St. Martin News Network - Death Announcements (2024)

St. Martin News Network - Death Announcements (1)SABA:--- The new Saba Island Council 2023-2027 was installed on Wednesday, March 29. Five new members of the Island Council, Saskia Matthew, Hemmie van Xanten, Rolando Wilson, Elsa Peterson, and Vito Charles, were sworn in, as well as two new members of the Executive Council, Commissioners Bruce Zagers and Eviton Heyliger.

The new Island Council has two new faces, and both are young females. Saskia Matthew became Island Council Member for the Party for Progress, Equality, and Prosperity (PEP) and Elsa Peterson for the Windward Islands People’s Movement (WIPM). Former Island Council Member Eviton Heyliger became Commissioner and will work with Bruce Zagers, who was reappointed as Commissioner.

In the presence of many family members, friends, and supporters, the five elected Island Council Members, Matthew, Van Xanten, Zagers, Wilson, and Heyliger were sworn in whereby Island Council Registrar Akilah Levenstone read the deed of oath and the new members took either the oath or affirmation. The five sworn-in Island Council Members then voted for the new commissioners through a ballot. Five votes were cast in favor of Zagers and four in favor of Heyliger to be appointed as commissioners.

Zagers and Heyliger subsequently resigned as Island Council members, and the three remaining Island Council Members, Matthew, Wilson, and Van Xanten, examined the credentials of two new Island Council Members Charles and Peterson. After the documents were approved, Peterson and Charles were sworn in. “We are now complete,” said Chairman and Island Governor Jonathan Johnson.

Before inviting the new Island Council members and commissioners to give their inaugural speech, Chairman Johnson presented a proposal to appoint Devi van Groningen, the legal advisor of the Public Entity Saba, as acting island registrar. The appointment of Van Groningen, who will act as island registrar in case of the absence of registrar Levenstone, was unanimously approved.


Matthew was the first new Island Council member to give her inaugural speech. She said that the journey to becoming an Island Council member was not about financial gain, wanting status, power or control. “Because I come from humbleness and vow to remain so. This journey has been about being the change I wanted to see on Saba and within the local government. Here we are today holding two seats in the Island Council and being sworn in, creating history and the legacy of a new political party,” she said.

Matthew said that even though people living on Saba were blessed, some of them still fell through in a system with many gaps and cracks. “Sometimes all it takes is listening to people’s actual needs as opposed to giving what you think they need. Listening and being pointed in the right direction goes a long way, and by doing so we can close these systemic gaps and seal those cracks together,” she said.

“I pledge before you to contribute to a cooperative and collaborative Island Council where two political parties can and will work together in your interest, where we will hold each other accountable and where we as PEP promise to work with respect and consideration, but also ask for the same in return,” said Matthew.

Van Xanten said it was a special day in Saba’s political history.” The entrance of a new political party in government with two seats has shown that there is indeed a need for change. Change with two Island Council Members who will be operating as opposition. With the elections behind us, it is time to start to act and work. Being in the opposition seat does not mean that with two seats your voice cannot be heard. It is our duty to hold government accountable for their functioning and challenge them for alternative solutions,” he said.


Peterson spoke about her campaign slogan, leadership matters in government. “As the decisions made by our leaders affect the lives of everyone, it is important that those decisions are made with integrity, compassion, and a deep commitment to the common good. It requires leaders to prioritize the needs of their constituents above their own interests, to listen to the diverse perspectives of their community, and to make decisions that will benefit the many rather than the few,” she said.

“During the campaign, I urged voters to choose inclusivity and elect a woman as we lacked female representation. Today I am proud that we now have two women in the Island Council. I also urged voters to consider voting for young, educated people. We have unique perspectives and fresh ideas. We have been trained to think critically, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively, which are all essential skills for effective leadership. I stand here as an educated woman and the new youngest Island Council member under the age of 30. I am very aware of the significance of this moment. I represent the next generation of leaders,” said Peterson.

Charles lauded the fact that there are now two women in the Island Council. “Coming from a legacy of strong and determined women, I believe in and advocated for doing what is necessary to ensure that women can be represented in places where decisions are made that affect them too.”


Referring to the COVID-19 pandemic, Charles mentioned the responsibility of the government to ensure working towards making the community resilient and to make families and individuals stronger so they can be prepared to respond to events in their lives when they occur. “This must be our primary mission as we move forward.” He promised to continue his professionalism and passion on the floor of the Island Council. “Over the years, I have learned that the community values having representatives that are informed and can also inform them. We must work hard to ensure that this is also felt in our community.”

Wilson expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve the Saba people for the past seven years as commissioner. “I am filled with gratitude for being able to work with the men and women of the different departments. My deepest appreciation to you all for the trust and confidence you have placed in me. It has been an honor and privilege to represent your interests and to work towards a better future for our island,” he said.

Important strides

“I am proud of what we have accomplished together. We have made important strides. Progress has been made and more will be accomplished. Our island will be facing challenges that will require collective effort and commitment from both sides. As I step down as commissioner, I want to remind you all that you were chosen to promote values and principles that make our island unique and great,” said Wilson.

Heyliger mentioned the “immense responsibilities” that come with the position of commissioner. “I understand that my actions and decisions will have a profound impact on the lives of every person on Saba, and I don’t take that responsibility lightly. I believe that we can achieve great things. By working together, listening to each other, and staying focused on our common goals, we can make progress on the issues that matter most to the Saba people,” he said.

“From today on, it is about working together with and for the people. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Island Council and Executive Council so we can build a better future for ourselves and the generations to come. Commissioner Heyliger is here to serve the community,” said Heyliger.

Zagers was the last to give his inaugural speech as he starts his fifth consecutive term as commissioner. He said that after almost 16 years in office and five elections, he was always humbled by the opportunity to serve Saba and its people. He remarked that the improvements on Saba have been impressive and that he was proud of the accomplishments under the WIPM leadership. He mentioned the many projects and ambitions that were in the process of being executed and said he was eager and motivated to get back to work to achieve even more positive results that will have a positive impact on the people, Saba, and its economy.

Great responsibility

Zagers spoke about the great responsibility that comes with governing. “As elected politicians, we have the responsibility to serve our people, but we must also demonstrate maturity and be role models for our community. It is time for us to get to work. As elected members of government, we now have a duty to work for our people in a fair, transparent, and dignified way. Our roles and our successes should not be measured by who can shout the loudest, or who can be the most difficult or even the most critical. Reality is that we all have one goal, regardless of our political color, and that is a better Saba.”

Zagers said that opposition is important for democracy, but that it is imperative to prove political maturity by working together constructively and respectfully. “Collectively, we will have different opinions at times, but our goal of a better Saba must be the focal point today, tomorrow, and for the coming four years.”

Prior to the first meeting of the new Island Council, a session of the Electoral College took place where Zagers, Wilson, Peterson, Charles, and Heyliger were installed as the new Electoral College. On May 30, the Electoral College will vote for the members of the First Chamber.

St. Martin News Network - Death Announcements (2024)


When was Hurricane in St. Martin? ›

The devastating hurricane Irma struck the Dutch Caribbean with full force on September 6, 2017. The hurricane grew into one of the largest hurricanes in recent years, and Saint Martin in particular was badly hit.

What is an example of a death announcement message? ›

“It is with great sadness that the Smith family announces that [insert name] died peacefully among close family on [insert date] in [insert place]. Born in [insert place], they lived an amazing life doting on family and friends. Funeral services will be held at a later date.

How do I announce someone's death on Facebook? ›

Heartfelt death announcement examples on Facebook

It's with a heavy heart that we write this post. [Name] sadly died yesterday at their home in [location]. They'd fought a long battle with [illness] and finally took their last breaths surrounded by their family. Words can't describe how much we'll miss them.

How do you write a simple death notice? ›

A Simple Short Obituary Example Template

[Full name], [age], of [where they lived], passed away on [date of death] from [cause of death]. Preceded in death by [list of predeceased family members], and survived by [list of surviving family members].

What is the best month to go to St Maarten? ›

The best time to visit St. Maarten is from December to April, when the weather is warm and sunny with relatively low humidity. Lying in the Eastern Caribbean and part of the Lesser Antilles chain, the island enjoys a tropical climate.

What was the worst hurricane in St Martin? ›

Irma is considered the worst natural disaster to hit Sint Maarten; the extent of its damage far exceeded that of any previous hurricane.

What is the best condolence message short? ›

Short condolence messages

May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you.” “We hope you know we are by your side during this time of sorrow.” “Sending you strength today and peace in all the days ahead.” “Wishing you peace and comfort in these difficult days.”

How do you say no funeral in an obituary? ›

Writing an obituary when there is no funeral isn't much different from writing a standard obituary. Simply omit funeral information from any obituary template and you've got what you need.

How do you say someone died politely? ›

Respectful Death Euphemisms
  1. They passed (away). — possibly the most common English death euphemism.
  2. They slipped away.
  3. They're at rest.
  4. They lost their life.
  5. They left this life.
  6. They entered eternal rest.
  7. They were called back to God.
  8. They were called home.
Nov 1, 2021

What is a short quote for a funeral card? ›

“I'll hold you in my heart until I can hold you in heaven.” “Death is the last chapter in time, but the first chapter in eternity.” – Unknown. “A life that touches others goes on forever.” “No farewell words were spoken, there was no time to say goodbye.

How to say death in the family professionally? ›

Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing this email to inform you that my [Relationship] has passed away, and I need to be with my family to attend to matters and process the loss.

How do you tell someone a loved one has died? ›

It's best to talk slowly and gently using plain, simple language. You may want to warn them that you have bad (or sad) news to try to make it less of a shock. It is usually clearer to say that someone has died than to say things such as 'gone to sleep', 'gone away' or that you have 'lost' the person.

How do I announce death news? ›

With great sadness, we announce the loss of our beloved father, (insert name). In loving memory of (insert name), we are saddened to announce their passing on (insert date). A life so beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered. Please join us to mourn the passing of (insert name).

What is an example of a written death announcement? ›

[Full name of loved one] passed away on [date] in [location; i.e., city, state]. [He/she] was born on [date of birth, including month and year]. Funeral services will be private. Donations may be made to [list of organizations] in [the loved one's name]'s honor.

What is a good short obituary example? ›

[Full Name], aged [age of the deceased], passed away peacefully on [date of death], at [location of death]. He/she was born on [date of birth], in [birthplace], to [names of parents]. He/she was a proud resident of [city of residence] and was a 1975 graduate of Holy Cross High School.

What hurricane hit Saint Martin in 2017? ›

According to the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale, Irma was rated as a category 5 hurricane when it made landfall on Saint Martin, on the 6th September 2017. Irma was the most powerful of the 19 hurricanes that struck the Saint Martin Island over the last century.

When did Hurricane Luis hit St Maarten? ›

Sint Maarten was farther from the hurricane's center and has escaped the kind of damage it sustained with hurricane Luis on September 5, 1995.

When did Hurricane Lenny hit St Maarten? ›

The SSS Islands, which include Saba, Sint Eustatius, and Sint Maarten, were in the path of Hurricane Lenny on November 18 through 19. On Saba, there was an unofficial wind gust of 167 mph (269 km/h) before the instrument blew away. The island sustained damage to several buildings, including airport facilities.

What is the difference between St Maarten and St Martin? ›

The dual identity of our island causes confusion about the correct spelling of the name: the Dutch side as part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is correctly called "Sint Maarten", the French side "Saint Martin".


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