Top 10 Rare Champions for Clan Boss - HellHades (2025)

If you’re still in the early game and building a team to take on Raid: Shadow Legends’ Demon Lord, having one or more of these top 10 Rare Champions for Clan Boss will be very helpful.

The first time you take on the Clan Boss in Raid: Shadow Legends, chances are you won’t be able to make a full team of Legendary or Epic Champions. These Rare Champions, however, can help fill the gaps in your Clan Boss teams. Some especially well suited to demolishing the Demon Lord in their own right.

Check our Clan Boss Guide below for in-depth tips on how to beat the pesky hellspawn on every difficulty level, too.

View Clan Boss Guide

Pain Keeper

Pain Keeper is incredibly powerful for the Clan Boss, although she does need Maneater in the team to execute a “budget” unkillable team strategy. This strategy is based around her A3 Skill, which can reduce the cooldowns of your whole team’s Skills by one turn – a generally rare ability in the game overall.

View Pain Keeper Guide

Frozen Banshee

Frozen Banshee’s A3 Skill places a [Poison Sensitivity] Debuff, while her A1 Skill can inflict a 5% [Poison] Debuff to any target affected by [Poison Sensitivity]. This makes her a great Champion to take out for some Demon Lord slaying, as [Poison] is one of the most effective ways of damaging the Clan Boss.

View Frozen Banshee Guide


Heiress has a superb selection of Skills for a Rare Champion and has become a go-to choice for Clan Boss for many players. This is mainly thanks to her A2 Skill, which clears one Debuff from all allies (ideal for removing [Stun]) in Clan Boss fights) while also potentially placing [Increase SPD] on your team.

View Heiress Guide


Bulwark’s excellent Clan Boss utility is mainly due to his Passive. This allows him to extend all active Debuffs on his attacker by one turn when Bulwark is attacked. Given he can also land [HP Burn] on his A2 Skill, he’s also handy against several other Raid Bosses, including the Frost Spider.

View Bulwark Guide


This High Elf healer is an awesome addition to any early to mid-game team, and not just for Clan Boss. Apothecary’s A3 Skill delivers an [Increase SPD] Buff and a Turn Meter increase, while his three-hit A1 Skill works great against Clan Boss with the right Masteries. An essential choice for any early-game players facing down the Demon Lord!

View Apothecary Guide

Coffin Smasher

Perhaps better named “Clan Boss Smasher,” Coffin Smasher’s mallet-swinging A1 Skill enables him to hit a single target three times, with a chance to place a 50% [Decrease ATK] Debuff with each hit. His A2 Skill has a 75% chance to land [HP Burn] too. He also brings extra survivability with his Passive, which decreases enemy AoE damage by 5%.

View Coffin Smasher Guide


Another (admittedly hideous-looking) top choice for early to mid-game players. Doomscreech has the rare combination of a Turn Meter boost and [Increase DEF] Buff on his A2 Skill. Coupled with a [Shield] on his A3 and a multi-hit A1 that can [Decrease ATK], he also brings survivability and Debuff utility to your Clan Boss team.

View Doomscreech Guide


One of the starting Champions that remains useful even into the late game, Athel’s three-hit A1 Skill can also inflict [Weaken] on her target. This is ideal for Clan Boss (and Fire Knight) to amplify the damage your team can deal. Her A2 makes her a solid Champion for Campaign farming and wave clearing too.

View Athel Guide


While she works best with her cold as ice sister Frozen Banshee, Gravechill is still a strong mid-game option for Clan Boss. Her A1 and A3 Skills can deliver some powerful [Posion] Debuffs, which in turn make her A2 and associated [Decrease DEF] Debuff even stronger. Her Skills also make her a good choice for Dragon.

View Gravechill Guide


Bogwalker is a stalwart early-game Clan Boss option thanks to his A1 Skill that can land [Decrease DEF]. This will help your team bring the pain to Demon derriere. He has a nice Passive that can Buff all allies with [Reflect Damage] too.

View Bogwalker Guide

All in all, any of these Champions will serve you well in your initial encounters with Clan Boss. You’ll even find Champions like Heiress being used even in late-game teams (unlike her poor and quite useless twin Adjudicator)!

If you’re still new to Raid, make sure to hop into the HH Gaming Discord to meet fellow Raid players, get tips, and find a clan.

Which Rare Champions do you use for Clan Boss? Let us know in the comments!

Top 10 Rare Champions for Clan Boss - HellHades (2025)


What are the best buffs for Clan Boss? ›

The most important buffs for Clan Boss are Increase Defense, Increase Attack, Increase Speed, Increase Turn Meter, and Continuous Heal. Other notable buffs are Counter Attack, Shield, Continuous Heal, and Ally Protection to increase the survivability of your team!

Who is the best uncommon champion in raid? ›

Of every Uncommon Champ in RAID, Saurus might just be the best Campaign farmer. With both of his abilities hitting all enemies, it's no wonder that this lizard can blast through Campaign Stages like no other. He also scales well into Spider's Den for killing off the endless tide of spiderlings!

How to get kael RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

HOW TO GET KAEL IN RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS? Kael can be acquired from Mystery, Ancient, and Primal Shards. Kael is also one of the starter Champions you can pick during RAID: Shadow Legends' tutorial.

Who is the 1st champion in Raid Shadow Legends? ›

Due to the differences in their skill sets, more so than their stats, the best RAID: Shadow Legends starter champions are either Kael, or Elhain.

Is Judge a good champion in raid? ›

Judge is a Magic affinity, rare from the Dark Elves faction and can really pack a punch. He has a hard hitting A1 single target and decent damage on his A2 AOE as well.

Is myrmidon a good raid? ›

Myrmidon looks like any other Banner Lord with his Hatchet and oversized shield. He's never going to be the first-choice champion but if you need an Ally protect for your clan boss team then he can come in clutch until you find a replacement.

Is Renegade a good champion in raid? ›

Renegade is best known for end game speed farming with an ability on her A3 which reduces the cooldown of all of your teams skills by 2 turns. When paired with big hitters such as Royal Guard or Coldheart she can reduce the cooldown of their Max Enemy HP abilities and allow them to nuke again faster!

Who is the best to pick for raid shadow legends? ›

After lots of battles, discussions, and gameplay, the consensus is clear: Kael, the Dark Elf sorcerer, is your best bet as a starter in Raid Shadow Legends.

What is the rarity in raid shadow legends? ›

The rarity of your gear in RAID: Shadow Legends is more than just for show; it also bestows your pieces with more stats. The said rarity is color-coded and includes, in ascending order of rarity, common pieces (gray), uncommon pieces (green), rare pieces (blue), epic pieces (purple), and legendary pieces (orange).

Who is the 1st champion in raid shadow legends? ›

Due to the differences in their skill sets, more so than their stats, the best RAID: Shadow Legends starter champions are either Kael, or Elhain.

What is the fastest money in raid shadow legends? ›

While every stage gives decent rewards upon completion, stages 3 and 6 are the best for farming Silver and XP, respectively, at least in relation to the energy spent per run. Stage 3 doesn't give much of either resource, but it drops shield artifacts that you can sell for lots of money.


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