyNiklaus Vogel is absent, due to illness.

Kothner proposes that they elect the Marker, but others think it bestdone after the song festival. Beckmesser asks Kothner if he is in ahurry to get him out of office: "I'll gladly let you have my place."Pogner deflects all discussion of a new Marker's election by asking tobe allowed to speak. He comments on the Johannistag festivities (Dasschöne Fest, Johannistag) they plan for the following day, thesong competition, German Art, and the ultimate prize to the winningMastersinger offered by himself: his daughter's hand in marriage. TheMasters are not exactly happy that Eva may, or may not, agree to themarriage, but Pogner is adamant that she must have a say in the matter.Beckmesser thinks the mastersinging should, thus, be kept out entirely,but Pogner says that although she may refuse the winner, she can chooseno other than a Mastersinger. Sachs suggests that the people be judgesof the contest, along with the Mastersingers: "A woman's opinion,totally unlearned, is equally valid as that of the people." The Mastersderide this suggestion: "Would you abandon the rules to the people?"

Sachs, who knows the rules as well as anyone, thinks that once in awhile the rules themselves should be put to the test. He thinks thisthe best way to ensure that habit and dullness will never take over theArt of the Mastersinger. "Let us each Johannistag turn to the people tosee if they take delight in our Art."

The Mastersingers comment among themselves, some siding with Sachs,others in disagreement. Beckmesser, especially, is opposed, commentingthat Sachs only writes street-songs. Pogner, sensing that Sachs isasking too much, in addition to his own new 'prize,' asks the assemblyto accept the rules as he himself had stated. They agree.

Kothner asks interested bachelors to enter their names for the contest.Beckmesser suggests the widower Sachs. Sachs retorts that the winnershould be younger than either of them. Pogner takes the opportunity toput forward Walther. Beckmesser tries to head off this suggestion.Pogner himself stands as a witness that Walther is nobly and freelyborn, with estates elsewhere in Franconia. Sachs comments that noble orpeasant, only Art matters. Where has Walther studied singing? Waltheranswers (Am stillen Herd) that he learned poetry through readingthe works of the long-dead Walther von der Vogelweide, and learned tosing in the meadows and the forests. Beckmesser is beside himself withlaughter at the thought that Walther learned to sing from the birds!Vogelgesang, however, comments that Walther's explanation is itselfpoetry.

Sachs is willing to listen, no matter who did or didn't teach him. WhenWalther again poetically explains that he is indeed ready to providewords to music of his own invention, the Masters somewhat reluctantlyagree to let him try for entry into the guild.

The marker's box and the singer's chair are made ready. The rules areexplained and Walther takes the singer's chair. He sings on a theme oflove (Fanget an!). Seven faults and a singer is out. Walther'ssong is a curious novelty to the Masters and Beckmesser noisily marksfault after fault - though Sachs believes that they are witnessingsomething quite new and special. Although tradition dictates thatWalther give up trying, Sachs insists that he should be allowed tocontinue. Sachs and Beckmesser argue. Sachs urges Walther to continue,as Beckmesser explains the too-numerous faults to the other Masters. Inthe end the Masters agree that Walther was "sung out and undone."

ACT II - A street in Nürnberg; evening of the same day.

Scene 1David and the apprentices sing (Johannistag! Johannistag!) asthey work. When Magdalene enters she learns from David that Walther wasunsuccessful. Magdalene is visibly upset; she refuses to give him thefood she brought and rushes back into the house. The apprentices teaseDavid about loving, wooing, and marrying, alluding to the age differencebetween him and Magdalene. David is about to loose his temper, whenSachs comes into view. The other apprentices scatter and Sachs hustleshis apprentice into the workshop.

Scene 2Pogner and Eva now walk into view. Pogner is of two minds - he wouldlike to speak to Sachs on a matter, but then thinks better of it. TheMastersinger contest, Walther, the betrothal of Eva to the contestwinner are in the thoughts of both father and daughter. Eva merely saysthat as an obedient child, she only speaks when asked and since Pognerdid ask, she questions his demand that her betrothed be a Master. "AMaster of your choice," he answers. Magdalene appears, beckoning theminto the house. Magdalene tells Eva that, according to David, Waltherwas not admitted to the guild. Eva decides to ask Sachs about thematter.

Scene 3Sachs and David are in the cobbler's workshop. It is getting late.David departs for bed, leaving Sachs to finish work on some shoes. Hereflects on the impression made upon him by Walther's song (Wasduftet doch der Flieder).

Scene 4Eva arrives at the workshop. Has she come about her new shoes? No, shehas not even tried them on. They speak of the prospective bride andbridegroom. "Though without knowing who the groom is," she asks Sachs,"how do you know I'll be a bride?" The topic side-steps to the owner ofthe shoes Sachs is working on - Sixtus Beckmesser. "He hopes to win youthrough his singing," says Sachs, explaining that Beckmesser is ashoe-in since there are few bachelors around. "What about widowers?"Eva shows in their discussion, that she would be pleased enough to havehim - one who understands Art - woo her. But Sachs remembers carryingher as a child and thinks that he would be too old a husband for a younggirl. Though he seems flattered, he doesn't believe she is totallyserious. When Eva berates him for suggesting she find answers to herproblems at home, he agrees that his head is in a whirl: a song trialhas caused him pain. Eva, pretending to be unknowing and disinterested,probes for more information about Walther's song-trial. Commenting thatWalther has no chance whatsoever, Sachs says: "He who was born a Master,has the worst standing among Masters." Mildly angry, Eva leaves him.His suspicions of her involvement with Walther is now confirmed. Hevows to help them.

Magdalene, who has been calling her mistress, speaks quickly to Eva asshe leaves the workshop. Eva wants the nurse to tell her father, whohas been asking for her, that she is in bed. Magdalene breaks the newsthat Herr Beckmesser is coming to serenade her - Beckmesser has proddedand prodded the nurse for assurances that Eva would be there, listening."If only it were Walther coming to serenade me!" is Eva's only reaction.

Magdalene has troubling thoughts of her own: she regrets her earliertreatment of David. People arrive in the street, and Magdalene begs hermistress to enter the house, but Eva is determined to seek out Walther.Eva tells Magdalene that she must be at the window listening toBeckmesser. It titillates Magdalene to think that her being serenadedmight make David jealous.

Scene 5Among the many footsteps heard, a pair do indeed belong to Walther. Evaconfesses that only he will be given the prize of her hand. Walthercannot rid himself of his distaste of the rules of the Masters. Hesang, full of love, and was only derided by them. He asks Eva to runaway with him. The horn of the nightwatchman is heard and the loverstake refuge under a linden tree. Magdalene tries to entice Eva inside.Eva quickly agrees that she has no choice but to leave with Walther, andthen goes into the house.

Sachs has seen and heard. He is determined to stop any elopement. Evareturns to Walther's side in Magdalene's dress. As they hurry down thestreet, Sachs, deliberately placing a lantern in his window, catches thein-flight pair in a pool of light. Confused as to whether they shouldfollow an unfamiliar alley or wait for the cobbler to leave the window,Walther determines to confront Sachs.

Scene 6But at the same moment, Beckmesser, with lute in hand, appears at thePogner residence. Eva restrains Walther from entering Sachs' workshop.Beckmesser is heard tuning the instrument. Walther's anger turns fromSachs to "the Marker," but Eva pushes him into a hiding place.

Sachs, in full knowledge that Beckmesser comes to serenade Eva, beginsto bellow as he noisily hammers the shoes on the last (Jerum!Jerum!). Beckmesser interrupts Sachs' song, an allegory of cobblingshoes for Adam and Eve (=Eva). Beckmesser is beside himself. How canhe serenade Eva when Sachs is howling away!?! "She'll think it's ME!"He pleads to Sachs for silence. Then Beckmesser catches sight of Eva(really Magdalene) at the window. He has no time to lose in argument.Walther and Eva, able to see and hear all, wish to leave, but remain inhiding. Beckmesser attempts one last time to quiet the cobbler, tellingSachs he doesn't need the shoes that badly.

Sachs 'reminds' Beckmesser that he is only a writer of street-songs andhas no need to listen to the poetry of Beckmesser. He continues hishowling and hammering. Eva and Walther, still in the shadows, areamused by Beckmesser's apparent distress. "It's because you've neverbeen Marker," Beckmesser says, "that you're jealous of me! And I swearyou'll never become Marker!"

Sachs sarcastically asks if Beckmesser's tirade was his song. Sachstries to strike a bargain: he will act as Marker (hammering on theshoes) while Beckmesser sings. To shut him up, Beckmesser grudginglyagrees: "Provided you keep to the rules! Mark nothing which the rulesallow me."

Beckmesser tunes the lute, then begins his song (Den Tag seh' icherscheinen), which is more often than not interrupted by the 'marks'of the cobbler. Sachs criticizes him for the rhymes, the rhythms, themelody. "But the soles are coming along well."

Magdalene, at the window, and still believed by Beckmesser to be Eva, isobviously not satisfied with the song. Beckmesser stops his quarrellingto continue the serenading. Just as Sachs finishes the shoes, Davidpeers from his own window, spotting that it is Magdalene who is beingentertained by the serenade.

Between the singing of cobbler and clerk, and the ensuing row caused byDavid, who comes out of the house to beat the hapless serenader,neighbors appear from all sides. The arriving apprentices sense a fightand soon it is guild against guild, neighbor shouting to neighbor,quarrels and brawling. Pogner pulls his daughter (not realizing it isthe nurse) inside. As Walther attempts to clear a path for him and Eva,Sachs escorts the girl into her home, shoves David into the workshop andbrings Walther inside with him. Beckmesser takes off through the crowd.

Quickly the street empties. The cry of the nightwatchman is heard as heannounces that eleven has struck. The lone man walks up the alley anddeparts from view.

ACT III - Inside Sach's Workshop; later, a meadow. The next day(Johannistag).

Scene 1David arrives with basket in hand. It contains flowers, ribbons, andfood, which he proceeds to eat. He has come from delivering Beckmesser'sshoes and has evidently run into Magdalene. Sachs sits, reading,totally ignoring David, which causes the young apprentice to wonder ifhe has provoked the Master's anger. He assumes it is due to hisbehavior the day before - especially because of his assault onBeckmesser.

Sachs closes his book and is more than friendly to his apprentice. Theyspeak of the day's festivities to come: perhaps there will be a weddingfeast! Sachs suggests the previous evening's "rioting" was aPolterabend - wedding eve celebrations at the home of the bride.

David brings the conversation back to the Johannistag celebrations.Sachs asks if David knows his poem, requesting he sing it. David,noting the good mood of his Master, mistakenly sings the poetry to themelody of Beckmesser's serenade! He quickly apologizes and starts anew.While singing of Sankt Johannes (St. John), it dawns on David that it isHans Sachs' own nameday! David offers the flowers and cake to Sachs,apologizing for forgetting. Sachs wants David to enjoy the flowers,ribbons, and food: "So attired, you shall be my stately herald." ButDavid thinks a 'best man' would be more his lot. While agreeing that amistress in the house would indeed be pleasant, David alludes to rumorsthat Sachs will himself defeat Beckmesser in the song-contest. Sachstells David to go, asking him not to disturb the knight. Walther isstill in the house, asleep.

Alone, Sachs is deep in thought. "Madness! Madness! EverywhereMadness!" (Wahn! Wahn! Überall Wahn!) Everyone everywhere isout for blood. No one has rewards or thanks. And a small incident -involving his own apprentice - can cause such happenings! "But now - onMidsummer Day - we shall see how Sachs can make madness do nobler work."

Scene 2Walther enters. "Did you sleep well?" inquires Sachs. Walther answersthat he had a wonderful dream. Sachs hopes that the dream may pointways as to how Walther can still win Eva's hand. But Walther is quitedejected. Sachs tells him to not give up hope, and explains that theMasters are honorable men, who, like all men, make mistakes.

Expecting to fashion a song from Walther's dream, Sachs asks him todescribe it. "Dreams and poetry are friends. Think of your dream andlet me worry about the rest."

Walther describes the rosy light of morning, filled with scent(Morgenlich leuchtend). His chosen stanzas do not strictlyadhere to the rules of the Masters, but Sachs is impressed and vows tolearn from it. A woman now joins him at his side, sings Walther, abeautiful woman, a beautiful bride. Sachs finds this 'Aftersong' a bitfree in its melody, but does not find it a fault, per se.

As Walther continues his song, Sachs transcribes, marveling at theinventiveness of phrase and melody. Sachs praises the young knight'sefforts, commenting that he only needs a third section of the samestrength as the last two to find the meaning of his dream. But Waltherhas grown tired of words; he asks Sachs what his intentions are.Directing him into an inner room, Sachs indicates to Walther to dressfor the festivities.

Scene 3Beckmesser arrives, noting that no one occupies the cobbler's shop.Looking around, he catches sight of the manuscript of Walther's dream.Believing the poetry to be the work of Sachs, Beckmesser, still stingingfrom Sachs' treatment the evening before, is eyeing the script as Sachsre-enters the room. The two speak of Beckmesser's shoes, which heclaims have such thin soles that he feels the smallest pebble throughthem. Beckmesser now accuses Sachs of underhanded pranks so that he maysteal Eva for himself: the yowling to keep Eva from hearing the feelingsthe serenader wanted to convey; and ultimately the cudgel to beat himblack and blue! Sachs confesses that he has no thoughts of wooing andwill not be entering the song-contest.

Sachs looks for the poem - it's gone! Beckmesser holds it in his hand.He assumes that this paper is proof that Sachs is entering thecontest. Sachs is simply aghast at the thievery. He agrees thatBeckmesser may take the poem with him ("So that you are not a thief."),and use it in the contest. Beckmesser is overjoyed by the idea that hewill win Eva with a song of the celebrated Hans Sachs! He extracts apromise from Sachs: he must not claim the poem as his own, no matterwhat happens. "I swear never to boast that the song is by me," answersSachs. Sachs tells the clerk to study the script carefully. Beckmesseragrees that Sachs is a good poet, "but no one surpasses me for melody!"However, upon closer inspection, Beckmesser becomes quite confused bywhat he is reading. He rushes off to prepare, telling Sachs that hewill guarantee Sachs' election as Marker.

Scene 4Eva enters the workshop, just as Sachs is musing on the maliciousness ofthe clerk. Eva is beautifully attired. She complains of her shoepinching, though it becomes evident through examination that the shoe isa perfect fit! Sachs, however, blames the stitching and sets aboutmaking it right.

Telling Eva that he heard a beautiful song - which just needs a thirdverse - Sachs is working at the bench when Walther, now brilliantlyattired, comes out of the back room. To accompany Sachs' work, Walthersings a tender third verse, gazing lovingly at Eva.

Still working on the "pinching" shoe, Sachs mockingly complains of hislot: as a shoemaker, as a poet, as a widower. Eva, overcome withemotion, tells Sachs quite truthfully how dear he is to her (O Sachs!Mein Freund). Sachs wants to christen the "child," as he callsWalther's mastersong. Summoning David and Magdalene, he promptlypromotes his apprentice to Journeyman so that he may act as witness tothe christening. The two couples and Sachs muse on their good spirits(Selig, wie die Sonne). Soon all depart for the festivalgrounds.

Scene 5In an open meadow, people have congregated. Villagers and guildsmen,peasants and apprentices enjoy the Johannistag festivities. Finally theMastersingers arrives, and the crowd sing out their praise of Hans Sachsof Nürnberg!

Sachs invites all poets (Euch macht ihr's leicht) to compete forthe most treasured prize offered a Mastersinger - Eva. He quietly asksBeckmesser how the song comes. Beckmesser is stumped! And he's sure noone else will understand the poetry either. Kothner calls for thesong-contest to commence. Beckmesser, as the oldest, is chosen to gofirst. Many people in the audience are unimpressed by this suitor.

Beckmesser, using the melody of his serenade, tries his best, but itseems that he has problems reading Sachs' handwriting! Time and againhe mistakes one word for another, turning the poetry into nonsense. TheMasters are totally bewildered, and the people deride him and start toheckle. A furious Beckmesser blames the catastrophe on the cobbler andconfesses that he is not the poet - it belongs to Sachs! Beckmesserleaves.

Sachs tells the Masters and people that he could never havewritten such a beautiful song. Everyone is bewildered: he thinks thatsong is beautiful?!? Sachs asks leave to bring forward someone who,unlike Beckmesser, can do justice to the song. "If that man can meldpoetry and melody, he deserves to be named a Master, doesn't he?" Hebrings Walther forward.

Walther's song (Morgen ich leuchte in rosigem Schein) charms theentire assembly, even the Masters are impressed. Pogner pronounces theknight accepted into the guild. In a moving speech (Verachtet mirdie Meister nicht), Sachs speaks of the worthiness and longevity ofGerman Art. Eva has crowned Walther with the winner's wreath and thetwo lovers are united. Removing Walther's crown, Eva now places it onthe head of Sachs, as the assembly sings homage to German Art - andNürnberg's dear Hans Sachs.

synopsis copyright Kelly McDonald, 1998

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Die Meistersinger: Synopsis (2024)


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