Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (2024)

Use the XR Plug-in Management settings to configure the OpenXR plug-in for your project.

To get started, follow the instructions in Enable the OpenXR plug-in. This also installs the OpenXR package, if needed. Once installed and enabled, you can configure your project settings as described in the OpenXR Project settings section.

You can review the Project validation section of the XR Plug-in Management settings to discover if any setting values are incompatible with OpenXR.

OpenXR Project settings

Some OpenXR features require specific Unity Project settings to function properly. The settings include:

  • Enable the OpenXR XR plug-in: must be enabled to use OpenXR features.
  • OpenXR features: select the specific OpenXR features that you want to use.
  • Render Mode: choose the rendering strategy.
  • Depth Submission Mode: choose how depth information is passed to the renderer.
  • Play Mode OpenXR Runtime (Editor): choose which OpenXR plug-in to use when running in the Unity Editor Play mode.
  • Interaction profiles: choose which OpenXR interaction profile to use for a platform.
  • Color space: When using the Open GL graphics API, you must set the Color Space to Linear.

Enable the OpenXR plug-in

To use OpenXR, you must enable the plug-in in your XR Plug-in Management settings. (Installing the package from the Package Manager does not automatically enable the plug-in.)


Enabling OpenXR also installs the package, if necessary. However, disabling OpenXR does not uninstall the package.

The XR Plug-in Management settings page displays a tab for each platform build target. Build support for a platform must be installed using the Unity Hub before you can enable an OpenXR plug-in for that platform. (Not every platform has a supported OpenXR plugin.) See the Add modules section of the Unity Hub documentation for instructions.

To enable OpenXR:

  1. Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).

  2. Select XR Plug-in Management to view the plug-in management settings.

  3. Select the tab for a platform build target to view the settings for that target.

  4. Enable the OpenXR option in the Plug-in Providers list.

    Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (1)
    Enabling OpenXR

Enable OpenXR features

OpenXR plug-ins and other packages can provide optional feature implementations that you can use with OpenXR itself. For example, the Unity OpenXR plug-in provides a Runtime Debugger and a Mock Runtime as OpenXR features. After you enable the OpenXR plug-in, you can enable any available features.

Some features are organized as a feature group. You can enable a feature group to enable all the features in that group.

To enable an OpenXR feature:

  1. Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).

  2. Click XR Plug-in Management to expand the plug-in section (if necessary).

  3. Select OpenXR in the list of XR plug-ins.

  4. Select the tab for a platform build target to view the features for that target.

    Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (2)
    OpenXR features and feature groups

  5. Select the features and feature groups to enable.

  6. Repeat for any other platform build targets your project supports.

If a feature has its own configuration options, you can click its gear icon (Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (3)) to open the feature's settings window. Some features provide an icon following their name that links to documentation.

See OpenXR Features for more information about features and groups.

Set the render mode

The Render Mode determines how OpenXR renders stereo graphics. Different plug-ins might support different modes, but the typical choices involve some form of the following:

Multi-passEach eye is rendered separately in independent passes from slightly different view points. Because the entire scene is rendered twice, multipass rendering is typically slower than other options. However, it is also the most similar to nonstereo rendering and does not require you to adapt your shader code.
Single Pass InstancedBoth eyes are rendered in one pass. Scene data is shared between the eyes using instanced draw calls, reducing the amount of data that must be transferred from the CPU to the GPU. Single-pass rendering is typically much faster than multi-pass, but requires compatible shaders.
Single Pass Instanced / Multi-viewSome GPU hardware supports instancing, while others support multi-view. The two render modes are otherwise very similar. If an OpenXR plug-in supports both types of hardware, you will see this option instead of the Single Pass Instanced option.

To set the render mode:

  1. Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Click XR Plug-in Management to expand the plug-in section (if necessary).
  3. Select OpenXR in the list of XR plug-ins.
  4. Select the tab for a platform build target to view the features for that target.
  5. Choose the desired Render Mode.

For more information see:

  • SinglePassStereoMode
  • Single Pass Instanced rendering

Set the depth submission mode

Many OpenXR runtimes can use depth information to perform more accurate and stable reprojection of content during rendering. The available Depth Submission Modes include:

NoneNo depth submission support. No depth based stability or re-projection support that the platform might provide is enabled.
Depth 16 bitA shared depth buffer using 16 bits per pixel is used.
Depth 24 bitA shared depth buffer using 24 bits per pixel is used.

The best choice can depend on the platform and specific target devices. Depth can significantly reduce judder and other XR rendering artifacts, especially with mixed reality (MR) content that combines rendered graphics with real-world video. The 16-bit option uses less bandwidth to transfer data between the CPU and GPU, which can improve rendering performance and battery life on mobile-type devices. However, the 24-bit option can minimize sorting issues and "z-fighting".

A reasonable rule of thumb to use when choosing a setting is:

  • use 24-bit depth on PC XR devices
  • use 16-bit depth for battery powered XR devices -- unless judder or sorting issues occur
  • use None if your target devices don't use depth information or if you find that the benefits don't outweigh the extra rendering and battery life costs.

To set the depth submission mode:

  1. Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Click XR Plug-in Management to expand the plug-in section (if necessary).
  3. Select OpenXR in the list of XR plug-ins.
  4. Select the tab for a platform build target to view the features for that target.
  5. Choose the desired Depth Submission Mode.

Setting the mode to anything other than None enables the OpenXR XR_KHR_composition_layer depth extension. Unity ignores the Depth Submission Mode for OpenXR plug-ins that do not support this extension.

Choose an OpenXR runtime to use in Play mode

By default, Unity uses the OpenXR runtime that is setup as the active runtime for your computer. You can specify a different OpenXR runtime with the Play Mode OpenXR Runtime setting. Unity uses the selected runtime when you run a Scene using the Editor Play mode. See Runtime Discovery for more information about how the active OpenXR runtime is determined.


The Play Mode OpenXR Runtime setting is not saved between Editor sessions. It reverts to the System Default option on exit.

To set the OpenXR runtime to use in Play mode:

  1. Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Click XR Plug-in Management to expand the plug-in section (if necessary).
  3. Select OpenXR in the list of XR plug-ins.
  4. Select the Mac, Windows, Linux settings (PC) tab.
  5. Choose the desired Play Mode OpenXR Runtime.

The available options include the following choices:

System DefaultThe active OpenXR runtime on your computer. Device makers who support OpenXR sometimes provide a utility to designate their OpenXR runtime as the active one.
Windows Mixed RealityIf available, sets the current OpenXR runtime to the Microsoft OpenXR runtime for Windows Mixed Reality.
SteamVRIf available, sets the current OpenXR runtime to the SteamVR OpenXR runtime.
OculusIf available, sets the current OpenXR runtime to the Oculus OpenXR runtime.
OtherSpecify a runtime by selecting its json config file on your hard drive. Choose this option to use an OpenXR runtime that Unity might not directly support or detect automatically.

When you hold your mouse over the drop-down control for the Play Mode OpenXR Runtime options, the tool-tip that pops up shows the path to selected OpenXR runtime.

Set the interaction profile

When using an OpenXR plug-in, you must specify which interaction profile to use. You can choose a profile in the OpenXR section of the XR Plug-in Management settings.

To add an OpenXR interaction profile:

  1. Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Click XR Plug-in Management to expand the plug-in section (if necessary).
  3. Select OpenXR in the list of XR plug-ins.
  4. In the Interaction Profiles section, click the + button to add a profile.
  5. Select the profile to add from the list.

Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (4)
Choose an interaction profile

See Input in OpenXR for more information.

Set the rendering color space

When you use the OpenGL graphics API, you must set the Unity Editor to use the linear color space.

To change the color space:

  1. Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Select the Player settings category.
  3. Scroll to the Other Settings section. (Click Other Settings to open the section, if necessary.)
  4. Under the Rendering area, choose a Color Space.

Project validation

The OpenXR package defines a set of rules for the Project Validation system. These rules check for possible incompatibilities between OpenXR and the project configuration.

Some of the rules serve as warnings for possible configuration problems; you are not required to fix these. Other rules flag configuration errors that would result in your app failing to build or not working once built. You must fix these errors.

If you have the XR Core Utilities 2.1.0 or later installed, you can access the Project Validation status in the Project Settings window under XR Plug-in Management (menu: Edit > Project Settings). These results include the checks for all XR plug-ins that provide validation rules.

Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (5)

You can also open a separate OpenXR Project Validation window for OpenXR (menu: Window > XR > OpenXR > Project Validation). This window only shows the validation results related to the OpenXR plug-in and features.

Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (6)

Rules that pass validation are not shown unless you enable Show all.

Some rules provide a Fix button that updates the configuration so that the rule passes validation. Other rules provide an Edit button that takes you to the relevant setting so that you can make the necessary adjustments yourself.

You can enable Ignore build errors to bypass the pre-build validation check. However, any misconfigured features in your app might not work at runtime.

Validation issues reported in XR Plug-in Management

Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (7)

Clicking on either the validation warning or the error icon brings up the Validation window.

Validation issues reported in features pane

Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (8)

Clicking on either the validation warning or the error icon brings up the Validation window.

Validation issues reported in build

Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (9)

Double-clicking on build warnings or errors from validation brings up the Validation window.

Project configuration | OpenXR Plugin | 1.12.0-exp.1 (2024)


How do I remove OpenXR plugin from Unity? ›

Unity Technologies

For OpenXR provider, you can simply uncheck / unselect it in the XR Plugin management UI for the platforms(e.g. Android if you don't need it). Then openxr package won't be included in the build.

Does Oculus work with OpenXR? ›

If you make your game on OpenXR it will run on Oculus, Vive/SteamVR, Index, mobile headsets like the Quest, WMR and more!

How to install OpenXR plugin? ›

  1. From your computer, open the SteamVR app.
  2. Head to Settings.
  3. Select Show in Advanced Settings.
  4. Head to the Developer tab.
  5. Set Current OpenXR runtime as "OpenXR runtime"
  6. Launch Microsoft Flight Simulator.
  7. Put your headset on.
Jan 27, 2024

How do I enable OpenXR in Unity? ›

To enable the Unity OpenXR: Meta in your project, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Edit > Project Settings... > XR Plug-in Management.
  2. In the Android tab, under Plug-in Providers, enable OpenXR.
  3. While still in the Project Settings window, go to XR Plug-in Management > OpenXR.
Oct 18, 2023

How do I disable OpenXR toolkit? ›

The software can be removed from Windows' Add or remove programs menu. In the list of applications, select OpenXR-Toolkit, then click Uninstall.

How do I disable XR plugin in unity? ›

End-user documentation
  1. Access the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Select the XR Plug-in Management tab on the left.
  3. Disable the Initialize on start option for each platform you support.
  4. At runtime, call the following methods on XRGeneralSettings. Instance.

Is OpenXR better than SteamVR? ›

There are a few reasons why OpenXR might offer better performance than SteamVR in DCS. First, OpenXR is a newer standard designed to be more efficient. Second, OpenXR can take advantage of specific hardware features and more customizations, which can help to improve performance.

Does Meta use OpenXR? ›

Unity OpenXR: Meta enables Meta Quest device support for your AR Foundation projects and provides a C# interface for Meta's OpenXR runtime. This package depends on both AR Foundation and the OpenXR Plug-in.

How do I enable OpenXR on Oculus Quest 2? ›

Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings). Select the XR Plug-in Management from the list of settings on the left. If necessary, enable OpenXR in the list of Plug-in Providers.

What devices are supported by Unity OpenXR? ›

The OpenVR XR Plugin gives you access to rendering on all major VR devices through one interface. Explicit support for: HTC Vive, HTC Vive Cosmos, Oculus Rift, Oculus Rift S, Oculus Quest (Link), Windows Mixed Reality, and Valve Index.

Does Unity support OpenXR? ›

OpenXR is a plug-in in Unity's XR plug-in architecture. Unity recommends using the XR Interaction Toolkit for input and interactions. If you are using any platform-vendor specific toolkits, please see the platform-vendor specific documentation on how to integrate those toolkits with OpenXR.

What is OpenXR plugin? ›

OpenXR is an open, royalty-free standard developed by Khronos that aims to simplify AR/VR development by allowing developers to target a wide range of AR/VR devices. Use this plug-in to enable OpenXR in XR Plug-in Management.

How to install Oculus XR plugin? ›

To install the Oculus XR Plugin, do the following:
  1. Install the XR Management package from Package Manager.
  2. Once installed, the XR Management package will take you to the project settings window.
  3. Click on the XR tab. ...
  4. In the XR tab window, click on the plus button to add a Plugin Loader.
  5. Go to Download -> Oculus Loader.

How does OpenXR work? ›

Using OpenXR, developers can write code that works with multiple XR platforms with minimal adaptation. OpenXR isn't a specific library or code: instead, there are multiple runtimes provided by hardware manufacturers, software companies, and even open source projects.

Does OpenXR work with Quest 3? ›

I upgraded the dependency to OpenXR Loader 1.0. 32. Everything works fine with Oculus OpenXR Runtime when connected to Quest 3 through AirLink. I even managed to implement XR_EXT_hand_tracking (had to enable Developer Runtime Features in the Oculus app) with fingers rendered in the SingleFileExample app.

How do I remove a plugin from unity project? ›

  1. Close your Unity project.
  2. Using your machine's file explorer, open your project file > Assets > Plugins. Example: C:\Users\<username>\<project name>\Assets\Plugins.
  3. Delete the Pixyz folder and the Pixyz. meta file from the project file.
Sep 13, 2023

How do I remove a plugin? ›

How Do I Uninstall Plug-ins On Windows?
  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Find the program you want to get rid of in the All apps list.
  3. Now right-click it, select Uninstall from the context menu, and follow any uninstall wizards that appear.

How do I completely remove VST plugins? ›

In this article, you'll learn:
  1. How to uninstall VST plugins ✓
  2. Locate your plugins on Windows and Mac ✓
  3. Use the Control Panel for Windows uninstallation ✓
  4. Navigate Mac's Library Audio for plugin removal ✓
  5. Clean up remaining DLL and common files on Windows ✓
  6. Remove extra Mac Library Audio files ✓
Feb 6, 2024

How do I remove AE plugins? ›

To uninstall plug-ins you just need to delete the actual plug-in file from your Adobe After Effects Plug-ins folder. Re-installing Plug-ins: To reinstall plug-ins on a new machine you just need to follow the same install procedure that you did initially.


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.