[ROLL 2: JANUARY 11, 1873 THROUGH DECEMBER 30, 1875.]
[Beginning with January 11, 1873, issue.]



Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Hog butchers are busy.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Mr. C. M. Wood, after a severe illness, is ableto be out again.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Winfield takes pride in her hotels. Three largeenough for any town in the state, all doing a thriving business.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Elections. The elections for jail and railroadbonds were declared void on account of an informality in the call.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Three large parties of buffalo hunters passedthrough town this week, their teams loaded with game and wearing the trophiesof the chasea large pair of horns.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Quarterly Meeting. The Fourth Quarterly Meetingof Winfield circuit will be held at Winfield, Saturday and Lord's day; January25th and 26th.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Preaching Saturday at 11 o'clock, and at night.Quarterly Conference at 3 o'clock P.M. Love Feast at 9 a.m., Sunday. Preachingat 11 and at night. C. F. WILLIAMS, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

W. W. Andrews, a citizen of Winfield, manifestedhis confidence in the success of the COURIER enterprise by paying for ittwo years in advance, and before the appearance of this number.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

An attempt to reorganize the Silver Cornet Bandat this place proved successful, though at one time it was considered doubtfulon account of the absence of several old members from home.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

The raw recruits under the leadership of Mr.Johnson will progress rapidly and ere long will take the place of thosefavored with instruction.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

When fitted for street exertion weekly serenadeswill be the programme.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Editorial Call. Mr. Scott of the Arkansas CityTraveler presented his lovely phiz to us this week for the firsttime.

Scott is a young man of some aspirations andattainments, a practical printer, and has heretofore led the county in thepublishing line. His paper is appreciated and well sustained by the businessmenof town.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

The Excavation `erected in the ground' on thelot adjoining Capt. Davis' Livery stable will soon be hidden from view bythe building once used as a Photograph Gallery. The contract for the removalof the house has been let and work will commence soon.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Business houses are in demand on Main St., anevidence of the thrift of the town.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

A number of dwelling houses are in course oferection and others contemplated when the weather moderates enough to permitwork.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Personal. We notice in town the genial and familiarface of Col. Thos. E. Braidwood, just arrived from Albany, New York. Heis visiting a few days with his family, who live on the Badger, east oftown.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

E. C. Manning and W. W. Walton have gone toTopeka.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Henry Shaughness is about to visit the "oldfolks at home" in Michigan.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

DIED. Frank Bilesly, who was shot in the affrayin the bar-room at the Lagonda House on Christmas, died on Wednesday last.He was formerly a driver on the Winfield and Independence stage line.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

W. E. Cook, of South Bend, Pleasant Valley Township,started for Topeka on last Tuesday. We opine that there will be one lessbachelor in the Bend when he returns.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Case of the epizootic has yet fallen upon Winfield.There are very few horses that have not become affected, but the diseaseappears to have lost in fatality as it traveled toward the setting sun.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Extension of time. The Board of Commissionershave extended the time for paying taxes, until February 10th, before addingthe penalty of ten percent, a relief appreciated by not a few.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Bridge Contract. The severe weather of the pastmonth has prevented the Contractor from making the fills at the approachesto the bridge south of town. When the cold season moderates, the bridgewill be put in order and our rural friends can then visit us, regardlessof high water.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

James McDermott, the chosen Candidate for thehonorable position of Representative from this county, passed through townon his way to Topeka. We congratulate the people of Cowley over their wiseselection.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Mails. The worthy efforts of the mail contractorsto supply us with mail through the prevailing epidemic among horses willbe appreciated by everyone. They certainly labor under great difficultiesand deserve credit for their untiring exertions and risks to stock in favoringour people.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Boarding Prisoners. A bill of $120 against thecounty for boarding prisoners at the rate of $10 per day was presented tothe board of County Commissioners at their last session. After some discussion,the board decided to erect a suitable building, the cost of which shouldnot exceed $500 in cash. This saves to the county the expense of transportingprisoners to and from Emporia jail for about forty dollars each, and securesboard at 60 cents a day per capita.

The economy of this is apparent as the totalcost of the building will be gained twice over during the next twelve months.At the expiration of that time, a Court House and jail will have been erected,that will do credit to one of the newest counties in the state.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Amusem*nt. A party of pleasure seekers underthe guardianship of the leader of sports, repaired to the country houseof Mr. Braidwood, six miles east of town, where the evening was passed inpartaking of an excellent repast, dancing, singing, and general amusem*nt.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Mr. Pat Tiernan of Dutch Creek visited the plainsthis fall in quest of buffalo, not as a pastime, but for pecuniary resources.He killed and sold the hides of enough buffalo to pay for entering his landand buy him a new wagon to cultivate it with while not otherwise employed,in two months. If some of the claim holders who are borrowing at 50 percentunder mortgage could secure means after the style of Mr. Tiernan, the agriculturalinterests of the county would be in a more flourishing condition and transfersof real estate less frequent.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Notice. There will be preaching in the BaptistChurch, in Winfield, January 19, at 2 o'clock p.m., and regularly everytwo weeks thereafter by Rev. A. R. Naylor, a Presbyterian Minister, whoexpects soon, to organize a Presbyterian Church in Winfield, and he requestsall persons in this part of the county, who feel interested in the matter,to inform him of their names, and residence. N. Lagonda House, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Found. A case of surgical instruments was pickedup on the streets and can be had by calling at the office of Greenlee &Co., and proving property and paying for this notice.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

We visited the new store of Mrs. L. H. Howardnext door to the Log store, and examined the magnificent stock of the finegoods on display. Genuine French and Italian laces, scarfs, etc., that couldnot fail to please the most fastidious.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Wagon Bows - Several sets at S. H. Myton's.

Heavy duck wagon covers at S. H. Myton's.

Heating Stoves, twenty-five and thirty-one inchbox, just received at S. H. Myton's.

Shaved axe-handles, at S. H. Myton's.

New, house and stock pumps, at S. H. Myton's.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

RECAP: W. S. Romigh, Administrator, and MargaretKellogg, Administratrix of estate of N. B. Warren, deceased, vs. David Mannand Henry Brandley. District Court 9th Judicial District, Chase Co., Kansas.Public Sale to be held Jan. 25, 1873, in front of Winfield courthouse forsale at public action one large dun mare, also one large bay horse; saidproperty will be sold as the property of the defendant, David Mann. JAMESPARKER, Sheriff of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Board of County Commissioners met in CountyClerk's Office, January 6th, 1873.

Present, Frank Cox and J. D. Maurer.

Petition of S. E. Burger asking that 9 millsof his school tax be abated, was presented and rejected.

Isaac Crane appeared and asked that his assessmentbe reduced as it was erroneous. It was reduced to $40.

The assessment of Mr. Dunbar was remitted uponaffidavit.

Alexander Thompson's tax was remitted upon affidavit.

J. R. Davis' assessment was reduced and it wasordered that an order be drawn on the Treasurer for the overplus paid.

Petition of Bullene for county road rejected.

Petition of citizens of Tisdale Township, askingfor a new township, was granted with the following bounds: Commencing atthe northwest corner of section 6, township 32, south of range 6 east; thencesouth to the southwest corner of section 31, township 32, south of range7 east; thence north to the northwest corner of section 6 in said township32, south of range 7 east; thence west to place of beginning.

Sheridan Township, voting precinct establishedat Samuel Magners and election called Feb. 1st, 1873, for the election oftownship officers.

The County Board (owing to the informalitiesof the call of the elections to take place on the 11th and 18th of thismonth) made the following: That the order calling the elections on the 11thand 18th of January, 1873, for the purposes of voting for and against theissuing of bonds to be used in the building of a court house and jail andalso the subscribing of stock to the Kansas and Nebraska railroad be revokedand declared void, and that no elections will be held on those days.

The County Superintendent of Public Instructionwas assigned to office with Pryor & Kager with office rent at $5 permonth.

The Board of Commissioners ordered the Sheriffof Lyon County to furnish prisoner Vannacher with necessary amount of clothing.

Board ordered that the equalization of CreswellTownship, made by them the 16th of July last, be declared void and thatthe assessment be placed back to the original.

Board adjourned until 8 o'clock a.m., January7th.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

January 7th. Board met pursuant to adjournment,at 8 o'clock a.m.

Viewers report on the county road of T. H. Alleywas presented and adopted by the Board as reported and the bill of M. Hemenwaywas allowed as County Surveyor.

Viewers report on the county road of C. R. Myleswas received and adopted as reported and M. Hemenway's bill was allowed.

Viewers report on the county road of B. T. Wellswas received and adopted as reported and bill of M. Hemenway allowed.

Petition of J. B. Niff for county road was grantedwith James Shaw, B. W. Sitter, and Geo. Keffer as viewers; survey orderedJanuary 24th, 1873.

Petition of Himsbaugh for county road was grantedwith D. A. Byers, W. A. Wood, and J. S. Blue as viewers and survey orderedFebruary 2nd, 1873.

Section line roads of Lucius Hubbard and otherswas laid over under the rule.

Petition of Williams and others, rejected.

Petition asking that A. M. Whipple be appointedConstable of Maple Township, granted.

C. R. Myles was appointed Constable of OtterTownship.

The Board ordered that the time for adding tenpercent to the taxes be extended to February 10th, 1878.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

As the Winfield Messenger has failedto comply with her part of the contract for county printing, the Board orderedthat the original contract between the Winfield Messenger and theArkansas City Traveler be declared void and that the County Clerkis instructed to have all the county work done at the Winfield COURIERoffice up to July 1st, 1873; according to the proposition on file with theCounty Clerk.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

It was ordered by the Board that a temporaryjail be built of the following dimensions, 12 x 18 feet and 10 ft. high,built of 2 x 6 oak spiked together and not to exceed in expense the sumof five hundred dollars in cash and it was further ordered that the CountyClerk be authorized to receive sealed bids upon the building of said jailafter advertising for proposals in the Winfield COURIER for two weeks, andthat he let the same to the lowest responsible bidder and enter into contractwith the same upon plans and specifications to be on file in the Clerk'soffice.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

The following bills were presented and rejected.

Jackson & Myers, coffin for R. M. Boyer.

Newman & Houghton, laid over endorsing theCounty Attorney's decision.

L. M. Laughlin, laid over with same action asNewman & Houghton.

John Prewitt, bill laid over on same endorsem*nt.

Judge Lillie of Greenwood County, for assistingin the case of Cram, was rejected in the sum of $150.

Daniel Read's assessment was corrected by reducing$100.

Bills allowed:

Myers & Johnson, coffin for pauper: $20.00

J. M. Jackson and others: $6.00

J. P. Short, pauper bill: $13.15

Hitchco*ck & Boyle, goods for prisoners:$2.25

Newman & Houghton, goods for pauper: $7.45

Myers & Johnson, Surveyor's desk: $35.00

W. M. Allison, printing: $17.75

James Parker, Sheriff services: $9.00; $42.00;$27.25

E. P. Hickock, office rent: $98.49

R. R. Turner, Coroner's services: $9.60

D. V. H. Ward and others, viewers: $22.00

J. E. Dunn, assessor Vernon Township: $54.00

The following jurors were all paid $2.00: R.L. Johnson, E. Fredrick, W. Whitehead, Amos Smith, J. Wells, R. D. Wood,H. Wolfe, A. O. Porter, W. Voris, G. H. Bronson, H. S. Ireton, B. Clover.

E. S. Torrance, serves as Co. Attorney: $250.00

J. P. Short, rent: $25.00

R. R. Turner, viewer: $8.50

W. W. Walton, making Surveyor's record of 1871and 1872: $137.20

T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge for 1872: $500.00

S. D. Klingman sawing wood for county offices:$28.50

E. Kager, office rent: $10.00

A. A. Jackson, service Co. Clerk, one quarter:$75.00

E. P. Hickock, services as District Clerk, endingJanuary 1st, 1873: $6.50.

E. P. Hickock, services as Supt. Pub. Instruction:$200.00

J. W. Curfman, as witness: $2.70

Crane & Byron, book for Recorder: $9.00;$32.40.

D. J. Coburn, judge of election: $2.00

Frank Cox and J. D. Maurer, services as CountyCommissioners: $18.50.

Cost case of State vs. Boswell E. Jones: $14.75

Cost in case of Vannacher allowed.

Board adjourned until February 4th, 1873.

FRANK COX, Chairman.

Attest: A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.


William E. Steinhour, Plaintiff, against BenjaminF. Martin, Defendant. Land attached: Northeast quarter of the northeastquarter of section five, township 32, south of range 3 east, in Cowley County...Judgment$50, and interest thereon from Nov. 1st, 1871. FAIRBANK & TORRANCE,Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.


Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, January25th, I will receive bids for the maintenance and care of the paupers inthis township. Also at the same time will receive bids for medical attendanceupon the same. J. P. SHORT, Township Trustee.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.


Notice is hereby given to all creditors andpersons interested that I will apply for and make final settlement of theestate of William Niff, deceased, late of Cowley county, Kansas, beforethe Probate court of said county, on the 3rd day of February, 1873.

J. B. NIFF, Administrator.

E. C. MANNING, Attorney.

January 4th, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.


RECAP: Notice that administration on the estateof William M. Simpkins given to Lydia Simpkins...E. C. Manning, Attorney.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Notice for Sealed Proposals.

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids willbe received at this office up to Jan. 21st, 1873, for the building of atemporary jail for Cowley County to be built from plans and specificationsto be seen at my office, contract to be let to the lowest responsible bidderon the 21st day of January 1873, at 1 p.m. The county reserves the rightto reject all bids if necessary. A. A. JACKSON, County Clerk.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.


Notice is hereby given that there will be apetition presented to the Co. Board of Cowley county for the location andvacating the following road: Commencing where the Eureka and Arkansas Citystate road crosses the north line of section 10, in township 17 east, andrunning west to the northwest corner of section 10, thence south as nearas practicable along the section line between sections 9 and 10 and 15 and16 to the south line of section 16, thence south the north end of Pearlstreet in the town of Lazette, thence south on said street to Main street,thence west on main street to Broadway, thence south on Broadway to thesouth line of section 21, thence west on the south line of section 21 towhere the Eureka and Arkansas City road crosses the said section line. S.M. FALL, Principal Petitioner.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.


Notice is hereby given that there will be apetition presented to the Commissioners of Cowley county at their next meeting,on the 4th day of February, 1873, for the location of a certain county road:Commencing on the left bank of the Walnut river, at the place known as SouthBend ford near the southwest corner of section 2, township 34, south ofrange 43 [?48?], crossing the river east and bearing south until reachingthe south line of said section, thence east to the southeast corner of saidsection, thence north one mile, thence west one- half mile, thence bearingnorthwest up what is known as Post's canyon, until getting upon the bluff,thence west one-half mile to the ridge west of the house of J. Lindewood,thence south to the section line, thence west nearly two miles until intersectingthe Winfield and Arkansas City road. GEORGE KEFFER, Principal Petitioner.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

PAUL'S GROCERY. [Pickering's Old Stand. MainSt., one door south of Lagonda House.]

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

Johnston & Lockwood, Druggists. Post OfficeBuilding, Main Street.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 11, 1873.

M. L. Read's Bank: location not given.


VOL. I, NO. 2.

THE WINFIELD COURIER...Published every Saturdayby

R. S. WADDELL & CO., Editors andProprietors.

Terms of Subscription: One copy, one year: $2.00

One copy, six months: $1.00

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.


Mails arrive from the North and East via KansasCity, Topeka, Wichita, and Augusta, at 6 o'clock p.m. daily, Sundays excepted.

From the East via Independence, Wednesday, Friday,and Sunday at 6 o'clock p.m.

From Arkansas City, at 8 o'clock a.m., daily,Sundays excepted.

Mails leave for the East via Augusta, Wichita,Topeka, and Kansas City, at 8 o'clock a.m., daily, Sundays excepted.

For the East via Independence at 8 o'clock a.m.,Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

For Arkansas City, at 6 o'clock p.m., daily,Sundays excepted.

All letters must be mailed one hour before thetime of departure.

Mails arriving after 9 o'clock p.m. distributedthe following morning.

Office hours, from 7 o'clock a.m. to 9 o'clockp.m. Office open on Sunday from 6 o'clock p.m. to 8 o'clock p.m.

Money orders issued from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. T.K. JOHNSTON, P. M.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.


Judge 13th Judicial District: W. P. Campbell.

Board of County Commissioners: Frank Cox, Chairman;O. C. Smith, J. D. Maurer.

County Clerk: A. A. Jackson.

County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.

Probate Judge: T. H. Johnson.

Register of Deeds: J. F. Paul.

Deputy Register: Jno. W. Curns.

Sheriff: James Parker.

Deputy Sheriff: W. E. Dowd.

Coroner: G. P. Waggoner.

County Attorney: E. S. Torrance.

Clerk District Court: James Kelly.

County Surveyor: Manley Hemenway.

Deputy: W. W. Walton.


Trustee: J. P. Short.

Treasurer: J. D. Cochran.

Clerk: D. A. Millington.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.




LAGONDA HOUSE, Corner of Main and Eighth...S.A. Weir & Co., Proprietors. Stages arrive and depart from this Hoteldaily for all points north and east.

BRADISH HOUSE, T. G. PEYTON, Proprietor. CornerTenth Ave. and Millington Street, Winfield, Kansas.

HUDSON HOUSE, Refitted and refurnished. At NorthEnd of Main Street. Boarding: $5.50 per week, with lodging. $4 per weekfor day board.

ROBERT HUDSON, Proprietor.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.



Southwest Corner Main and Eighth...Winfield.

C. C. STEVENS, Groceries & Provisions,,Boots and Shoes.

Second door below Corner Ninth and Main, Winfield.

C. A. BLISS & CO., Dealers in Dry Goods,Groceries, Clothing, Boots, and Shoes. On Main Street Opposite Post Office.

McMillen & Shield, General Dealers in Merchandise.Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. AT OLD LOG STORE, West Side Main Street. [SUCCESSORSTO ROBINSON & CO.]



One door north of Log Store.


A. B. CLOSE & CO., Dealers in School andHousehold Furniture, Coffins and Undertaking. East Main St., one door southof Capt. Davis' Livery Stable. Winfield.

J. W. JOHNSON, Retail dealer in Furniture. Onwest side Main Street, opposite Hitchco*ck & Boyle's.


S. H. MYTON, Dealer in Hardware. West side MainStreet, two doors north of Log Store, Winfield, Kansas.

H. BROTHERTON, Dealer in Hardware Cutlery, Nails,and Farming Implements. Store on Main Street South of Postoffice.


A. H. GREEN. Office on Main Street, Winfield,Kansas.



Office on East Main Street, Opposite the CourtHouse.


R. CONOVER, PAINTER. Leave orders at the storeof L. B. Paul, Main St., one door south of Lagonda House.

T. J. JONES & CO. House, Sign and OrnamentalPainters. Paper-hangers, Kalsominers, and Gilders. Office and paint roomstwo doors south of Winfield Bank, Main Street.

JEWELER: J. N. YERGER. In Bank Building, oneast side Main St.

RESTAURANT: GEO. FISHER, Proprietor. West Sideof Main Street.

G. W. MARTIN, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Main Street,next door south of C. C. Stevens' Grocery, Winfield, Kansas.

T. G. PEYTON, M.D. Office on East Main Street,in Postoffice building, Winfield, Kansas.

S. C. SMITH, Real Estate Agent, Land Surveyor,Notary Public, and Conveyancer. Office: First door north of the Post Office.


On Eighth avenue and Main Street.

CITY BAKERY AND DINING ROOM. Established byS. TARRANT. Address not given.

ELLIS & BLACK, General Dealers in Groceries,etc. Corner of Main and Ninth St.

D. N. EGBERT, Jr., M. D., Physician and Surgeon.Office in Smith's Building, first door north of the Post office, secondstory, front room.

W. M. BOYER, Bootseller, Stationer, and NewsDealer. Winfield. No address given.

GREENLEE & CO., General Real Estate Agents.Also Agents for W. E. Barnes' Vinland Nursery. Address not given.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873. [Editorial.]

A home in the west more attractive than thisin its location and offering a wider scope to the ambitious businessmanand mechanic with a limited capital to commence a growth in business, remainsas yet undiscovered.

Winfield is most favorably located along theeastern skirt of the Walnut Valley (remark- able for its fertility of soiland the abundance of fine timber lining its shores and tributaries) andpresents to the weary traveler in search of a place with which to anchorhis hopes of a fortune in the west a most inviting prospect.

The church and school advantages are superiorto most towns of its size.

The Baptist church is a handsome stone edifice,neatly furnished with all the necessaries calculated to adore the interiorof the building to make it in keeping with the exterior.

The house built by the Methodist fraternityis also a model of taste and an ornament though not yet completed. Servicesare held regularly every Sabbath.

A thoroughly graded school, under the supervisionof Rev. Parmelee and assistant, is being taught in the elegant two-storystone school-house. Citizens point with no small degree of pride to theirfacilities for giving the young a foundation on which to build a usefulknowledge.

Sections sixteen and thirty-six of every congressionaltownship are set aside for school purposes and when sold to settlers, createsa fund to aid in the advancement of the school interests of the state.

The manufacturing business is fast being developedin our midst, that will invite to our town the sturdy farmers of some ofthe western counties that are now unknown to us.

A three and one-half story stone mill is rapidlyapproaching completion, built by Messrs. Bliss & Blandon, with an expenditureof twenty thousand dollars, and before it will be entirely completed willabsorb at least five thousand more. This company are now intro- ducing theirsuperior machinery into the building and will have all in operation beforethe first of March. When the time arrives that will demand additions, theywill be promptly made.

Andrew Koehler, a miller of experience, hasa frame structure underway to be used also for milling purposes. The designto secure power by tunneling through a neck of land to gain a fall of waterwithout damaging the stream was an original idea and will prove a flatteringsuccess.

These mills will both be run by waterpower,the economy of which in a country where fuel is an object, as it is here,will be realized when the profits of a year's business will be


The COURIER is read weekly by two hundred familiesto whom it is mailed regularly.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

R. S. Waddell, esq., has taken the materialof the Elk Falls Examiner to Winfield, Cowley Co., and will issuea paper there about the 11th inst. While we consider it a misfortune forElk Falls that its citizens could not support a newspaper, we congratulatethe citizens of Winfield upon the acquisition not only of a splendid printingoffice, but in Mr. Waddell, an enterprising citizen and an accomplishedgentleman. Bob has our good wishes and hopes that he may succeed in hisnew field of labor. Longton Ledger.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Ellis & Black are selling Groceries at cost.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

New Goods. McMillen and Shields are receivinglarge quantities of goods from the east.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Mail. Stages from the East which have heretoforerun tri-weekly are now making two trips a week.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

A Presbyterian Church was organized at ArkansasCity on last Sabbath, 12th inst., by Rev. A. R. Naylor, of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Papers. Copies of this weeks' issue can be hadat this office on subscription, or at the News Store of W. M. Boyer, Esq.,on Main street.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Repairs. A. H. Green is tearing out the oldfront and putting an open business front into his house, adjoining W. H.H. Maris' dry goods store.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

An extra line of musical instruments, violins,guitars, etc., with a choice variety of silverware is now being receivedby J. N. Yerger in bank building.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

New Sign. Ellis & Black, the enterprisingsuccessors of T. H. Benning, in the corner store, have ornamented the frontof their establishment with a new and neat sign, the workmanship of T. J.Jones.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

New Arrival. Ten teams arrived this week fromthe railroad, bringing the new machinery for Bliss & Blandon's Gristmill. It will be placed in the house at once, and all reasonable effortswill be used to have it in running order by the first of March.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Lost by Fire. Wm. Barker, who lives on the BlackCreek east of town, lost by fire, his stable, a valuable stallion, and sometwenty-five bushels of corn and eight or ten tons of hay. Negligence andabsence from home the cause of the disaster. Losses will amount to abouttwo hundred dollars.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

A sociable is to be given by the ladies of theCongregational Church society next Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Real Estate. S. C. Smith, the obliging and efficientreal estate agent, called on us this week, and left his advertisem*nt forinsertion. He reports houses in demand and hard to find at any price. Mr.Smith is an active, reliable businessman, handling a considerable amountof lands and houses for sale and rent, besides being a heavy property ownerin person.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Pugilistic. A little mill on the principal streetin the town between two foreign gents was prematurely stopped by the appearanceon the scene of Sheriff Parker. One, the defendant, in a diminutive lawsuit over a twenty cent ring, the other a principal witness, disagreed oversome of the proof deduced in the trial, and concluded to settle it in themost chivalrous style the time and place would permit of, but the sheriffobjected and a neighborhood sensation was ruined. One would have thoughta ride of twenty miles after the prisoner on a cold night, the charge againstwhom was the stealing of a ring of no value, would have cherished such afeeling between the parties that a hasty separation would be the last thoughtoccurring to either one.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

A KANSAS DOMICILE. Eyes were opened in wonderand mouths distended in merriment at the introduction of a portable house,fully equipped with sleeping and culinary departments, moving gracefullyup Main Street, drawn by sneezing horses, on Tuesday last. The foundationwas laid on the running gear of a wagon, was framed in the most approvedstyle, while the architecture of the building would shame those best versedin ancient and modern styles. We think it was propelled by steam, thoughthe smoke from the pipe protruding from the roof may have emanated fromthe kitchen. Rents are high, and if one could be had large enough to accommodateour wife and numerous children, together with the print shop, we think shecould be induced to invest a dollar.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Removal. A. A. Jackson succeeded in moving thegallery building from the north end of town on the lot south of the liverystable.

The lower room will soon be occupied by Geo.Tapley as a saloon and billiard hall. The upper room will be used as a publichall.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Still the work of improvement goes along, andwill until some other street is commenced, for at present the vacant lotson Main street in the business portion of town are limited to a half dozen.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

We are under renewed obligations to our oldand esteemed friend, L. B. Paul, who keeps the Wholesale and Retail Grocerystore on Main Street, for late favors.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Goldie Triplett, formerly of this place, nowtraveling for a New York house, has been stopping in town for a few days.He is on the road to Texas.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

E. B. Kager has gone to Topeka.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

John R. Smith has just returned home from atrip Eastward. He was in town Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

J. J. Sprague of the Lagonda House returnedfrom the East last Monday.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

"Billy" Anderson has gone to Wichitafor business and sport.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Greenlee & Co. are selling large lots offruit trees in the county and receiving a vast amount of real estate tosell and rent. Their contracts now exceed twenty thousand acres of land,some of it the finest in the valley of the Walnut. They are also conveyancers,assisting in drawing up the papers of a sale.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Coal. A Mr. Clain, hailing from the centralportion of Howard County, exposed for sale on the streets of Winfield, asuperior quality of stone coal, mined from the bluffs of Baker Creek, inthe vicinity of New Boston. The vein from which this was taken is four feetunder the surface, and averages sixteen inches clear coal, and can be easilymined by stripping.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Salt Licks. We have salt licks on the west oftown, that with the introduction of fuel into the market, can be made toyield an abundance of this article to supply the wants of stock raisers.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

Furniture. In passing by the old stand of Jackson& Myers we noticed a large load of Household Furniture being unloaded.Upon inquiry we found that Capt. Greer, who has formerly been selling schoolfurniture in company with Mr. Boyer, has connected with his former businesshousehold and kitchen furniture, under the firm name of Close & Greer;where will be found a large and well selected assortment of Household andSchool House Furniture. Charts, globes, maps, books, and stationery arealways kept on hand.

He is the sole agent in this county for thepublishers of the Text Books, recommended to be used in our schools by theState Superintendent of Public Instruction. School boards and others interestedwill do well to give him a call.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 18, 1873.

DIED. FREDERICK HOLMES, INFANT. Died of inflammationof the Dura Mater (Otitis), near Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, January11th, 1873, FREDERICK, only son and youngest child of N. W. and CatharineHolmes, aged four years, eight months and seventeen days.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

[For the COURIER.]
James McDermott.

Our Representative in the state Legislaturehas found enough to do in Topeka and has gone to work with a will. His workbefore organization was to help W. W. Walton through as journal clerk, inwhich he succeeded so completely that there was no opposition when the votewas taken. On the first day after organization, he presented a bill to amendand define the laws in relation to voting bonds, so as to remove all doubtas to what must be done to make an election legal, and a bill to fund thecounty indebtedness. Both of these measures are of great importance to thiscounty. COWLEY.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

The following we clip from the Commonwealth,relative to the burning of the depot at Independence. The merchant referredto is undoubtedly W. H. H. Maris.

Some fifteen or twenty thousand dollars worthof goods stored there were totally destroyed. A gentleman living in Longton,Howard county, had only the day before paid $107 freight on a lot of goodsand household furniture. A merchant in Winfield, named Miers, was also aheavy loser, and a gentleman named Henry, living four miles west of there,lost a fine piano. There were a number of smaller losses.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Eggs are scarce and high.

Butter, in light demand at a fair price.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Singing School. There will be a meeting of themembers of the M. E. Church, next Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Bird Dogs for Sale. By calling on J. C. Lillie,at Winfield, a genuine English pointer or Russian setter can be purchasedcheap; either are well trained for field sport.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Writing School. The writing school in the newschoolhouse, under the supervision of J. M. Read, is doing well. An averageattendance of twenty scholars, who are improving rapidly.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

S. H. Myton returned this week from a visitto old friends in Indiana.

D. A. Millington, E. B. Kager, and "Biny"[?] Anderson returned from Topeka this week.

W. H. H. Maris left for Independence.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

The friends of W. W. Walton will be pleasedto learn of his success in obtaining the appointment of Journal Clerk ofthe House. He acquitted himself well in whatever he undertook in this county,and gained many very warm friends.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Notice. Persons knowing themselves indebtedto the firm of Myers & Johnson or Jackson & Myers, will save costsby calling upon Mr. Myers at their old stand and making settlement beforethe 1st day of February.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Presbyterian Church. A Presbyterian church wasorganized by Rev. A. R. Naylor, on last Sabbath, 19th inst., in Winfield,with encouraging prospects. They have preached every alternate Sabbath at2 o'clock p.m. in the Baptist church. A Board of trustees and also a buildingcommittee was appointed.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Call. C. P. Spaulding of Tisdale made us a hastycall. He reports everything about Tisdale in fine condition.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

A Change. Mr. True of Thomasville is closingout his stock of goods, and will move to the opposite side of the river,where he will engage in farming.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

We are informed by County Treasurer E. B. Kagerand Deputy that the state officers demand the payment of taxes before the1st day of February; if they are not paid prior to that time, the penaltywill be added.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Careless Shooting. A gentleman, while walkingalong Ninth avenue, was startled by the singing of a ball in close proximityto his face; the same instant came the report of a pistol from the northpart of town, giving the direction of the ball.

If you are shooting cats, have respect enoughfor your neighbors to chase them to the roof of a house and not shoot whilethey are running the top of a fence.

Serious accidents might arise from too freea use of fire-arms after night.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

The proceeds from the Social, given by the ladiesof the Congregational Church Society far exceed the expectations of themost sanguine. The entire receipts were about $27.00; expenditures $4.00.They will repeat the entertainment in four weeks with a change of programmeand the introduction of several new and interesting features.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

New Store. Enoch Maris and Dr. Graham, two affablegentlemen, have formed a co- partnership for the purpose of engaging inthe drug business. They have perfected arrange- ments with A. H. Green andsecured his newly re-fitted building on Main street, where they will soondisplay their stock.

Winfield already supports three retail drughouses; but if the addition of another will not seriously detract from them,we say welcome.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Fire. The following extract from the KansasDemocrat will interest many of our businessmen materially.

"Wednesday evening, this week, Jan. 15th,at about 7 o'clock, the depot of the L., L. & G. railroad was discoveredto be on fire. The fire spread over the whole building, and in a short timeit was burned to the ground. The business of the day being over, the officersand men had left the building. Before any person could get to the depot,the building was so far burned that but few things could be saved. Therewas a large amount of goods in store for western towns; Independence freighthad all been delivered during the day. The fire might have originated froma spark from the engine that left the depot for Cherryvale about twentyminutes before the fire broke out. The depot building cost about $6,000."

W. H. H. Maris, among others of Winfield, areprobable losers by this conflagration. Mr. Maris started for Independenceon Tuesday to look after some teams he sent out for freight three weeksago that have not been heard of since. We hope the losses sustained willbe lighter on everybody than was at first anticipated.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Mr. Read Robinson, a heavy merchant of Independence,visited town this week.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Market. Winfield is a good market for everything.The farmers know it for they come twenty miles to sell their produce, orexchange it for home necessaries. The article of fresh meat alone is a fairspecimen: At one time we counted four wagons loaded with pork, and two loadedwith buffalo and venison, standing in the streets, the owners seeking purchaserswho were readily found. Prairie chickens, quail, and other small game canbe had at any time.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Wheat. Winter wheat is doing well in this vicinity,and as far as heard from, throughout the country.

R. Hudson says that four acres on his farm,north of town, sowed with seed imported from Canada, cannot be beaten inthe state.

A gentleman from Dutch creek reports the prospectsgood for a large crop.

The divide between the Walnut and Arkansas riverswest of town is settled by a wealthy and industrious class of farmers, manyof whom have 160 acres under cultivation.

A great amount of spring wheat will be sowedin this locality, and judging from the rich soil and the lay of the land,the wheat harvest of Seventy-three will be heavier in Cowley county thanin many counties having several years the lead in agricultural improvements.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

A Sad Loss. Joseph Dunham, who lives on SilverCreek, about two miles from Tisdale, lost a valuable span of horses, bydrowning, that he had paid two hundred dollars for two weeks ago. They werehitched to the wagon by the lines and commenced backing; before Mr. Dunhamcould reach them from the house, they had descended the creek bank and werefloundering in deep water. All endeavors to remove the harness and freethe horses from the wagon were fruitless, and after a half-hour's struggle,they yielded from exhaustion. This is the second team drowned within a week:one from careless driving, the other by accident.

The small streams of Kansas are very treacherousand great care should be observed to prevent swamping during a freshet.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

McMillen & Shields wish it understood thatthey will not do business on Sunday.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

If you ask the price of Groceries at Ellis &Black's, you will have a smile come over your countenance that your childrenhave not seen for years.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Do not ask for credit at the Old Log Store forthey will certainly refuse you.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Road Notice.

Notice is hereby given that a petition prayingfor the vacation and altering of the present county road running on thesouth line on sections 19 and 20, in twp. 30 south of range 4 east, willbe presented to the Hon. Board of County Commissioners at their next regularmeeting, asking that said road be located from the northwest corner of section30, township 30, range 4; thence south one mile; thence east on sectionline as near as practicable to the intersection of the Augusta and Winfieldstate road, crossing the Walnut river at "Warner's Ford."

ANDREW DAWSON, Principal Petitioner.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Legal Notice.

The order of the County Commissioners in regardto the extension of the time for adding the ten percent being not in accordancewith the law, and the state Treasurer refusing to allow the time to be extended;therefore all taxpayers will take notice that the ten percent penalty willbe placed on the tax roll on and after Feb. 1st, 1873. A. A. JACKSON, CountyClerk.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

RECAP: Petition for divorce...Catherine E. Smith,Plaintiff, vs. Edward D. Smith, Defendant. Filed in District Court...hername at the time of said marriage was Catherine E. Martindale...she wasabandoned by Smith.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Road Notice.

Notice is hereby given, that there will be petitionpresented to the Board of County Commissioners at their next meeting, onthe 4th day of February, 1873, for the location of a county road, as follows:Commencing at the northwest corner of township 31, south of range 7 east,thence south on section line to southwest corner of section 7, thence easton south line of section 7 to southeast corner of said section, thence onthe able route to a point where the south line of section 16, same townshipand range, crosses Grouse Creek; thence east on said south line of section16, to intersect the Eureka and Arkansas City state road.

B. H. CLOVER, Principal Petitioner.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Dissolution Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the co-partnershipheretofore existing between the under- signed, in the brewery business,is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

Persons indebted to the firm will settle atonce with Jacob Bihlmaier, who alone receipts for debts due the firm. JACOBBIHLMAIER. JOHN WEISE.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Publication Notice.


Jewett and Sullivan will hereby take noticethat they have been sued by the Justice Court....The following personalproperty has been attached: One black horse and one set of double harness.Action brought to recover $29.75, for services of E. P. Hickok as clerkof the District Court.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,January 25, 1873.

Market Report.

Beef, fresh, per lb.: 8 @ 15

Beef, corned, per lb.: 8 @ 10

Pork, fresh, per lb.: 10 @ 11

Pork, mess, per lb.: 10 @ 11

Sausages, per lb.: 12 @ 15

Chickens, each: 20 @ 30

Bacon, per lb.: 10 @ 11

Beans, per lb.: 8 @ 9

Butter, fresh roll, per lb.: 25 @ 30

Candies, per lb.: 20 @ 25

Cheese, per lb.: 55 @ 60

Coal oil, per gall.: 55 @ 60

Corn meal, 100 lbs.: 1.50

Codfish, per lb.: 10

Coffees, per lb.: 28 @ 33-1/2

Corn, canned: 30 @ 40

Peas, canned: BLANK

Tomatoes, canned: 25 @ 30

Peaches, canned: 30

Pears, canned: 40

Plums, canned: 45

Cherries, canned: 35

Berries, canned: 20 @ 35

Pineapple, canned: 40

Apples, dried, per lb.: 15

Peaches, dried, per lb.: 15

Currants, dried, per lb.: 20

Prunes, dried, per lb.: 20

Dates and figs, per lb.: 40 @ 70

Eggs per doz.: 20 @ 25

Flour per 100 lb.: $5 & $6-1/2

Graham flour, per 100 lbs.: 6.00

Hams, per lb.: 13 @ 15

Hominy, per lb.: 5

Lard, per lb.: 15

Syrups per gallon: 80 @ 1.25

Salt fish per lb.: 12 @ 15

Raisins per lb.: 25 @ 30

Rice, Carolina, per lb.: 13-1/2 @ 15

Salt per bbl.: $7.00

Cinnamon, 1/4 lb.: 25

Cloves, 1/4 lb.: 20

Nutmeg, per oz.: 10

Sardines: 20 @ 35

Soaps, Com., per lb.: 10 @ 15

Starch per lb.: 15 @ 20

Ginger per lb.: 50

Sugars per lb.: 12 @ 17

Crushed Sugar [?] per lb.: 20

Maple Sugar per lb.: 30

Teas per lb.: $1.25 @ $2.00

Vinegar per gal.: 40

Yeast powders per lb.: 50 @ 60

Potatoes per bu.: 1.25

Vegetables, scarce and high.

Lemons per doz.: 75

Cove oysters: 30 @ 35

Peanuts per lb.: 25

Powder, rifle, per lb.: 40 @ 50

Ditto, blasting, per lb.: 30 @ 40

Horse radish, grated: 25

Tobaccos, per lb.: 70 @ 1.25

Crackers, per lb.: 15 @ 20

Wash tubs, full size: $1.25

Water buckets: 30 @ 35

Brooms: 25 @ 40

Nails: 8-1/2 c.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.


The Indian Commission to audit the claims ofsettlers who sustained losses from the depredations of tribes along theborder between the years of 1861 and 1871, will make an elaborate reportin a short time, giving an itemized statement of the amount allowed eachclaimant. The total amount of bills presented to the board was $191,917.06,amount allowed $119,807.66. A nice little sum for our state to pay for theravages of poor Lo on the frontier, besides assisting to support them whilecommitting their depredations.

The Quaker policy will ruin these western statesyet.

If we pay a soldiery to protect us, turn themloose and allow them to do it.

The question arose in the state senate on thefourth day and this is the opinion our statesmen have of it.

S. C. R. No. 1, in relation to Indian depredationson the frontier, was then taken up for consideration.

Mr. Edwards, in explanation of the intentionof the resolution, called attention to the frequency of the depredationscommitted by Indians in the western portion of Kansas, and the injury itwas doing the state in preventing that portion of it from being as rapidlysettled as others. He said the Sioux and Arapaho tribes of merciless savageswere fed and maintained by the government and allowed to roam at will overthe western border counties of Kansas and other portions of the country,committing what depredations and acts of violence they saw fit, robbingthe settlers and murdering defenseless women and children. He instancedthe massacre of the two Jordan brothers, which occurred in the latter partof last September, and the captivity or murder of Mrs. Jordan, the wifeof one of the boys. A most thorough search and investigation was made, butno clue has ever been obtained of Mrs. Jordan.

He instanced this as a fair specimen of theQuaker policy of the government towards the Indians. He wanted the legislatureof this state to pass this resolution, send a copy to the authorities atWashington and demand of them that this matter be thoroughly investigated,means devised for the better protection of the citizens of western Kansas,and that a diligent inquiry be made by the authorities as to the fate ofMrs. Jordana fate worse than death, if indeed she is yet alive. He was ofthe opinion that if the daughter of our respected president should be makinga tour of the plains and should become a captive in the hands of this thieving,marauding band of Arapahos or Sioux, the entire force of the governmentwould be speedily brought to her relief and rescue.

The same course should be pursued in the caseof Mrs. Jordan, and the legislature of Kansas should demand protection forher citizens from the fallacious and ruinous Quaker policy of the UnitedStates government in relation to Indian affairs.

At the conclusion of Mr. Edwards' remarks theresolution was adopted unanimously.

The weakest point a man has is his pocket-bookwhen attempt is made to reach him by taxation, and when an honest farmeris asked to pay taxes to support a worthless race of Indians and then inreturn for his generosity, pay them over again to remunerate a neighborfor damages sustained from a worthless gang, that are so highly fed fromthe country of a lenient government.

"Poor Indian!" bah! we have heardenough of it here on the border.

What Kansas wants is protection from maraudingbands.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

We clip the following interesting items fromthe Arkansas City Traveler of the 29th.

"Parties going to Winfield can cross theWalnut on the bridge, on the west side of town."

"CORN. We want all the corn we can geton subscription, at the regular market prices."

"The interest is due on the school bonds,in this county, and there is not enough collected to pay it."

"This morning was the coldest of the winter:the thermometer standing at 16 degrees below zero, at eight o'clock."

"George O. Sweet and wife returned froman extensive tour in the North last Monday after an absence of about sixweeks."

"COMING BACK. The Wilkins brothers intendreturning soon. After one year's trial they have concluded there is no statelike Kansas, after all."

"Had it not been for the interest manifestedby E. B. Kager, in the welfare of the people of this county, the ten percentpenalty would have been slowly added. While at Topeka he succeeded in obtaininga respite from the State Treasurer until February 1st, after which the penaltymust be paid."

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Ice was hauled into town yesterday from DutchCreek, 12 inches thick.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Wanted. Ten cords of wood, at this office, onsubscription for the paper.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

S. H. Myton showed us one bill of $1,400 forhardware purchased while in the east.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

A. B. Close of Independence was in town thisweek assisting Capt. Greer in the business at this end of the line.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Ephriham has gone upinto the next block, andmay be found ready to "lather and shave," next door to Marialstore.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Mr. Adams announces through his card that heis prepared to attend to the tonsorial requirements of the gentlemen ofWinfield. [Could not find card.]

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

A good many people in Rock Township are on therampage because they did not have an opportunity to vote on the R. R. bondquestion.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Denial. Sheriff Parker wishes us to state forhim "that the report concerning the enormous expense of boarding prisonersis maliciously false."

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

School Examination. There will be a Teacher'sExamination held at Winfield on Saturday, February 8th, at the office ofthe Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Elder McQuiston delivered two very pointed discourseslast Sabbath, directed more particularly to the members of the church, exhortingthem to work more earnestly.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Frozen. The stage driver on the Wichita routehad his hands and feet frozen while driving from Arkansas City to this point.He thawed them out and proceeded on his journey.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Mr. Hitchco*ck, of the firm of Hitchco*ck &Boyle, made a flying visit from Belle Plain this week. This firm operatesa heavy store at Belle Plain in addition to the one in Winfield.

[Later called Belle Plaine.]

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

At the third trial of the case of Willett vs.Herneman, a jury was found to agree and rendered a verdict of not guilty.The costs of the case amounted to $100, and the damage was 0.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

C. A. Bliss left this week for Columbus, CherokeeCounty, to inspect the workings of his capital employed in merchandisingat that point, and being operated by a partner. He expects to be absenttwo or three weeks. The mill progresses finely.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

New Mail Route. From Winfield, by Oxford, toSumner and back, once a week. Bidders will state distance and propose schedule.Our worthy Postmaster is now receiving bids for the above.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

The foundation is being laid for A. H. Green'snew law office. It will be built on the second lot south of J. C. Fuller'sBank, will be a frame 16 x 28, with a handsomely finished front, in connectionwith the Bank building to be erected by M. L. Read, the coming spring. Itwill add much to the appearance of that part of Main street.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

There has been some trouble about the intereston the bridge bonds of this township. Trustee Short informs us that thebonds were not issued soon enough to have any interest come due this year.Not being registered by the State Auditor, they could not be certified upto the County Clerk, who makes the tax levy to meet the coupons.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Severe Storm. We hear from all quarters of stockperishing from exposure to the inclement weather. Farmers have generallycared well for their stock, but a snow-storm such as we had last Monday,accompanied by the winds, would interfere seriously with stock having thebest of comforts provided them.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Going to Rusticate. Our new friend, CharleyHays, one of the exemplary young men of Winfield, will remove to his claim,six miles east of town, next week, to engage in the stock


Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Cold. From observations made by several citizenson Wednesday morning, we find that the thermometer indicated 22 degreesbelow zero at daylight and 18 below at sunrise.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Fresh Arrivals. Messrs. Close & Greer receivedlarge invoices of furniture this week and are stocking their handsome roomson Main street with a well assorted supply for furniture for this market.A heavy shipment has been made them via Wichita, and teams will start ina few days for that point to freight them over.

Winfield Courier, Saturday,February 1, 1873.

Teacher's Report. To the Clerk of Public SchoolBoard of Winfield, Kansas, for the month ending Jan. 25th, 1873.

Whole number enrolled, 104.


Average daily attendance, 31.

Present every day: Mary Cochran, Alice Johnson,Ettie Johnson, Cora Kenworthy, M. Virginia Weathers, Oscar Cochran, EdmondCochran, L. Frank Freeland, Richie Mansfield, Willie J. McClellan, WillieS. Tarrant.

The first month was largely employed in correctinginmind and habitthe heterogeneous mass gathered from all quarters, north,east, and south, and adjusting the same to the teacher's standard of propriety.

At first, many of the pupils were disposed toindolence, and some to positive rebellion. The latter trouble has mainlydisappeared, and many of those afflicted with the former disease exhibitsymptoms of convalescence. Not being able to make an inspiring report forthe first month, we concluded to pass it in silence.

The last month has been encouraging; our hopesare now buoyant; and while ideal excellence has been reached by few, ifindeed any, yet we think it proper, as to loyalty, and commendable effortstoward perfect lessons, to report the following Roll of Honor:

Cora Bullene, Mollie Bodwell, Florence Bickel,Emma Howland, Alice Hill, Alice Johnson, Ettie Johnson, Ida J. Johnston,Virginia Weathers, Annie Kochler [Koehler ?], Ruth Kenworthy, Cora Kenworthy,Mary S. Knowles, Emma Knowles, Lutie Newman, Edmond Cochran, Harrison Hellman,Phillip Kochler, [???? NAMES WERE VERY HARD TO READ...AND LAST FEW LINESWITH MORE NAMES, I RECKON, ARE GONE.]


Thomas Lowry, Marshal Land, John N. Likowski,Michael McDonnell, Amos Smiley [? Smithy ?].


Average daily attendance, 31.

Present every day. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy,Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Annie Newman, R. W. Dever, I. E. Johnson,H. E. Likowski, Walter A. Lewis, Harold H. Mansfield, O. Orlando Menor,W. D. Menor, Richard S. Whitaker, Charles E.


Roll of Honor. Cora E. Andrews, Luella Blandin,M. Callie Blandin, Adida V. Boucher, P. Nellie Covert, C. Louis Crapster,F. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington,Anna Newman, Nettie C. Quarles, Ida B. Weir, R. Nellie Wiggan, Fred C. Hunt,Frank E. Howard, Frank A. Howland, I. Ernest Johnson, H. Eddie Likowski,Wm. Dean Menor, Holiday H. Menor, O. Orlando Menor, Harold H. Mansfield,Addison F. Powers, Charles E. Weathers.

Future reports will be shaped by the followingschedule:

No half days absent. No times tardy. Attendance.Deportment. Scholarship. Geography, Grammar, Arithmetic, Spelling, Reading,and Punctuation, History, and Penmanship.

Average scholarship. Standing Perfect, 100.

J. B. PARMELEE, Miss E. A. TUCKER, Teachers.

Winfield Courier, February1, 1873.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, Jan. 28th, 1873.

I have seen a number of statements in regardto the taxes of our county and in justice to taxpayers I would make thefollowing statements:

Amount of tax levied for all purposes $32,277.19

Amount outstanding Co. warrant to date 20,026.77

Amount state tax 8,343.45

Amount county tax 11,778.99

Amount township tax for the county 1,002.46

Amount school district tax for county 11,557.70

I would say in regard to the amount of countyorders that the County Commissioners levied a tax last September to meetall outstanding county orders at that time, since which time a large amountof county warrants have been issued.

A. A. JACKSON, County Clerk.

Winfield Courier, February1, 1873.


Notice is hereby given that the co-partnershipheretofore existing between the under- signed, in the school furniture,and other business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The businessof this firm will be fixed up soon. S. W. GREER, W. M. BOYER.

Winfield Courier, February1, 1873.


If you want to buy
Medicals, Chemicals, Perfumery, Stationery,etc., go to the
Winfield, Kansas.

[Skipped details in ad...very lengthy.]

Winfield Courier, February1, 1873.

Dealers in
Coffins and Undertaking.
Winfield, Kansas.
NOTE: February 8, 1873, issue evidentlynot microfilmed.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.


Resolved,That we recommend and demand any and all persons that feel an interest inthis matter that they get together and appoint a committee of three or morepersons to thoroughly investigate and examine the books, papers, and voucherspertaining to the proceedings of the Commissioners of this county and makepublic the same through the press of said county.

The scurrilous attacks made in a direct manner,arraigning them for palpable negligence and willful omission of duty, connivingwith others to secure a fortune from the public purse of the county, andindirectly assailing the private character of each worthy member of thebody, should meet their merited reproaches from the citizens of our county.

We do not claim that they are immaculate, nordo we sanction all their acts and at the same time know that a Board ofthree men could not be selected from the county that could pass acts, allof which would be acceptable, having as they do only the arguments of oneside of a case to base their judgment upon.

Since the organization of this county in March,1870, there has been issued for all expenses $23,026, in county scrip, anaverage of $7,675, for the annual expenses of the county . . . . [Rest obscured:skipped.]

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.


From the late report of the department of publicinstruction, we find that in the year 1861 there were 12 counties reportingand in 1872 sixty counties contributed a report. The whole number of childrenof school age in 1861, 4,901; in 1872 the increase in population had beenso great as to swell the number to 165,982.

The school property of Cowley County, includingbuildings and grounds, furniture, and apparatus, is estimated to be worth$22,500.00, fifteen of the sixteen schoolhouses in the county having beenbuilt during the past year, on a bonded indebtedness of $30,000.00, nowoutstanding. Yet with all this the number of children attending school isvery small compared with the number in the county of suitable age. With2,478 persons between the ages of five and twenty-one years, our schoolbooks exhibit an enrollment of 621 with an average daily attendance of 120for the year 1872.

This does not add any luster to the fame wehave claimed for Southern Kansas in educational matters nor does it reflectany praise upon the parents of the many children in the county who havelabored unceasingly for the advancement of learning, but who have undoubtedlyfailed to take advantage of the privileges obtained by themselves at a heavyexpense in taxes, etc.

The average daily attendance should be 80 percentof the entire enrollment. . . .

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.


Capt. Jas. McDermott was honored with an appointmenton the York-Pomeroy investi- ating committee. Pomeroy gave $7,000 to York,but says it was to hand to a banker at Independence to pay up his stockin a national bank to be established at that place, and that York used itfor the purpose of defeating him and to make himself popular throughoutthe State.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.


From the Arkansas City Traveler of the12th we find the expression of the people reflected in the following.

"We do not favor the proposition for countybuilding bonds, now before the people, because we do not reap an immediatebenefit therefrom. We do favor building a temporary structure that willanswer all demands and save great expense to the county. When the propertime comes we shall advocate permanent county buildings, but it will bewhen our incomes are greater and our taxes less."

Our people will be rejoiced over this free admissionof the selfish spirit that ever actuates and controls inhabitants of rival[NEXT WORD OBSCURED].

What will be the verdict of Winfield townshipin this matter?

Will our people in good faith be made the dupesof a plot to re-enact the scenes of Cherryvale and Independence, by grantingto Arkansas City the much coveted position of a termini of a north and southroad that originates no place and has the same destination.

The court house and jail bonds of this countyshould be voted, yet Winfield is not so solicitous as to urge through thepress a tax upon the people unless they consider it to the advantage ofthe county to incur this expense.

Let us have an unbiased expression of citizensof the county not swayed by unfair means that we may know in what channelthe minds of the people run on the subject of home economy. You can imaginethe effect that would be produced on the mind of immigrants to find in thecounty a tax for a railroad that goes to enrich a foreign company the samethat benefits are accruing to the county, while there is not a single improvementin the county in the shape of public buildings, but a heavy expense attachedfor the transportation of prisoners one hundred miles to a suitable placeof confinement, together with office rents, etc., that is continually leechingthe hard earnings from the farmer.


Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

The Wichita Land Office received about a halfmillion dollars last year.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Fort Scott has struck oil.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Cowley County has better water and more tillableland than any county in the state.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Buffalo hunters have suffered severely thiswinter from the heavy storms, but the plains are dotted all over with teams.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Winfield has a more substantial growth thanany town in the southwest.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

The streets in Arkansas City have been named.


Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Office at Boyer's News Depot, Main St.,Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Improvements. Mr. Kenworthy is making some improvementson his corner ______ across the street, hauling stone for a foundation.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Hardware. Brotherton has been sending out teamsthis week for the large stock of goods purchased while absent. He has nowat Independence about 10,000 pounds of freight.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

New Store. We visited the new store room ofMaris & Blandon on Main street, and found it a model of neatness. Theyare just opening a stock of drugs and toilet articles that will add muchto the appearance of the store.


Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

The Base Ball Club of Arkansas City played amatch game with the Surveyors Nine. Result: Home boys 40; Surveyors 29.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., hasben organized in Winfield and granted a charter by the Grand Lodge. Theystart under most favorable auspices and will have a good membership. TheMasonic Lodge of this place is one of the most flourishing in the South,with a hall elegantly furnished.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

MARRIED. BROTHERTON - HANE. On the evening ofthe 12th ult., at the M. E. Church, by Rev. C. F. Williams, Hiram Brothertonand Ida Hane, both of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Our Mater Familias arrived from the Old Dominiona few hours ago, and regaled us with an account of the late occurrencessurrounding our old home in Virginia and Ohio, which was truly refreshing.We have long been trying to solve the question, "What is home withouta mother?" and had concluded there could be none. She comes to presideover the destinies of her bachelor son.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Facilities for Telegraphing. Through the energyof Postmaster Johnston, our citizens can now receive and send messages withouta trip to Wichita. The Telegraph Company has furnished Mr. Johnston a schedulewith authority to receive and transmit dispatches from this office to Wichita.A message placed in his hands in the morning will be forwarded promptlyfrom Wichita the same evening.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

T. G. Peyton will take charge of the Lagondanext Thursday.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Public Notice. [Trustees Office, Winfield, Feb.14, 1873.]

The undersigned has erected on the Bridge, Signs,cautioning persons against riding or driving over the same faster than awalk. Those parties who have been in the habit of running horses over theWest Bridge, are hereby informed that the law against the same will be strictlyenforced. J. P. SHORT, Trustee.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Correspondence from "Resident"- Silver Creek.
SILVER CREEK, COWLEY CO., KANS., February13th, 1873.

EDITOR COURIER: I take the liberty to drop youa few lines from this part of our county (Silver Creek), as your paper isthe medium of news for Cowley County.

I read in your last issue a letter from thewest part of our county, School District No. 61, telling us of the completionof a good school house in their district, which news I was glad to hear,and for the encouragement of others, I will state that, we too, in SchoolDistrict No. 40, have erected a commodious school house and furnished itwith the Gothic School Desks, sold by Messrs. Close & Greer, of yourplace. We think that our house is the best in the county.

While on the subject, I say that I for one believethat the more bonds voted to erect school houses, the better for our countyand country.

Our people are preparing to put out a heavyspring crop. Considerable wheat will be sown by our farmers this spring,and if the seed could be secured, quite a large crop would be put in. Fromwhat I can learn we will have a large influx to our neighborhood this spring.There are some good upland claims that can be taken in this portion of thecounty. It is rumored here about that coal has been found, but as yet thewriter has not seen it. More anon.


Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

I, James Parker, Sheriff of Cowley County, Kansas,do hereby proclaim and make known to the qualified voters of Cowley County,Kansas, that an election will be held at the several townships and votingprecincts in said county, on the 1st day of March, A. D., 1873, for thepurpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said county a propositionto issue the bonds of said county to the amount of twenty-five thousanddollars ($25,000), payable at such time and with such rate of interest asthe Board of County Commissioners of said county may direct, for the purposeof erecting county buildings at the town of Winfield, in the county aforesaid.

The ballots deposited at said election shallhave printed or written thereon: For the county buildings and bonds,"or "Against the county buildings and bonds."

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand,this 10th day of February, A. D. 1873.


Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

I, James Parker, Sheriff of Cowley County, Kansas,do hereby proclaim and make known to the qualified electors of Cowley County,Kansas, that an election will be held at the several voting precincts insaid county, on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1873, for the purpose of submittingto the qualified electors of said county the following proposition:

To take and subscribe fifteen hundred (1,500)shares of the capital stock of the Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company,or one hundred dollars ($100) each, such subscription to be payable in thebonds of said county, said bonds to be payable thirty (30) years from theirdate, and to bear date of the day of their issuance, and said bonds to bearinterest at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum, payable semi-annually.Principal and interest to be payable at such place in the city of New Yorkas may be designated by the Board of County Commissioners of said CowleyCounty. Said bonds to become due and deliverable to said Railway Companyunder the existing laws of the State of Kansas, upon compliance by saidRailway Company with the following conditions, to-wittime being the essencethereof:

That said Kansas and Nebraska Railway Companyshall construct, or cause to be constructed, and have in full operationwithin twenty-one months from the date of said subscription being authorizedby a majority of the legal voters in said county, voting at an electionto be duly called and held for that purpose, a railway of the ordinary gaugeof four feet eight and one-half inches, and of a class equal to the averageof Kansas railways, from the north line of said county, by way of the townof Winfield, to the city of Arkansas City, in said county, and shall establishtwo depots between the north line of said county and the town of Winfield,one depot at the town of Winfield, said depot to be within one hundred andtwenty (120) rods of the crossing of Main street and Ninth Avenue, one depotbetween the said town of Winfield and the city of Arkansas City, and onedepot at the city of Arkansas City, said depots to be permanently located,and adapted to the business of the said road.

That when the said railroad from the north lineof said county in the direction of the town of Winfield is completed andin full operation to the said town of Winfield and the rolling stock placedthereon, one-half of said bonds shall be due and deliverable to said Kansasand Nebraska Railway Company; that when the said railroad is completed andin full operation to the city of Arkansas City, in said county, the residueof said bonds shall be due and deliverable to said Kansas and Nebraska RailwayCompany. The said Railway Company giving to said county in exchange forits bonds as delivered as aforesaid, an equal amount in valuation of thefull paid up Capital Stock of the said Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company.

Provided, That before the first installmenton said bonds be delivered, said Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company shallexecute to the county a good and sufficient bond approved by the Board ofCounty Commissioners of said county of Cowley conditioned that said railwayshall be completed and the rolling stock placed thereon, as herein provided.

It being understood and agreed, that shouldany delay or delays occur in consequence of the interposition of judicialproceedings, not brought about by the said Railway Company, or either, orany of the members of said Railway Company, or any person in the interestof said Railway Company either directly or indirectly, such delays shallnot be to the prejudice or loss of the Railway Company, but that, in suchcase, the said Railway Company shall be allowed the full time herein designatedfor the completion of the said railway, and placing the rolling stock thereonthat is herein provided.

The ballots deposited at said election shallhave written or printed on them the words: "For the Railroad Stockand Bonds," or "Against the Railroad Stock and Bonds."

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my handthis 10th day of February, A. D. 1873.


Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.


1. Petition from John B. Holmes and others,asking that a road be laid out and opened commencing on the north and southsection line road, which lies on the east side of section sixteen at thepoint intended, by the quarter line of section sixteen, running thence weston the quarter line or as near thereto as practicable, through sections16 and 17 terminating on the west line of section 17, township 30, southof range 4 east...dated Rock, Cowley county, Kansas, February 10th, 1873.

2. Petition presented by S. CUNNINGHAM, principalpetitioner, for the location of a county road commencing at the N.W. cornerof section 25, township 31, range 3; thence south on section line to theS.W. corner on section 1, township 32, range 3; thence E. about 80 rods,thence S. 45 degrees E, to intersect the line running north and south throughthe center of section 12, township 32, range 3; thence south on said lineto intersect the State road from Winfield to Wichita, near the S.E. cornerof the S.W. quarter of section 12, township 32, range 2.

3. Petition presented by J. G. Titus, principalpetitioner, for a county road beginning on the same road, at the southwestcorner or the northeast quarter, section 22, township 34, south of range5 East and running northward up Silver creek along the west side of northeastquarter of section 22, and through the west half of section 15; thence alittle west of north through the west half of section 10, to a point onsection line 35 rods east of northwest corner of section 10, thence westalong section line three fourths of a mile to county road. [??? MUCH OFTHIS WAS VERY HARD TO READ...FULL OF MISTAKES, I FEAR.]

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

has opened a
On 7th Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Clothing will be called for and delivered.

Winfield Courier, February15, 1873.

Election Proclamation.


At a meeting of the Board of County Commissionersof the county aforesaid, on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1873, the followingorder was made by the said Board:

The County Clerk of Cowley County, Kansas, ishereby ordered and required to cause to be published for three consecutiveweeks, in each newspaper published in said county the following electionnotice:

The qualified electors of Cowley County, Kansas,are hereby notified to meet at the usual places of holding elections insaid county, on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1873, to vote for or againstthe proposition of said county taking and subscribing for fifteen hundred(1,500) shares of the capital stock of the Kansas and Nebraska Railway Com0any,of one hundred dollars ($100) each, such subscription to be payable in thebonds of said county, said bonds to be payable thirty (30) years from theirdate, and to bear date of the day of their issuance, and said bonds to bearinterest at the rate of seven (7) percent, per annum, payable semi- annually.Principal and interest to be payable at such place in the city of New Yorkas may be designated by the Board of County Commissioners of said CowleyCounty. Said bonds to become due and deliverable to said Railway Companyunder the existing laws of the State of Kansas, upon compliance by saidRailway Company with the following conditions, to- wittime being the essencethereof:

That said Kansas and Nebraska Railway Companyshall construct, or cause to be constructed, and have in full operationwithin twenty-one months from the date of said subscription being authorizedby a majority of the legal voters of said county, voting at an electionto be duly called and held for that purpose, a railway of the ordinary gaugeof four feet eight and one-half inches, and of a class equal to the averageof Kansas railways, from the north line of said county, by way of the townof Winfield, to "the city of Arkansas City," in said county, andshall establish two depots between the north line of said county and thetown of Winfield, one depot at the town of Winfield, said depot to be withinone hundred and twenty rods (120) of the crossing of Main Street and NinthAvenue, one depot between the said town of Winfield and "The City ofArkansas City," and one depot at the City of Arkansas City, said depotto be within one hundred and eighty (180) rods of the crossing of SummitStreet and Central Avenue in the said City of Arkansas City, said depotto be permanently located, and adapted to the business of the said road.

That when the said railroad from the north lineof said county in the direction of the town of Winfield is completed andin full operation to the said town of Winfield and the rolling stock placedthereon, one-half of said bonds shall be due and deliverable to said Kansasand Nebraska Railway Company, that when the said railroad is completed andin full operation to the City of Arkansas City, in said county, the residueof said bonds shall be due and deliverable to said Kansas and Nebraska RailwayCompany. The said Railway Company giving to said county in exchange forits bonds as delivered as aforesaid, an equal amount in valuation of thefull paid up Capital Stock of the said Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company.. . .



Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

RECAP: LEGISLATIVE NEWS...Investigation Committeeis still at work...gave Mr. B. F. Simpson a rigid examination yesterday.Examination of Mr. York again resumed re private interviews held with Pomeroyat Washington, in reference to the removal of the U. S. Land Office fromNeodesha to Independence.

Mr. Sexton of Wilson County offered resolution:

"WHEREAS, Atthe joint convention for the election of U. S. Senator, Col. York, a Senatorfrom the 24th district, made statements to the effect that he knew of certainmembers of this house who have Pomeroy's money burning in their pockets,and at the proper time he would point them out; and

WHEREAS,He has as yet failed to designate such "members of this house"as the people of this state were led to expect from his statements; thereforebe it

Resolved,That it is but justice to this house that he be requested to make satisfactoryexplanation, or sustain these charges; and be it further

Resolved, Thatthe Sergeant at Arms be directed to furnish Col. York a copy of these resolutionsat the earliest practicable moment."

On motion, the resolution was unanimously adopted.

They concluded that Senator York had had hisday...and more or less branded him a liar and a villain.


Act to increase the pay of witnesses and jurorsbefore justices of the peace.

H. B. No. 263, by Mr. McDermott: An Act to amendan Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the regulation of the runningat large of animals," approved Feb. 24, 1872.

An act to provide for a herd law in the Stateof Kansas.

An Act for the permanent survey of land.

The most important bill passed by the housetoday was "An Act to amend sections 325 and 328 of article 16 of thecode of criminal procedure." The bill provides that section 325 shallbe amended so as to read as follows: "Whenever any person shall beconvicted of a felony or misdemeanor, the costs incurred on the part ofthe defendant and the costs incurred on the part of the prosecution, includingfees for board of defendant, shall be paid by the county in which the offenseis committed, when the defendant shall be unable to pay them."


Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

D. A. Millington is fencing his home place.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

The Odd Fellow's Lodge was successfully organizedon Tuesday evening. A large number present from neighboring lodges.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Work on the Bahntge Block is progressing rapidly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Not a vacant business room in town and a demandfor four at present.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Dance. A nice little informal dance came offat the Lagonda, Tuesday night.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

DIED. The wife of Capt. Bonnewell died on Mondayat her home on the Arkansas River, above Thomasville, leaving four children.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Read the latest legislative news from the penof our fellow-townsman, W. W. Walton, now Journal Clerk of the House ofRepresentatives, entitled "Legislative."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Walnut Valley. The Walnut Valley Saloon andbilliard hall has again changed hands. M. Pickering is now the happy owner.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

A. A. Jackson is having his large business roomplastered. It will be ready for occupancy in about one week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

We are indebted to W. W. Andrews for files ofa Minnesota paper containing an account of the heavy storms which prevailedin the north this winter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Public Sale. D. Burroughs, one of the assiduous,hard-working settlers of Cowley Co., will offer his personal property forsale, on his farm on Walnut, March 5th. Mr. Burroughs will spend the summerat his old home on Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Thanks. We are indebted to Mrs. L. B. Paul andMrs. Lillie for assistance in making out the first "square meal,"on commencing housekeeping.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Money Orders. Winfield Post-office has issuedat the rate of twenty-seven money orders per week. Mr. Johnston is kepton the move to transact the business of his office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Change of Publication day. The COURIER willmake its appearance regularly on Thursdays. Imperfect mail facilities inremote parts of the county, and the consequent failure of many of our patronsto get the paper until it was a week from the office, induces us to makethis change. The farmers can now rely on getting their paper when they cometo town Saturdays and not be inconvenienced by waiting for it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Bradish House. Mrs. Bradish has taken chargeof this popular House, and announces through her card, to be found in thesecolumns, that she will refit and refurnish it in the best of style.

Winfield is proud of her hotels, and justlyso, for there is not a town in Southern Kansas that can supply the wantsof nature and afford more genuine comfort to a traveler, through her hotels,than can Winfield.

AD: BRADISH HOUSE. MRS. C. M. BRADISH, Proprietress,10th Ave., Winfield, Kansas. Having taken possession of my own house again,would announce that it is now ready for the reception of permanent and transientguests. It shall be at once remodeled and refurnished, and the table suppliedwith the best in the market.

Stages leave every morning for the North, andtri-weekly for the East.

ROBT. CAMP, Clerk.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.


ADELPHI LODGE, A. F. and A. M., Winfield, Kansas,holds its regular communica tions on the first and third Tuesdays of eachmonth. ENOCH MARIS, W. M.

J. B. MUSGROVE, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Another Accepted. H. Sherman, a fellow typoof Meridian, Mississippi, visited us this week. He will introduce a largestock of goods into our town soon, and exhibit the enterprise that characterizesthe successful printer, in the sale of a well selected stock of groceries.We welcome men of thrift with real fervor, and always extend a helping handto the novice in business of any kind, among us.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

A Legal Change. A. H. Green will become a memberof the law firm of Fairbank and Torrance with whom he becomes associatedon Monday next. The new firm will occupy the post office recently builton the west side of Main street for that purpose.

The popularity of the senior member with thepeople of the county, combined with the enterprise of the juniors, willdraw them a large amount of professional business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Another Departure. Dr. Headrick will sever hisconnection with the people of Winfield next week, called hence to Illinois,his old home, to settle a large estate placed in his hands years ago foradjustment. The case has been in litigation a number of years, and a recentdecision of the Supreme court places the capital in the hands of our highlyesteemed citizen for distribution. We wish the Doctor a pleasant reunionwith his friends and safe return to a people dependent upon him for aidagainst the ills of life.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

THE CALL for a county Institute will be theushering in of a new era in our public schools. They have been pronouncedby the facilities where they are regularly held as the most instructiveand beneficial meetings in school interests. The interchange of ideas respectinggovernment and the best way of instructing the "young idea how to shoot,"will be freely discussed, while the teachers in becoming acquainted, willthen act in concert and be strengthened by each other's experience.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873

Presbyterian Church. The following were elected,and duly inducted into office, as a Board of Trustees of the Presbyterianchurch in Winfield, to serve for one year and until successors shall havebeen appointed, viz: Capt. S. W. Greer; D. N. Egbert, M. D., S. Darrah,Enoch Maris, W. Johnston.

This church was organized on the 19th day ofJanuary, by Rev. A. R. Naylor of Indiana, and its membership has doubledalready. It promises soon to become self-sustaining. They contemplate erectinga house of worship soon, in which improvement it is hoped the citizens ofWinfield and vicinity will manifest an interest.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Building. John Smiley, contractor and builder,informs us he has contracts ahead for six dwelling and business houses anda prospect for others as soon as the weather moderates sufficiently to commenceactive work.

There will be more building in Winfield thecoming summer than in any town in Southern Kansas.

J. M. Boyer, Esq., will build a commodious dwellingnext month.

Businessmen expecting to locate in Winfieldshould secure their location before all the desirable stands are monopolized.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Public Notice. The County Superintendent, afterconsulting with the Board of Examiners, wishes to announce that it has beendecided to hold a Teachers' Institute and Examination at Winfield, sometimeduring the month of April. All teachers who at that time shall be engagedin teaching, or who expect to during the year, are requested to be presentand take an active part in such Institute. The definite time of holdingsuch Institute, a programme of exercises, and the preliminary arrangements,will be published in due time.

There will be no more special examinations untilthe time of holding such Institute.

Co. Supt. Public Instruction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,February 20, 1873.

Church Directory.

M. E. CHURCH. Rev. C. F. Williams, Pastor. Serviceseach alternate Sunday, at 11 o'clock a.m., and at night. Prayer-meeting,every Thursday evening.

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Rev. J. B. Parmelee,Pastor. Services in the M. E. church each alternate Sabbath with their minister.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

The first named in the "City Ticket:"

For Mayor. J. B. Fairbank.

For Police Judge. Wallis M. Boyer.

For Councilmen: Owen F. Boyle, Alonso [?] T.Stewart, Jas. P. Short, James D. Cochran, and James M. Dever.

The other is as follows:

For Mayor. W. H. H. Maris.

For Police Judge. Add. A. Jackson.

For Councilmen: Owen F. Boyle, Samuel C. Smith,Jas. D. Cochran, Hiram S. Silver, Chas. A. Bliss.

It behooves the people of Winfield to examineinto the standing of these opposing candidates, and weigh their qualificationsfor the different offices judiciously before entrusting to their care thewelfare of our town.


Note: J. B. Fairbank in earlier papers.J. B. Fairbanks in later papers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

City Matters.
Winfield, March 4th.

EDITOR COURIER: Much has been said about thecoming city election, and the various factions in our midst are busy circulatingreports for or against this or that candidate. It seems that the principalquestion is that of the liquor traffic. It is a notorious fact that theotherwise good name of our town has been blackened by the curse of intemperance.It was said by one of our divines last Sabbath evening that "this isa glorious opportunity to redeem ourselves." No greater truth couldhave been spoken. We must elect good men to the various offices of our newlyincorporated city; men whose known integrity and purity of character inthe past is a sufficient guarantee for the good they can and will do usin the future. We do not lack for such men, and although some of them arenot "office seekers," they are willing to take up the work andassist in carrying it through.

Monday evening a caucus was held and among othernominations made, was that of John B. Fairbank for Mayor. Mr. Fairbank iswell known to all of our people; he came here at an early day and has donemuch for the good of the community. A Christian gentleman, he has shownhis faith by his works.

Among the reports circulated is one which isfalse, and is only made for "political capital" against Mr. Fairbank.When the controversy between the citizens and the Town Company began, Mr.Fairbank was on the side of the citizens. Mr. Fairbank was employed to procurea continuance of the case, and he did so. He has been a consistent advocateof the rights of the citizen from the inception of the case to the presenttime, and has done more good for the plaintiffs than any other one man.Now, for the purpose of defeating him, it is said he is a Town Company man.No one knows more the falsity of the statement than those who make it. Itis base ingratitude on the part of those who tell this story, and"Ingratitudeis the worse of crimes."

The writer knows full well the views of Mr.Fairbank and knows that he is not a "Town Company man." We areapt to look at others and judge them by ourselves; some of the very menactively engaged in circulating this report, have been "flopping"from Town Company ____________ [REST IMPOSSIBLE TO READ IN THIS COLUMN ANDIN FACT THE LAST LINE OR TWO APPEARS TO BE GONE]. NEXT COLUMN STARTS OUT:

could make money, others for popularity.

But, Mr. Editor, town-site matters do not enterinto this controversythey are not, ought not to be an issue.

We need good, true, sober, intelligent businessmenfor city officers; men who, knowing the wants of the city, will providefor them. Such a man is John B. Fairbank.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Below will be found the returns of the electionon the bond propositions for the Kansas and Nebraska R. R., and for CountyBuildings.

Arkansas City gave us a little over a half vote,129 of the 204 votes polled.


Beaver tp.: 10

Bolton tp.: 112

Cresswell tp.: 198

Cedar tp.: 000

Dexter tp.: 000

Maple tp.: 7

Ninnescah tp.: 7

Omnia: 000

Otter: 000

Guthrie precinct: 000

Pleasant Valley: 45

Richland tp., Barker's precinct: 000

R. T. Groom's precinct: 000

Rock Creek: 87

Silverdale: 14

Coburn's precinct: 000

Spring Creek: 000

Sheridan: 000

Tisdale: 2

New Salem precinct: 000

Vernon: 4

Windsor tp., Lazette precinct: 4

Do do Armstrong's precinct: 000

Winfield: 344

TOTAL: 834

Beaver: 42

Bolton: 1

Cresswell: 6

Cedar: 39

Dexter: 120

Maple: 40

Ninnescah: 37

Omnia: 39

Otter: 17

Guthrie's precinct: 62

Pleasant Valley: 16

Richland tp., Barker's precinct: 76

Do do Groom's do: 33

Rock Creek: 21

Silverdale: 50

Coburn's precinct, not heard from.

Spring Creek: 43

Sheridan: 60

Tisdale: 106

New Salem precinct: 22

Vernon: 70

Windsor tp., Lazette precinct: 145

Do do Armstrong's precinct: 26

Winfield: 43

TOTAL: 1,114


Beaver 11 41

Bolton 19 89

Creswell 75 129

Cedar 00 39

Dexter 00 120

Maple 5 42

Ninnescah 22 21

Omnia 1 38

Otter 00 17

Guthrie's precinct 00 61

Pleasant Valley 14 47

Richland tp., Barker's precinct 17 50

Do do Groom's do 27 7

Rock Creek 38 59

Silverdale 00 43

Coburn's precinct not heard from.

Spring Creek 00 43

Sheridan 00 60

Tisdale 1 108

New Salem precinct 5 23

Vernon 14 64

Windsor tp., Lazette precinct 14 136

Do do Armstrong's precinct 00 26

Winfield 406 4

TOTAL: 669 1,291


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

A Card.

EDITOR COURIER: I have been advised that myname is being used by certain parties for Mayor at the coming election.I desire to say that I will not be a candidate, but as I was chiefly instrumentalin getting the charter, I am truly anxious that the city offices shall befilled by our best men. And it is unusually necessary at this time thatwe fill the highest office in the city with a man of high standing withthe people of the county. Believing W. H. H. Marris to be that man, I shallcheerfully support the Citizen's Ticket, headed by him.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

A Card.

EDITOR COURIER: I positively decline to becomea candidate for any office at the city election to be held the 7th of March.R. R. SAFFOLD.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

List of Letters remaining in the
Post-office at Winfield, Kansas, March1st, 1873.

Thomas Anderson; Enos W. Buffington; ThomasW. Dickin (3); Kendal E. Dryden; William Davis; Hustin Erwin; JohnFlink; L. F. Fisher (3); J. C. Fislor; James Greenshields; Samuel Harrison;Howe; John N. Hall; F. M. Higginbottom; Frank K. Johnson; Louis P. King;Milton Layco*ck; Emmet Mark; Mrs. A. McLellan; McMiller; Mrs. Jane Melson;Edward Province; John Pack; Peter Pixler; Richard Page; Francis Stillway;Jacob B. Shin; C. W. Smith; Thomas Tharp; Sammie Taylor; Joseph D. Wilson;T. F. Weels; W. E. Woodard; Philo Winter; Win Winfred; Elemuel Wilson; C.R. Wilson.

Persons calling for the above will please say"Advertised."

T. K. JOHNSTON, Postmaster.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.


J. M. Rood, PAINTER, Winfield, Kansas.

All orders for House or Carriage Painting, Sign-writing,Graining, Glazing And all work in the line, attended to promptly. Shop overRice and Ray's carpenter shop, north Main street.

B. CONOVER, PAINTER, Winfield, Kansas.

Painting, Sign-writing, Kalsomining, Paper hanging,and all kinds of work in the painting line. Leave orders at the store ofL. B. Paul, Main St., one door south of Lagonda House.

T. J. JONES & CO.,
House, Sign and Ornamental Painters,

Paper-hangers, Kalsominers, and Gilders. Workwarranted.

Office and paint rooms two doors south of WinfieldBank, Main Street.

Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
Winfield, Kansas.

Will practice in all the courts of the State,U. S. District and Circuit Courts and U. S. Land Office.

Bank building located at corner 9thAve. and Main St.,
Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Fairbank, Torrance & Green have removedto their new office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Work on the new bank building is being pushedahead rapidly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Charley Baker has opened a very neat billiardhall and saloon on Main Street.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Read and reflect over Hitchco*ck & Boyle'sadvertisem*nt, new this week.

AD: HITCHco*ck & BOYLE, Proprietors of theOLD RELIABLE General Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in EVERYTHING.AN EXAMINATION of our stock and prices will convince the closest buyer thatwe are selling goods at BOTTOM PRICES for cash.

SPECIALTY: Fair dealing with all.

[No street address given.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Capt. Folks of the Oxford Press calledon the COURIER this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Maj. Durrow, of Junction City, and Judge Aikenof Augusta, interviewed us this week on railroad matters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Capt. R. L. Walker called on us. He has latelyreturned from a trip to Texas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Postal Change. Dr. P. H. Clarke has been appointedto fill the vacancy of postmaster at Elk Falls occasioned by the resignationof R. S. Waddell.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Our popular friend, J. R. Musgrove, who hasbeen interested with the firm of Hitchco*ck & Boyle, merchants, madehis parting bow to Winfield this week. He has located a store at South Haven,where we wish him as many friends as he gained while in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Removal. The furniture dealers, Close &Greer, are removing their large stock of school and household furnitureto the magnificent room of A. A. Jackson, one door north of the old stand,where they will soon surprise the public agreeably with large invoices inaddition to the full stock now on hand.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Exhibition. The entertainment announced forVernon School House is indefinitely postponed on account of sickness andabsence of participants. The completest arrangements had been made for anenjoyable literary feast, and the delay will be a disappointment to allwho expected to attend.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Green Front. Our patrons will read the advertisem*ntof the Green Front Grocery House of W. A. Thomas & Co., Wichita. Theyare doing a large wholesale and jobbing business in this county, and aredeserving the patronage of our merchants who work up in small cities. Theirspring stock is now arriving, is fresh, and adapted to the trade of thesouthwest.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Business Change. Isaac Bing has associated withhim in the clothing business Joseph Requa, under the firm name of Requa& Bing. Mr. Requa has had an experience of years in merchandising, andwill be a valuable acquisition to the business circle of the city. Mr. Bingleaves in a few days to stock up from eastern cities.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Hardware. We direct the attention of our readersto the new advertisem*nt of S. H. Myton. The wants of farmers can now besupplied as well as those of small dealers in other towns, without the time,labor, and expense of a trip to the railroad, by calling on Mr. Myton. Hisacquaintances throughout the county and reputation for honest dealing withcustomers, together with his liberality to the press, is a guarantee ofa successful business the coming season.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Enterprise. McMillen & Shields are makingefforts to control the flour trade of this section, and with this in viewhave purchased 23,000 pounds from first hands, and are selling it off ata small percent on cost, giving customers the benefit of the profit usuallymade by middle dealers. Such public spirit is manifested by all our advertisers.If you want to find businessmen who are fair dealers, glance over thesecolumns and be assured that all who are represented here are of that stamp.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Oyster Supper. The ladies and friends of theM. E. Church will give an oyster supper on Friday evening, March 14th, forthe benefit of their highly esteemed and worthy pastor, Rev. C. F. Williams.Fresh oysters, mush, and milk, coffee, cake, etc. will be in abundance.Good music and a general good time is anticipated. A cordial invitationis extended. Admission free.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

MARRIED. WERDEN - WINSLOW. On the 27th inst.,at the house of the groom's father, in the county of Cowley, near Winfield,by Elder Wm. Martin, Mr. F. H. Werden of Cowley county, Kansas, to MissHattie Winslow of Henry county, Iowa.

Accompanying the above notice, there was a liberaldonation of the wedding cake, which we pronounce to be of a most excellentcharacter. It came in a most seasonable time, as we are doomed to relapseinto bachelorhood for the week or ten days to come, through the maliciousinterference of our brother from Howard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

100 bushels large Peach Blow Potatoes for $1.00per bushel at C. C. Stevens.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

McMillen & Shields, at Old Log Store, arenow prepared to supply Dealers with Flour at Wichita prices. Theyhave just received a nice and large lot of Dried Fruits.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

28,000 lbs. Graded Flour at Old Log Store.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Notice of Election.

In the matter of the application of the majorityof the electors of the unincorporated town of Winfield, in the county ofCowley, and state of Kansas, to be incorporated into a city of the thirdclass, under the laws in such case made and provided.

Whereas, a petition to me presented, duly signedby a majority of the electors of said town of Winfield, setting forth:

1. The metes and bounds of said town to be asfollows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 80 rods east of the n w corner ofthe n w qr of sec 23 t 32, south of r 4 east, thence s to the n line ofthe s w qr of said sec, thence s 1 deg, e 1900 feet, thence e 1309 ft. tothe center line, thence n on said center line 1884 feet to the n e cornerof the s w qr of said section, thence e 80 rods, thence n to the n lineof said qr, to a point 1 chain and 10-1/2 links e of the n w cor of saidqr, thence n 1 deg w 19 chs, thence w 1 ch and 21 links, thence s alongthe line between s e and s w qr sections of 21, 19 chs to the s e cornerof the s e qr of sec 21, thence w 80 rods to the place of beginning.

2. That said town contains a population of aboutsix hundred inhabitants.

3. That said petition contains a prayer to beincorporated as a city of the third class. And, if appearing to my satisfactionthat a majority of the taxable inhabitants of said town are in favor ofsuch incorporation, and that the number of the inhabitants of said townexceeds two hundred and fifty, and does not exceed two thousand, therefore:

I, W. P. Campbell, Judge of the 13th JudicialDistrict of the State of Kansas, being further satisfied that the prayerof the petitioners, in said petition, is reasonable, do hereby order anddeclare said town incorporated as a City of the Third Class, by the nameand style of THE CITY OF WINFIELD, according to the metes and bounds aforesaid,and according to the law in such case made and provided:

And it is by me further ordered that, the firstelection in said City, for City officers, shall be held at the LAW OFFICEOF SUITS & WOOD, in said City, on the 7th day of March, A. D., 1873.And I hereby designate W. M. Boyer, D. A. Millington, and J. P. Short, toact as judges of said election, and J. W. Curns and J. M. Dever to act asClerks of said election, and also, A. A. Jackson, A. T. Stewart, and O.F. Boyle to act as a Board of Canvassers.

It is further by me ordered, that the Clerkof the District Court in the county of Cowley, in said Judicial District,shall forthwith enter this order at length on the journal of proceed ingsof the District Court of said county of Cowley, and shall make publicationof the same in some newspaper published in said City, at least one weekbefore the said City election.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set myhand at Eldorado, Kansas, in chambers this 22nd day of February, A. D. 1873.W. P. CAMPBELL, Judge.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 6, 1873.

Notice is hereby given that there will be apetition presented to the Commissioners of Cowley county, at the next meeting,on the 7th day of March, 1873, for the location of a county road, commencingat the N.W. corner of section 25, township 31, range 3; thence south onsection line to the S.W. corner of section 1, township 32, range 3; thenceE. about 80 rods, thence S. 45 degrees E. to intersect the line runningnorth and south through the center of section 12, township 32, range 3;thence south on said line to intersect the State road from Winfield to Wichita,near the S.E. corner of the S.W. quarter of section 12, township 32, range3. S. C. CUNNINGHAM, Principal Petitioner.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.


LAGONDA HOUSE...S. A. WEIR & CO., Proprietors.

Corner of Main and Eighth.




Southwest Corner Main and Eighth.








West Side of Main Street.



Office on Main Street.





D. N. EGBERT, Jr., M. D.

Office in Smith's Building, first door northof the Post-office, second story, front room.














No address given.








[J. W. SMILEY / I. W. RANDALL] Address not given.


Office in Boyer's News Depot, Main St.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Public Meeting. There will be a meeting of ourcitizens at the Court House this evening, to welcome Hon. Jas. McDermotton his return from the Capitol, and hear an account of his


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

An Infamous Electioneering Dodge!!
Pusillanimous attacks upon innocentparties the key-note of success.

The result of the City election heralded abroadas a "good old Democratic victory."

What Republicans shared the honors?

The under-current of professed friends fullydeveloped.

"A Card to the Public!"

"The way some men have of expressing themselvesand the peculiar habit of indulging unlimited and unwarranted prejudicein matters of local character will forever appear strange and incomprehensibleto thoughtful and consistent men.

"The matter of city election is today onhand in Winfield, and perhaps no community of the same population ever wasmore racked or shaken from its very center than is this community on theidentical question of city organization.

"To this special feeling of interest manifestedby citizens no one can object, but to the introduction of selfish motivesand contemptible prejudices as a governing medium, is to be despised andscorned by any man of character and standing."

This card and explanation was born into existenceby the unsolicited aid of one C. A. Bliss, whose name now appears on thecity ticket asking the support of this people for his election as a CityCouncilman. The ticket that Mr. Bliss peddles and espouses the cause ofis headed by our worthy citizen, W. H. H. Maris for Mayor, and the ticketI voted this morning, for which I received unconditional censure, is headedby our worthy citizen, John B. Fairbank Now, as I polled my vote, Mr. Blissseized me by the collar, and leading me into the middle of the street, demandedof me my right to oppose the ticket upon which his name appeared, and statedin the presence of witnesses that the "jig was up with all patronageof the COURIER from him and his friends," and that "I and R. S.Waddell had been carrying water on both shoulders and throwing dirt promiscuouslyat the Citizen's Ticket, which he had the honor of supporting."

I wish to say to Mr. Bliss, just here, inasmuchas he has blown his horn so loudly, I exercise the right of franchise tosuit my own feelings and preferences in the matter, and if he wishes towithdraw his patronage in connection with that of his friends from thisoffice, he has a perfect right to do so.

And I will further state for the benefit ofthe gentleman, that he has placed himself in a very erroneous position,by accusing and associating my name in a business connection with that ofR. S. Waddell, as well also as saddling us together in the matter of supportto any ticket before an employee of Mr. Waddell's in the COURIER office,and I exercise all rights of constitutional liberty without the aid of anyman, suiting my own feelings in the matter; and in my opinion, Mr. Waddellpossesses the same happy faculty of understanding himself in matters ofthis character. It is now left to you, Mr. Bliss, to make all the electioneeringcapital (in the absence of Mr. Waddell) out of this new cut and shufflethat you can, but in the meantime, I beg of you to adhere as strictly aspossible, to truthful statements, and in no wise speak of R. S. Waddellin connection with myself. J. C. LILLIE.

Winfield, Kansas, March 7, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

The above circular was printed by our foreman,Mr. Lillie, in connection with a communication from a reliable citizen andcirculated by the friends of the "City Ticket" on election day.

In a recent interview with Mr. Bliss he gaveus choice of three alternatives: either compromise principle by dischargingMr. Lillie from our service; condemn him through the columns of the nextpaper; or consider his (Mr. Bliss') patronage withdrawn from the COURIER.

As an American citizen we have always claimedthe right to use the ballot in obedience to our convictions upon a subjectand freely accord the same right to others, never attempting to controlthe vote of an employee through the fear of being discharged.

Mr. Bliss withdraws his advertising and patronage,and in so doing invites the condemna- tion of every true born American forthe attempt to gain a petty office through his support of a county paper.The principle is selfish and derogatory to the character of any man.

After the defeat of the "city ticket"was announced, the Black Racer of the community stretched his ostrichianneck above the anxious crowd gathered around the corner and proclaimed ita "good old democratic victory."

And does Mr. Bliss share the honors of the handsomevictory achieved over his party?

His position is not one to be envied.

We are glad to see the undercurrent that haspermeated the porous, transparent natures of some professed friends showingitself. That's right, show your colors and let us know where you stand thatwe may have an opportunity to defend ourselves by perforating your shallowschemes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

"When Found, Make a Note on."

The piteous howl wrung from the "CountyCowley Telegram" when the edict went forth proclaiming the COURIERthe official county paper, is yet ringing in the ears of our citizens. Theywanted a few short hours at the public crib; wanted to leech enough of thelife-blood of the county to sustain them in their latter days when the sunof their existence was waning, and because of the failure, perpetrated aseries of falsehoods and misrepresentations to curry the favor of the publicand poison the minds of the honest Republicans of the county.

And what is the object of all this?

One example will suffice to show the thinkingvoter what extent of the guilt can be attached to the Commissioners.

At the opening of the County Commissioners,on the 7th inst., the publishers of this paper presented a bill for printingthe election proclamations of the county building and

K. & N. R. R., for which the law allowedus $28.10.

The towering intellect (?), the massive brainowner (?), who manipulates the "smut machine" of Cowley County,he who has cried "thief! thief!" and there was no thief, presenteda bill for the same work of $35.40.

"What a falling off was there" fromthe high pinnacle of justice to the tax-ridden people of Cowley.

It says to you, voters, in terms that you cannotavoid seeing, "only give us a golden chance at the public purse byelecting a `good old democratic' ticket, composed of one "alf and alfRepublican and four Dem-Liberal office-seekers and I can soon feather mynest with county scrip, at the rate of $25.50 on the hundred more than thelaw allows me."

The Commissioners allowed them the same amountas claimed by the COURIER and of course will meet condemnation at the handsof the editor of the Telegram.

But he is not the only one in the city of Winfieldthat is dreaming of a harvest after the fall election. Many of our neighborswear a lengthened, dreamy face, living all the while in fond anticipationof the Golconda which they hope is awaiting them when the result of thecampaign is announced.

Arouse yourselves, republicans, and shake offthe feeling of indifference that has seized you, assert your principlesand demand an investigation.

We shall have occasion during the coming campaignto discuss the qualifications and defects of the various aspirants and shalldo it fearlessly and without regard to favor, not shielding anyone becausethey happen to belong to the same political party that we have the honorto claim connection with, believing in purity if it thins the ranks one-half.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.


When a virulent epidemic visits a town, city,or village, we hear the inquiry: "Are the houses well ventilated?""Is the air healthful?" The parties asking such questions arealways supposed to be well-fixed in that respect or the query would be aninsult. This reminds us of the feeble squeaks of would-be investigatorsof the Cowley county officers.

We say investigate while we ventilate. Then"let" the galled jade wince, our withers are unwrungwe are brandedwith being a party to steal the county funds. That is a brave, big lie,but it brings us into the arena and we are glad, for we were beginning tofeel like the old Scotch Divine when a brother said to him, "My wifeand I have never had a quarrel in a quarter of a century." The otherreplied: "My God, how monotonous."

Pitch in then, "indignate," "explavicate,"investigate, but lean a little to the truth, and never, when the mad fiendpossesses thee, have the bad taste and worse raising to say anything abouta gentleman's prayers; for it was said of one greater than thou, "Behold,he prayeth."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.


The Telegram had an article reflecting on theRepublican Central Committee..."the executive committee who misrepresentedthe people." He wondered why no one had responded! He said further:"I see by that paper that `indignation meetings' have been held inseveral portions of the county, and that the editor of the Telegram wasinvariably present when they took place."...

I favor investigation, I want to know what isgoing on; but I tell you that I am convinced that the only thing which investigationwill disclose which we ought to avoid, is this political movement on foot,headed by this "liberal" minded "purifier."

I went down to Winfield a few days ago, andwhile there several men spoke to me about this matter and in almost everyinstance, I learned that they were democrats. Some of them were "soreheads"thevery manner in which they approached me told me this. Now, I am a Republican;I believe in the grand principles upon which the Republican party is founded;but, I much prefer a democrat to a "soreheaded" republicanI meanprofessed republican.

The only object this "liberal" editorof the Telegram has in view is to get control of the purse-strings of thecounty for himself and his democratic friends. In order to do this he mustfind some way to gull a large number of the republican voters into supportingthem. . . .

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

DUTCH CREEK, MARCH 11th, 1873.

Farmers are preparing for the spring campaignagainst their common enemy, the weeds. Considerable wheat is being sownin the hope that after next harvest we will sometime have warm biscuit forbreakfast in place of the old fashioned "corn dodger." Quite areligious interest is being manifested here. Hardly a week passes withoutone or more accessions to the different churches. The denominations hereare mostly Christians and Baptists.

We hear a great deal said about indignationmeetings all over the county, but it seems to be a one sided indignation.Why charge all the steal on republican officials and let the demo craticgentlemen go without a word of censure. Are they blameless? The little editorof the Telegram waxeth wroth over the high taxes, and charges the causeof the same to republicans, when lo! and behold, if there is any one manto blame more than another, that man is the democratic County Clerk. Whydoesn't the Bantam weep over his many sins? Ah, there's the mare's nest.You may fool the innocents of Vernon and get them to hold indig nation meetings,but you can't pull the wool over the eyes of the voters and taxpayers ofRichland. We think we can see through your little game, and that game isto organize a people's movement to wrest the offices out of republican handsand give them to the liberals nee democrats, a few of which have been theprime movers in this "too thin" frothy indignation business.

I was astounded last Friday, happening in yourtown, to hear the many stories set afloat derogatory to the character ofone of the best and purest men in our county. I have heretofore been somewhatskeptical to the truth of the doctrine of total depravity, but the operationsat your City election last Friday, convinced me that there is truth in it.Men claiming to be Christians and gentlemen got down in the gutter on thestreet, and in order to secure a little petty office, circulate low, mean,dirty stories about John B. Fairbank.

Ah, but says these purifiers, these christians,we didn't tell these stories; we don't deny their being used against him,but we didn't do it. You stood on the platform and heard these falsehoods,you knew they were being circulated, and like one of old, you stood andheld the garments of those who threw the stones, and thus consented untoHis death. There, as Josh Billings would say, that's "skripter"and I don't suppose `tis worthwhile quoting "skripter" to suchmen.

You may circulate all the lies you please, butyou will never make the country people believe that Mr. Fairbank is otherthan a gentleman and a christian. A man whose unsupported word has moreweight with the good people of the county than the oaths of his defamers.

Excuse me, Mr. Editor, for letting my feelingsrun away with me, but we all have an interest in your town, and anythingthat effects you effects us. Your truly,


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

TISDALE, March 11th, 1873.

I have been watching with no small degree ofinterest, the movement in the political horizon of Cowley County.

Ever since our Greeley friends, Messrs, Allison,Saffold & Co. first began to cry "corruption," I have beenat a loss to know, what in the world induced them to discover such a massof corruption; and to become so suddenly virtuous and spotless, and to disclaimso valiantly against the fraudulent manner in which the county is beingrun by the "ring." But I think I can now begin to see throughthe mill-stone.

If Messrs. Allison & Co. can just managethese Farmers' Meetings skillfully, and work them up to a point of "indignation,"that will induce said farmers leagues to put a ticket in the field, regardlessof political parties, a peoples ticket, if you please, it will be a goodthing for our Greeley brethren. Because amidst the eternal clatter of theircry of fraud, corruption, stop thief, etc., they think it will be an easymatter to furnish the lion's share of candidates for said "peoplesticket" among their number. . . . CONSISTENT.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

FLORAL, Cowley Co., Mar. 10, 1873.

Last October the undersigned landed in Cowleycounty, and took a claim in Richland township, twelve miles northeast ofWinfield.

Before coming here I had been induced to believethat this part of Kansas had been settled, to a very great extent, witha rough class of western pioneers, such as generally follow in the wakeof the retreating Red man and buffalo. But never was a man possessed ofa more erroneous idea. I have had unusual facilities this winter of observingthe character and habits of the citizens of a good portion of the county,and I am compelled to say that I have never met with a more agreeable, honest,sober, and intelligent class of people in any country, old or new. And consideringthe length of time that the country has been open for settlement, the progressmade in improvements is entirely beyond precedent. Why, in many places,especially in the valleys, it begins to look like an old countrygood houses,barns, and farms.

But the most commendable feature in the lineof improvements is the splendid school houses being erected, or alreadycompleted, all over the country. Old Fogy may dwell among such an enterprisingpeople, but he must of necessity occupy a back seat.

I had the pleasure of being present at two exhibitionsgiven at the Darien school house on the Walnut Valley, Feb. 28th and March5that the close of the first term taught in the houseC. L. Rood, teacher.The house although an unusually large one, was crowded early the first eveningto overflowing, and quite a number came who were unable to gain admittance.The exhibition was an entire success in every particular. The selectionswere good and well performed. The essays, and a newspaper gotten up by thestudents, were such as would do credit to any community. We could not helpnoticing throughout the performance a tendency among the young lady performersto give the old bachelors a thrust at every available opportunity; that'sa commendable spirit. In fact, I think it would be a good thing for thecommunity to put all the old bachelors up at auction and sell them to thehighest maiden bidder, such a proceeding might be a benefit to your humbleservant.

But to resume my narrative. Perhaps the mostnoticeable feature in the entertainment was the music which consisted ofboth vocal and instrumentalthe instruments were an organ, and one tenorand one bass viol. The violin was played by a musician from the vicinityof Dutch Creek, the bass by Mr. Palmer of Winfield. The accompaniment wasplayed by Miss Emma Leffingwell, a member of the school. Miss Leffingwellcertainly possesses rare musical talents, and is in a fair way of becominga great organist.

The second exhibition was given in aid of theschool, 20 cents admission, and consisted of almost an entirely new programme.The house was well filled but not so badly crowded as at the first, if notmore so. Instrumental music same except that Mr. Palmer was not present.Had some excellent songs sung by Mrs. C. L. Rood, Miss E. Leffingwell, MissIda Davis, and Miss Mary Akers. But the feature of the last exhibition wasthe "String-bean- Band"we think that Barnum would do well to employthat set of minstrels to travel with his new show next summer. Mr. C. L.Rood is certainly entitled to great praise for the able manner in whichhe conducted the exhibitions.

I cannot help expressing here my sincere thanksfor the kind and hospitable manner in which your correspondent, though atotal stranger, was entertained during the exhibitions by Mr. Wm. Grow andhis amiable mother, who live in the vicinity of the schoolhouse. Mr. Growpossesses a fine farm and residence, and how he can live a bachelor lifeamong all those blooming maidens that about in the Walnut Valley, is entirelybeyond our comprehen sion. W. H. S.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

ROCK, Kans., March 7th, 1873.

There is a general feeling of disappointmentover the failure of the R. R. bonds; even some who voted against them areamong the disappointed.

This part of the country is making commendableprogress in building. Good farm houses are being put up. Early in the fallwe organized and set in running order a Lyceum which meets regularly Thursdaynight in each week.

School District No. 25, known as the DarienDistrict, had a finished schoolhouse early enough to have a winter termof school, taught by Mr. C. L. Rood, an experienced teacher, formerly ofKalamazoo, Michigan. The school closed the 28th of February. . . . W. H.G.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Our farmers are now busy preparing for theirspring crops. Considerable spring wheat has already been sown. The farmersin our town (Pleasant Valley) all want to get their corn planted early thisseason, as they think that early corn matures better.

We have a farmers' club where we discuss thesematters every week.

Our people feel disappointed that we lost theR. R. bonds.

We hear, by the way, that your young city electeda democratic ticket. You need the salutary leaven of the country peopleto settle politics.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

The balmy breezes of Southern Kansas are againwith us. The past few days of warm weather has started the grass, wheat,and all kinds of vegetation, which gives the prairies the appearance ofspring. Wheat is looking well. The prospect for crops in this vicinity wasnever better.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Tisdale has three church organizations whichare growing and prospering. The United Brethren, with Elder Eckles for Pastor,are creating quite an interest. With the new members lately added to theirnumber, makes the United Brethren the most numerous church organizationwe have in this part of the county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

DIED. Monday last Mr. Kinney, while diggingin Mr. Newlon's well, was attacked with a fit of suffocation and died ina few minutes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Notice is hereby given that the copartnershipheretofore existing between the undersigned in the hotel business is thisday dissolved by mutual consent.

The outstanding business of the firm will besettled by T. G. Peyton, who assumes the liabilities, and to whom a transferof all the accounts is made. T. G. PEYTON, E. DAVIS.

Winfield, Kans., March 11, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

To the Public. J. C. Lillie is the authorizedagent of the COURIER Co., to solicit subscriptions and receive payment forthe same, and represents this office throughout the county.

Mr. Lillie enjoys the reputation of being aspicy writer, and will occasionally contribute to the local columns of theCOURIER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

How Bliss-ful it is to be a city councilman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Capt. Davis is building a residence on the westside of town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Only one disturbance occurred on election day,and it turned out to be a Bliss-ful thing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

We are not Responsible for the statements oropinions of correspondents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Max Shoeb is building an ornamental fence aroundhis home place.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Our worthy Butcher, John, is moving up intotownbuilding a new shop and preparing to shower more favors on the public.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Conundrum. Why is a certain member of the newlyelected City Council like Alexander Selkirk? Because he is a would-be-monarchof all he surveys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Judge Kelly, of the District Court, has tradedfor a slick stand-up hat with a stiff rim. He now says "Good morning,Colonel," with a peculiar French touch that would make a dog laugh.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Winfield has passed this week under an Italiansky, but has exhibited an inclination to move over to Kansas several times.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Judge Campbell says we are a city of the thirdclass. We'd like to see the "class" that could stand head or evensecond best to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Mance Pickering sold a quart of "trotting"whiskey to a fellow from the country the other day, with which to get upan indignation meeting for the Telegram. We guess when the whiskeygot down, the meeting got up.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

J. H. Yerger, the jeweler, has removed his finestock to the opposite side of Main street, where he can be found in neatrooms with a smile on his face to treat his customers hospitably.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Business Separation. The copartnership of Capt.E. Davis and T. G. Peyton in the hotel business has been dissolved, mutually,and the business is to be conducted in future by Mr. Peyton.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

We learn that Allison will change the name ofhis "indignation meetings," and hereafter call them "LoveFeasts." To add tone to the occasion, either Alec. or the silent-editorwill pass the hat around. The widow's mite accepted without grief.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

La Estrella is the name of the most delicateflavored cigar we have enjoyed in Winfield, and they are sold only by Maris& Baldwin at the new drug store.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Oyster Supper. The ladies and friends of theM. E. Church will give an oyster supper on Friday evening, March 14th, forthe benefit of their highly esteemed and worthy pastor, Rev. C. F. Williams.Fresh oysters, mush and milk, coffee, cake, etc., will be in abundance.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Discharged. We have heard it stated that SheriffParker discharged his deputy, Mr. Dowd, because he did not vote for andsupport the same city ticket the Sheriff did. This charge is very erroneous.Sheriff Parker did not attempt at any time to control the vote of Mr. Dowd.His dismissal was in consequence of palpable negligence in officea willfuldisobedience of the Sheriff's orders.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Exhibition by the Vernon Lyceum. Participants:Jennie Hawkins, Albert Werden, Mina Hawkins. . . .

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

"The new lamp of the Walnut Valley BilliardSaloon, is quite attractive. Of a dark night the invitation to "calland see Manse," stands out in bold relief. And we are told that thosewho do call are served in good style and with a good article of stimulantsfor the inner man." Telegram, March 6th.

"For ways that are dark and tricks thatare vain," the "China doll" of the Telegram is anaccomplished hand. The above notice appeared in Allison's paper the morningbefore city election, and we inquire again as we did at first sight of it,"Did he think that a nice little local like the above would win whathe denominated to be the "whiskey ring" in support of the cityticket?" It is too thin, W. M., and we would not have thought thatyou would stoop so low from your high (?) moral and temperate standing asto give a saloon a complimentary local noticejust upon eve of election,at that. Try again.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.


There will be a meeting of the Republican votersof the several townships in the county, in which there are no Township Clubs,on Saturday, March 22, 1873, at 2 o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of electinga Township Club consisting of three members, the Chairman of which shallbe a member of the Republican Central Committee of the county. By orderof the Committee. L. J. WEBB, Chairman.

C. E. MITCHELL, Sec'y.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.


Police Judge of Winfield.

Six Drunken Loafers.

Several members of Whiskey Ring on sidewalk.

Scene: Main street, Winfield, Kansas.

Time: March 12, 1873, at 4 p.m.

Police Judge: "I say, chappies, bettergo a little slow: this is a City now."

First Loafer: "So you're the PoliceJudge, are ye? Well, just go to h__l, go to h__l, G__d d__n ye!"

Second Loafer: "We're running this institutionnow!"

Third Loafer: "Hurrah!"

Fourth Loafer: "Whoop-ee."

Members of Whiskey Ring (In chorus). "Ha!Ha!"

(Exit Police Judge, leaving drunken men mastersof the situation.)

Will His Honor, the Mayor, and the Council"rise to explain," why it is that they allow such proceedingsas the above, after the piteous howl they made about electing a "temperanceticket." CITIZEN.

"Read This."

Inasmuch as Messrs. Waddell & Co., haveperemptorily refused to comply with the demand of C. A. Bliss in the matterof the circular issued by me on city election day, in which was shown thetrue character of this man Bliss, I deem it my duty and privilege to placebefore the public the facts in the closing scene of this drama.

The circular issued by me, and read generallyin the city, was issued for the purpose of defending R. S. Waddell &Co., in their absence, against the malignant, unwanton attacks made by Mr.Bliss for electioneering purposes. At the time he became very wrathy, andonly succeeded in waiting with fretful patience the return of Mr. Waddell,from whom he was determined to exact one of the following amends:

That it were wholly unnecessary for me, asa common day laborer, to pick a flaw in his (bliss') weakness, and publishthe same, and that I certainly had not the right to oppose his electionby casting my ballot against him, and that he demanded an apology for myconduct of Messrs. Waddell & Co. through the columns of their paper,or my immediate discharge from the employ, or lastly, the withdrawal ofhis patronage from the paper. I am happy to say that manly principle decidedthe question, immediately, and that Mr. bliss must withdraw his patronagefrom the columns of this paper.

Now, just one word to the thinking men ofWinfield and vicinity. This man is a merchant in our city, and from thehard earnings of poor men he hoards up his hundreds. I say then, to freeand untrammeled citizens, would you not burn with self- shame at the verythought of a man, who would by force of circ*mstances, attempt to coerceyou and deprive you of the inalienable rights of a free born American citizen,while at the same time you can hear chinking in his dishonest pocket thehard earned dollars of an honest man? Will you patronize such a man whenyou know him?


Winfield, March 13, 1873.



Trees for sale, at from 10 to 25 cents each.Grown on my premisestwo years old.


Winfield, March 10, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

Hats. The latest spring styles just receivedat Ellis & Black's.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

If you want a good square meal, or a good glassof cider, call at Tarrant's City Bakery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

MARCH 9TH, 1873.

Board met in county clerk's office. Present:Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.

Board proceeded to canvass the vote on the bondelection held March 1st, which resulted in the defeat of the Railroad propositionby 157 votes, and the County Building proposition by 531 votes. Poll booksof Pattens, Omnia, and Spring Creek precincts were thrown out on accountof informality.

On account of error in the assessment rolls,the tax of D. Smith of Cedar Township was remitted. C. Mayse made affidavitthat he was not a resident of the State on March 1st, 1872, and on the samehis tax was remitted. On affidavit of C. G. Handy, trustee, Sam'l Willistonwas allowed his constable exemption of $2.00. Petition of J. H. Finch and50 others, asking for a new township to be taken off from Tisdale and OmniaTownships, described as follows: Commencing at the N. E. corner of Sec 1,town 31, R 63; thence W on town line to N W corner of Sec 6, town 31, R63; thence south on town line to 8S W corner of Sec 31, town 31, R 63; thenceE on township line to S E corner of Sec 36, town 31, R 63; thence N to placeof beginning. Petition granted and township set off, to be known as SilverCreek Township. Voting precinct established at Stephen Drapers' house onSilver Creek, and election for township officers to be held at the generalelection on April 1st, 1873.

On petition Sec's 6 and 7, town 31, R 7 E, wereordered off from Omnia and attached to Windsor Township.

Petition of T. Angell and others for a new townshipwas rejected.

Reports of viewers on the following county roadswere received and adopted and ordered to be opened: S. M. Fall, county road50 ft. wide. B. H. Clover, county road 50 ft. wide. Geo. Keffer, countyroad 50 ft. wide. J. A. Hinebaugh, county road 50 ft. wide.

The following section line roads were orderedopened as per former petitions: One of T. H. Hart 50 ft. wide. J. C. Topliff,50 ft. wide.

Petition of E. S. Field for county road granted,with W. tit*worth, Jas. Lee and John Dudley as viewers, to meet for surveyMarch 22nd, 1873.

Petition of J. D. Holmes granted, with W. H.Grow, Isaac Tausley, and Jacob Allen as viewers, to meet for survey March25th, 1873.

Petition of J. G. Titus granted, with Joen Flarity,Hamilton Herbert, and John Tipton as viewers, to meet for survey March 28,1873.

Petition of Frank Gallotti granted, with B.A. Thompson, J. C. Topliff, and O. C. Smith as viewers, to meet for surveyMarch 31st, 1873.

Viewers on the Andrew Dawson county road, wereordered to meet and locate the same on March 24th. County road of J. V.Wagner was laid over for want of publication and bond. The following describedsection line roads were laid over under the rule until next meeting.

Section line road of E. P. Kinne, commencingat the N W corner of Sec. 6, town 35 R 3 E; thence E to N E corner of theN E quar of Sec 2, town 35, R 3 E, to be 60 ft. wide. Sec line road of S.B. Hunt, commencing at N E corner of Sec 1, town 31, R 5 E; thence S toS E corner Sec 24, town 31, R 5 E, to intersect road running from Winfieldto Lazette, to be 50 ft wide. Sec line road of A. J. Walk, commencing atS W corner of Sec 18; thence E on Sec line to S E corner of 18, all in town30, R 3 E, to be 50 ft wide. Sec line road of D. M. Hopkins, commencingat the W line of Cowley County at the S W corner of Sec 6, town 32, R 3E; thence E on Sec line to Blanchard's crossing on the Walnut River; thenceE to the State road running from Winfield to Augusta.

Petition of citizens of Ninescah, that all Seclines in the township be declared open as roads. Petition laid over, theBoard requiring proof that said lines were not enclosed.

Petition signed by 200 voters asking that theHerd Law be repealed, and also one signed by 998 voters asking that it bekept in force. The opinion of the Board with the advice of the county attorneyis, "That as a board we have no authority to revoke the present herdlaw, without additional legislation," and so order.

The following orders were also made.

That the Probate Judge and the County Recorderhave their desks repaired. That T. A. Wilkinson procure a county map forhis office. That the license money in the county treasury for Winfield Townshipbe paid to the township treasurer. That hereafter no more than $10.00 willbe allowed for a pauper's coffin. That the county recorder be assigned toan office in the building with the treasurer, and that the clerk of thedistrict court remove his office to the courtroom. The Arkansas City Travelerwill publish the delinquent tax list, and the county treasurer is instructedto cancel $1,000 in county warrants, as per his request.

Action on bills against the county as follows:

Bill of R. S. Waddell & Co., for countyprinting.

Claimed: Amount not given.

Allowed: $63.65

Bill of Allison & Hane for county printing.

Claimed: $36.40

Allowed: $30.60

Bill of C. M. Scott for county printing.

Claimed: $127.66

Allowed: $ 59.68

L. M. Laughlin, for coffin furnished pauperin Pleasant Valley Township: Claimed: $12.00. Allowed: $10.00

John Pruitt, board and care of paup. in P. V.Twp: $20.00

A. A. Jackson, service as Co. Clk.: $141.50

J. P. Short, wood fur. paup. W Tp.: $3.00

J. P. Short, supplies: $43.00

A. D. Keith, med. license Cres. tp.: $4.25

Lyon Co. for Cowley Co. pris.: $262.00

Crane & Byron, stationery for Co.: $58.80

T. A. Wilkinson, for Co. map. Claimed: $12.00.Allowed: $10.00

W. E. Dowd, deputy sheriff fees.

Claimed: $25.00. Allowed: $19.00

Claimed: $3.60. Allowed: $ 2.00

T. A. Wilkinson, stat. & let. heads: $8.00

S. Klingman, saw. Co. wood: $19.87

Jas. Parker, sheriff, fees: $21.20

J. B. Nipp and others, road view: $18.50

D. A. Beyers and others, road view: $18.50

J. H. Smith and others, road view: $16.50

E. M. Freeman and others, road view: $16.50

J. P. Short, rent Co. Att'y & Sur offi.:$25.00

Joe Foos, ser. as wit., grand jury: $2.30

J. W. Johnston, repair co. off. desk: $14.40

O. C. Smith, Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, for com. & mileage: $30.50

All of the bills of the Judges and Clerks atthe last election were allowed and orders drawn.

Bills laid over and rejected as follows:

Bill of John Pruitt, laid over, not itemized.

Bill of Newman, H & Sherburne, not itemized.

Lyon County, laid over, not sworn to.

M. L. Wells, judge elec., not itemized.

J. R. Harmse, elec., Co. not liable. FRANK COX,Chairman.

Attest. A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 13, 1873.

The copartnership heretofore existing betweenSamuel A. Weir and John J. Sprague under the firm name of S. A. Weir &Co., is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All matters pertaining to thebusiness will be settled by John J. Sprague.


Winfield, Kans., Feb. 19, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.


A petition for an election to aid the Kansasand Nebraska R. R. Company with bonds of the county in the amount of $150,000,subscribed in stock, is now being circulated. This movement deserves theearnest support by franchise, of every lover of progression in the county.

The slight debt of $250 per annum entailed uponthe taxpayers of Cowley County, where land is open to actual settlementat the Government price, and no part of the public domain deeded to landspeculators or R. R. monopolies, will not increase the taxation one dollar,but on the contrary, reduce it one per centum the first year.

Our county demands capital to develop it properly,and the only way to secure this as has been successfully demonstrated throughoutthe state, is by inviting railroads, which bring with them not only themeans used in their construction, but that upon which they are dependentfor support, invested in manufacturing, mining, and all the other businessinterests that follow in the wake of a projected railroad. . . .

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

RECAP. Rock correspondent, "C. L. R.,"mentioned dance held at the Darien Schoolhouse (District No. 25). Amongparticipants: Mrs. C. L. Rood, Mrs. G. H. Williams, Mrs. Hiram Fisk, Wm.Sumner of Cedar Creek, J. F. Williams, M. S. Palmer of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

An article appeared in the Telegram thismorning reflecting not only on my official conduct but on my private characterand business. I do not care for what may have been said of my official conduct,as I am not accountable to the Telegram, nor to any one person, butto the public. As for the statements concerning my allowing my brother'sfuneral expenses to be charged to the county as expenses for burying a pauper,they are as false as they are malicious.

The public will excuse my making a statementof my private affairs when they consider the charge made against me. I didpay all the expenses attending my brother's funeral except the coffin, andI stated to Messrs. Jackson and Myers that the bill would be paid by myfather; that I would pay for it if he did not. They took his address andI believe they wrote him and sent the bill; not receiving an answer forsome time, they presented their bill to the county for payment without myknowledge or consent. The bill was justly rejected. I have not asked thecounty to pay it, nor do I wish them to do so.

This is a true statement of the matter. I wouldnot make it if the Telegram had not attempted to blacken and vilifymy character by dragging before the public my private business. W. M. BOYER.

We have read the above statement and the sameis true so far as our knowledge extends.


I sign the above to be correct as far as I know.A. A. JACKSON.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Dr. Egbert is improving his lot on Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

J. C. Fuller, of the Winfield Bank, pays highestmarket price for School Bonds.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

The new residence of John Smiley on the eastside of town is about finished.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Johnie Faris has taken a new berth as clerkat the Bradish House. He will be found at all times ready to accommodateguests.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

MARRIED. In Winfield Wednesday, March 12th,by Judge Johnson, Wm. Pearson and Nancy Robinson, both of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Rev. C. F. Williams left yesterday to attendthe annual conference of the M. E. Church, to convene at Ottawa the 22ndof this month.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

H. C. Clark of Howard County has been visitingthis week in Winfield. He is a skilled mechanic, and if he concludes tomake his home here, will be appreciated by our citizens.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

The M. E. Festival held on last Friday eveningwas financially very successful, the proceeds amounting to about $60.00.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Withdrawal. Arthur H. Hane, the associate editorof the Democratic paper of Winfield, has severed his connection with thatoffice; urged to it we presume, by the consciousness that "evil communicationscorrupt good morals."

A son of one of the first families of our city,we recognized in Mr. Hane a gentlemanly contemporary, on whom alone dependedthe work of preserving the dignity of the partnership.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Mr. McCullough of Beaver Township gave us afriendly call on Tuesday last. Mr. McCullough is one of the many influentialand substantial Republicans of that township.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

"Evening Star" is the very appropriatename given a new, neat, and tastily arranged billiard hall and saloon justopened by Manse Pickering in the store room on Main street formerly occupiedby Close & Greer. It really has the appearance of as creditable an institutionof the kind as we have seen west of Kansas City. "Manse" invitesall of his friends to call and see him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Road Overseers. The Township Trustee wishesus to state that this township has five road districts, and will have toelect overseers in each. A map showing the boundaries can be seen at theCounty Clerk's office, and those interested can select whom they wish foroverseer in their district, and vote for the same at the coming election.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.


Charles Williston, J. B. Parmelee, Mrs. Bostwick,Mrs. J. C. Graham, J. B. Fairbank, Prof. Wilson, Prof. E. P. Hickok, Mrs.N. J. Fergeson, Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Mrs. Mina Hawkins, Prof. H. B. Norton,H. H. Martin, C. L. Rood, J. W. Cowgill, Alexander Limerick, Mrs. Bostwick,Miss Helen Parmelee, Miss Lizzie Swarts.

Efforts are being made to secure the presenceof our State Superintendent, H. D. McCarty. T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Superintendent.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Messrs. Marris, Carson & Baldwin at thenew Drug Store, are expecting a fine assortment of fine tobaccos; also acomplete stock of notions, perfumeries, hair oils, pomades, etc.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Fresh supply of dry goods and notions just receivedat Ellis & Black's.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 20, 1873.

Remove far from me vanity and lies; give meneither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me. The latteryou can get at L. B. Paul's.

[Beginning with Thursday, March 27,1873.]







Today we close our interests and associationswith the WINFIELD COURIER, and bid adieu to an extensive circle of trueand warm hearted friends.

For our course as editor and publisher of anewspaper devoted to politics, the general interests of Cowley County, etc.,we refer to our files: there they are, our record, we are proud of them;they suit us exactly; we shall feel gratified if they have suited our readers;but, whether they have or not, there are no erasures to be made, nothingsaid that we wish to retract.

While submitting our views for the criticismsof the public, we have been no tool for any person, faction, or clique;have always said and done just what we thought was best, and just as weshall do hereafter in whatever position we may be placed.

For our successor, James Kelly, we bespeak success.He enters here with our kindest wishes in every respect: that he is a reliableman, and a Republican, no one will question. May he be rewarded accordingto his merit.

To all our friends we say most respectful andheart felt adieu. R. S. WADDELL.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Having assumed control of the COURIER, a wordfrom me now may pave the way for a quicker and better understanding hereafter.

Without being advised or solicited to do so,without a word of encouragement, or a promise of help from anybody; withoutone dollar of aid or the pledge of one dollar from anyone, I have purchasedthe entire Winfield COURIER outfit, and shall settle down to publishinga newspaper in Winfield in good earnest.

I have no friends to reward or enemies to punish;I have no alliances, and seek none; but with steady faith and honest purpose,I hope to win the respect and confidence of all.

The COURIER will support no unworthy measuresor men knowingly. Its highest and first aim will be to establish a reputationfor reliability; then the highway to usefulness to the reader and profitto the publishers will be opened.

The COURIER will be the friend of the best interestsof Cowley County.

In party matters this paper will be Republicanand especially solicits the support of the Republicans of the county. Itscolumns will be open to a respectable discussion of all local questionsor matters of general interest.

Hoping for a generous welcome to this new sphere,from the people of Cowley, and craving a charitable construction for whateverof censurable character may appear in the paper, I am hopefully and timorously,


Mr. Kelly will fill all the subscriptions forthe COURIER as shown by the books.

R. S. W. & Co.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

One Man Killed and Another Wounded.

From Mr. Gilstrap of Silverdale we learn thefollowing.

On Saturday morning last four men travelinghorseback were in camp at Hilton's crossing of Grouse Creek below Silverdalein this county, and about daylight four men in a spring wagon rode up tothe horseback party, and inquired for stolen horses, whereupon one of thehorseback party drew a revolver and discharged two shots at Van Orm, a deputyU. S. Marshal, one of the party in search of horses, and at the third shotkilled Parker, another of Van Orm's party, the ball passing clear throughhis body. At the time Parker was shot he was scuffling with one John Stroupfor the possession of a shot gun, and which Stroup ob tained when Parkerfell, and turning it upon Van Orm, fired without effect; whereupon Van Ormshot Stroup in the shoulder. He now lies at the house of Mr. Gilstrap ina critical condition under arrest. Parker's body was taken back to Elgin,in Howard County, by his friends.

It appears that the horse thieves passed throughElgin Thursday or Friday last, coming west, and that the evening mail broughta poster that advertised some stolen horses and thieves that answered thedescription of the party, whereupon Van Orm, Parker, and two other men,citizens of Elgin, started in pursuit of the thieves with the result asabove related.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Rock, Kansas, March 24th, 1873.

Can you explain why the subscribers to the COURIER,from this vicinity, do not receive their paper?

We would be willing to attribute the occasionalloss of a copy to some mistake, and let the matter pass. But as the ruleis not to receive the paper, and the exception (very rare at that) to, wethink it time to investigate the matter a little.

The Telegram comes every weekthe COURIERseldom or never. Is there not "some-thing rotten in Denmark?"

Now will the COURIER tell us if the City ofWinfield has gone into the ring operation?

The mail route from Winfield to Rock is notvery tortuous, nor the Post office officials very numerous; and having everyconfidence (?) in them, we ask where lies the trouble? Can we be let intothe secret, or what is better, can we be allowed to receive our paper?

The Republicans of this township met in caucuson the 22nd, and nominated the following ticket for the Spring election.

For Trustee, William White.

Clerk, George H. Williams.

Treasurer, William H. Grow.

Justice, George H. Williams.

Constables, Justus F. Williams and Andrew J.McCollin.

Road Overseers, Henry Rogers and William Funk.

A township committee was also elected consistingof C. L. Rood, Chairman, John Funk, and William White. C. L. R.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

DEXTER, KS., March 22, 1873.

The people of this township met at this placethis afternoon and nominated the following persons to fill the various townshipoffices at the spring election.

For Trustee, John A. Asbury.

For Treasurer, Oliver P. Darst.

For Clerk, Davis A. Merydith.

For Justices of the Peace, Thomas R. Bryan andLeon Lippmann.

For Constables, Wm. E. Rice, Reuben H. Gates.

For Road Overseers, 1st district, John D. Maurer;2nd district, N. P. Rider; 3rd district, Isaac D. Rice.

The mail this afternoon brought the Telegramas usual and as usual did not bring the COURIER. Now why is this? Do youpublish your paper in time or does the Telegram use more energy thanthe COURIER? The appearance of the two papers do not indicate anything ofthat kind.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

R. S. Waddell and Sister take their departurefor the east Monday next.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Bliss & Blandon's mill grinds corn for twentymiles around and still is not crowded.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Judge Campbell thinks of moving to Winfieldsoon with the intention of residing here. We are glad to record this.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Mr. McMillen, of the firm of McMillen &Shields, was visited this week by his father from Ohio. Mr. McMillen willremain in Winfield during the spring.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

We learn from several of the children who receivedthe tickets, that our worthy fellow townsman, J. B. Fairbank, purchasedsome three or four dollars worth of the tickets to the Sunday School Concert,and gratuitously distributed them among the children of the city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Judge M. S. Adams of Leavenworth, spent a fewdays here this week. We hope he may like Winfield well enough to make ithis permanent home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Messrs. Blair & Towle of Eldorado gave usa call on Monday last. These gentlemen propose to locate in Winfield, anddo a mercantile business in line of the dry goods and groceries. We arepleased to welcome at any time such valuable acquisitions to our town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Fire. An extensive fire swept over several squaremiles of prairie immediately east of town last Thursday, doing a good dealof damage to farmers. It came from Timber Creek before a strong northeastwind. Messrs. Swain and Rice had their houses burned down, and Messrs. Matthewson,Thompson, and others, lost more or less fencing and hay.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

District Court. On Monday of this week courtconvened at this place, his Honor, Judge W. P. Campbell, presiding. We noticethe following members of the bar present from a distance: Hon. W. P. Hackney,from Sumner County; Judge M. S. Adams, of Leavenworth County; and Hon. JamesMcDermott, of Dexter, and C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

The Concerts given by the Sunday School lastThursday and Friday nights were very pleasant affairs. Mrs. E. P. Hickokand Dr. Egbert and Prof. Tyrrel were the leading adult spirits. Misses Blandonand Holmes presided at the piano, with taste and skill. Master Johnson,a lad of about seven years, was the star of the occasion. Mrs. Partingtonwas hard to excel. At the close of the second evening's exercises, a poemin memory of Mrs. D. P. Manning, composed and set to music, written by Mrs.E. P. Hickock, was sung in quartette very affectingly, Mrs. H. D. Robertsleading.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

For the information of your readers I wouldstate that travel across the bridge south of town has been stopped. It wasfound that the north abutment was not sufficiently strong to hold the fill,and Maj. Hobson, the contractor, has several men at work putting it in shape.The bridge will probably be ready for crossing early next week.

On behalf of the Township Board I would statethat as yet neither bridge has been accepted, nor will they, or the balanceof the money be paid, until both are put in shape to conform to the contract.The contractor realizes the fact and is acting accordingly.

J. P. SHORT, Trustee.

Winfield, March 26, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

Mr. Collins of Arkansas City passed throughtown this week on his way to his home from Washington where he has beenspending the winter in the interest of the Cattle Trail, Post Road, etc.,across the Indian Territory.

He reports his bill status quo, and says hehas the assurance that our present delegation will give all their influencefor its passage. Mr. Phillips, whose opposition to any and every measureaffecting the Indians is so much feared, says that a trail road not quiteso wide as that heretofore proposed would receive his support.

It will be remembered that it was Mr. Collins'effort to induce Congress to neutralize a strip 5 or 10 miles in width southwardfrom the mouth of the Walnut for a post and commer- cial road connectingour state direct with Texas.

When this is accomplished, and a Rail Road builtup the Walnut Valley for carrying the herds of Texas cattle, which wouldcome up this trail, we may hope that money will be more plenty and businesslively in our county.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.

WILLIAMS GAVE THANKS TO THOSE WHO SOUGHT TOMAKE UP TO HIM THE RECENT LOSS OF HIS HORSE. "You were guilty of payingme a genuine compliment in taking for granted that I had started for conferenceupon the day on which it was my express purpose to go; but an unexpectedchange came in upon my arrangements, and decided me to forego that privilegeand I am still here.


Winfield, March 22nd, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.


PROPOSITION: To take and subscribe for 1,500shares of capital stock of the Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company, of $100each, such subscription to be payable in the bonds of Cowley County 30 yearsfrom their date, and to bear interest of 7% per annum, payable semi-annually.Same items as before re depots, etc., as outlined in previous election.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,March 27, 1873.


1. Estate of Chillion Daniels, late of CowleyCounty, deceased, by Henry C. Fisher, Administrator.

2. Estate of Frank Bilsland, late of CowleyCounty, deceased, by S. A. Wier, Administra tor.

3. Estate of Jacob H. Fleener, late of CowleyCounty, deceased, by Aaron Fleener, Executor.

[April 3, 1872, edition of WinfieldCourier missing from microfilm.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873. Front Page.

Railroad Bonds.

Talking the other day with an old friend ofmine, who lives in Vernon Township, about Railroads; he made this objection:"My farm is now worth five dollars per acre; in a few years Railroadswill make it worth fifty dollars; it yields just as many bushels now asit will then, but it will be assessed more then than now; therefore, I amopposed to Railroads." My friend has 160 acres, at five dollars. Itis worth eight hundred dollars; at fifty dollars it will be worth eightthousand dollars. When it reaches fifty dollars, let him sell; put the eightthousand dollars in bonds at ten percent, or loan it to his neighbor ongood security at one, or one and a half percent per month. His income willbe eight hundred, nine hundred and sixty, or one thousand four hundred andforty dollars. Does his farm pay him now? An acre garden will furnish himall the vegetables he now raises, and his income will support him. Farmingis hard work. Living on an income is easy. Or he can go West, buy cheaplands, build Railroads, and do the same thing over again. Every additionalcompeting Railroad reduces freights. Five years ago I lived in Davis County,and after the building of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway, the graindealers in Junction City paid for wheat what it was worth in St. Louis,less the cost of shipment. Before the building of the M. K. and T., it costforty-seven cents a bushel to carry wheat to St. Louis; after being built,twenty-one, making a direct saving to the producer of twenty-six cents.

Assuring the average yield to be twenty-fivebushels per acre, every acre produces six dollars and fifty cents more thanit would have done, had the M. K. and T. Railroad not been built. How manyacres will it take to pay the additional tax placed on our land to CowleyCounty by the building of the Kansas and Nebraska Railway?

There will be enough saved on salt and groceriesalone in Cowley County to more than pay the tax; for goods can and willde delivered in the Walnut Valley for less than they are now in Wichita.When land in Cowley County arises to fifty dollars per acre, taxes willnot be as burdensome as they are now, for there will be ten times the taxableproperty to pay it. Many hands make light work. Many dollars make lighttaxes. It is the duty of every man who has the prosperity and developmentof our county at heart to vote for the bonds. R. J. S.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873. Front Page.

ROCK, KANS., April 2, 1873.

Our election for Township officers passed offquietly, resulting, as predicted some time ago, in the election of the entireRepublican Ticket. The vote polled was very light, doubtless owing to thesevere wind storm which prevailed during the grater part of the day. Earlyin the day a fusion ticket was placed in the field headed with the nameof L. B. Lamb for Trustee. Mr. Lamb is a good Citizen and a very worthyman, and although he may have been in the right church, the result showsthat the ushers (his friends) placed him in the "wrong pew." Theopposition candidate for Justice of the Peace, who was introduced as a manwho had been "picked up to run for squar" doubtless consideredhimself in poor condition for running, as he withdrew early in the day,distanced at the first quarter.

The friends of Mr. Lamb continued to peddlehis tickets until about two o'clock. When seeing so many of their favoriteballots go down not into the ballot box, but into the vest pockets of thevoters, they virtually gave up the contest on trustee, and turned theirbatteries against the regular nominees, for constable and road overseers.Mr. Grow's popularity as a public officer and also that of Mr. Williamswas clearly shown by the absence of opposition; while the sterling integrityof Mr. White is clearly proven by the almost unanimous voice of the people,re-electing him to the office of Trustee, against the strongest oppositionthat could be brought to bear against him.

"Thus endeth the first lesson." Weare satisfied with the moral taught. C. L. R.

[COL. A. M. YORK.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873. Front Page.

Col. A. M. York.

This individual, who has obtained so much notorietyin connection with the Pomeroy scandal in Kansas, is not a stranger to Tennessee.He served in the U. S. army in this state in the years 1864, 1865, and 1868,having been stationed at various times at Shelbyville, Bedford County, Springfield,Robertson County, and elsewhere in the country around Nashville.

He was at one time captain of company G, ofthe 15th U. S. colored infantry. This regiment was made up at Columbia,Shelbyville, and Springfield, Tennessee. Many of our readers will rememberthat about the time of the enlistment of these troops there were certainagents from Massachusetts in this state, enlisting colored soldiers to fillthe quota of that state. These agents received from $1,000 to $2,500 bountyfor each soldier so enlisted. Many of the soldiers of the regiment abovereferred to were enlisted as Massachusetts recruits, and were credited tothat state. The colonel and lieutenant colonel of the regiment were implicatedin these transactions, and were said to have received $500 for each recruitin their regiment so enlisted, and credited to Massachusetts. Captain Yorkwas author of the plot by which these officers were induced to take partin these unlawful transactions, and which resulted in their being court-martialed,convicted, and sentenced. Lieutenant Jackson to pay a fine of $25,000 orto be confined at hard labor in the penitentiary for five years; and Col.T. Jeff. Downey to be dismissed from the service.

At all events Captain York was the principalwitness against them; and after their removal, he was made colonel of theregiment. It was generally believed that he acted as a spy, informer, andprosecutor against them, in order to accomplish his own ambitious designs.He was looked upon as a smart, scheming, unscrupulous, and ambitious man,who stopped at nothing which could contribute to his success.

He had a brother who was assistant surgeon ofthe regiment, but was court-martialed and dismissed for bringing a prostituteinto the camp disguised in the uniform of a soldier, and who had been retainedfor some time as cook.

These are a few of the reminiscences of thecitizens of Nashville and vicinity in regard to this scheming adventurer.He was mustered outwith his regimentat Nashville, in 1866, and subsequentlywent to Shelbina, Missouri, where he established a newspaper; from thencehe went to Kansas, where his adroitness as a conspirator has given him anunenviable notoriety. Nashville Bulletin.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873. Editorial Page.

Many persons inquire to know how taxes can belower with a railroad built and the bonds upon us, than without either bondsor railroad. For the year 1872 the county tax was twelve mills on the dollar.This was raised off a property valuation in the county amounting to about$2,000,000. If a railroad is built through the county, it will result inincreasing our taxable property threefold, or to $6,000,000. A tax levyof four mills on the dollar would then create a revenue equal to twelvemills on $2,000,000. About the same amount of county expenses will be incurredin the administration of county affairs whether a railroad is built or not;whether our taxable property remains at $2,000,000 or rises to $6,000,000.Hence, the more capital there is in a county the less will be the percentof tax levy to raise a given amount of revenue. Now, to lay aside all otherconsiderations, such as convenience, civilization, moral, mental, and physicaldevelopment, and act upon the naked question of economy to taxpayers, webelieve that the showing is in favor of voting bonds and securing a railroadinstead of being against it.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Agent Stubbs has orders to remove the Kaw Indiansas soon as he can make the necessary arrangements. Get ready soon, Mr. Stubbs.

The Council Grove Democrat says, on authorityof Col. Stover, that the Kaw land appraisem*nt has been accepted and willbe advertised as soon as practicable.

Lawrence has been selected as the point forthe soldiers' re-union, which will take place sometime in May.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

A meeting was held at S. D. Grooms' in RichlandTownship, April 5th, to organize a Farmers Club. The following officerswere elected: N. J. Larkin, President; Robert Thirsk, Vice President; FrankCox, Secretary. N. J. Larkin, Frank Cox, and Dr. Phelps were appointed acommittee to draft a Constitution and By-laws to govern the Club.

The following Resolution was unanimously adopted.

RESOLVED: That we request our Township Trusteeto furnish this Club statistics of all growing crops, number of forest andfruit trees, number of rods of hedge set out in our Township.

They will meet next at Floral schoolhouse April19th, 1873, at 2 p.m.

N. J. LARKIN, Pres.

FRANK COX, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

The following important order has been receivedat Wichita.

WASHINGTON, D. C., March 17, 1873.

Register and Receiver, Wichita, Kansas.

GENTLEMEN. I am in receipt of numerous applicationsthrough your office, from settlers of the Osage trust and diminished reservelands, to prove up and pay for their claims, after the expiration of theyear from settlement, and allowed by act of July 15th, under which saidlands are sold. This question has been carefully considered, and you arenow advised, that I can see no objection to applying to the settlers onthese lands the same rules governing similar cases, elsewhere, to-wit: Wherea party fails to make his proof and payment within the time required, butdoes subsequently appear and offer such proof, and tender payment, the samemay be received if found satisfactory in other respects, Provided,no adverse right has attached to the land, and provided further,that they pay the 5 percent interest as required in the 2nd section, actof May 9th, 1872, when the claim is made under its provisions.

Of course, the settlers will understand thatif they allow the time to expire, they do so at their peril, for in allsuch cases a subsequent right, with full compliance shown, will defeat theoriginal claimant. * * * * Very respectfully, W. W. CURTIS, Assistant Commissioner.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

DEXTER, KANSAS, March 27th, 1873.

Today our winter term of school closed. It isthe first school taught in our new school- house, and a six months term.The teacher, Mr. S. F. Overman, has been very successful in his effortsto teach the "young ideas how to shoot," and has fairly won thegood opinion of all the parents and guardians, whose children have beencommitted to his care. Quite a number of the friends of the school droppedin to witness the closing exercises. No extensive preparation had been made,and no particular programme marked out.

Mentioned as participating in exercises: MissMellie Hightower, Miss Lebia Laplin, Miss Ella Rice. Prizes were given tothree of the pupils: Miss Mellie Hightower, Miss Laura Elliott, and MissMaggie Graham.

The school was dismissed by T. R. Bryan, SchoolDirector for the District. D. C.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Correct one item in your issue of the 3rd [THISEDITION WAS MISSING FROM MICROFILM ROLL], not material, except as it maymisdirect the efforts of justice.

Mr. Deming and his party were almost certainlykilled by Cheyennes of "Big Jake's" band. "Whirlwinds"camp was some thirty miles distant at the time.

The body of Mr. Deming was brought into townon Monday, the seventh inst. and buried. The others were buried where theyfell. The bodies were terribly mangled, and Mr. Deming was scalped.

The avowed object of the Cheyennes in committingthis outrage was to drive the surveyors from their work; in which plan theywere entirely successful. All, including the party of relief, have arrivedin town. A military guard is expected to soon arrive. Much sadness is feltby the friends of the deceased.

We rejoice to see that the COURIER is makingan earnest effort in behalf of the railroad bonds. A pull together willwin the day.

Everybody is busy. Peanuts are being planted.There is much movement in real estate, and prices are stiffening. A fineclass of settlers are now coming in with money in their pockets to buy outthe earlier claimants. We hear the shriek of the locomotive afar off.

I regret to learn from your local columns thattwo of our fellow citizens sold out an immense stock of beads, leggins,tomahawks, moccasins, and other warlike gear at your town the other day,and were compelled to borrow clothing to wear home. There is no reason inthe world why you fellows should don savage attire. You are sufficiently"on your ear" among yourselves already; no need of war-paint orscarlet breech-clouts. I propose that Waddell, Allison, "mr. jackson,""mr. bliss," "mr. saffold" and all the rest, includingthe sheriff and deputies, don this sanguinary garb and have it cut on thefair ground. It is likely that they would handle each other worse than "Oakes'scat" was treated. (You see jokes do travel!)


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Bill Anderson has returned.

Now is the time to plant pea-nuts.

Judge T. B. Ross is quite sick.

Maj. Durrow, the railroad man, arrived yesterday.

The 7th of April came down handsomelywith abig snow.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

The Mail Route between Wichita and ArkansasCity has been abolished.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

The Regular Republican ticket was defeated atthe City election last Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Hereafter Cowley County criminals are to beconsigned to a dungeon in Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Mr. Manning has about two hundred small softmaple trees to give away to his personal friends who want them. Call soon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Through Superintendent Wilkinson's efforts,Winfield was honored with the location of the Teachers Institute.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Prof. L. B. Kellogg, the "jack of all tradesand master of none," who lately flourished at Arkansas City, has removedto Colorado.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Mr. D. A. Millington will lecture before theteachers of the Institute on Wednesday evening next on the subject of "Astronomy."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

Spotted Fever (or Spinal Meningitis) has madeits appearance on Grouse Creek. About a dozen deaths are reported in thevicinity of Lazette.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

The Party that went out from Arkansas City toclean out the redskins returned without killing any. They report seeingseveral thousand.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

L. J. Webb, Esq., has purchased Wm. Boyer'sbook store and news depot. Webb will make it a popular resort if anybodycan. His enterprise and affability assure success.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

An awful (for this county) storm of wind andsnow came down from the north last Sunday night and Monday. "And coldas winter was the flow."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

The Ladies of the Baptist Society will givea social at the residence of C. A. Bliss Wednesday evening, April 16th.Music, refreshments, and a good social time is expected. All are invitedto attend.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

John Stroup, the horse thief who was shot inthe shoulder in the affray on Grouse Creek some weeks since, was taken possessionof by a party from Howard County, who said they were going to take him backfor trial. It is supposed that he never got to Howard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

The City Election passed off quietly, the "fusionists"winning by a large majority. We hope our Mayor elect will now go to workto settle the Town Site difficulty, and not blast the expectations of hisfriends and supporters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

The Township Trustees, twenty-one in number,in this county, should have made an annual settlement with the County Boardat its last meeting. At such time all the business affairs of the townshipare passed upon and approved or disapproved by the board. No such settlementwas made except by two or three.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

An event transpired in Judge T. H. Johnson'sfamily last Monday night that deserves mention. The Judge has a very fineMagee hog of the female persuasion that has been the charm of the neighborhoodand pet of the household from infancy. Its winsome ways and docile naturedrew many friends to its side, and was particularly drawing on the Judge.Under his tender care and yearning solicitude she has waxed from tenderpighood to matronly hoghood. As time sped apace she manifested signs ofmore than maidenly proportions; whereupon the Judge's anxiety grew withthe budding promise of his idol.

In the cold and snow of Monday night a pathwas beaten between the couch of the Judge and that of the pet in his watchfor events that had "cast their shadows before." The morning dawnedupon a mother and eight spotted children and joy reigned in all the household.During the day the newly elected Mayor and City Council waited upon theJudge and showered their congratulations upon him. The mother is doing aswell as could be expected and is to have a lot deeded her when they getflying round loose.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 10, 1873.

[For the Winfield COURIER.]
The Late Indian Massacre.

On the 19th of March, a band of Cheyenne Indiansattacked, and killed a party of surveyors, consisting of four men, of whichparty Mr. Edgar N. Deming, son of Mr. A. N. Deming of Arkansas City, wasthe compass man. Mr. Deming, being the leader of the surveying party, issupposed to be the reason why he was the only one of the party who was scalpedby the Indians. Mr. Deming was a promising young man, 19 years and 4 monthsof age. Immediately upon the report of this sad occurrence reaching ArkansasCity, a company of 32 men, well armed, went out to recover, if possible,the bodies of those who were killed, and bring them home for interment.The company found all the bodies near together, where they had fallen. Theybrought the remains of E. N. Deming home today, and he was buried here atone o'clock p.m., April 7th. There others were so mutilated to render removalimpossible, and they gave them a Christian burial where they had fallen.This was on the Cimarron River, about 150 miles southwest from ArkansasCity. Captain Turner's surveying party, who were near the same place, andthe mule supply teams have all come in safely without any loss. I was presentat the burial of E. N. Deming. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather,a very large number was in attendance. A. R. NAYLOR.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873. Editorial Page.

The Bonds Carried by 300 Majority!!

The latest returns from the various precinctsassure us that the bonds in favor of the Kansas and Nebraska Railroad havebeen voted by about three hundred majority. The company proposes to go towork at once, and expect to have the grading all done to Winfield beforethe ground freezes next winter. The company is perfectly able to push things,since they are backed by all the capital necessary to complete so vast anenterprise. Maj. Durrow, the energetic and whole-souled chief engineer ofthe road, will return to Junction City and put men at work upon the lineas soon as the votes are canvassed, and ere long the iron horse will wakethe echoes of the Walnut Valley.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

Town Site Suit Settled.

The following glorious news for the people ofWinfield was received by the Clerk of the District Court of Cowley Countylast Saturday.



To the District Court within and for the13th Judicial District, Cowley county, Kansas, Greeting:

WHEREAS, In a certain civil action lately pendingbefore you, wherein Enoch Maris et al were Plaintiffs and the Winfield TownCo. were Defendants, a Judgment was rendered by you in favor of the saidE. Maris et als on a transcript of which Judgment and record said WinfieldTown Company prosecuted a petition in error in the Supreme Court withinand for the state of Kansas.

AND WHEREAS, At the January term of said SupremeCourt, A. D 1873, on consider- ation of the said petition in error, it wasordered and adjudged by the said Supreme Court, that the said Judgment ofthe court below be reversed with cost, and the cause remanded for furtherproceedings, you are therefore commanded, that without delay, you causeexecution to be had of the said Judgment of the Supreme Court, accordingto Law the said petition in error to the contrary notwithstanding.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of said SupremeCourt, affixed at my office in the City of Topeka on the 9th day of AprilA. D. 1873. A. HAMMATT, Clerk.

Thus the vexed suit to set aside the deeds madeby the Probate Judge to the Winfield Town Company is now settled and everybodycan take hold in earnest to make Winfield what it ought to bethe queen ofthe Walnut Valley. We have never taken sides in this controversy becauseit was in the Courts and different persons had different views. Now thatMr. Maris is out of court with his suit, there is nothing in the way ofmaking a prosperous town of Winfield. The town company is also now in aposition where it can afford to be generous and pursue a policy that shallcontribute largely to the fullest development of the town.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

The Teacher's Institute of the 13th JudicialDistrict, convened at the Academy in Winfield, on the evening of the 15th.Superintendent Wilkinson was chosen chairman, and Mr. Walton, secretary.

The room was quite full; most of whom were citizensof Winfield. The attendance of teachers was not very full on account ofthe inclemency of the weather. The chairman stated that Mr. Parmelee, whowas expected to lecture to the meeting, was unable to do so.

Participants: Prof. Felter, author of Felter'sarithmetic, sent by State Superintendent McCarty; Major Durrow; Mr. Fairbank.

The following is a list of the names of Teacherspresent from abroad, who are in attendance at the Institute.

David Coon, of Douglass, Butler County; J. C.Fetterman, of Eldorado, Butler County; S. A. Felter, Assistant State Superintendentof Public Instruction; Ida Myres, of Augusta, Butler County; H. C. Snyderof Augusta, Butler County; John Tucker, County Superinten dent of PublicInstruction of Sedgwick County; Mrs. S. E. Dunhan, of Sumner County; Maj.D. W. Durrow, of Junction City.

The following is a representation of our owncounty.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Miss Tucker, IraD. Kellogg, S. W. Greer, Effa Randle, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Graham, MissMollie Bryant, and Maj. J. B. Fairbank, of Winfield; T. A. Wilkinson, CountySuperintendent of Public Instruction of Cowley County; Misses Hawkins andWorden, of Vernon Township; Miss Ida Daggett, of Floral Township; Mrs. W.E. Bostwick, of Winfield Township.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

Courier Office Removed.

THE COURIER OFFICE will be removed next weekinto the room heretofore used by the county as Courtroom and county offices.Remember the placesecond floor of Old Log Store building. Our friends arerequested to call and see us in our new quarters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

All of the city ordinances enacted by the oldcouncil took effect on the 15th inst.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

School will begin again next Monday. Rev. Parmeleeand Miss Tucker, teachers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

Dr. Egbert his removed his office to his newbuilding on Ninth Avenue, opposite Alexander & Saffold's law office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

The Social at C. A. Bliss is postponed due toinclement weather.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

J. C. Fuller has removed the old town companybuilding on the lot south of Maris & Baldwin. He proposes to finish*t up in neat style, suitable for a storeroom.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

The County Officers will take up their bedsand walkfrom the Old Log Store building to the second story of the old towncompany building.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

One McCullough, a horse thief who was caughtin the act of selling a stolen horse in Wichita, was taken out into thebrush along the Arkansas and lost. He ne'er will steal a horse again.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

The King Wrought Iron Bridge Manufactory andiron works, located at Topeka with a capital of $1,000,000, the largestand completest bridge manufactory on the continent, are preparing to furnishand erect all kinds of bridges. The King Wrought Iron Bridge and RailroadBridges are specialties. They also manufacture store fronts, window sillsand caps, and columns.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

Last Monday, Mr. Bellmire, the beer manufacturer,sent us a full eight gallon keg of beer. To say the least of it, is to pronounceit good, and we have been happy ever sincesalubri- ously happy. Mr. Bellmireis now manufacturing a very good article of beer, and he keeps on hand asufficient quantity to accommodate his patrons at any time. We also learnthat he has rented the large stone building situated half a mile south ofthe brewery, and that he will hereafter give a social hop on every Thursdayevening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

At the Meeting of the School Board today, itwas decided that the Winfield schoolhouse should not be used for any otherthan educational purposes.

The above decision does not affect the promisegiven to the Congregational Church for their next sociable. D. N. EGBERT,Jr., Dist. Clerk. Winfield, April 10, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

Requa & Bing's Clothing Emporium.

Mr. Bing of the above named firm came from theeastern cities last week, where he had been for some two weeks making purchasesfor the spring trade in Winfield. A large lot of the clothing, furnishinggoods, etc., which he purchased, came in this week via Independ ence. Allof these goods were purchased from first hands in Cincinnati by Mr. Bing.. . .

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 17, 1873.

Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners
of the County of Cowley, State ofKansas,
Held at Winfield, April 7th, 1873.

On canvassing the votes, the following townshipofficers were declared elected.

DEXTER: Trustee, J. A. Asbury; Treasurer, O.P. Darst; Justices of the Peace, T. R. Bryan and L. Lippmann; Clerk, D.H. Merydith; Constables, W. E. Rice and R. Gates; Road Overseer Dist. No.1, L. Bullington; No. 2, N. P. Rider, No. 3, J. D. Rice. . . . Skippedrest.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Col. J. M. Alexander started for Leavenworthlast Sunday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

The bricklayers are putting the finishing touchto the walls of the new bank building.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Friend Kirk is doing a brisk business at blacksmithingsince moving his shop nearer the center of business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Judge Jackson has moved the county clerk's officeinto the upper story of his building next door south of Davis' livery stable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

W. W. Walton has moved his office upstairs inthe District Clerk's office over the old log store.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Burt Covert after a two weeks' illness, is againperambulating the streets. We are glad to see you around again, Burt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Several noted dogs have left town, not havingthe necessary one dollar to pay their tax under the late ruling of our Cityadministration.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

The many new houses just erected on Meanor additionadd much to the appearance to the south side of our young City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Mr. W. W. Andrews tells us he intends burning500,000 brick this season. We hope he will have good luck for there willbe a demand for all of them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Fire! Fire! was the horrible cry that smoteour ear last Tuesday morning and all hands from the Editor to the "Devil"went pell, mell, down the street to assist, if need be, in extinguishingthe flames, but fortunately the fire was put out before it could do anydamage. The house is occupied by Mr. Suit, Esq., and is a one story stonebuilding. Our citizens cannot be too careful in guarding against fires inthis windy country.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

The Baptist Sociable was held at the residenceof C. A. Bliss last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss, Mrs. Jennie Tousey,and Spencer Bliss constituted a reception committee. The church will gainby $17.75.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Quite a little breeze occurred at the Thomasvilledance on Monday night last, in which there were several heads cracked andsome wild shooting done. It seems that a young man from up about Nenescahcame down there with the intention of running the dance, to which some ofthe boys objected, causing quite a disturbance. The proprietors of the Winfieldbrewery had hauled over a few kegs of lager to sell to the thirsty and havingtaken sides with the belligerents during the melee, the victors demolishedtheir entire outfit and sent them home in sorrow. Several of our young folksfrom town were in attendance but none were seriously injured, only a littlefrightened.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

For the railroad, stock and bonds, 1,165; againstthe railroad, stock and bonds, 874.

On motion the chairman of the Board was authorizedto subscribe for 1,500 shares of the capital stock of the Kansas and Nebraskarailroad, and to take such means as may be necessary for the printing andlithographing of the bonds. . . .


Winfield Courier, Thursday,April 24, 1873.

Substance of an Order Made by theBoard.

A contract was entered into by the Board, withthe City of Winfield; the latter to build a jail to cost not less than $2,500.00and the county to erect a court house and county offices, at the cost of$8,500.00 cash. A committee was appointed to get up a plan and specificationswhich, when affected by the Board, the County clerk shall publish a noticefor sealed proposals, for thirty days, in the Winfield COURIER and ArkansasCity TRAVELER.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Shenneman makes a good city marshal.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

The Methodist parsonage is making progress.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

John Patterson has bought the Sprague saloon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

The City Council charges three hundred dollarsper annum for a dram shop license.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Mr. Manning sold four acres of his land theother day at one hundred dollars per acre.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

S. C. Smith, Esq., of this place, drove oneyoke of his cattle upon the scales last week, and they lifted the beam at4,140 pounds.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

The attention of contractors is called to theplan and specifications for a courthouse, advertised in another column.

SEALED Proposals will be received by the Boardof County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, at the County Clerk'sOffice up to May 30th, 1873, at 1 o'clock P.M. for the construction of aTemporary Courthouse and county Office Rooms not to exceed in cost $10,000.Plans and specifications of the work and material to be seen at the CountyClerk's Office at Winfield, Kansas. The right to reject any and all proposalsis reserved.

A. A. JACKSON, County Clerk.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Judge Johnson sold ten acres of land in thetown site of Arkansas City for four hundred dollars, last week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Rev. Lowrey, the newly appointed Methodist ministerupon this charge, preached an excellent discourse to a full house last Sabbath.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

William N. Towner, an active witness againstSenator Pomeroy, in the Senatorial inves- tigation, is confined in the Topekajail on charge of bigamy. "Thus one by one the lilies fade."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

If you want to buy good lumber at reasonablefigures, go to the lumber yard of McClure & Co., in this place. Ouramiable friend, Billy Anderson, is the agent at this point, and will sellyou all the lumber you want.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Marshal Shenneman had all the boys in town helpinghim corral the dogs of the city. We wish the Marshal success in his newfield of operations.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Talk about your Junction City stoneWinfieldcan boast of the best stone in the whole country. We noticed the workmenon the new bank building sawing it into shape, and it seems to work equalto wood.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

KILLED. Frank Triplett, a brother of GoldieTriplett, once a resident of this place, was killed in a duel near Salinain this State. An exchange says:

"Both were young gentlemen of good family,and with every prospect of long and happy lives before them. At the secondfire Triplett fell dead, shot through the heart, and lived but a moment.Bates was shot through the shoulder the first fire, and through the lungsthe second, and cannot possibly recover. Triplett was a young man of unusualpromise, being something of a poet, an artist, and we believe was a graduateof law and medicine. Thus are two young lives cut off to satisfy a pointof honor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

We have just received a letter from D. W. Durrow,chief engineer of the K. & N. Rail- road, in which he tells us the nameof the road has been changed to the St. Joseph, Kansas & Texas PacificRailway.

This has long been a pet project with the peopleof St. Joseph, and by winning her interests brings to their aid some ofthe wealthiest capitalists of that wealthy city. By May 10th, active operationswill commence all along the line, and the Road will be pushed as fast asmen and money can push it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Parlor Saloon and Billiard Hall.

At an expense of upward $3,000, Manse Pickeringhas furnished and fitted out complete the finest saloon and Billiard Hallin this part of the state. He has leased the property known as the TownCompany building for one year, and the interior as well as the exteriorimprove- ments made on the building surpasses any like improvements in thecity. The second floor will be exclusively a billiard hall while the saloonand one billiard table will be kept on the first floor. Manse proposes toopen out tonight, in best style, and tomorrow evening he will give "FreeLunch," with music, etc. The thirsty are specially invited to calland partake of anything in the line of drink, and consequently feel happy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

30 Days Is as long as I can credit. Partiesknowing themselves indebted to me will please settle now or their billswill be presented. I shall settle up the 1st of each month.

L. J. WEBB. May 1st, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Last Thursday Evening we had the pleasure ofattending a social party at the Queen Village schoolhouse, on Timber Creek.The music was furnished by Sumner & Craine, and of course was firstclass. Proceeds went to help furnish the schoolhouse, which, by the way,is a model country schoolhouse, to erect which, the district voted, we believe,some $500 in bonds, and it would be safe to say that no house like it hasbeen built in the county for the same amount of money. The work was doneby Thomas Hart and Henry Mount.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 1, 1873.

Come and see the Brick yards north of town.I am prepared to make half a million bricks this season, or more if orderedearly. I will use a heavier and better Clay than used last season, willtemper and mold, on an improved plan. The brick will in every way be larger,and make a stronger, handsomer, and better wall than any brick that hasever been manufactured in the county. W. W. ANDREWS.

May 1st, 1873.

[Note: May 1 and May 8 editions devoted firstpage to a lecture on astronomy by D. A. Millington before the Teachers'Institute held at Winfield April 22, 1873.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The Town Site.

"We see from our exchanges that the impressionhas gone abroad that the Winfield Town site trouble has been decided infavor of the Town company. Now this impression went abroad from the mannerin which the COURIER spoke of the matter two weeks ago. It stated plainlythat the decision vested the title in the Town company. This was untrueand published in that sheet with the intention of misleading the public."Telegram.

The following is what we did say as clippedfrom the COURIER, and any honest man will see the difference between theTelegram and the truth.

* * *

"Thus the vexed suit, to set aside thedeeds made by the Probate Judge to the Winfield Town company, is now settled,and everybody can take hold to make Winfield what it ought to bethe Queenof the Walnut Valley. We have never taken sides in the controversy, becauseit was in the courts and different persons had different views.

"Now that Mr. Maris is out of court withhis suit, there is nothing in the way of making a prosperous town of Winfield.The Town company is also now in a position where it can afford to be generousand pursue a policy that shall contribute largely to the fullest developmentof the town."

Now where do we "state plainly that thedecision vested the title in the Town company?"

The suit is out of court. The "citizens"and Town company have it within themselves to adjust the difficulty in anamicable manner so that there may be an end to the strife and bickeringthat have thus far retarded the progress and prosperity of our town, andthe COURIER will always be found ready to advocate anything that will tendto that most desirable end.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The weather has been extremely hot, cold, wet,and dry for the last few weeks. The last few days augur more favorably forspringreal springone of the wags over this way thinks "dog-days"will bring warm weather. He may be mistaken, though, for it seems as ifall the signs known to the weather-wise will fail.

S. F. Graham has sold his farm near this place,with a view of moving to Texas. Several families are going with him.

The saw mill that was situated above Dexterthree miles has been moved up the river by the owners, French & Shriver.

The corn crop will be extensive. Hundreds ofacres are being put in by the "little farmer."

McDermott & Elliott is the firm name ofthe real estate agents at this place. They have had printed a circular onthe back page of letter paper a brief description of Cowley County, togetherwith a condensed history of its organization and progress. No better plancould have been devised to advertise the advantages of this county. Dozensof these circulars go in every mail to every part of the country, and Imay also say that their lists of lands for sale comprise some of the bestfarms of Cowley County.

Speaking of our mail, brings to mind the factthat its regularities consists mainly in its irregularity. JO KERR.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The annual meeting of the stock holders of theCowley County Agricultural society was held on Saturday last, at the officeof the Secretary.

228 shares were represented, and voted upon.

The reports of the former Board of Directorswere heard, and accepted.

The following persons were chosen directorsfor the ensuing year.

J. D. Cochran, W. W. Limbocker, W. K. Davis,H. Silver, E. Davis, J. B. Fairbank, Amos Walton, S. C. Winton, F. M. Schwantes,C. M. Wood, A. S. Williams, and J. R. Smith.

A. T. Stewart was chosen President, C. M. Wood,Vice President, J. B. Fairbank, Secretary, and J. D. Cochran, Treasurer.

Two committees were appointed to prepare andsubmit premium lists to the board of directors.

One, of the ladies; consisting of Mrs. Dr. Mansfield,Mrs. C. M. Wood, Mrs. J. S. Towsey, Mrs. A. A. Jackson, and Mrs. John Lowery,to submit a list for the ladies department.

The other committee, consisting of J. B. Fairbank,C. M. Wood, A. Walton, H. Silver, and W. K. Davis.

It was voted that the members meet May 5th,and plant trees on the fair grounds.

J. B. Fairbank, H. Silver, and S. C. Smith werechosen a committee to superintend the planting.

It was voted that the society meet Saturday,May 17th, at the fair grounds to repair the fence.

The assets of the society are in round numbers,$5,000.

The liabilities are about $2,400.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Sheriff's Sale.

W. T. Soden, et al ) In the District court forLyon County,

vs. ) Kansas.

H. B. Norton, et al. )

By virtue of an order of sale issued out ofthe District court, for Lyon county, Kansas, and to me directed, whereinW. T. Soden, E. R. Holderman, I. E. Perley, and J. S. McMillen are plaintiffs,and H. B. Norton and G. H. Norton are defendants, I will, on the 24th dayof May, 1873, at one o'clock p.m., in front of the court house door, inthe city of Winfield, Cowley county, Kansas, offer for sale, to the highestbidder for cash in hand for not less than two thirds of the appraised valuethereof, all the right, title, and interest of the Defendants, H. B. Nortonand G. H. Norton, in and to the following described real property, as followsto-wit:

Lot 19, block 44, lot 17, block 109, lot 14in block 17, lot 11 in block 116, lot 25 in block 53, lot 7 in block 9,lot 15, block 120, lot 21, block 110, lot 2, block 95, lot 30, block 136,lot 14, block 133, lot 5, block 124, lot 16, block 82, lot 15, block 51,lot 25, block 19, lot 26, block 151, lot 10, block 30, lot 15, block 39,lot 17, block 150, lot 18, block 86, lot 11, block 39, lot 13, block 17,lot 23, block 94, lot 10, block 116, lot 19, block 93, lot 15, block 131,lot 8, block 9, lot 16, block 120, lot 14, block 32, lot 1, block 95, lot29, block 136, lot 14, block 76, lot 18, block 104, lot 7, block 30, lot8, block 124, lot 3, block 54, lot 24, block 19, lot 25, block 151, lot21, block 82, lot 7, block 50, lot 16, block 39, lot 18, block 150, lot7, block 73, lot 20, block 138, lot 21, block 138, lot 14, block 113, lot10, block 32, lot 3, block 35, lot 9, block 101, lot 19, block 52, lot 13,block 113, lot 6, block 39, lot 4, block 25, lot 10, block 101, lot 20,block 52, lot 6, block 30.

All of said real estate being in the city ofArkansas City, county of Cowley, State of Kansas.

Said real property will be sold in obedienceto said order of sale.

Given under my hand at my office, in the cityof Winfield, this 15th day of April, 1873.

JAMES PARKER, Sheriff, Cowley County,Kansas.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Quite a number of strangers in town this week,among others we had the pleasure of a call from Judge M. S. Adams of Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The opening of Manse's last week was a veryfine affair; the music was by Kirby, Parmer, and Steinbarger.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

G. W. Martin's house is now ready for occupancy.We may expect soon to see a bird in that martin box.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The Rev. George Mitchell, Baptist Minister,will preach in their church Sunday next, the 11th inst., at 11 o'clock a.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Money to Loan at 12 percent per annum. Inquireof C. L. F. Johnson, Bradish House, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Corn, in Cedar Creek Valley in the southeastpart of the county, is three or four inches high, and the wheat and oatslook exceedingly well.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Judge T. H. Johnson has sold nearly all hisfine pigs at $10 apiece. Eighty dollars for the brood. Think of that farmersand see if it don't pay to raise good stock.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

As a fine bootmaker, our friend, G. W. Martin,has no superior in the state of Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

We are informed that the Christians will commencea protracted meeting next Saturday night at Taggerts Hall. The Rev. Cottinghamis expected to conduct the exercises.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Sociable. The sociable last Tuesday eveningat Mrs. McMasters was a very nice affair.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Our enterprising townsman, J. P. Short, hasjust finished hoeing his early rose potatoes, and expects to have them onthe table in a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Our genial friend, Charley Hays, has got backfrom Leavenworth where he has been visiting for the last few weeks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Suits have been brought in the United StatesDistrict Court to determine the rights of parties on the Osage Ceded Lands,as between railroad grants and settlers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The Modocs, who were to be so readily exterminated,have thus far killed three soldiers and officers for everyone lost upontheir side. Recently our troops were surprised by them and suffered greatloss.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The Citizens held a meeting last Tuesday totake measures looking to a settlement of the "Town site difficulty."This is a step in the right direction and we hope that ere long we willhave the pleasure of chronicling the fact that the work has been consummated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The Kansas & Nebraska railroad to whichthis county voted bonds recently has changed its name, and is now calledthe St. Joseph, Kansas & Texas railroad. The route through MarshallCounty has been formally abandoned, and it is now proposed to build fromSt. Joseph to Manhattan, Junction City, and the southwest. Wm. M. Fliess,of New York, is President of the re-organized concern.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

Kansas State Grange. We give, herewith, thenames of the officers of the Kansas State Grange of the Patrons of husbandry.F. H. Dumbauld, Master, Jacksonville, Neosho County; Joshua Bell, Overseer,Robinson, Brown County; G. W. Spurgeon, Secretary, Jacksonville, NeoshoCounty; H. H. Angell, Treasurer, Sherman City, Cherokee County; L. J. Frisbie,Steward, Girard, Crawford; J. A. Cramer, Lecturer, Lawrence, Douglass County.

J. J. Nixon of Vernon Township is appointeddeputy for Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

The Agricultural Society voted to plant treeson their grounds, and chose H. Silver, S. C. Smith, and J. B. Fairbank tosuperintend the same. Any person interested in the proposition, who maywish to take part in planting trees will, at any time, find someone of thecommittee ready to assist.

Stockholders, and others, are requested to meetat the grounds Saturday, the 17th inst., to repair the fence. J. B. FAIRBANK,Sec'y.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.

New Photograph Gallery. Mr. T. M. Concannonhas fitted up a Photograph gallery in Jackson's building, and is preparedto take your face as natural as life.

Mr. Concannon is an old artist, and will giveyou entire satisfaction.

Young man, go and get your picture and sendit to the "gal you left behind you," and young lady, have yourstaken also, and if you have no friends, give them to the printer. Look outfor advertisem*nt next week.

Wishes to inform the Citizens ofWinfield and surrounding country
that he has fitted up a
Fine Photograph Gallery

Where they can get any kind of a picture thatis taken in the East or West, and on the shortest notice. Pictures of absentor deceased friends copied to any size, and colored up if desired. Picturestaken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. After an experience ofover sixteen years and the largest side and sky-light in Southern Kansas,he feels no hesitancy in saying he can please all. Pictures taken in fromtwo to three seconds. Bring on your babies and have them taken while theyare in health.

Rooms East side of Main street in Jackson'sbuilding.

Instructions given in the Art on reasonableterms.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873.


To Whom It May Concern.

Know ye, that by the payment of three hundreddollars, I am permitted to retail intoxicating liquors at my saloon.

To the wife who has a drunken husband, or afriend who is unfortunately dissipated, I say emphatically, give me noticein person of such case or cases in which you are interested, and all suchshall be excluded from my bar. Let mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothersdo likewise and their request will be regarded; this is simply the sum andsubstance of the whole matter. I am licensed to sell whiskey and liquors,and I want it distinctly understood that I have no desire to sell to drunkardsand minors, or the poor and destitute. I much prefer that they save theirmoney, and apply it where it legitimately belongs, to their families. Thereare gentlemen, men of honor and money, who sport, and who can afford it,and with such and such only do I desire to exchange.

To this class my bar is opennone others needapply. For gentlemen of such style, I have fitted up a splendid saloon,and keep constantly on hand a full stock of all kinds of the best Winesand Liquors; including Milwaukee Ales and beers, California Catawba extrafine, and unanimously acknowledged as healthy and good for the promotionof health. To those who wish to trade with me and can afford it, come andI will treat you gentlemanly and courteously. Pay your cash, choose yourdrinks, go about your business, and it is nobody's business but your own.MANSE PICKERING.

Winfield, May 8, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 8, 1873. [From the Atchison Champion.]

Cowley County-Splendid Location-ExcellentWater-Populous-Educational Interests-Mills, Bridges, Fair Grounds-New SchoolBuildings and Churches-$10,000 Court House, and $2,500 School House on foot,etc.

WINFIELD, KAS., April 24, 1873.

Cowley County, Kansas, is the fifth from theeast line of the State, in the southern tier of counties. It is situatedmainly on the northern side of the Arkansas River, that stream flowing throughthe southwest portion for a distance of twenty-five or thirty miles. WalnutCreek flows through the central part of the western half, from north tosouth, emptying into the Arkansas about two miles below Arkansas City. GrouseCreek flows in the same direction through the east half, and empties intothe Arkansas within the "Cherokee strip." The country is otherwisewatered by Big Dutch creek, Little Dutch creek, and numerous other streams,fed by springs of excellent water; so that it is abundantly supplied withwater, and is quite populous. It contains about twenty-five hundred voters.We were not a little surprised to find so many and such an excellent classof people in this border county, blooming and beautiful as these bottomsare. There is also a thick growth of timber along the streams. The soilis excellent and all kinds of crops that are raised in this climate areraised here. The county contains 4,320 quarter sections of land, all ofwhich is suitable either for culture or grazing.

The city of Winfieldfor it was recently incorporatedas suchand the surrounding country is settled up by an enlightened and intelligentas well as enterprising people. It is much here as it is in the older settledStates.

Some idea of the interest they take in educationalmatters may be obtained from the number of schoolhouses they have builtwithin three or four years. Thirty-five are finished, and three are in courseof construction; of these thirty-eight, thirty-seven have been and willbeas soon as completedfurnished with the patent gothic desks, and seatsto correspond. There are also to be from thirty to forty additional housesbuilt in the county the present season.

A rock school building, forty feet square andtwo stories, with basem*nt, has been erected by the good people of Winfield.The furniture is of the best manufacture and latest improve ments. The buildingwill be heated by a furnace. The structure was finished in October last,at a cost of $5,000. The Teachers' Association of the Thirteenth JudicialDistrictembracing six countieswas held in this building last week, closingon Friday the 18th inst. Assistant State Superintendent Felter was in attendanceand greatly pleased the people, and all who attended were delighted withthe exercises.

An unusual degree of enterprise on the partof these people for so new a county, has been manifested in their arrangementsfor County Fairs. Near town, on the south, they have enclosed about twentyacres of beautiful ground with a good board fence, and furnished it withsuitable buildings. The half mile track is one of the finest we have seenanywhere. It is beautifully level and smooth. Last year they furnished twofairs, an agricultural and a horse fair. At the latter there was some ofthe finest trotting stock in the country in attendance, including the famousGoldsmith Maid.

Two very fine bridges of Baker's patent havebeen built by Hobson, of Wichita, across the Walnut, one a quarter of amile west of town, and the other three-quarters south.

We had the pleasure of a little drive aroundin company with Hon. L. J. Webb, to see the Fair Grounds and the two newmills, one just below the bridge on the west of town, and the other on anarrow peninsula a half mile south. The former is built of rock, three storieshigh. Two run of burrs have been put in, and it is the intention to addtwo more. It is run by water power. There is a splendid rock dam attached.Messrs. Bliss & Blandin, proprietors.

The building of the latter has been attendedby a marked degree of enterprise, in the construction of a tunnel one hundredand thirty feet in length, from the Walnut above to the same stream arounda bench, at a cost thus far of $5,000 or $7,000, and it will cost to completeit about as much more. The building is a three story frame, 24 x 36, andwill have a basem*nt in addition. One burr has already been put in, andit is the intention to add three more. Messrs. Koehler & Covert arethe proprietors. So that this community will have no want of good mills,as well as school facilities.

Churches also are not wanting. The Baptistsand Methodists have each a neat church in Winfield. The former is stoneand the latter frame. There are also organizations of the Presbyterian,Congregationalist, and Christian societies.

Besides, the County Commissioners have advertisedfor bids for the purpose of erecting a $10,000 courthouse. The propositionwas first made on condition the city would build a $2,500 jail, which theCity Council has accepted. We saw the plans and specifications of the courthouse,which is to be a two story brick, 40 x 50, with stone finish. The firstfloor will contain eight offices and a hall eight feet wide. The courtroomwill occupy the entire upper story, except space for the stairways. Thebonds have been negotiated; and the City Council have appointed a committeeto perfect plans and specifications for the erection of a jail at once.

The Kansas Nebraska Railroad, which is to interceptthe C. B. U. P. Road, is to pass through Winfield. Subsidies to the amountof $150,000 have been voted by this county to take that amount of the railroadstock.

At present daily stages of the SouthwesternStage and Omnibus Company run north and south from Arkansas City to Wichita.A tri-weekly line is also run to Independence (east) and the same to Oxfordand Wellington, west.

Winfield polls about 170 votes, which wouldgive it a population of 700 to 800.

Two newspapers are very well sustained, viz,the Winfield COURIER and the Cowley County Telegram. The former hasjust removed into more convenient quartersover the "Old Log Store"andhas a very fine office. This office does the county printing for L. J. Webb,to whom it was awarded. Jas. Kelly is the editor and proprietor. Allison& Steinberger are editors and proprietors of the Telegram, whichis a well printed, seven-column weekly, and has a good circulation.

Society here is excellent. It is like societyin the old States. Last evening, through the kindness of Maj. Davis, weenjoyed the pleasure of attending an exceedingly pleasant social party atMajor and Mrs. Davis' furnished suit of rooms in the Lagonda House. Mrs.Peyton, the landlady, from the old Buckeye State, was present; and Mrs.Davis, formerly of St. Joseph, and Miss Eudailey, from Kentucky. Messrs.Black and Byler entertained the company with very agreeable and beautiful,comical and sentimental songs and music, the latter upon the guitar, violin,and banjo. The music was highly appreciated by all, as well as the excellentlemonade and cake. To Mrs. Sprague, a genuine Massachusetts Yankee, theparty is indebted for many a good hearty laugh. R. A. H.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873. Front Page.

It is disgusting to see the Eastern papers crowdingin everything they can get hold of about "Wild Bill." If theyonly knew the real character of the man they are so want to worship, wedoubt if their names would ever appear again. "Wild Bill," orBill Hickok, is nothing more "than a drunken, reckless, murderous coward,who is treated with contempt by true border men, and who should have beenhung years ago for murder of innocent men. The shooting of the "oldteamster" in the back, for a small provocation, while crossing theplains in 1859, is one fact that Harper's correspondent failed tomention, and being booted out of a Leavenworth saloon by a boy bartenderis another; and we might name many other similar examples of his bravery.In one or two instances he did the U. S. Government good service, but hisshameful and cowardly conduct more than overbalances the good.

"Buffalo Bill" is a facsimileof the former. We have men on the border today whose names never have beenglorified in print, who would not disgrace themselves with this hero ofHarper,"Wild Bill." Arkansas City Traveler.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

[Skipped: A long editorial attacking Allisonof the Telegram.]

Answers to Correspondents.

JOHN MAC: Yes. It is generally understood thatAllison, of the Telegram, did try to get a hundred dollars out ofMajor Durrow, by promising to support the railroad bond proposition.


EDITOR COURIER: I have heard it rumored thatthe editor of the Telegram offered to sell to Maj. Durrow for "onehundred dollars" the support and influence of his paper in the recentrailroad bond election. I live in Winfield Township, am a farmer, and myname is not E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, etc.; therefore, I do not want Mr.Allison to accuse any of those gentlemen of writing this inquiry. I simplymake the inquiry in self-defense, as I always believed Mr. Allison to bethe friend of my interest as well as of other farmers in the county. I didsupport the bonds and I know he did not through his paper, therefore ifthe compromise of principle was offered at a price to Maj. Durrow, I andmany other readers of the COURIER and Telegram would be pleased toknow it. T. M.

Winfield Township, May 10, 1873.

[T. M.:Alas, for poor, weak humanity, and Mr.Allison of the Telegram in particular! We are afraid that it is tootrue. There can be no doubt that Mr. Allison did promise to support thebond proposition for a consideration, and that consideration was "onehundred dollars." Major Durrow refused to pay him his price, and hethen threatened to oppose the bonds.EDITOR.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

EDITOR COURIER: Upon last Wednesday, we acceptedthe invitation of a friend to visit your schools. We first called at MissTucker's room, and found that very amiable lady busy with the usual routineof business connected with the school room. Miss Tucker has charge of theprimary department, and is certainly well adapted to the position assignedher. Her room is well filled with scholars; in fact, she has more than anyone teacher should have in charge. The average daily attendance for thepresent term is nearly fifty pupils. I scarcely ever saw a brighter assemblageof little folks than is here gathered together in the school room.

Prof. Parmelee's room is on the second floor.His room is not so well filled, but is composed of the more advanced pupils.Mr. Parmelee is perfectly at home in the school room, and rules with easeand dignity. His illustrations are full and concise. I must say that I wasnot a little surprised to see so few advanced pupils attending school, yetthere is large daily attendance, and under its worthy management our educationalinterests must certainly prosper. Yours Respectfully, DE KN.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

The Only Obstacle.

The only difficulty in the way of a proper adjustmentto Territorial affairs is the indifference of the authorities, and the pressureof business before Congress. We trust that the Modoc war will remedy thefirst of these evils, and we are certain that a proper amount of persistenceand energy on the part of our people will overcome the East. Let Mr. Ingallsand Mr. Lowe learn that our people are fully in earnest on this point, andthe thing will be done.

In the single city of New York, there are vastnumbers of policemen constantly employed. How much more is such a forceneeded in the vast Indian Territory, occupied as it is by roving and savagetribes, and by desperadoes of every sort!

The Territory should be thoroughly guarded andpatrolled, to prevent the illegal traffic in whiskey and arms with the Indians;to keep them from fighting the whites and each other; to preserve orderamong the desperadoes thronging the great trails; and to make possible theexecution of civil processes in the Territory.

Surely the most strenuous advocate of the PeacePolicy cannot object to the proper use of force for the prevention of crime.

Our representations in the Legislature shouldendeavor to secure the passage of a joint resolution at the next session,memorializing Congress upon this point.

The Traveler has thus far taken greatpains to learn and publish the exact truth, though some mistakes have beenmade. We alike deprecate the do nothing policy, and the numerous lies whichhave created such a panic on the Border. Both are disastrous to our bestinterests. A proper presentation of the facts will win the day. ArkansasCity Traveler.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

J. P. Short is away visiting his friends atTopeka.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

Dr. Black, hailing from Des Moines, Iowa, publisheshis professional card in this issue.

AD: DR. BLACK (late of Des Moines, Iowa), PHYSICIANAND SURGEON.

Office in Jackson's Building.

Special attention given to all female diseases.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

A team belonging to Mr. Culbertson ran awaylast Sundayran into Mr. Martin's wagon while he was on his way to churchwith his family. The wagon was upset and a horse was thrown down. Nobodywas hurt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

We are under obligation to our enterprisingtownsman, H. P. Lacey, for a chunk of ice for the COURIER office. The boyssay that Mr. Lacey is a brick, whatever that may mean.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

When we said that Marshal Shenneman had allthe boys in town helping him corral the dogs, we had no reference to the"handsomest Editor in Winfield." If we had meant to include him,we would have said "Curr," instead of dogs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

The story started about Frank Triplett and anotherman fighting a duel and both being killed is, we are informed by GoldieTriplett, without foundation. No duel was fought and nobody was killed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

The mason work on the new bank building is finished,and we venture to say that it is one of the finest buildings in this partof the state. We hope more of our businessmen will manifest the confidencein our town shown by Messrs. Read & Robinson.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

Mr. Concannon showed us a patent stove pipethe other day of which he owns the right of sale. The joints screw togethersecurely, and the general construction of the pipe proves a decided advantageover the old style in use. He offers to sell the right of sale to anyonewanting the agency.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

We saw last week one of the largest hen eggswe ever saw, larger even than our boyish Easter-Sunday appetite would crave.We saw the egg at the drug store of A. H. Green. It is the property of Dr.Headrick. The egg weighed just one pound.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

Mr. McMillen, of the firm of McMillen &Shields, who has been east about six weeks, returned home last Sunday evening.While in St. Louis and Chicago, he made large purchases of dry goods andgeneral merchandise for his house in this place.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

A serious accident might have occurred on Mainstreet last Friday night. A horse running at full speed carrying MasterBen Bartlow came down 9th street from the east and turned up Main and runbolt against a hitching post and rail, breaking it square off, and throwingthe horse to the ground. The boy was unhurt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

C. C. Harris, Esq., one of the farmer boys ofschool district No. 21, and a member of the recently organized"Grange"of that district, came in Tuesday morning and subscribed for the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

We were shown a set of seats and desks for SchoolhouseNo. 48, that were the neatest and most complete we have seen yet. They arestronger and much more convenient than the other patents we have seen, andthe officers of Schools should look at them before they purchase any otheras they are much cheaper. Messrs. Rice & Ray are the builders, and areworthy of the patronage of the public as they are good workmen and willgive satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

Oxford Items.

Mr. Tell W. Walton of this place started forStevenson, Barbour County, last Saturday. He has been appointed Surveyorof that county.

Arrangements are being made to have a groundSunday school picnic at this place. The Sabbath schools of Winfield, Wellington,Belle Plain, Arkansas City, and Salt Springs will have invitations to attend.

The Press occupies the only stone buildingin this state West of the Arkansas River.

The farmers of this vicinity are still plantinglarge fields of cotton; they purchase the seed of Caldwell & Smith,who ship from Memphis.

Mr. Knapp, late Rev. of this place, lecturedto a full house last Sunday evening. Although the late M. E. Conference,held at Arkansas City, decapitated his sacerdotal cognomen, which preventshim from preaching, but does not prevent him from drawing a full house wheneverhe delivers one of his interesting lectures.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

The Ladies of the Congregational church willhold an Ice Cream Sociable at the residence of Capt. John Lowrey, Wednesdayevening, May 21st, 1873. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

MARRIED. All hands were made happy last Tuesdaymorning when we found two splendid large cakes on our table, the gift ofMr. and Mrs. Meanor, who departed this life a few days ago and launchedtheir bark on the boisterous and tempestuous sea of matrimony. We heartilywish our friend Meanor much joy in his "new addition to Winfield."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

We had the pleasure of attending the BaptistSociable last Tuesday evening at the residence of E. P. Hickok, Esq. [Heldout in the country...several wagon loads from Winfield went.] The afternoonwas spent in games of croquet and long walks through the shady groves "bythe riverside."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

We clip the following local items from the ArkansasCity Traveler.

Last week we saw some of the best salt we haveseen in this State, manufactured by Goff & Marshall, of Salt Springs,this county. These gentlemen have their vats in working order, from whichthey manufacture thirty barrels of salt per week, by evaporation only. Asmany more vats are being made, and they will soon be able to turn out twiceas much salt as at present.

Mr. Goff brought into this market yesterday1,000 pounds of beautiful crystallized salt. All the salt needed in thislocality will be furnished from the Salt Springs.

Adley Davis shot a pelican on the Arkansas Riverlast week, that measured 8 feet 8 inches from tip to tip of wing. It wasleft with Mrs. L. McLaughlin to be stuffed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.


At the City Bakery and Dining room. Tarrant'sis the place to get a good square meal. Fresh bread, pies, and cakes alwayson hand. He has also fitted up a Parlor. Call and see him and bring yourfriends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.


All aboard to see those nice new goods at theOld Log Store.

McMillen & Shields at the Old Log Storedefy competition in nice goods and cheap goods. Be sure and see themno troubleto show goods.

Double Rubber Bustles with which you can blowyourself up to the Double Grecian Bend size, or let yourself down to thecommon Russian Crook, at Old Log Store.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 15, 1873.

[Penciled note on 2nd page of paper: "S.G. Graham, Dexter, Ks. Uncalled for. Gone to Texas."]


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

After a very pleasant sojourn in your countyof nearly seven months, I am about to return to Indiana. I take this methodof expressing my gratitude for the uniform kindness and cooperation of myfriends in Winfield and the present proprietor of the Lagonda House, andtheir amiable and kind ladies; also of Messrs. Davis, Darrah, and Robinsonfor special accommodations afforded me in the way of travel. A. R. NAYLOR.

May 14, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

We are located about 16 miles northeast fromWinfield, on the upper part of Big Dutch. Most all the land is claimed.There are a few quite good quarter sections in this vicinity that are notsettled upon. Our soil is good; and in fact there is little of any otherkind in Cowley County. We have excellent water both in our springs and wells;and an abundance of stock water in our many streams. The health is good.Plenty of rain for the last few days.

Some of our farmers, who are keeping a few headof cattle, complain of the unjustness of the herd law.

We have the very best of stone for any purposein our many quarries. It can be obtained in the sides of the bluffs alongthe streams or by digging down in any of the ravines. This stone is of alight color and of a soft character, easily worked into any ordinary shape.

Mr. Willis Wilson has more land under cultivationthan anyone else in this immediate vicinity. One of his little boys fellfrom the fence a few days since, and put his arm out of joint, at the elbow.Mr. Wilson came here three years since with very little means, but by dentof hard and unceasing labor has become one of our well-to-do farmers. Hehas one of the best farms in the county and thoroughly understands how tomake farming profitable.

Mr. R. came from Iowa two years ago and hashad the ague a portion of the time. He is a man of unceasing energy.

Three of his children came with him, but theysoon came to the conclusion that Kansas was not the place for them and returnedto Iowa.

Mr. Dunn came here last July and bought a claimon the creek. He came from Jackson County, Kansas. He will soon have thewild prairie turned into a productive farm. He is accustomed to frontierlife and knows how to succeed.

Mr. Abner Willson is another of our successfulfarmers. He has planted near an acre of hedge seed and a bushel of peachseeds this spring, has his crops all on the way. His spring wheat lookswell. We are sorry Mr. Willson has not strength sufficient for his energy.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Shooting Scrape and Fighting Whiskey.

For some time past, one Henry House, residingon the strip, about five miles south of this place, who was formerly a residentof Kentucky, in company with some others, engaged in the manufacture ofsod corn whiskey. To evade the law, these gentlemen placed the distilleryjust over the Kansas line, in the Indian Territory. For several weeks, corn-mealwas trans- ported to the still and made into liquor of various kinds, rot-gut,40 rod, fighting whiskey, etc., and all went on very pleasantly and satisfactoryuntil on or about the 7th of April, when Wm. Magee, one of the parties,came after some of the fluid and found House drunk and abusing his wife.Magee requested House to go to bed and behave himself, to which he declined.Magee then insisted upon the latter retiring, when House, without any furtherargu ment or ceremony, brought the bottle he held in his hand in contactwith Magee's jaw, thereby breaking it, whereupon Magee proceeded to chastiseHouse in a very severe, yet scientific manner.

On the following morning young House proceededto the cabin of Magee, for purposes known only to himself, and finding noone but Magee's brother at home, began to make hostile demonstrations onthe property. Magee's brother, not exactly sanctioning his actions, lethim know how disagreeable he was by letting off four or five shots fromhis pistol, in the direction of House's person. One ball struck House inthe breast, making but a slight wound.

As soon as House was convinced that he was notwelcome, he started straightway for home, apparently as though he had pressingbusiness. He was not scared, as his friends told us he said he was not.He probably was not accustomed to the climate.

Almost one month the matter was kept a secret,until last Monday. Magee had House arrested for assault and battery. Houseplead guilty and was fined $5 and costs.

Arkansas City Traveler.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Capt. E. Davis started to St. Joseph on a businesstrip last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

W. M. Allison has gone to Atchison to attendthe editorial convention.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

S. D. Pryor, Esq., has gone to Illinois on accountof his health, where he hopes to regain it in a short time, provided "she's"willing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

O. N. Morris, successor to S. Darrah in thelivery business, has gone to Topeka after a complete stock of livery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

E. B. Kager of Arkansas City is here assistingMr. Sheather in the County Treasurer's office. He makes a No. 1 clerk.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Capt. Davis, the prince of liverymen, has soldan interest in his stable and stock to Mr. S. H. Fargo. Mr. Fargo seemsto take hold like he had "been there" before.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

The M. E. Church will meet on next Sabbath athalf past 9 o'clock, for the purpose of completing the organization of aSabbath School.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Mr. McMillen of Old Log Store notoriety, isnow receiving his household furniture preparatory to making this his permanentplace of residence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

W. C. Robinson, brother of M. L. Robinson, Esq.,was in the city the past week visiting his friends. Mr. Robinson is oneof the busy merchants of Independence, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

If you want nice fresh cocoa-nuts go to Ellis& Black's for them. "We know how it is ourself," for throughthe kindness of Mr. Ellis we tried them to our own satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

We had a call last Tuesday from Mr. J. S. Wooley,of Vernon Township, an old acquain- tance of ours and one of nature's noblemenagood farmer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

The Real Estate Record published monthly byWalton & Meigs, of Arkansas City, is a very neat record indeed. We hopeit may continue to visit us regularly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

We notice neighbor T. B. Myers on the streetdistributing "tracts," prior to the assessment of annual taxes.Beware, T. B., don't come this way, for we have a double barrel shot gunloaded with Vinegar Bitters for you, the moment you put your foot acrossour door sill.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Found. A satchel was found by me about the 15thof May, 1873, on the Wichita road, between Lazette and Timber Creek. Theowner can have the same by calling at my residence on Timber Creek, nearthe Omnia post office. F. W. BALDWIN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

The coolest thing we know of is Allison &Steinberger attempting to get the City Council to allow their bill of $5.00for printing tickets for the last city election. But thanks to the goodsense of our city fathers, for not allowing the "little bill."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Our worthy and enterprising townsman, J. C.Blandin, has just returned from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he has been to purchasethe machinery necessary for the completion of his mill. Oh, for at leastone dozen more Blandin's in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

To Claim Jumpers. Our efficient Surveyor, W.W. Walton, started yesterday to Floral to lay out a cemetery for the goodpeople of that locality. Those who want claims of that kind can jump onewithout risk of contest.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

We were favored with a call yesterday from Messrs.Scull & Michner, attorneys-at-law from Brookville, Indiana. These gentlemenare looking for a location and were favorably impressed with Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Mr. Everleth, the popular salesman of the OldLog Store, expressed from this place on last Monday to Portland, Maine,a live rattlesnake, measuring twenty-four inches in length and having fiverattles and a button. Mr. Everleth was solicited by a friend in Portlandto send him a specimen of the rattlesnake from this State, and we presumehe has expressed the first production of the season.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Our genial friend, M. L. Read, told us one ofthe "fishiest" stories the other day we have heard since the daysof Jonah. He drew a bucket of water from the well for his horses, and inthe water was discovered a member of the finny family quite two inches inlength. It was as bright as a new made dollar, and had a striking resemblanceof the sun perch. Mrs. Read gave it a cosy little home in a glass jar filledwith water, where it was kept for two days and then set at liberty againin the bottom of the well. Mr. Read indulges the belief that he has justdiscovered a specimen of the "first run of shad" from a subterraneanoutlet, which if properly attended to during the season, will establisha first-class fishery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

Farewell Dear Bob. It is with overflowing sorrowof heart that we make this faint attempt to bid a last adieu to our staidfriend and old boon companion, C. R. Mitchell, who fearless of all futureconflicts and uncertainties, has rashly dashed his "little canoe"upon the surging waters of matrimony, and took unto himself for the remainderof his earthly days an amiable spouse.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

A Bloody "Mill" was fought one daylast week between two of our most prominent attorneys, while conductinga "case" before his Honor, D. A. Millington. First, the lie wasgiventhen the d__n lie, and so on ad infinitum. That style of fight wasdropped, and books were gently handed from one to the other. Tiring of books,as many do, they took not to their heels, but to their fists. The "bigun" let fly his left "manly," when it was handsomely stopped,and the "little un" handed him one on the left peeper. This seemedto demoralize the "giant" some, but he came up smilingly for roundNo. 2. This round was something like the first, except that it put a "head"on the fight. Unfortunately we were not present, and of course have to drawa little on our imagination, however, it is in the main correct.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

A splendid set of light buggy harness and onesaddle for sale by J. C. Fuller, cheap for cash.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 22, 1873.

SUDDEN DEATH. We learn of one of those verysudden and mysterious deaths of which once in a great while we see mentionmade through the press of the country. Mr. Beaver, a very aged gentleman,living with Robt. Rogers of Beaver Township, retired to his bed on lastFriday night apparently in the enjoyment of perfect health, and was in ashort while afterward discovered by some member of the family to be dead.He made no complaint whatever before retiring, and certainly must have diedfrom some mysterious, though fatal attack, without a struggle.

And however strange it may appear, this incidentis also coupled with the sad story of the above: The deceased had ownedwith pride for many long years a faithful old horse, and was keeping himin his latter days from pure kindness of heart for the good service he haddone in the past. The good old horse ate his corn and hay in the eveningas usual, and lay himself down to rise no more. Upon opening the stabledoor next morning, he too, was found cold and stiff, having died apparentlywithout a struggle.

A more singular or mysterious death than isrecorded in this short notice, it has never befell us to chronicle.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873. Front Page.

ROCK, KANS., May 25th, 1873.

The copious showers and the warm growing weatherof late, have produced an astonishing effect on growing crops, grass, etc.A large breadth of winter wheat, which early in the spring bid fair to bea failure, is now looking well and will make an average crop. We are havingless than the usual amount of sickness this spring, cases of bilious fever,etc., being rare.

I am pleased to chronicle the convalescenceof Mr. Anderson Houser, who has been lying very ill of spotted, or spinalcerebro fever, but thanks to a strong constitution and the skillful treatmentof his attending physician, Dr. Graham, his recovery is placed beyond adoubt.

C. L. R.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

The commission sent to the Red Cloud agencyto prepare the Indians for the building of the Northern Pacific railroadreport that they have seen a number of representative Indians and whites.If they are not decidedly hostile, they are constantly opposed to the project.They want no white people, other than trades, on their lands.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

The Modocs are out of the lava beds, say ourdispatches, and their trail indicates that they are on their way to jointhe Pin River Indians. In a few days a reconnaissance party of soldierswill go stumbling onto them in the lava beds, and twenty-five or thirtyof them will get killed again.

Skipped: Editorials re Telegram (Allison/Steinberger)getting city printing, trying to get $10 from railroad representative, tryingto get $5 for printing from city that was denied. Also articles re T. B.Ware, Vernon Township, who was creating controversy.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

Mr. Norton received a letter from Prof. L. B.Kellogg, late Principal of the State Normal School, dated Golden City, Colorado,May 17th inst., containing information that Mrs. Abbie G. Kellogg, his wife,died at that place on the 15th inst., and that he will go to Illinois, andperhaps to Massachusetts with his little children, after which he will returnto Arkansas City.

Prof. Kellogg left Arkansas City a couple weekssince, with his family, to spend the summer in the mountains for the benefitof Mrs. Kellogg, who had been in poor health for some time. The sympathiesof a large number of our citizens will be enkindled in behalf of the bereavedhusband by the above announcement. Mrs. Kellogg was a faithful wife, andgreatly attached to her husband, always ready to sacrifice her personalcomfort and enjoyment to his interests. We have a vivid recollection oftheir starting from Emporia two years ago for their new home on the border,and considering the position they filled in society here, we could not butadmire the devotion of a woman, who crowding into a rough wagon, filledwith household goods and her little ones, would take the lines and drivean imperfectly broken pair of colts, her husband on horseback following,to a new home on the borders of an uncivilized Indian Territory.

To many who have made such journeys to a newcountry, this circ*mstance may appear trivial, but in days to come therewill be some at least who will find immense comfort in the contemplationof those days when a wife and mother, educated, and accustomed to socialand refined associations, willingly surrendered her own comfort that inthe future herself and family might enjoy the rich blessings of an honestearnest sacrifice. Emporia Ledger.

Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg were old residents of thiscounty, and will long be remembered by the old settlers of Arkansas Cityand Winfield. Mrs. Kellogg was an estimable lady, and the news of her deathbrings a pang of sadness to the hearts of her many friends in Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

W. C. Webb has filed in court a petition fora mandamus on the secretary of the interior to compel him to issue landpatents for certain lands in Kansas. This land is a part of the Osage cededland, and it is said that this case is a test one in which two or threehundred thousand acres are involved.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

Wheat is heading rapidly in this vicinity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

All of the varieties of vegetables are now cominginto market.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

We learn there is a movement on foot to organizea farmers' "Grange" in Beaver Township.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

Major Durrow gave us a friendly call Mondaylast. He reports our railroad prospects away above par.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

Capt. McDermott, our worthy representative,paid us a visit this week. Also, Dempsey Elliot, Esq., Mac's partner inlaw and real estate business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

Lew. Jewett was in the city this week, representingthe wholesale grocery house of Long Bros. in Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

Our genial friend, A. H. Green, has receivedat his drug store a very fine Soda fountain, and is now dealing out thecooling beverage to the thirsty.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,May 27, 1873.

The dam of Messrs. Bliss & Blandin's fineflouring mills at this place was washed out last Sunday. This was one ofthe finest pieces of masonry in the country, and built at an enormous cost.The cause of its giving way is no doubt owing to the fact that the westend of the dam was not completed in its circle as it was intended to befinished.

The high waters of the Walnut for the past tendays have done considerable damage to crops on the bottom lands, and ifit continues to rise another week as it has the past, it will be decidedlydisastrous to farming prospects.

P.S. Since writing the above the Walnut hasrisen several feet and it is believed by the oldest settlers to be higherthan ever seen before. Messrs. Bliss & Blandin will, as soon as thewaters fall, begin the work of rebuilding their dam.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873. Front Page.

SOUTH HAVEN, Sumner Co., May 25, 1873.

The town site of South Haven was selected andlaid out by the Meester Bro's., in 1871, since which time they have foughtthe battles of a frontier town, unaided by the great civilizera countrynewspaperuntil their own county has reached its present state of prosperity.

The town is located on a splendid tract of prairieupland, between the creeks of West and Middle Shoo Fly, being fifteen milessouth of Wellington, the county seat of Sumner County, and four miles northof the state line.

In the vicinity of South Haven there is a classof farmers who for downright industry and close attention to their homeinterests, cannot be surpassed in any locality. Nearly every claim has anoccupant and in almost every direction can be seen a breaking team turningover the sod, preparatory for the fall crops.

The town has three first class country stores.Hunt & Hunt, late of your city, are the proprietors of the largest andbest business house in the place. They carry a heavy stock of dry goods,groceries, boots and shoes, queensware and provisions. The Captain is anold Kansas merchant and gives general satisfaction.

Sain & Co., are doing a thriving businessin the drug line. Gee & Butler are hard at work shaping the horse shoeor sharpening plows for the sturdy farmer. Col. Hunter is the proprietorof the Hunter House, and is always ready to tender his best bed and choicestfood to the weary traveler for a fair consideration. The inimitable JakeMusgrove, one of the old members of the order of "I. O. M. B's,"of Winfield, is here doing a good trade in the hardware line, large salesand small profit is his motto.

There is to be a large schoolhouse built onthe town site during the present season, the foundation of which is alreadylaid, and the lumber is on the ground to complete the building. The upperstory is to be used for a Lodge Room by the Mason and Odd Fellows.

There will be a tri-weekly stage running throughhere from Arkansas City to Caldwell, on and after the first day of July,i.e., leave Arkansas City one week and try to get back the next.

Several of the farmers of South Haven Townshipare extensively engaged in sheep raising. Mr. Hamilton probably has thelargest herd in Southwestern Kansas, numbering between one and two thousandhead. MORE ANON.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The blackbirds are taking up corn in this vicinityquite rapidly. Mr. L. B. Bullington living north of this place had thirtyacres unearthed in a very short time by the merry war blers. He had to plantthe whole field over again.

The drouth is "played"the rain didit. Vegetation is growing luxuriantly; grass is boot- top high, and wheatand oats are making a splendid growth. Most of the wheat over this way willmake twenty-five bushels to the acre, if the rest of the season proves favorable.

Mr. J. R. Nichols living near here has a threeyear old heifer which produced two calves the other day. They are exactlyalike, red in color, are of the female persuasion, and are good large calves.If they live and do well, they will be taken to the Fair this fall.

Considerable ground will be broken this year.A great many breaking teams are now kept busily at work. There is much truthin the belief that if the present rate of improvement goes on for a fewmore years, Cowley will be one of the best improved counties in the State.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The County Commissioners met in the County Clerks'Office. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.

Proceeded to select a location for the Courthouse.After due consideration of the different propositions submitted, it wasdecided to locate the building on South one-half of Section 169, the WinfieldTown Association deeding the same to the County.

Proceeded to open the bids for building theCourthouse. Nine separate bids were received, ranging from $6,550 to $8,000.The Contract was awarded to the lowest bidders, Messrs. Bailey & Sloan,of Rock Township, and they were given till Tuesday to produce their bondsmento qualify in double the amount of the bid.

Ordered that the Treasurer cancel $2,000 inCo. Warrants.

Ordered that the money in the Co. Treasury belongingto Windsor Township on account of license be drawn on order.

A. H. Green appeared and asked to be releasedfrom W. M. Boyers' official bond as the Justice of the Peace granted. .. .


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.





Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

Captain Davis will have the finest residencein the city when completed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The high waters are still on the rampagemorerain every other day.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

There will be services at the Baptist ChurchSunday morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching by the Rev. Mr. Platter, PresbyterianMinister.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

L. J. Webb has just received a new lot of thechoicest Havana cigars.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The ladies of the Congregational Church willgive an Ice Cream Sociable next Wednesday evening at the Lagonda House.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The many friends of Mrs. L. J. Webb will bepleased to learn of her return to Winfield. Her eastern visit must havebeen of a very pleasant nature, as she is now the picture of perfect health.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

We had the pleasure of a call from Dr. Walmsleyof Ninescah, accompanied by John Guyman and John B. Noffinger. These gentlemenare old citizens of Cowley, genuine Republicans, and good fellows.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

O. N. Morris, the Liveryman, has returned fromTopeka. He brings with him some fine livery stock for his stables in thisplace. He also brought his family back with him and will make this his futureplace of residence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The glass for the front of M. L. Read's Bankhave been received and when they are put in, the finishing touches willbe about completed. The glass are six feet ten inches high by four feetfive inches wide. There are few buildings in this part of the state thatpresents the general appearance or that have cost more than this.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

A chase after a buffalo will come off at BellePlaine on the Fourth of July. A buffalo cow recently captured at that placewill be offered as the prize to the first man who can catch her with horseand lariat. This will be a splendid opportunity for the "fast"riders of Winfield to try their hand.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

We were shown a copy of the Coffeyville Courier,published by White & Chatham, Coffeyville, Montgomery Co., Kansas. Thelatter gentleman is a nephew of our esteemed fellow citizen, Judge T. B.Ross.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

J. H. Miller, Esq., of Richland Township, broughtto our office last Saturday either the petrified neck and head of an antelopeor the most perfect formation of rock representing an antelope, we haveever seen. Fifty cents will admit anyone to our "what is it" show.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

We had the pleasure of a drive with our friend,John Farris, the gentlemanly and accomplished clerk of the Bradish House,last Monday evening across the "divide" to the Arkansas River.John drove a pair of superb sorrels belonging to the extensive stables ofDavis & Fargo.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

Returning. Parties who went from this portionof country to Texas have mostly returned. Their object in going was to obtainemployment and make money more rapidly than here. They failed in both, andare content to stay at home in future "and see the thing through."Those who still remain are complaining of miserable water and hot weather.We know that some of them consider Kansas a more pleasant place to livein than Texas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

We received a correspondence from Upper Dutchgiving in detail the results of the recent storm up there, but in some wayit has become misplaced and we are deprived of its use.

We learn, however, that Edward Deland was theprincipal sufferer in that vicinity, his house being blown to pieces andhis wife seriously injured by a falling timber. The other members of thefamily escaped with but slight bruises. A great many out-houses were blowndown, and some stock injured, but aside from this, we have heard of nothingmore serious.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The County Commissioners last Saturday actedupon the county building matter, and designated the square in the east partof the city, which was tendered the county by the Town Company, as the blockupon which shall be erected the county buildings. Messrs. Bailey and Sloanwere awarded the contract for the building of the courthouse, and stepswill be taken by them immediately to begin the work.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The other day a saloon keeper of this placepounced upon and severely mangled and bruised an inoffensive man while quietlytransacting business in a law office, then rushed before a magistrate, wascomplained of by a friend for assault and battery. The plea is guilty. TheJustice of the peace without any knowledge of the aggravation of the offense,and possibly desirous of knowing nothing, imposes a fine of $2.50. Hereis an offense, perhaps meriting a year of imprisonment, that is atoned bya fine of $2.50. We don't know which to condemn most; the assault of theman on Bihlmair, or the outrage of the magistrate upon law and order. Howlong shall these things be?

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

At a meeting held last week in the Methodistchurch by a number of our citizens, it was resolved to have a celebrationof the 4th of July at Winfield. A committee consisting of A. A. Jackson,E. S. Torrance, and James Kelly was appointed to correspond with Oratorsfor the occasion. We want to meet our friends from the country, and unlesswe do something they will goas many of them did last yearto Oxford, Lazette,and other places.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

We notice from our Washington exchanges theappointment of the following persons to first class clerkships under thegovernment.

In the Second Auditor's Office: James W. Brady,John H. B. Beck, and Edward W. Newman, Md., True L. Norris, Mass., Prof.George B. Vashon, D. C. Captain R. E. Mansfield, of Richmond, Virginia,Virginia, has been promoted from clerk to head clerk of the Washington andWeldon railway post-office, he having passed one of the best examina- tions,under the civil service rules, on record in the Post Office Department.

Capt. R. E. Mansfield is a son of our fellowcitizen, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, and by the compliment paid him in the abovenotice it is to be inferred that he is a collegiate scholar and a worthygovernment official.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

The New Courthouse and Jail.

Through the kindness and courtesy of our capableDeputy County Clerk, Mr. J. P. Short, we are enabled to give our readerssome idea of the new Courthouse, that is to be. The building is to be 40x 50 feet; two stories high; the lower story 11 feet high in the clear;the upper story 13 feet high; hall 8 feet wide, running entire length ofthe building, with doors opening into rooms, eight in number on either side.At the head of the stairway, which runs from the main entrance door in thehall, are two small rooms which may be used for Jury, hat and cloak room,etc., or if necessary, can be added to the courtroom by folding doors. Thecourtroom proper is 37 feet 4 in., by 34 feet 10 in., in the clear, lightedby two large 4- light windows. The building is to be built of brick witha stone foundation. The contractors are Bailey & Sloan. The buildingis to be completed by November 1, 1873.

In connection with the above we understand thecity has procured lots in the rear of the courthouse on which the City Fatherspropose to locate the Jail.

Altogether it is a very desirable location,and we hope the contractors will do a good honest job; one that will bea credit to themselves, and a benefit to the county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 5, 1873.

There will be a special examination of teachersheld at Winfield on Saturday, June 14, 1873. T. A. WILKINSON, County Supt.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873. Front Page.

The Modocs Captured.

Applegate mansion, Clear Lake, California, June1. This morning the troops at camp in Langell's Valley were divided in severalparties and sent out to scout for the fleeing Modocs. Just as the scoutingparty left the Modocsthe present captives with the exception of Boston Charley,Hooks Jim, Steamboat Frank, and Shocknasty Jimwere sent to the ranche ofLieut. Laylor of the 4th artillery, with a small detachment of men.

LATER. 3:30 P.M. A series of prolonged yellsand cheers aroused the camp from a pleasant siesta. Half an hour after thedeparture of my courier, Gen. Davis, Gen. Wheaton, and other officers, andall the men marched from the house and tents to find the cause of the uproar,and at once the whole camp was in commotion.

Down the lava plain north of the house was awhole cavalcade of mounted horsem*n. "Captain Jack is captured,"shouted a sturdy sergeant, and again the valley echoed with cheers and yells.The mounted party was that of Perry. He had returned from a scout of 23hours. Three miles above the mouth of Yellow Creek, at 10:30 this morning,the Warm Spring Indian scouts struck a trail and after a brief search Modocswere discovered. Col. Perry surrounded the Indians' retreat, and his menwere bound to fight. Suddenly a Modoc shot out from the rock with a whiteflag. He met a Warm Spring Indian and said Capt. Jack wanted to surrender.Scouts were sent to meet Jack. He came forward and held out his hand tohis visitors; then two of his warriors, seven children, and five squawscame forth and joined in the surrender. Jack is about 40, is 5 feet 6 incheshigh, and compactly built. He has a large and well formed face, full ofindividuality. Although dressed in old clothes, he looks every inch a chief,and does not speak to anyone. The Modocs are grouped in the field near thehouse and surrounded by a guard of spectators. They peer into Jack's facewith interest, but he heeds them not. He is still as a statue.

The San Francisco Bulletin gives thefigures, obtained from official sources, of the troops engaged with theModocs. These number, all told, 20 officers and 480 men. Deducting the menrequired for escort and guard duty, the fighting force is reduced to 500.Add the Warm Spring scouts, and the aggregate force in the field is 458.These figures will correct the erroneous impression of the force now existing.Thus far in the campaign, from Nov. 29, 1872, to May 7, 1873, our loss hasbeen 71 killed and 67 wounded.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873.

Deputy U. S. Marshal S. S. Peterson, of Parker,Montgomery County, Kansas, has just made official return of the State Warrantissued against James Stewart, one of the horse thieves who killed U. S.Marshal Parker on Grouse Creek last winter.

It will be remembered that the last heard ofStewart was when he broke jail in Missouri, and from there no trace of himcould be found until Mr. Peterson, with his four years active experienceon Kansas borders, took the matter in hand and traced him through, foundand captured him in Iroquois County, Illinois, on the 21st day of May, ultimo.Stewart is now lodged in jail at Emporia awaiting his trial at the Julyterm of our court.

John Stroup, the horse thief that was woundedat the same time Parker was killed, was taken from the officers by a posseof armed men and hung in Howard County, a few days after the fight occurred.

Thos. Davis and John Tussey have not yet beencaught, but with Marshal Peterson like a blood hound on their trail, theymay yet expect a speedy capture and the just retribution that so surelyawaits them.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873.

C. L. Rood, of Darien, gave us a friendly call.Mr. Rood stands second to none in the role of school teachers in our county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873.

Rev. Mr. Platter, our new Presbyterian minister,preached a very able sermon at the stone church last Sabbath.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873.

Work on Bliss & Blandin's mill dam is goingahead rapidly, and but a short while is required to complete the job. Theyhave not lost half a days' grinding by the high waters.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873.

Our genial friend, McMillen, of the old logstore, was made happy one day last week by the arrival of his family fromOhio. Mac makes this his future place of residence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873.

The Masons of Arkansas City will hold a basketpicnic at Endicott's grove the 24th. All Masons in good standing are invited,with their friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873.

Mr. Yule, living one mile north of town, whilegetting corn out of his crib to feed his horses on last Friday night, wasbitten on the left wrist by a rattlesnake. Mr. Yule imme- diately jumpedupon a horse and came into town, and had his hand treated by a physician.He is now doing well, although his arm is considerably swollen yet.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 12, 1873.

Wheat. W. W. Walton brought into the officeon last Tuesday some of the finest wheat we have seen in the county. Heplucked the heads from a forty acre field belonging to Mr. C. S. Smith,who lives seven miles west of town in the Arkansas River bottom. Mr. Smithhas 22 acres of May wheat and 18 of Mediterranean, besides quite a largefield of spring wheat. The winter wheat was sown on corn stubble and plowedin with a turning plow last September, and the yield from present indicationswill not be less than thirty bushels per acre.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

DIED. TUCKER. At his residence in Winfield,Cowley County, Kansas, June 4th, 1873, Mr. N. T. Tucker, aged 59.

Mr. Tucker was born near Hartford, Connecticut,May 2nd, 1814. At the age of 8 years he removed with his parents to ErieCounty, Ohio, where he remained most of the time for 48 years. There hebecame a member of the Presbyterian church, and lived a devoted Christianlife. During this time his parents, brothers, and sisters were all calledfrom the scenes of earth by the pale-faced messenger of Death, and he wasleft to mourn, and to suffer many misfortunes. Suffering much from bodilypain as well as bereavements in his own family circle, yet he bore it allwith meek submission, exhibiting a spirit of Christian faith and child-likeconfidence.

In November, 1870, he immigrated with his familyto Kansas, hoping that the change might be beneficial to his health. Buthere, too, tender ties were severed. The joy and delight of his decliningyears was taken from his embrace, and the combined weight of mental andphysical pain bore him down with increased rapidity.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

In regard to the Courthouse award, it was ascertainedthat the county must pay its indebtedness in warrants, and that bids forcash could not be legally considered and the whole proceedings were setaside and an order made that sealed bids for erecting the Courthouse accordingto the plans and specification on file in the Clerk's office would be receiveduntil 2 o'clock p.m., the 11th inst., and the County Attorney was directedto inform the former builders of the order made.

Adjourned until 11th inst.

11th inst. Board met as per adjournment.

All present: proceeded to open bids for Courthouse.Three bids were read, and the contract was awarded to Messrs. Stewart &Simpson, at $9,000 in scrip, their's being the lowest bid to give bondsin double the amount of the bid, and the sureties to qualify in double theamount of the bond or for $36,000.

Messrs. Stewart & Simpson returned withtheir bond, and signed the contract. The sureties to the bond then qualifiedin the sum of $75,000. Bond approved.

Board adjourned until regular meeting of July7th, 1873. FRANK COX, Chairman,

A. A. JACKSON, County Clerk, Per J. P. SHORT,Deputy Clerk.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

Prairie chickens are reported to be more abundantthis season than for many years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

"Richard himself again." The ParlorBar, which, owing to a "little unpleasantness," was for a shorttime closed, has opened up once more, and Manse is again prepared to waitupon his numerous customers with anything in the drinking line.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

Mr. J. W. Johnson, the popular furniture manufacturer,has built him a new shop, and moved into it, on the east side of Main St.,three doors south of the Post Office, where he will be pleased to greetold and new customers, and fill all orders in his line of business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

Our efficient County Recorder, Mr. J. F. Paul,and his lady, returned to Winfield this week. Mr. Paul has been in St. Louisabout two months under the treatment of skilled physicians for the recoveryof his eye-sight, and we are pleased to note the improvement effected.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

S. D. Pryor, Esq., has returned from his easternvisit and certainly bears evidence of kind treatment while away.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

New Law Firm. It will be seen by reference tothe law card of L. J. Webb, Esq., that he has associated with him in thepractice of the profession Mr. J. C. Bigger of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Biggerbrings with him the highest testimonials of his proficiency as a well readand enterprising young lawyer, and the new firm under its two wise heads,will no doubt share a large portion of the public patronage.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

The Winfield Cemetery Association have purchasedgrounds about one mile northeast of Winfield and have laid the same outfor a cemetery. The lots are now ready for sale. Mr. J. H. Lund and Mr.J. D. Cochran constitute a committee for selling them. The matter of a properplace where the "dust shall return to the earth as it was," isone of great interest to every community. It is hoped that the people ofthis town and vicinity will, without delay, take steps for beautifying andornamenting these grounds.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

The County Agricultural Society have their premiumlist completed. The time for holding the exhibition has been fixed for Sept.16, 17, and 18. No effort will be spared to make the fair a complete success.The premiums are liberal and cover every department of industry. The presidentof the society, M. A. T. Stewart, would like to make some arrangement withsome person or persons to repair the fence around the grounds.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

A regular "old time" Celebration ofthe Fourth of July will be the order of the day in Winfield. Speakers forthe occasion have accepted invitations to be present, and Sumner, Howard,and Butler counties are invited to be present and participate with us inthe grandest celebration ever witnessed in the county. We expect to seefive thousand people on the grounds. The fair ground will be properly arrangedby building a rostrum for the speakers, and an arbor with seats for theaudience. Not the least attraction of the day will be the grand races ofthe afternoon. Messrs. Davis & Fargo have several blooded horses thatwill fly around the track to the amusem*nt of everybody, while there areseveral other persons preparing horses for the occasion. A basket dinnerwill be spread at noon, and eating, drinking, and merriment will sway thehour.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

That "Old White Hat" is here again.It is not the one worn by the illustrious philosopher, but the same oldhat that M. B. Mathews wears, who is the founder of the popular IndependenceCommercial Nursery. This nursery has long felt the need of a good agentin Winfield, and Mr. Mathews has succeeded in securing the right man inthe right place to take charge, as agent, at this place. Alonzo Howland,the well known and popular clerk at the store of C. A. Bliss, where he willtake orders for all kinds of nursery stock, and warrant their delivery inhealth and good order. Call on Mr. Howland and leave your orders.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 19, 1873.

Mr. J. G. Titus, having bought the meat shopof Myers & Miller, has fitted it up in the best of style and he is nowprepared to supply Winfield with the best beef the county affords. He hasa large farm south of town on which he keeps his stock, and thus he is enabledto sell cheaper than the cheapest. Give him a call.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

The Salt Springs Manufacturing Company are turningout over fifty bushels of pure white salt each week, which is used exclusivelyby parties in this section of country.

Dixie, the new town laid out on the State linefour miles south of Arkansas City, is about defunct.

We propose to show at the next County Fair thatCapt. Chenoweth of this township has as fine a lot of stock hogs as anyman in this county, Judge Johnson's celebrated swine family to the contrarynotwithstanding.

Mr. Beal living in the extreme southwest cornerof the county has just finished plastering his house with "gypsum"quarried from his own farm. He first pounds the stone up into small particlesand pours warm water over it, then stirs it up until it is of the thicknessof paste, or mortar, after which, with an ordinary trowel and lime brush,he applies it to the wall. Only small quantities can be mixed at a time,however, as it dries so rapidly, yet the surface doesn't crack, remainingnice and smooth, equal to the finest plaster paris finish. How long willit be until Sumner and Cowley Counties will be using gypsum or plaster paris,made from their own quarries and mayhap have some to ship east besides.

Our bridge toll in going from here to the Cityand back is the most grievous burden we have to bear. Everytime we wanta box of matches, or a bar of soap, we have to pay from 25 to 50 cents forbridge fare, yet a majority of the voters of the two townships at the lateelection declared that the bridge should not be free. At Oxford the tollfor a two-horse team is 35 cents, here it is 50 cents; why is there thisdifference?

Some of the farmers have been having their landsurveyed preparatory to breaking their hedge rows.

We know nothing about "Granges" here.We have too much hard work to do fighting our open and acknowledged enemies,the weeds, without banding together and attempting to annihilate an invisibleenemy, a railroad monopoly that has yet to be organized. BOLTON.

Bolton Township, June 20, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

Cliff. Wood has harvested his wheat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

The races on the Fourth are all the talk justnow.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

J. C. Fuller is now on a visit to his friendsin New York.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

Joseph C. Blandin has purchased a half interestin the mill of Koehler & Covert.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

We are under many obligations to Mr. C. A. Blissfor bringing our ink from Wichita last week. Mr. Bliss will please acceptour thanks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

The work on the County buildings have begunin earnest. The excavating preparatory to laying the foundation is justabout completed, and the work will go rapidly on.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

The "Parlor Bar" is sailing undernew colors with Triplett "at the wheel." Lovers of billiards shouldvisit his pleasant rooms where they can have a quiet game and get any styleof fluid comfort in the business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

MARRIED. W. L. Mullen has at last went and gotmarried. Finding in Winfield no congenial spirit, he remembered the objectof his youthful affection away off in Illinois. Thither he hasted on thewings of love, and now they are in Winfield smiling lovingly hand- in-handacross the boisterous matrimonial sea.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

Our wide awake friend, L. P. Paul, has movedhis stock of groceries, Queensware, etc., into the new store room on thecorner of Main and 9th Avenue. Paul is not only scriptural by name but byprecept, and his many friends and customers will now find him at his newstore very pleasantly situated, and prepared to sell, as usualvery cheapfor cash.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

The following is an invitation sent to one ofour best young men, from Shoo Fly, this week.

SOUTH HAVEN, June 23, 1873.

Mr. Ned Perkins: The company off yourself andlady are respectfully invited to attend a hugging "bee" to begiven at the Poodle House tomorrow evening.

There is surely a mistake somewhere, forNed ain't that kind of a boy!

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

Palpable Negligence. More palpable negligenceof duty of office we have never seen than that of Marshal Shenneman allowinga regular round of assault and battery to be witnessed upon our streetswithout the least interference upon his part. The enraged mother absolutelyjerked the little vixen clear of mother soil and spanked its "gibssheet" in the gentle breeze, and there sat our moody Marshal chucklingat the scene. Oh! for a change.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

A picnic was held at Stansberry's Grove on theWalnut River last Friday by the patrons and School of the Blanchard district.This is the school taught by Mrs. Mina Hawkins, who as a teacher, has fewsuperiors in the county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

The citizens of Winfield, in pursuance to aprevious call, met at the Methodist church this evening to take into considerationthe subject of appropriately celebrating the 4th of July, 1873. Col. J.T. Quarles was chosen chairman, and J. C. Lillie Secretary. The variouscommittees appointed by a former meeting were read and approved. The onlyprincipal question before the meeting was the selection of appropriate groundsupon which to hold the celebration.

It was resolved to prepare an arbor with seatsand rostrum for speakers, in the nearest and best adapted grove for thepurpose. The races, as heretofore advertised, to come off at 3 o'clock p.m.upon the Fair Grounds of the Cowley County Agricultural Society.

Officers of the day were chosen as follows:Chaplains, Rev. J. B. Parmelee and Lowry. Reader of the Declaration of Independence,Byron A. Snow. Marshal, Col. J. T. Quarles. Orators, J. B. Fairbanks, Hon.Jas. McDermott, J. W. Scull, Esq.

It was ordered by the meeting to prepare groundsfor the accommodation of 5,000 people.

COL. J. T. QUARLES, Chairman.

J. C. LILLIE, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

Go to Con.'s Gallery for pictures of the Kaws.He succeeded in taking several of them as the noble red men passed throughhere. For sale cheap. Send them to your friends east.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

Diaries for 1873, for sale at Webb's for lessthan cost.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.

Money to loan on real estate security. JOSEPHREQUA.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,June 26, 1873.


All stock on which there remains unpaid assessments,30 days from date will be forfeited.

By order of the Board. J. M. BENBROOK, Secretary.

Tisdale, June 21st, 1873.

Skipped: Editorial by James Kelly in July3, 1873, issue re problems he had with attorney Sam D. Pryor while Kellyserved as clerk of district court. Evident someone lied of journal entryfor judgment in the case of Swain vs. TarrantJudge Campbell presiding.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

We need a number of good crossings on Main Street.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

Marshall Shenneman had plenty of business onhand last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

Our County Superintendent has the finest barouchein the county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

E. B. Kager has gone to Topeka to make his annualsettlement with the State Treasurer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

Scull & Michener have removed their lawoffice into one of the rooms in Read's new Bank Building.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

We return thanks to Mrs. John Curns for someof the finest red beets we have seen this season, raised in her garden.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

The Silver Cornet Band of Winfield have recentlygreatly improved in several pieces of new music they are preparing to playon the 4th.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

T. N. Concannon, Esq., was made extremely happythe other day by the arrival of his wife and little boy, who have been Eastduring the spring. Con. has been wearing a "grin" on his faceever since, broader than a Georgia flap-jack, and can walk faster and straighterthan any other man in town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

Manse Pickering is surely indomitable. He haspurchased another entire new outfit of bar fixtures, billiard tables, liquors,cigars, etc., and opened out in regal style in his old stand on East MainStreet. He has had an extra choice lot of wines and liquors, and extendsa cordial invitation to his old friends and patrons to call and "takea smile" with him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

The high winds of last Monday night blew downand completely demolished the houses on the Fair Grounds of the Cowley CountyAgricultural Society. The storm raged here for about three hours, and considerabledamage was sustained in different parts of the county by the blowing topieces of out-houses and breaking and throwing down of corn and wheat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.


The following marriage licenses were issuedout of the Probate Judge's Office for the month of June.

William A. Hart and Lydia A. King.

James Barton and Bettie Van Meter.

William S. Hunt and Mary L. Grimes.

C. H. Bing and Sarah A. Lanier.

J. A. L. Williams and Emma L. Williams.

William Dougherty and Mary J. Cramer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

The assessed valuation of property in townshipsin the county, on which the taxes for the year 1872 remain unpaid June 28th,1873, is as follows:

Beaver tp $ 2,899 Rock Creek $ 4,721

Bolton 4,386 Ninescah 4,098

Cedar 3,242 Silverdale 740

Creswell 9,461 Tisdale 10,341

Dexter 1,398 Vernon 4,954

Pleasant Valley 2,652 Winfield 20,049

Richland 493 Windsor 1,285

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

Through negligence we omitted a notice callingattention to E. W. Perkins' advertise ment. We always take pleasure in speakinga word in favor of our patrons; and in this instance, it is true to saythat Mr. Perkins is one of the reliable and stable men of Winfield. Hisstock of lumber is quite complete, and large additions are being made everyweek. All who favor Ed. with their patronage may expect to receive the fullbenefit of the money invested. You can buy lumber at his yard on Main Streetcheaper than you can at Wichita and haul it to this point.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

New Restaurant. The St. Nicholas opened outin fine style yesterday. Messrs. Myers & Miller set out one of the bestand most substantial dinners that it has been our fortune to sit down tofor a long time. They fed eighty hungry mouths and all went away utteringhigh encomiums on the good taste displayed by these gentlemen. The St. Nicholassupplies a want long felt in Winfield. Their room is under the new BankBuilding. It is a marvel of neatness and convenience. We would advise allwho need anything to eat, to give them a call as they are gentlemen whodeserve patronage.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

List of Jurors Drawn for the July Term of Court.

I. F. Newland Winfield Township

V. Baird Winfield Township

A. Ray Winfield Township

A. B. Gardiner Winfield Township

Morgan Tullis Tisdale Township

E. P. Young Tisdale Township

S. S. Majors Bolton Township

S. L. Ward Bolton Township

Wm. Sartin Otter Township

T. W. Bough Otter Township

Philip Stout Ninescah Township

Willis Wilson Ninescah Township

J. P. SHORT, Deputy Co. Clerk.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.


Pictures of Indians and Indian camps, at Con.'sGallery for sale. Go and get some and send them to your friends east.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 3, 1873.

The Grand Caravan, which conveys the goods ofL. P. Paul, arrived at his new store on the corner of Main and 9th Avenue,nearly opposite the old log store, on the 19th inst. His many friends andpatrons are now invited to call and see him.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

RECAP: Grand march at 11 a.m., with at least2,500 in march to the speakers' stand. Rev. Lowery invoked blessing; ByronA. Snow read Declaration of American Independence; John B. Fairbank, Esq.,delivered oration. After lunch: address by D. C. Scull, speech by Hon. JamesMcDermott, benediction by Rev. J. B. Parmalee. March again taken up. Latein the evening a balloon ascension took place. Funny thing: fireworks notmentioned.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

A call was made by the following from VernonTownship for a committee meeting of Republicans: Wm. Bonewell, C. S. Smith,Henry Pennington, T. B. Ware, J. Cromer, John McMahon, W. G. Pennington,W. L. Pennington, Wm. L. Cromer, E. L. Walker, J. S. Wooley, H. L. Benedict,D. L. Walker, and F. McMahon.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.


CLARK - ABBIE. At the residence of G. C. Swasey,in Vernon Township, by him, on the 3rd day of July, 1873, Mr. Franklin B.Clark to Miss Lucinda Abbie, both of Vernon Township, Cowley County, Kansas.

ROBERTS - COCHRAN. By the Rev. E. P. Hickok,July 3rd, 1873, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Roberts,Jr., to Miss Rosa J. Cochran, all of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

THOMASVILLE, KANSAS, July 5th, 1873.

Club met at early candle light. Recording Secretaryread minutes of last meeting. Called the roll of officers. All present exceptA. K. Jinkins and Harvey Dwyer, Directors. Reception of new members. Someeight or ten applicants were admitted.

N. C. McCULLOCH, Corresponding Secretary.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

Messrs. Requa & Bing, our suburban clothingmerchants, have moved into the city, and taken very pleasant quarters inthe storeroom formerly occupied by Read's bank. Bing says he "got tiredof country life."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

John T. and Archie Stewart have returned fromCarthage, Missouri, and bring with them their families, with the intentionof making Winfield their future place of residence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

Col. J. M. Alexander showed his familiar facein our sanctum yesterday, after several months absence in Leavenworth. TheCol. looks well, and we welcome him back to Winfield where his presencereminds us so strongly of old times.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

M. B. Mathers has been here and traveled throughCowley Co., and expresses himself so well pleased with the present and futureprospects of the county that himself and partner have decided to purchaseground near Winfield where in a short time the planters can purchase homegrown stock from this enterprising firm. Alonzo Howland is taking theirstock grown at Independence.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

Our city was visited on Monday by C. I. Scofield,Esq., U. S. Attorney for the District of Kansas, and W. H. Rossington, Editorof the Commonwealth. Mr. Scofield is on a tour of inspection of thesouthern part of the state, the object being to give greater efficiencyto the administration of justice in sections where hitherto infractionsof the United States laws have been of alarmingly frequent occurrence, whilearrests and convictions have been the exception not the rule. Mr. Scofielddeserves the thanks of the people along the border for his energetic effortto establish security for person and property. Mr. Rossington is travelingfor recreation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

The ball given at the Lagonda House on the nightof the Fourth by Messrs. Webb & Jackson was a very brilliant affair.There were fifty or sixty couples present. The supper was furnished by Mr.Peyton, proprietor of the Lagonda.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

The Silver Cornet Band of Arkansas City, composedof as genial a set of boys as ever lived, came dashing into Winfield onthe 4th, fully equipped with their instruments, and with willing heartsand hands to assist "our boys" of the Winfield band in carryingout the programme of the day.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

RECAP. Thanks are given to the efficient officersand various committees appointed to carry out the programme on the Fourth.Col. J. T. Quarles was Marshal of the day, assisted by James Kelly, Esq.,and W. M. Allison.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

We take pleasure in noting the completion ofM. L. Read's new bank building. The contractors, Messrs. Stewart & Simpson,deserve every credit as experienced mechanics, as this piece of their workwill fully testify. The material used in the construction is an extra qualityof limestone rock for the foundation, and also used in the walls of thebasem*nt. The main building is of brick structure, and exhibits as finean appearance exteriorly, as any brick block in the eastern States. Thefront has iron columns to support it, and the window sills are of whitelimestone rock and are capped with the same. The folding doors at the entranceare magnificently constructed of fine material, and grained and finishedin modern style; while the large windows on each side of the door will beone solid glass, French plate, 4-1/2 feet in width and 9-1/2 feet in height.

The appointments of the building consists ofbasem*nt full size of building, which is now occupied by Messrs. Miller& Meyers in the restaurant business. The second floor is exclu sivelyoccupied by the bank, and has attached every convenience desired in a bankinghouse. The third floor is cut into rooms for office purposes, and is occupiedby Messrs. Scull & Michener, attorneys; Messrs. Pryor & Kager, attorneys;J. F. Paul, Esq., County Recorder; John Curns, City Clerk; T. A. Wilkinson,County Superintendent; and E. B. Kager, Esq., County Treasurer. The buildingis completely occupied, and its interior, in point of finish and adaptionto the business for which it is used, is not excelled by a like structurein any city.

The business energy and willing dispositionso liberally manifested by Mr. Read to invest money in our town since hebecame a citizen, endows him with the respect and confidence of the wholepublic.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

Miss Mary Stewart desires to give instructionon the Piano. She will give lessons at her place of residence or at theresidence of the pupil, if desired.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

The St. Nicholas Restaurant is just now thegreatest attraction in the hotel line in the city. It is no doubt one ofthe best appointed Restaurants in the State, and fills a want long feltin our city. Messrs. Miller & Myers, the gentlemanly proprietors, doeverything up in splendid order, and their style of keeping a well suppliedtable will draw them all the patronage they want.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

Removed. Messrs. Requa & Bing, Winfield'spopular clothing merchants, have removed their extensive stock of clothingfrom their old stand on lower Main street into the storeroom one door northof the Post Office. They look very comfortable in their new quarters, andtheir stock of goods show off to much better advantage than they could bemade to appear in the old storeroom. Their old friends and patrons are requestedto call at the new storeroom, and take a peep at things as they now exist.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 10, 1873.

Those fine specimens of fruit that we saw theother day were from H. M. Swasey's Home Nursery, where he propagates andhas for sale all varieties of Orchards, Small Fruits, Forest and OrnamentalTrees, Shrubs, Evergreens, Hedge Plants, etc., which he will sell as lowas the lowest. He has appointed G. C. Swasey, of Vernon Township, as hisspecial agent for Cowley and Sumner Co.'s. With the unlimited experienceG. C. has had in the Fruit Department, we are satisfied he will give entiresatisfaction.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

Married. PAYNE - LOKEY - In Winfield, onthe 16th day of July, A. D., 1873, by the Hon. T. H. Johnson: Isaac Payneand Susan Lokey, both of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

GERTIE. Daughter, and only child of S. L. andM. E. Michener, died Monday morning, 14th inst., aged 7 months.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

Board met in Co. Clerk's office July 7th, 1873.

Present: Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, and O. C.Smith.

Dr. Headrick appeared to have his assessmenttaken off the rolls, as his land was not properly entered until after thefirst of March 1872. Upon his statement the board refused to act.

Changes were made to property of Phoeby Smithof Omnia Township.

J. M. Alexander appeared and protested againstreceiving the assessment rolls of Winfield Township from T. B. Myers ashe had not returned his rolls as required by law, and also that he was anon-resident. In the above matter the Board received the assessment rollsof T. B. Myers and await for the Attorney General's opinion touching saidcase. . . .


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

Bert Covert has returned from Emporia.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

We are sorry to learn that Judge R. B. Saffoldis quite sick at the Bradish House.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

A land office receipt belonging to Emma F. Hallwas found on the street. The owner can have the same by calling at thisoffice.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

Old Wilson Shannon is speechifying for the settlerson the Osage and Cherokee lands. If the settlers had a poor case heretofore,they have a hard case now.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

Republicans of Omnia Township: Wm. H. Gillardwas elected Chairman, and J. M. Jenkins, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

The St. Nicholas, under the new bank building,is now in full blast, and if you happen to be hungry that is the place tofill up, as Miller and Myers fully understand the art of catering to thewants of the hungry.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

We are made happy this week with the presenceof our jolly friend, E. S. Bedilion, in this office. He is filling the placeof the Deputy District Clerk, W. W. Walton, who is in the east part of thecounty this week on a surveying expedition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

The Catalogue at the old log store under thecontrol of Mr. Everleth has added one more cat to the list. McMillen Jr.has started a dog-main opposition. They both deserve the support of theirfriends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

Our ice wagon has changed hands. Our formerdriver has given out. Mr. Stewart now holds the reins, and is prepared todeliver ice to any part of the city every morning, as will be seen by hisadvertisem*nt in another column.

AD: ICE! Keep cool. From and after this dateMR. STEWART will deliver ice every morning in any part of the city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

The County Clerk canceled some $1,700 worthof School district Bonds, last week. Cowley County School District bondscommand the very highest price in the eastern markets. This speaks wellfor the school management of our County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

Several enterprising boys had the public wellcleaned out the other day, but not a day before it needed it. They tookout old hats, boots, cats, rabbits, rats, hoopskirts, bottles, buffalo robes,ague, billious fever, cholera, dysentery, and a variety of other diseasestoo numerous to mention.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 17, 1873.

Lewis Jones, who was confined at this placefor the past 5 or 6 months for the killing of M. Donnelly, at a picnic nearthe double-beech, in July last, was released last Monday on giving bondsin the sum of $5,000, for his appearance at the September term of the CriminalCourt. His sister, Mrs. Susan Turner, is surety. Kentucky paper.

It will be remembered that this is the sameLewis Jones who shot and killed Frank Bilaland at the Lagonda House lastwinter and who by some defect in the law could not be punished here.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

Charley Black has come home again.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

Mrs. Concannon has been very ill for severaldays, but is now convalescent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

Charley Hays has bought the lumber yard formerlyowned by E. W. Perkins.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

We notice the return of E. B. Kager, who forthe past few weeks has been visiting old friends in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

BIRTH. Bedilion was made happy the other day,by a little "incident" that happened in his family. It is a girl.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

A water mill is now being erected on the Grousenear the mouth of Plum Creek 2 miles north of Dexter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

The people of Sumner and Cowley are agitatingthe erection of a free bridge across the Arkansas three miles below Oxford.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

We were pleased to meet John Farris on the streetthe other day. He is now in Wellington, Sumner County, assisting in theSouthwestern Hotel.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

Rev. J. B. Parmelee is lying quite low withCerebro Spinal Meningitis at Arkansas City. At last accounts he was consideredout of danger.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

A Petition, signed by 91 citizens, voters ofWinfield, has been presented to the Township Board, petitioning them tocall an election for the purpose of voting $2,500 for erecting a bridgeover Timber Creek just north of town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

A great many of the farmers living near theState line on the Southeast part of the county, have gone down into theTerritory to break prairie for the Kaw Indians on their reservation. Theythink Uncle Sam is a good paymaster.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

Mr. J. C. Blandin has returned from Cincinnati,where he has been to order complete machinery for his new Tunnel Mills.As he had everything fitted up at the foundry, it will require but a fewdays after the machinery gets here to grind wheat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

E. P. Young, late of Pennsylvania, is buildingone of the finest stone residences in the county a quarter of a mile westof Tisdale. He is using the fine white magnesia limestone from the quarryof G. W. Foughty, near that place. His barn of the same material is nearlycompleted and presents a fine appearance when viewed from the Winfield andTisdale road.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

Mr. E. B. Johnson, of Beaver Township, is preparingto exhibit at the Fair this fall some of the finest stock that has beenseen in the county. He has an imported thoroughbred Black Hawk Morgan horse,four years old, that would make the fingers of the Winfield horsem*n clutchnervously to even see. He expects to carry off the blue ribbon on his fineDurham bull this fall.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

Seven families with all their stock and householdgoods have just arrived, and are temporarily located on the farm of Mr.Tyrell, 2-1/2 miles east of Tisdale, in Sheridan Township. They have renteda house in which they are having a school taught for the benefit of theirown children, by one of their number. They expect to take claims in thatneighbor hood, and seem well satisfied with the uplands of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

T. B. Myers has resigned his office as Trusteeof this township. J. P. Short was appointed by the Board of County Commissionersto fill the vacancy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

We have heretofore called the attention of ourCity Fathers to the fact that our city needed a thorough cleaning in viewof the near approach of the Cholera. That dreadful scourge is in Kansasand it is the duty of everybody to prepare for it in time, and especiallyis it the duty of our City Council to see to it that the lives of our citizensare not imperiled through their neglect. Our streets and alleys should bethoroughly raked and scraped, and the rubbish burned. This matter shouldbe attended to at once.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 24, 1873.

Mrs. N. T. Tucker would respectfully solicitthe patronage of all who desire sewing done, of any kind. She has a firstclass machine and will do stitching (when ready prepared) for one cent peryard. Tailoring will be made a specialty. Dry Goods and Groceries takenfor work.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

Continuation of raising land valuations intownships, followed by bills acted upon.

Ordered by the Board that J. F. Paul, Registerof deeds, and E. B. Kager, County Treasurer, and Wilkinson, Superintendentof Public Instruction are assigned to the three office rooms over M. L.Read's bank at rent $27.50 per month.

Followed by proceedings of board July 22,1873.

Ordered that the Co. Clerk compare books andsettle with the Co. Treasurer and leave an exhibit ready for the Board attheir next meeting.

More road petitions laid over or granted.

Resignation of T. B. Myers, Trustee of WinfieldTownship, was received and accepted, to date from date. J. P. Short wasappointed to fill the vacancy.

Bills were then acted upon.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

Office and Yard One door South ofC. A. Bliss & Co.,
Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

W. W. Walton and E. S. Bedilion are helpingdo the clerical work at this term of Court.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

Billy Anderson is soon to start a livery stableat the old Dunlap stand on Main street.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

Hon. William P. Hackney and Hon. James McDermottcalled on us yesterday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

The inimitable Con. has just returned from Independencewith something new of course. He brought back a large photograph of the"Scene of the Bender murder."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

Read this week's correspondence from "OurHome," also one from the pen of a new correspondent, Thos. A. Walton,(uncle of our Surveyor Walton), of Lawrence County, Ohio.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

The ladies of the Congregational church andsociety will give an Ice Cream Social at the residence of Mrs. J. G. BulleneWednesday evening Aug. 6th, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

The July number of Meigs and Walton's RealEstate Record, published monthly at Arkansas City, in the Traveleroffice, is upon our table. It is neat in appearance, ably and spicily edited,and does credit to the office from which it emanates.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

The New Stone Culvert at the head of Main Streetand the one on Tenth Avenue, are a decided improvement over those old "mud-holes"that have been standing there since we came to the country. This speakswell for our Road Overseer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

At a meeting of the Building Committee of thePresbyterian Church, it was resolved to take steps immediately toward buildinga brick church which will seat over 300 people. Very encouraging subscriptionstoward this object have been already received.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

Deputy Sheriff L. M. Carter of Emporia, LyonCounty, who conveyed the prisoners James Steward and Frank Miller to thisplace for trial, expressed considerable surprise on entering the town ofthe Walnut Valley. He says that Winfield will vie with Emporia for businessand location.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

The long talked of injunction suit to restrainthe Board of County Commissioners from issuing the orders of the countyto pay for the Courthouse has been commenced by Bailey & Sloan. We aresorry that lack of space forbids comment this week but will pay our respectsto it in our next issue.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.

Last Sunday Messrs. Anderson, Hays, Houx, andWalton accepted an invitation to dine with the "Surveyor boys,"at Arkansas City, where they have just arrived after completing their longand tedious contract in the Indian Territory. They say that they were wellentertained and had a pleasant time, and will, we understand, soon givethe boys' a complimentary supper and dance at this place.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.


No. 209. In case of Wood vs. Millspaugh, receiverin the case of Bliss vs. BlandinOrder"That said Millspaugh appear beforethis Court on the morning of July 29th, and show cause why an attachmentshould not be issued against him for a violation of the injunction heretoforegranted in this action."

No. 70. State vs. Dunkle. On motion of prosecutingattorney, case was dismissed.

No. 20. State vs. Irwin Smith, Albert Coogle,and Samuel Bryan. Indictment for altering and destroying brands on cattle.On motion of prosecuting attorney, case was dismissed.

No. 19. State vs. Thomas Davis and James Steward.Information for "murder in the first degree." Leave granted ProsecutingAttorney to file a new and amended information in said case.

No. 80. State vs. William F. Miller. Information,Grand Larceny. The Court assigned to the Defendant, Thomas Mason, as hisCounsel.

No. 81. State vs. Wm. Lowe. The Defendant wasarraigned, and plead not guilty of the charge of Assault and Battery.

The following Petit Jurors, on failing to appearas summoned, were each fined the sum of $10: William Sartin, S. S. Majors,I. F. Newland, A. B. Gardener, and E. P. Young.

The following named gentlemen were admittedto practice law in all the District and inferior Courts in the state:

J. C. Bigger, of St. Louis, Mo.; Louis T. Michenerand D. C. Scull, of Brookfield, Indiana; A. J. Pyburn, of Taylor county,Iowa; and T. H. Suits, of Humboldt, Kansas.

The recognizance of Henry House in the caseof the State vs. Warmouth, was declared forfeited.

No. 80. State vs. Wm. MillerCharge of GrandLarceny. Defendant plead guilty and was remanded to the custody of the Sheriff.


No. __. State vs. Thomas Toole. Jury found himguilty of an assault and was adjudged to pay a fine of $10, and $35 costs.

State vs. Warmouth. The Jury returned a verdictof not guilty.

State vs. George O. Sweet. Indictment for Assaultand Battery with deadly weapon, with intent to kill. Defendant was arraignedand plead not guiltyand a Jury was called and a verdict rendered as follows:

"We, the Jury, find the defendant guiltyof an Assault and Battery."


Hoffmaster vs. Hartman. Defendant recover $195and costs.

The fine of Young, Majors, Gardiner, and Sartinset aside.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.


Wanted. Boarders, at W. W. Howard's. Two doorseast of the Meat Market.

The Old Log Store is termed by some to be abee hive, from the fact that they are most always busy.

Triplett has just received some fine CaliforniaWines, Imported Gin and Brandy, and bottled "Belfast Ginger Ale."All nice for family use.

Choice of coffee and the best of teas alwayson hand at the old log store.

Archie Stewart, Stone Cutter, Mason, Bricklayer,and Plasterer is prepared to fill all orders in his line. Mr. Stewart isa good workman and guarantees to give entire satisfaction. Give him a call.

All kinds of legal blanks at Webb's.

Deeds, Bonds for deeds, Real estate Mortgages,Chattel Mortgages, etc., for sale at Webb's.

Don't fail to call at the Diamond corner asPaul wants to see you.

Diamond Corner is selling the best New Orleansflour at prices to suit the times.

Do not fail to go to the Old Log Store and seethose shoes made by hand. Whole stock doubled soled and sewed, $2.00 a pair.

Great variety of cheap hosiery and notions atMcMillen & Shields' old log store.

The Old Log Store (kept by McMillen & Shields)is establishing a very large trade, owing to their bringing on good goodsand selling them at very reasonable rates.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,July 31, 1873.


One gray horse, one bay mare and colt, one twoyear old colt, one wagon, one set chain harness, three plows, three pigs,one rifle gun, one Spencer rifle, one cook stove, one bedstead, eleven hundredshingles. Also, the undivided half of twenty acres corn growing in the field,two acres of sod corn, forty dozen bundles wheat and garden and potatoesgrowing with other household goods too tedious to mention. Terms: All sumsof five dollars and under, cash; all over five dollars, a credit of ninetydays. Note payable at Read's Bank with good and approved security.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873. Front Page.

[From the Bolivar Free Press.]
Notes of a Trip to Kansas.

On a lovely morning in May, A. D., 1873, mighthave been seen a social and hilarious trio of "Border Ruffians,"wending their way to "Bleeding Kansas." To recount all the strikingincidents of this, to us, eventful journey; our hair-breadth `scapes byland and flood; our peril and happy deliverance from the demonical Benderfamily; how frequently we lost our equilibrium, our dog, and our way; howmany rattlesnakes we killed; how many buffalo (bones) and Indians we didnot see, would not only occupy much space in your valuable paper, to theexclusion of more interesting matter and useful advertisem*nts, but

"Would be a task as vain

As to count the drops of an April rain."

Passing through Greenfield, Carthage, Minersville,we were soon traveling the broad prairies of Kansas. Thence, westwardly,we passed through Columbus, Oswego, Independ ence, and Elk Falls, besidesseveral other towns of lesser importance, and arrived at Winfield, CowleyCounty, May 10, 1873, after a pleasant drive of six days, having accomplishedforty-five to fifty miles a day, on and over those delightful level roadsin Kansas.

Our young friend and traveling companion, A.C. Goff, having left our company at Oswego, the Doctor and I were heartilywelcomed and hospitably entertained at Winfield, by C. A. Bliss, Esq., andfamily.

Winfield, the county town of Cowley County,only three years old and counting a population of fifteen hundred souls,is beautifully and healthfully located on a gradually sloping plateau, orplain, near to Walnut Creek, a stream about as large as our Sac River. Thewater of this stream is clear, pure, and cool, being supplied by springs,and affords an abundance of water for milling purposes throughout the year.

The flouring mill of C. A. Bliss & Co.,at Winfield, is a large stone structure three or four stories high, runningtwo pair of burrs, with power and room for six to seven more. There areone or two other water mills near to Winfield. The crops of Kansas werelooking finely, and the wheat crop promised to be large, and will be especiallyof great benefit to the people of the state as it is their first wheat crop,and will make money for the mills.

The town of Winfield, in point of business,character, and style of its buildings, will compare favorably with mostof our towns in Missouri of the same population and many more year's growth.Many of the private residences are stylish, and expensive; among the bestof these is that of the home of our friend and entertainer, C. A. Bliss.

While enjoying the comforts of this pleasanthouse, we could hardly realize that only four years ago this county wasa wild, uncultivated region, inhabited only by the roving Indian, and thebuffalo roamed and grazed at will over these streets, and where blocks ofcostly edifices now stand, a monument to the energy, perseverance, and pioneeringdisposition of the people who have wrought in so short a time such a wonderfulchange, and who by the magic art of united efforts in will and do, havemade the waste places of earth to blossom, and bring forth her richest treasures.

The title to the lands in this part of the stateis derived from the United States. These lands are held in trust for theIndians, and are subject to entry only by actual settlers, for the purposeof improvement and cultivation at $1.25 per acre. The citizen, man or woman,may claim and enter not exceeding 160 acres. The appropriation of land forthe purpose of town sites is regulated by an act of Congress, and also bythe local law of the State.

The town lots in Winfield are owned by a towncompany, and while this company, some of the occupants have had some misunderstanding,out of which have grown one or two lawsuits in reference to their rights,happily for all parties interested and for the prosperity and welfare ofthe town, a basis of settlement was agreed upon while we were yet there.The company and contesting citizens were as rapidly as possible closingup their differences, and we were informed just before leaving that thereonly remained some two or three cases of this character unsettled, and itwas confidently expected and believed that these would come in during thatweek, and by accepting the terms of the company, settle the whole difficulty.

Good claims for farm lands in Cowley and adjoiningcounties can be purchased at a very reasonable rate. There is a class ofpeople (few in number in that country) who begin to feel crowded, and whodesire to emigrate further west. Their places will be filled by a permanentpopulation. Town lots in Winfield are held at from $35 to $200 per lot.

The ordinary method pursued in that countryin locating and settling lands is as follows: First, make your selectionof an unoccupied tract, stick down a pole at one corner with a piece ofcloth on the end. Upon this paste or fasten a written or printed noticethat you, the claimant, by name, have entered upon and claim that quartersection of land. Within six months you go to the land office (now locatedat Wichita) and file your claim, making oath that you will support the constitution,etc.; that you have entered for the purpose of actual settlement and cultivation,for your own benefit, not for speculation, nor for any other person, directlyor indirectly. Within twelve months and after six months' occupancy, youcan go to the land office, pay for your land, receive a duplicate, and indue course of time, a patent from Uncle Sam. If you purchase a claim right,from some man who has not the money to pay for his land, or who wants togo west, he relinquishes his claim and you file yourself on top of it, andthe same course is pursued as though you were the first to enter.

Persons who have made a good selection of land,and who have not the money to pay for it, find no difficulty in borrowingor getting the money from the local banks or private individuals, securingpayment by a lien on the land.

Some of the first claimants have received patentsfor their lands, and these, of course, can sell to whoever pleases to purchase.Good deeded or patented lands can be bought from three to fifteen dollarsper acre, the price depending upon location, timber, water, quality, etc.There are creeks and other streams of water every five to eight miles, uponwhich there is more or less timber, amply sufficient for all necessary purposes.In traveling over Southern Kansas for nearly two weeks, we were hardly everout of sight of timber, and then only when we were in a low place and couldhave a view of the country only for a short distance.

Cowley County is traversed by several streamsof clear, pure water, on and near the banks and bottoms of which there isusually more or less timber. Indeed, you can hardly travel six or sevenmiles in an east and west direction, without crossing one or more of thesedelightful streams. The timber in that county is sufficient for buildingpurposes and fuel. As they have in Kansas, what is called a "herd law,"there is no necessity at present for fences around the cultivated fields.Many farmers who live in the creek bottoms have large pasture lots fencedwith a stock or open post and rail fence, thereby avoiding the trouble andexpense of herding stock.

We traveled at one time eight miles on the sectionline from east to west. On each side of us were cultivated fieldswheat onthis, waving and bending under the soft or strong prairie breeze like wavesof the sea; oats or barley on that, and here again the bright golden corndotting the open fields like the squares on a chess board. On rising a slighteminence, the summit of this lovely spot of earth, we see behind, beside,and before us, as far as our limited vision can travel, straight lines ofyoung and thrifty hedges of osage orange, here and there interspersed withlines of young forest trees. Now we skim over the dry level road at a rapidtrot, passing farm houses, gardens, orchards, nurseries, and a schoolhouseevery two miles. How singular it is that nearly all the "school ma'ams"are named Miss Smith; but then Shakespeare says, "What's in the name?"It is a good and ancient name, and I have no doubt they are all very efficientin their profession. I believe the state or counties pay a premium of $2for every acre of fruit trees set out, either in line, square, or what not;hence every farmer sets out fruit trees.

Going westwardly, and after leaving CherokeeCounty, we find good water almost universally, and especially so in Howardand Cowley counties. We crossed Elk River, a lovely stream of clear, purewater, at, and in plain view of Elk Falls, a picturesque Niagara in miniature,having a perpendicular fall of nine feet, over a rocky precipice. . . .



Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

The Murder Trial.

The most important case tried at this sessionof the District Court was the case of James Stewart, charged with the murderof Marcus L. Parker, Deputy United States Marshal, last spring on GrouseCreek in this county.

The prosecution was ably and faithfully conductedby the County Attorney, E. S. Torrance, and Captain James McDermott, whilethe prisoner was defended by Hon. W. P. Hackney, of Wellington, Sumner County;and ______ Putman, of the firm of Case & Putman, Topeka.

Nothing was left undone by these gentlemen toacquit their client. They contested manfully every inch of ground, and Mr.Hackney maintained his reputation of being one of the best criminal lawyersin the state. That Stewart was guilty as an accessory to the killing ofParker, there can be no doubt in the minds of those who heard the testimonyon the trial. The jury taking into consideration Stewart's youth and hithertogood character brought in a verdict of manslaughter in the third degree,for which he was sentenced to the Penitentiary, there to remain at hardlabor for the period of three years.

We cannot close this article without makingallusion to the witnesses for the prosecution: Joseph W. Vannoy, F. M. Watkins,and G. M. Carpenter. These gentlemen were the posse with Marcus L. Parkerwhen he was killed. Joseph W. Vannoy tracked this man Stewart through Missouri,and finally arrested him in Iroquois county, Illinois. Mr. Vannoy has beenin the business of hunting criminals for several years, and Marcus L. Parkeris the tenth man that has been murdered by his side while attempting toarrest criminals and although, in nearly every case he has been the targetfor the first shot, strange to say that he has never yet received a scratch.We wish Mr. Vannoy all the success he deserves in bringing the guilty tojustice.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

The State of Kansas vs. James Stewart: Stewartsentenced to 3 years in state prison.

C. A. Bliss vs. J. C. Blandin: order to Receiverto sell the property.

W. J. Keffer vs. J. C. Smith: continued.

Joseph Bestch vs. Henry Hanson: continued.

C. Perdew vs. J. L. James: stricken from theDocket, being improperly on the same.

F. L. Johnson vs. J. Devore et al: dismissed.

J. T. Hooker vs. E. Davis: continued, plaintiffrequired to give bond for costs.

State ex rel A. L. Williams, Attorney Generalvs. Board of County Commissioners: application for injunction, overruled.

W. R. Land vs. J. Bullene: application for valuationof improvements, granted.

F. D. Curtis vs. N. Curtis: application fordivorce, granted.

J. T. Dale vs. J. H. Ellege: sale confirmed.

J. S. McMillen et al vs. H. B. Norton et al:sale confirmed.

E. Polk vs. J. L. W. Bell: defendant allowed40 days to satisfy claims.

Jane Payne vs. H. Payne: petition for divorce,granted.

S. H. Myton et al vs. Winfield Town Co., dismissed.

S. H. Myton vs. Winfield Town Association, dismissed.

C. C. Krow, administrator, vs. G. Peterson:judgment for plaintiff.

C. P. Spalding vs. Will M. Allison: continued.

E. Maris et al vs. Winfield Town Company, dismissed.

W. Rogers vs. J. Renfro, continued.

J. J. Williams vs. A. J. Covert el al, continued.

T. H. Johnson vs. J. L. M. Hill: motion to setaide order of delivery, overruled.

Z. Stubbs vs. S. Jay et al: continuance forrevivor.

A. B. Close vs. school district No. 40, dismissed.

D. Spencer vs. J. W. Smiley, dismissed.

J. Bihimers vs. Manse Pickering, dismissed.

J. W. Watson vs. Wm. Daggett et al, dismissed.

Jast. Service vs. C. C. Harris, dismissed.

H. Silver vs. J. Parker, dismissed.

State vs. Lowe: defendant failing to appearat the bar of the Court for judgment, appeal bond forfeited.

Wm. Rogers vs. J. W. Renfro: judgment for defendant.

S. H. Myton et al vs. Winfield Town Co., dismissed.

Same vs. Winfield Association, dismissed.

G. W. Ballou vs. J. A. Brake: demurrer sustained.

J. Swain vs. S. Tarrant, new trial granted.

State vs. Wm. F. Miller: sentenced to two yearsin State prison.

A. Smith et al vs. A. J. Reeves, continued.

C. M. Wood vs. J. W. Millspaugh, receiver: defendantrequired to give bond in the cost of $2,000 to obey the injunction.

D. M. Osburn et al vs. M. Palmer: sale set aside.

W. Hineken vs. N. J. Thompson, dismissed.

W. Rogers vs. A. J. Covert et al, dismissed.

Wm. Bartlow vs. C. A. Bliss et al, continued.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

John Rood "Shooflying."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

Latest. Ned Perkins goes west.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

J. C. Fuller again in our midst.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

Best "chuck" at the Bradish House.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

Father Paul of Osage Mission, will hold masshere next Saturday, the 10th inst., at the usual hour in the morning.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

Isaac Bing of the firm of Requa & Bing willstart east Friday or Saturday, to lay in a stock of Fall and Winter goods.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

DIED. The adopted daughter of C. A. Bliss, agedsix or seven months, died yesterday morning. Mr. Bliss and wife have ourheartfelt sympathy in their deep affliction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

Sam. Darrah has bought the Livery Stable ofDavis & Fargo. We are sorry to part with the latter gentlemen, but asthey did sell, we are glad that Sam. Darrah is the purchaser.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

W. M. Boyer has bought the book store and newsoffice formerly owned by L. J. Webb, and will continue the business in hisname. Boyer is a thorough businessman and all that is needed to find itout is to patronize him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

The notice of dissolution of the firm of Miller& Myers, former proprietors of the St. Nicholas restaurant, was sentin for publication last week, but was by some means overlooked and willappear in this issue. Geo. M. Miller is now sole proprietor.

Dissolution Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the co-partnershipheretofore existing between Geo. M. Miller and John Myers, in the firm knownas Miller & Myers, is dissolved by mutual consent. The business willcontinue under the name of Geo. M. Miller, who will pay all debts and collectall accounts of the firm heretofore existing. GEO. M. MILLER, JOHN MYERS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

On our second page will be found the ad of Fergeson& Anderson, who have started a Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable at Dunlap'sold stand. The members of this firm are young men of personal integrity,and they have some of the best turnouts in southwestern Kansas. Anybodythat will give them a call can be assured of being suited.


Stable and Yards at Old Dunlap Stand,North end of Main Street.
Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

The Presbyterian Church will hold service inthe building one door south of the Lagonda House, on next Sabbath at 11a.m. and 8 p.m. All are invited to attend. Members of the Presbyterian Churchin Cowley County are earnestly requested to make themselves known to thepastor. J. E. PLATTER, Pastor.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

John L. McKamy of Macomb, Illinois, called onus yesterday morning. He is a young lawyer of talent and education and welleducated to win his way in the world. We are happy to welcome him in ourmidst.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

We notice an announcement for a mass meetingof the farmers, mechanics, and laboring men of Cowley County, Kansas, August23rd, to be addressed by Senator Ingalls, I. S. Kalloch, and D. W. Wilder.We suppose that the main object of the meeting is to organize a County Grange.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.



Winfield, July 29th, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.

Receiver's Sale.
Cowley County District Court, 13thJudicial District, State of Kansas.

CHARLES A. BLISS, Plaintiff )

versus ) No. 207.


NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned,the receiver in said action, will, pursuant to the order of said court tohim directed, on Monday, the 8th day of September, 1873, from 9 o'clockA.M., to six o'clock P.M. of said day, offer for sale at public auction,on the premises the following described real property, situated in saidcounty to-wit: Those tracts or parcels of land and premises situated, lyingand being in the township of Winfield, County of Cowley, and State of Kansas,and being in the north half (1/2) of the northeast quarter (1/4) of sectionnumber twenty nine (29), township number thirty-two (32), south of rangenumber four (4) east; and bounded as follows, to-wit: One lot beginningat a point in the east line of said north half (1/2) of said northeast quarter(1/4) of said section number twenty-nine (29) distant sixteen (16) rodsnorth from the southeast corner of said north half (1/2) of said quarter(1/4) section and running thence north along said east line thirty-two (32)rods; thence west at right angles to said last mentioned line twenty-five(25) rods; thence south at right angles thirty-two (32) rods; thence eastat right angles twenty-five (25) rods by place of beginning containing five(5) acres.

Another of said lots or pieces of land boundedas follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of said north half (1/2)of said section number twenty-nine (29) distant twenty (20) rods west ofthe southeast corner of said north half of said section number twenty-nine(29) running thence north parallel to the east line of said section numbertwenty-nine (29) sixteen (16) rods; thence west at right angles five (5)rods; thence north at right angles to the center of the Walnut river; thencedown said river along its center to where the same intersects the southline of said north half (1/2) of said section number twenty-nine (29); thenceeast along said south line to the place of beginning. Containing five (5)acres more or less.

Said property to be appraised by three disinterestedhouseholders of said county, and sold for not less than two thirds its appraisedvalue upon the following terms: One-third cash in hand; one-third in sixmonths, and one-third in twelve months from the date of sale.

The deferred payments to be secured by notesbearing interest at twelve percent, per annum, after maturity, with at leasttwo sufficient sureties and by mortgage on the premises. The purchaser toreceive deed and possession upon complying with the above terms.

Said property being a grist and flouring milland mill property and water privilege belonging to the parties above named.

Witness my hand at Winfield, Kansas, this 6thday of August 1873.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 7, 1873.


Fruit, Forest, and Ornamental Trees,

Roses, Small Fruits, and Hedge Paints.

One and one-half miles South West of Independence,Kansas.

For the above nursery in Sumner andCowley Counties.
Will be properly attended to.
Are the Most Magnificent Extant.

This is the most complete Nursery in all kindsof stock in the Southwest.

Mr. Alonzo Howland, OF WINFIELD, isour Special Agent.

HE CAN BE FOUND at C. A. Bliss's store on MainStreet AND WILL TAKE ORDERS

FOR FALL, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

The Topeka Times is informed that ourmembers of Congress have agreed upon the following division of the state,for the convenience of themselves and the people.

Hon. S. A. Cobb's district, has the countiesof Douglas, Wyandotte, Leavenworth, Atchison, Doniphan, Nemaha, Johnson,Brown, Jackson, and Jefferson.

Hon. D. P. Lowe's district, has the countiesof Franklin, Miami, Coffey, Anderson, Linn, Bourbon, Allen, Woodson, Greenwood,Butler, Sedgwick, Sumner, Cowley, Howard, Wilson, Montgomery, Neosho, Crawford,Labette, and Cherokee.

Hon. W. A. Phillips' district comprises allof the remaining territory of the state.

The appointments and all local business of eachdistrict are to be controlled by the members as above. Appointments at largeare controlled by the Senator.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

Our mutual friend, Frank Bowen, near Winfield,Cowley County, has his farm deeded and all enclosed. His crops are unsurpassedand his stock of hogs unequaled in Southern Kansas. Frank is a brick, madeof the pure Kentucky clay, and would be happy, only he says Jake stoppedsending him the Emporia News.

The wheat and oat crops in the Walnut Valleyare of excellent quality, and much more abundant than we had expected tosee. There never has been a better prospect for corn crops.

A foul murder was committed on the head of DutchCreek, Cowley County, a few days ago. The unfortunate man was a stranger,and was murdered at his wagon where he was supposed to be sleeping. Circ*mstancesindicate that he had been followed by some unknown parties. No blame attachesto that neighborhood. This brings to mind that we were reliably informedthat two men armed with a gun and revolvers passed by Arkansas City inquiringfor the man who was recently murdered in your county near Madison, statingthat they were on his track; that he had stolen a saddle. They afterwardsreturned with an extra saddle.

Cowley County can boast of a more damnable rapecase than either Lyon or Coffey. This may seem extravagant, but when youlearn that the parties were father and daughter you will have to give itup.


We have made diligent inquiry, and can findno "clue" to the "murder most foul," said to have beenperpetrated oh the head of the placid Dutch. Nor can we get a single hintof the rape committed in Cowley County that so far excels any "rapeof the kind" ever perpetrated in "Lyon or Coffey." Now itis too bad that a county that has only been settled three years at the mostshould so soon excel older and more densely populated counties in the rapebusiness. GOES ON TO SAY THAT THEY THINK THERE IS NO TRUTH IN THE STORY.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

The Frolics of a Well Known Clergyman.

From the Chicago Times, we see our friendKnappformerly of Oxford, whom many of our citizens had the pleasure of meetinghascome to grief, for marrying and defrauding a Chicago widow, and has beensued for damages to the amount of $10,000. Our readers will remember thatthis Reverend made an unworthy and villainous attack upon Rev. B. C. Swarts,of this place, some time since, through the columns of the Press,a response to which was granted Mr. Swarts through the Traveler.

The particulars of his courting are as follows.

"The case of Maria E. Mills vs. Wm. H.Knapp, was tried, on yesterday, before Judge Heston, of Dixon, now presidingin the Supreme Court of Cook County.

As far back in the history of this city as 1869,Mrs. Maria E. Mills, the plaintiff in this action, was a cheerful widowand the proprietor of a flourishing boarding house, at No. 494, Wabash avenue.Mrs. Mills did not possess sylphlike form and an ethereal presence. On thecontrary, she was voluptuous and substantial, and would have been a safething to cling to in a hurricane. It was sometime during the chronologicalepoch already mentioned that this comely dame became acquainted with Rev.William H. Knapp, the defendant in this suit. Mr. Knapp became much interestedin the prosperous proprietor of the boarding house. He called to see herfrom time to time, and was finally induced to take nourishment at her tableand occupy one of the good lady's spare beds.

He was tall, very thin, a little pale, rigidlypious, and slightly pulmonary. At his matutinal devotions he addressed theAlmighty with great volubility and familiarity apparently ac quired fromlong acquaintance.

Brother Knapp accounted for his not having chargeof a flock by stating that he was a gentleman of great wealth, and tendersympathies. He proposed to marry Mrs. Mills, and she blushingly accepted.Rev. Knapp, having consummated this arrangement, then began to interesthimself about the fair and unsuspecting widow's property.

Occasionally Mrs. Mills and her clerical lovertook a ride down the boulevard or went to the theatre. It always happenedon those occasions that Mr. Knapp had forgotten his pocket-book, or thathe had neglected to call at the bank to replenish it. Mrs. Mills says thathe always looked so embarrassed and annoyed, and it was a real pleasureto her to pay hack- hire, or for the opera tickets as the case may be.

An extensive stock of millinery and fancy goodscame into Mrs. Mills' possession in the course of business, and these Mr.Knapp carted off to Bloomington and sold at auction. He failed to make aproper return of the proceeds. At last finding his little game was aboutplayed, Brother Knapp left for some other clime, where confiding widowsdwell.

Mrs. Mills brought an action against the clericalrascal in the Supreme Court, claiming $10,000 damages. The defendant wasnot present at the trial, and no evidence being submitted in his behalf,the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff of $4,417.04. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

The Commissioner of Indian Affairs is now enroute to the reservation of the Archora Indians, to consult with them ontheir desire to be removed to the Indian Territory. The Department thinksthis will be accomplished and one of the obstacles in the way of the NorthernPacific Railroad will be removed, as the proposed line passes through partof the reservation of these Indians, and it was feared they would undertaketo oppose the surveying parties.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

The Cherokee Disturbance.

St. Louis, August 7. The Democrat hasa special from Vinita, Indian Territory, which says: There was a fight Tuesday,about twenty-five miles west of here, on Verdigris Creek, caused by a partyof roughs, assaulting some quiet citizens and driving them and their familiesfrom home. About forty citizens started in pursuit of the roughs, overtookthem, and a fight ensued, in which several were slightly wounded. The roughsgot away but the pursuit was continued and at last accounts was still keptup.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

Business quiet at the Parlor Bar.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

L. P. McMillen has been very sick.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

Col. Alexander has dug out for Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

Sheriff Parker got out of the Penitentiary lastweek.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

J. F. Paul, our Register of Deeds, has joinedthe "grangers." He is no doubt preparing to retire to his farmin case the "farmers" do not reelect him this fall.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

MARRIED. GROOM - STUBER. Married at the residenceof the bride's father in Chillicothe, Illinois, on the evening of the 29thof July, by Esq. Booth, Mr. John Groom of Winfield, to Miss Emma Stuber,of the former city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 14, 1873.

J. A. Myton has taken his departure for hishome in Illinois, after spending a week visiting old friends in our city.Mr. Myton has been recuperating his health in the mountains of Colorado,for some time, and speaks highly of that climate for all forms of long diseases.We were glad to see him, and sorry to part with him. Everybody doing businessin Winfield for the last two years, will remember J. A. Myton, of the firmof Myton & Brotherton, as one of the best businessmen Winfield everhad. It was his energy, honesty, and integrity that made the "old logstore" famous. His cordial greeting, his ever cheerful salutation,coupled with implicit honesty made people love to trade with him. He takeswith him to his home the best wishes of his many friends about Winfield.






Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Sec. Line road of N. Wiggins granted, and roadordered opened 50 feet wide. SAME FOR: S. F. Mullins, Sumner Oakes.

Sec. line road of M. C. Headrick granted andordered opened 60 feet wide.

Sec. line road of S. M. Jarvis, commencing atthe S E corner of sec 35 Tp 31, R6 running west on sec line to the S E cornerof sec 32 tp 31 R6, laid over under the rule.

Petitions for section line roads of C. L. Roodand C. H. Mabry rejected. No description.

Report of viewers on S. Catrell Co. Road, receivedand adopted, as reported, and ordered opened 50 ft. wide.

Co. Road of Dennis Hawkins was ordered surveyedAug. 26th, with Amos Walton, Strong Pepper, and W. J. Mowry as viewers.

Bedell Co. road ordered surveyed Aug. 28th withsame viewers.

Moffat Co. road ordered Surveyed Aug. 27th,with same viewers.

Resignation of A. Asbury as trustee of Dextertownship received and accepted and J. A. Bryan appointed to fill the vacancy.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

McMillen is convalescent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

The parlor bar is booming again.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Watermelons cheap and plenty.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Sam Myton is digging him a well.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Farmers' grand mass meeting Saturday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Another shanty is being stuck up on Main Street.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Among the well matched teams on our street yesterday,we noticed a dun horse and a brindle ox harnessed to a wagon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Our New Courthouse is rapidly "loomingup." The walls are now one story high, and the contractors expect tohave the building ready for use at the Fall term of Court.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Lew Bannester in suddenly assuming a horizontalposition sprained his knees and tore his pants. He says he don't mind limping,but it does worry him to wear patched clothes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Marshal Shenneman is out of luck and business,he looks inconsolable and lazy, he hasn't had a job in a long time. Won'tsomebody raise a row, start a fight, do anything, only give that marshalsomething to do.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Grand farmers meeting Sept 16th, 17th, and 18th,1873, on the grounds of the Cowley Co. Agricultural Society.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

The Fair grounds of the Agricultural societyhave been put in complete and thorough repair for the coming exhibitionSept. 16th, 17th, and 18th. The directors are manifesting the same enterpriseand energy that resulted so successfully last year and we expect that theirefforts will be crowned with even greater success.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

We desire to call attention to the announcementof A. T. Shenneman, who appears as a candidate for Sheriff. We are gladto see such men asking for the suffrage of the people. Mr. Shenneman hasbeen our city marshal for some time past, and we are glad to say has givenentire satisfaction, and if elected will make an honest, sober, and impartialofficer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

A. H. Green, Esq., of the law firm of Fairbank,Torrance & Green, has received the appointment of Deputy U. S. DistrictAttorney. This is a good appointment, and we have no doubt will give ourpeople entire satisfaction. Mr. Green is a young lawyer of considerableability, and wrong doers, violators of the U. S. laws, need expect no favorsat his hands.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

We received a call Tuesday morning from Mr.P. T. Walton, a brother of our surveyor. He is a resident of Parsons nearwhich place he has 200 acres of broom corn growing. He likes this countryvery much and thinks some of locating here, and entering largely into hograising business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

MARRIED. STEINBARGER - MANN. Married on Saturdayevening, the 16th inst., in this city by Probate Judge Johnson, Mr. A. B.C Steinbarger to Miss Ida R. Mann.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

MARRIED. BENNING - ENDELAY. Married at the LagondaHouse, on Sunday evening, the 17th inst., by Probate Judge Johnson, Mr.T. H. Benning to Miss Mollie Endelay, both of this city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

The suit of Chas. A. Bliss vs. Joseph C. Blandinthat has been pending in the District Court for some months has at lastbeen amicably settled, Mr. Bliss purchasing Mr. Blandin's interest in themill. We speak for the entire community when we say that everybody willbe pleased to learn this fact. The mill will now be splendidly repaired,and ere long we will again hear the pleasant hum of the burrs as they grindinto flour Cowley County's first crop of wheat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 21, 1873.

Prof. Henry B. Norton will deliver a courseof Scientific Lectures on the evening of the 28th, 29th, and 30th inst.,in the Arkansas City Schoolhouse, commencing at 7-1/2 o'clock p.m. Subjects:Suns and Planets; the Nebula Hypothesis and the six days of creation; Theearth and man. Tickets for the entire course 50 cents. The Lectures willtreat of the most recent discoveries concerning the structure of the Universe;the plurality of worlds; the spectroscope, and its recent wonderful revelations;the antiquity of man; air and ocean currents; and the complete harmony ofscience and revelation. The entire proceeds will go to aid in the erectionof a parsonage for the use of the pastors of the M. E. church of ArkansasCity. We earnestly solicit the patronage of the community. C. KING, P.C.

N. B. The Basket meeting will begin next Sabbathmorning the 24th inst., in Endicott's grove and continue through the entireweek. We invite all. The presence of the various Evan gelical ministersis earnestly desired. C. KING, P. C.



"They had their posters printed at St.Louis, and announced in flaming type the most noted speakers of our stateto be present, without, to our certain knowledge, previously inviting them.They held a meeting composed almost entirely of Copperheads and LiberalRepublicans. A few straight Republicans being in the meeting secured forC. M. Scott, of the Traveler and the Editor of this paper, a placeon the committee on Resolutions.

"There was not a single person presentat that meeting engaged in agricultural pursuits for a livelihood that wecan think of just now, with one solitary exception. We know of a good manysubstantial farmers in and about town who were not there. We enumerate:J. D. Cochran, A. T. Stewart, John Lowery; C. M. Wood, A. Meanor, J. H.Land, Mr. Roberts, and several others whose names we cannot now recall,farmers in about town, of all political groups, that were not present andhad no voice in the meeting at all.

Who did manage it? Farmer Allison and FarmerPaul, gentlemen who perhaps never turned an acre of ground in all theirlives, and who are certainly not now for years past been engaged in agriculture.. . ."


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

On the 30th inst., the residents of Bolton Townshipwill vote on the proposition to buy and make free the bridge across theArkansas River. Since the price has been reduced to $4,000, it has manysubstantial men to support it. The tax as it is, is a great burden, andfalls very heavy upon men of small means. Winter is coming on, the riverwill be unsafe, cold, and dangerous for the health of horses, and it doeslook practicable that to purchase the bridge would be best. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

We need rain.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

Much sickness is reported.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

Large crowd in town on Saturday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

Thermometer has ascended out of sight.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

The Grand mass meeting last Saturday brokeup in a row.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

Come to the Fair on the 16th, 17th, and 18thof next month.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

A son of H. B. Lacy carries his arm in a slingsince he rode under that clothes-line and dropped from his horse's backupon the ground breaking his arm.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

While Al Headrick was putting the harness uponhis mules, one of them in a playful manner elevated his hind feet and plantedthem firmly in the region of his stomach. Although his injuries are notfatal, they were not pleasant, and Al. don't care about trying it ever again.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

At the election of Tuesday, for the purposeof deciding whether the township should give bonds to the amount of $2,500for the purpose of building a bridge across Dutch Creek at the point wherethe road crosses said creek north of Winfield, there were polled, in all,177 votes, and the bonds carried by a majority of 45.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

We visited Arkansas City last Tuesday and hadthe pleasure of dining with those affable gentlemen, Emerson & Galotti,at the City Hotel. They keep a good house and treat their guests just right.In company with C. M. Scott of the Traveler, we visited the vineyardof Mr. Max Fawcett, where we filled ourselves with delicious grapes. Mr.Fawcett has one of the finest vineyards in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

We learn that the little folks in the vicinityof Dexter had a very pleasant time at their Sunday School picnic last Thursday.About 200 persons were present, the majority of whom were children. Shortspeeches were made to the children by Rev. J. Jones and P. G. Smith.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

Captain Foos sold his entire lot of fine dairycows last Monday. It was without a doubt the largest lot of domestic cowsever sold in Cowley County. The sale amounted to something like $1,200 Cash,and the Captain attributes his success to judicious advertising.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

At a meeting held by the children of Winfieldon Wednesday of last week in the Methodist Church it was decided to havea picnic in Mr. Andrew's grove on Friday Sept. 5th. The following committeeswere appointed.

To obtain the grove: E. Freeland and Cora Andrews.

To invite Brass Band: Callie Blandin and NettieQuarles.

To attend to the dinner: Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Wm.Marris, McClellan, Blandin, McMaster, Hill, Mrs. M. W. Palmer, Miss M. Bryant.

To attend to the refreshments: Messrs. Quarles,Hill, Baldwin, Ellis, Kelly, Allison, Torrance, Freeland, and Newlin.

To arrange seats, stand, etc.: J. Swain, Jas.Hill, Dever, Saint, Ray, and Smiley.

To arrange the swing, croquet, etc.: J. D. Cochran,Spencer Bliss, Mrs. Flint, Miss Mary Stewart, Rev. Lowry, and T. A. Rice.

Committee to see that the trees are not injuredin any way: A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff Parker, M. L. Robinson.

On invitation: Mrs. E. P. Hickok, O. Lowry,M. Dever, Laura McMillen.

Chief Marshal: E. P. Hickok.

The children of the town and vicinity will meetin the Methodist church on that morning so as to start for the grove at9 A.M. Outside districts are cordially invited to come and join with usin enjoying the day. Per order of the committee.

Winfield, August 27, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

The closing scene of the political farce enactedby Allison, Paul & Co., on the 23rd inst. occurred in front of M. L.Read's Bank Building. The hardy tillers of the soil who were in attendanceupon the mass meeting through the day had departed, and with faces turnedtoward their personal benefit, were far beyond the sight and hearing ofthe Editor of the Telegram although still meditating upon the strangeand remarkable texts furnished by him in his manifesto for their perusal.Mr. Allison exhausted with the prodigious labors of the day, and filledwith chagrin on account of the terrible exposure of the frauds which heand his little political clique in Winfield had attempted to perpetrateupon the good farmers of the county walked to and fro on the shady sideof Main Street. When lo! his little heart all swollen, he meets his oldfriend (?) the sheriff of Cowley County engaged in conversation with othersupon the probable results of the day. From the drift of the conversationMr. Allison gathers the fact that in the Sheriff's opinion, the whole affairwas characterized by a thinness which every farmer was likely to see through.Mr. Allison, a firm advocate of a Free Press, but not of Free Speech toothers, resists the seeming imputation of failure in his day's labors, andgives the Sheriff the lie, prefaced by a series of profane epithets. TheSheriff with appalling presumption returns the lie.

"O, death where is thy sting!"Allison searches for his sting. Forgetting its locality, he thrusts hishand into his bosom, but finds nothing but his fluttering heart. Memoryreturns, and with fiendish expectation he slaps his hand upon, that is,into his pocket; but there, alas! he finds nothing but his empty pocketbookJudge Adams had the contents. O, Parker, Parker! blessed by thy stars!Allison has left his stinger altogether behind. "Shall this miscreantlive? No! I will be a lion in the heart of Parker, if not in the heartsof the people!" And so our little lion pounces upon Parker with clawsand teeth. But unpropitious fate, in the shape of the arm of a bystander,stays the murderous work, and in saving a human life cheats the world ofa modern hero. "I go, but I return." Allison retires from thescene of the conflict, but in a few moments returns, whether with stingeror not, we know not. He finds his adversary in quiet conversation with aminister of the Gospel. Suddenly interrupting the conversation, and withstinging emphasis, he denounces a remark of the Sheriff's as a d____d lie.The remark referred to was to the effect that Allison claimed to be theFarmer's Friend. The Editor of the Telegram perceiving his mistake,and that he for once had been guilty of a contradiction, instantly withdrewto consider how he could reconcile the contra diction in the next issueof his paper.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

The result of having work executed away fromhome is plainly visible in the Premium list for the coming fair. The mechanicalpart of the work looks very well, but the typographi cal errors, and misspellednames are amusing. We don't wonder that the office that turned out the bookswas ashamed to acknowledge the work and printed Cowley County Telegramon the title page to convey the impression that they were printed at that"shop."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

The members of the Republican Central Committeeof Cowley County are hereby requested to meet at Winfield on Saturday, September6th, 1873, at 10 o'clock A.M. for the transaction of such business as maycome before the meeting.

N. C. McCULLOCH, President.

C. L. Root, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.


Day Boarders taken at the Bradish House at$4.00 per week.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

Concannon has some of the finest pictures wehave seen in Kansas of scenery in and about Winfield. It will pay any manto go and buy some to send them to their friends East, to show what a beautifulcountry we have got here.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.

Bank Notice.

On and after September 1st, 1873, our Bankwill open for business at 9 o'clock A. M., and close at 4 o'clock, P. M.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,August 28, 1873.


All persons who wish to be furnished withgood fresh milk will please notify Mike McDonald, or leave orders at



Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.



On Saturday morning we went to Winfield expectingto meet our brother farmers and spend the day socially with them, comparingnotes of crops, profits, losses, experiments, etc. We hoped to take by thehand our friend, Renfro, and inquire after his horses and colts; to askMr. Cochran as to his corn crops in the valley and on the uplands; to congratulateMr. Stewart and Capt. Lowery on their fine improvements and with them muchhappiness in their new residences; to obtain from Mr. Clingman some valuableinformation in regard to growing hedge; to inquire of Mr. Andrews of hisbrick making enterprise, and learn whether brick can be furnished so asto take the place of wood as a building material thus saving money in thecounty rather than sending it to the lumber men of Wisconsin and Michigan;to ask Mr. Davis and Mr. Holcomb of their fine Swine; to obtain some valuableinformation from Mr. Foos in regard to the management of the dairy, etc.

We reached the place of meeting through cloudsof dust, and found about three hundred people present, but not our friends:Cochran, Renfro, Stewart, Lowery, Clingman, Andrews, Foos, Holcomb, etc.A few farmers were present, but they wore either a dissatisfied look, asthough they had been sold, or a hungry look as though they would give theirfarms for a county office.

The farmers were called to order by J. F. Paul,CIVIL ENGINEER and OFFICE- HOLDER, who was then chosen president of theday, by previous arrangement, as would seem from the set speech he deliveredupon assuming the chair. Mr. Allison, EDITOR, was chosen Secretary at themeeting. . . .

The next thing on the programme was the readingby the ENGINEER from the distinguished HOTEL KEEPER, I. S. Kalloch, explainingwhy neither himself nor his friend, Sidney Clarke, the LIGHTNING ROD PEDDLER,could be present. . . .

We have learned from our neighbors that afterdinner the train ran off the track. The public generally blame the engineerand fireman for this catastrophe. They endeavor to lay the blame upon theswitchman and brakeman from Arkansas City, who certainly, if report be true,used the switch most mercilessly, and neglected to apply the brake in timeto save the concern from total wreck. [GATHER THAT SCOTT GAVE THEM A ROUGHTIME!]


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Cooler. Quite breezy. 107 degrees in the shadelast Friday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Refreshing shower last Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

The stone mill of C. A. Bliss & Co. willbe in full operation the first of next week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Rev. James E. Platter will preach in the Methodistchurch at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on next Sabbath.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Mr. W. H. H. Maris has moved into his new houseone half mile east of town, where he has a beautiful home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

The dwelling house of S. R. Sayers, three milesnorth of town, was last Saturday totally destroyed. A defective flue wasthe trouble.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Our enterprising butcher, J. G. Titus, has ninetyhead of young cattle which he is fattening for this market. He is also readyto buy hides, hogs, cattle, sheep, etc.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Our space will not permit an extended noticeof the beautiful Photographs, etc., at Concannon's. He has been taking viewsof the whole town. Go up and see them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

BIRTH. "What is it that makes Judge T.H. Johnson look so pleasant and patronizingly at all the old bachelors?"It is a girl, and she weighed just seven pounds. Do you know now?

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

We had the pleasure of attending a dance atThomasville, the evening of the 27th ult., which, as usual, was a success.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

A literary and musical entertainment will begiven a week from next Thursday and Friday in aid of the CongregationalChurch building fund under the directorship of Messrs. Ed. Johnson and T.A. Wilkinson.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.


The Board of school officers of the WinfieldSchool Districts have decided to admit no children to the School exceptthose living in this district. This action is rendered necessary on accountof want of room, teaching, etc. D. N. EGBERT, Clerk.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Directors, Stockholders, and every able bodiedman are invited to meet with the officers of the Cowley County AgriculturalSociety on the fair grounds of the Society on Saturday, September 13th,to prepare the grounds, stalls, etc., for the reception of stock, etc.,which will be the last week before our fair begins.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

The Board of County Commissioners at their meetingon the 3rd inst., changed the plan of the Courthouse, so as to have a doublegable instead of a single gable roof. They have also increased the heightof the walls of the upper story two feet, and made provision for the buildingof a handsome tower upon the center of the roof.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Last week we accidentally omitted the announcementof Mr. Lippmann of Grouse Creek. We hope, however, that the delay will workhim no injury. Mr. Lippmann is a farmer, a Republican, and an honest man,and should he receive the support of the Republicans, will make Cowley Countyan able and energetic Sheriff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

Where is the gunsmith in want of a good location?If the number of hunters in and about Winfield, and the epithets used bythe aforesaid hunters against our innocent city for not having a smithyto mend their broken firearms is anything to judge by, we should say thatthis is a capital place for a gunsmith to hang out his shingle.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

DIED. Died in this city on the 28th ult., Mrs.Sarah Hudson, wife of Robert Hudson, aged 47 years. The deceased with herhusband removed to this county from Upper Canada in 1871. She will be longremembered by those who knew her as a quiet, unassuming, Christian woman,who died as she had lived, in full reliance of the power of Christ.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.

The directors of the Agricultural Society willmeet at the Fair Grounds, Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1873, at 2 o'clock P. M.They earnestly desire that the Superintendents of all the departments meetwith them to acquaint themselves with their duties. The following are thenames of the various Superintendents.

Capt. E. Davis; A. Walton; J. H. Churchill;J. P. Short; John R. Smith; E. B. Johnson; W. K. Davis; A. S. Williams;Will S. Voris; S. H. Myton; Samuel Darrah; James Stewart; Jas. H. Land;T. B. Myers; Geo. W. Martin; W. M. Boyer; Max Shoeb; John Swain; S. C. Smith,Mrs. L. H. Howard; Mrs. J. D. Cochran; Mrs. E. Davis; Mrs. J. C. Fuller;Mrs. C. A. Bliss; Mrs. Fitch; Max Fawcett; J. O. Matthewson; H. B. Norton;D. A. Millington; E. B. Kager, C. M. Wood; T. A. Wilkinson.

The Superintendents are desired to study carefullythe rules and regulations of the society so they may be able to render assistanceto exhibitors.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.







Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873. Editorial Page.

This week we place the name of Vincent Beckettat the head of our local columns. He will hereafter have entire controlof that department. Mr. Beckett, although young in years, is a veteran printer,a racy writer, and will keep the readers of the COURIER well posted withlocal news.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 4, 1873.


By invitation of the Pleasant Valley Farmers'Club, the Beaver Farmers' Club and delegates from the Tisdale Farmers' Clubmet at the schoolhouse in Pleasant Valley at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Sept. 3d,1873. Meeting called to order by Mr. Shaw, Esq., of Pleasant Valley. Bymotion Mr. K. J. Wright of Beaver was chosen Chairman. Moved that Mr. Hendersonof Pleasant Valley act as Rec. Secretary; and N. C. McCulloch, of Beaver,act as Cor. Secretary pro tem. The object of the meeting stated by Mr. WestHolland, to consider the propriety of, and to take steps to put a Farmers'ticket in the field to fill the county offices this fall. Remarks by MacW. Roseberry of Beaver, and Mr. Gay, of Tisdale. The resolutions of the23rd called for, and read by the Corresponding Secretary. Discussed by Mr.Holland, McCulloch, and Walton. Mr. McCulloch being called for to make aspeech, said that he was not an orator, but a farmer, and that in lieu ofa speech he would read "A Warning" from the Telegram, andby request explained his position. Remarks by Mr. M. S. Roseberry of Beaver,Mr. Foughty of Tisdale, and Mr. Shaw of Pleasant Valley. Mr. Shaw movedthat the Pleasant Valley Club cut loose from the 23rd movement. Debated.Standing vote taken, and motion carried unanimously. By motion of Mr. Foughty,of Tisdale, it was resolved to hold a County Convention at Tisdale September29th. By motion the Corresponding Secretary was instructed to furnish theproceedings of this meeting to the County papers for publication. On motion,adjourned. N. C. McCULLOCH, Cor. Sec'y, pro tem.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

Fine rain last week. Corn is being harvested.Democrats are on their ear. More job work than anybody. Considerable sicknessthis season. Dance in town Tuesday night next.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

It is said we are to have three bands of musicat our Fair.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

There are several petitions in circulation callingfor a soldiers' re-union which we will publish as soon as the time is decidedupon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

During the storm last Saturday morning the lightningdropped upon a house occupied by Mr. D. Rodocker, tearing things up prettywell, but fortunately not hurting anyone.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

Have you seen the beautiful Silver Pitcher fromJaggard's, St. Louis, that the Agricultural Society offers as a first premiumfor lady equestrians? If not, just peep into Mr. Fairbank's office and feastyour eyes. We wonder who will be the lucky rider.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

Sam Mullen, who has dug more wells than anyother man in Winfield, while digging a well on the farm of R. B. Saffold,Esq., last Saturday, had a blast go off prematurely, and a fragment of rockstruck him on the head severely, but it did not seriously injure him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society willhold a festival on Wednesday evening Sept. 17 (the second day of the fair)in Mr. Hudson's building, one door south of the Lagonda House. A supperand other refreshments will be furnished.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

Will S. Voris, Superintendent of Poultry atour fair next week, offers one of his fine Magee pigs, which he raises andsells at ten dollars apiece, to the person making the largest and best exhibitionin his department.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

The children's picnic last Friday bid fair tobe a success when the clouds that had been shadowing the earth since sunriseburst, and their contents came pouring down, rather dampening proceedings.Wagons were brought into service, and the merry picnickers were speedilyhurried from the scene of the late festivities to the more congenial climeof home, to ponder over the freaks of nature while putting on dry clothes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

Last Saturday we were shown some of the firstflour ever ground in Winfield out of Cowley County wheat. It was from Blandin'smills. The flour was of the first quality, and we think we are safe in sayingthat when Mr. Bliss gets his mill in operation (which will be soon) thepeople of this county will no longer need to import their flour.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

Let Allison tell if the COURIER has the ablesteditorial corps of any paper in the Southwest: J. B. Fairbank, E. C. Manning,T. H. Johnson, and until recently, L. J. Webb. We expect before long toadd two or three more to our staff. And, by the way, it accounts for theTelegram's editorial being so thin. Allison's friends have all forsakenhim, and he tries to write them himself.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

J. W. Curns, of this place, and G. S. Manser,of Arkansas City, have formed a co- partnership to do a general land officebusiness. We have not had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Manser, but we speakfor John W. Curns, to those who may have business with him. They will findhim ever ready, courteous, and kind. This is a business the want of whichhas been felt for some time and we hope these gentlemen (Curns & Manser)will receive a good support. Their office will be on the corner of MainStreet and 10th Avenue, just south of the store of C. A. Bliss & Co.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.


In pursuance to call the Republicans of RockTownship met at the Darien Schoolhouse. Meeting called to order by electingA. V. Polk Chairman. On motion, W. H. Grow was elected Secretary. The objectof the meeting was to elect a Chairman of the Township Committee to fillthe vacancy caused by the removal of C. L. Rood to Winfield. On motion Wm.H. Grow was elected Chairman of the Township Committee. On motion the Chairmanwas instructed to favor the plan of voting for candidates at the primarymeetings instead of at the County Nominating Convention.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 11, 1873.

Meeting called to order at 2 o'clock P. M.,September 6th, 1873, by Chairman McCulloch. C. R. Mitchell was elected Secretaryto fill a vacancy caused by the removal of C. L. Rood from Rock Township.W. H. Grow was elected by the Republicans of Rock to succeed Mr. Rood. Motionto rescind action of committee on 27th inst. lost and committee determinedto have convention as heretofore ordered. Motion to hold convention at Tisdaleon the last Saturday in September, 1873, at 2 o'clock P. M. carried. . ..

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

[From the Arkansas City Traveler.]

There are twenty-two pupils enrolled on theschool records now.

City Scrip is selling for 80 cents, County Scrip80 cents, and School Bonds at 90 cents.

Our Township Trustee declines to sign the ArkansasRiver Bridge bonds on account of the decrease of the value of the bridgesince the bonds were voted.

SHOT. Adley Davis accidently shot himself inthe calf of the leg while handling a revolver last Wednesday. It is onlya flesh wound, and will not prove serious.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.


We, the undersigned citizens of Illiopolis,Illinois, seeing the name of Mr. A. T. Shenneman announced in your paperas a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Cowley County, take this methodof saying a word in favor of our former neighbor. We have known Mr. Shennemanintimately for many years, and know him to be a man whose character forhonesty, veracity, sobriety, and industry to the time he removed from ourmidst to Kansas, was without a blemish, and we believe that should the peopleof Cowley County select him as their Sheriff, they will not have any causeto regret their selection. Mr. Shenneman in politics is a life long Republicanand served creditably to himself in the army of the Union, in our late civilwar. SIGNED:












S. K. SKEEN AGT. T. W. & W. RY.
























Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

Cool nights.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

Oxford to have a band.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

Richland Township wants a threshing machine.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

The Dramatic Musical Association will give twoentertainments Wednesday and Thursday evenings September 24th and 25th.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

The best watermelon we have seen this seasonwas presented to this office by E. B. Johnston.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

Mr. A. T. Shenneman has resigned his positionas City Marshal. He is succeeded by John Young. Mr. Shenneman expects toembark in some more lucrative business unless the people see fit to makehim their next Sheriff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

Owing to the revival meeting in progress inSilver DaleTownship, Rev. J. McQuiston will hold the quarterly meeting atSilver Dale next Saturday and Sunday, instead of at Thomasville as previouslyannounced.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

Good tenantable tenement houses are very scarcein Winfield, and we think it would be a paying investment for the ownersof the wrecks that disgrace the city to put up inhabitable dwellings intheir stead. They could then rent them, and at the same time improve thelooks of our city. If there were fifty empty houses here today, we are confidentthat they would all be occupied inside of a month.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 18, 1873.

Wheat in this section of the county is an excellentcrop this season. Mr. Menor threshed 380 bushels from 12 acres and 30 rodsbesides a lot that was spoiled by bad stacking which he estimates at 40bu., so that the crop averages about 84 bu. per acre. Mr. Stewart's winterwheat averaged 31, and the spring wheat 25 bu. per acre, not consideringthe damage caused by poor stacking, which was considerable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

For County Clerk.

RECAP: A citizen from Wilson County wrote supportingM. G. Troup, formerly of that county, who was running as a candidate beforethe Republican County Convention for the office of Cowley County Clerk.

"Mr. Troup came to this county from thestate of Iowa several years ago and settled on a claim in Fall River Township,where he succeeded by energy and perseverance in making a comfortable home,but health failing, he changed his location and business and removed toTisdale, Cowley County, and embarked in the mercantile business, which hestill follows with the same energy that characterized him as a farmer. Hischaracter for integrity has never been questioned, and as he has qualificationsof a high order, he will if elected be the right man in the right place.Wilson County Citizen.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Murder Will Out.

INCENDIARY. Miss Jones, of South Haven, hasbeen arrested for attempting to burn the schoolhouse, and making threatsthat she would burn the whole town. She is compara tively young and consideredhandsome. The cause of the disturbance originated from the young woman beingexcluded from the schoolhouse during an entertainment on account of hercharacter. The schoolhouse was fired, but the flames were extinguished beforemuch damage was done.

Since writing the above we learn that Miss Joneswas not arrested, but had eluded the officers. In investigating this matteranother deed was brought to light which, for the past six months, has beena mystery. Last fall Mrs. Jones, the mother of Miss Mattie Jones (whom someof our citizens will remember arrived at this place in the fall of 1872,and stopped at the City Hotel for several days, and being unable to payfor her stage fare, left her trunk for security.), died very mysteriously,and the facts have leaked out as follows.

Mrs. Jones and Mattie, becoming tired of Mr.Jones, who had separated from his wife once and then returned, laid a planby which they should rid themselves of him by poisoning the eatables whichhe would partake of on his return from Wichita, where he had gone afterfreight. Before the return of Mr. Jones, however, Mrs. Jones became deliriousfrom the effects of ague, and in her delirium called to her son for somecoffee. The young man, aged about 14 years, had overheard the plans of thewomen but in the absence of the boy's sister, who was then working at theHotel in South Haven, he gave his mother the coffee, thinking she had notpoisoned it, or she would not have called for it. Shortly after taking thecoffee, the old woman died. Mr. Jones returned at noon the next day; butwhen the neighbors set his dinner before him, his son told him what he hadoverheard and warned him not to eat. This caused some suspicion, but nothingwas said of the matter until the schoolhouse was fired and the general characterof Mattie Jones brought before the public, when it was exposed by one partywho had received the whole story from Mr. Jones and his son. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

MARRIED. BRUBAKER - BURNS. Married at the residenceof the bride's father, C. W. Ridgeway, near Dexter, on the evening of Sept.12th, 1873, by the Rev. P. G. Smith, Mr. Oliver Brubaker and Mrs. MillieBurns.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

There will be a meeting of the stock holdersof the Tisdale Town Company, at Tisdale, on Saturday, the 27th of September,1873, for the final settlement of the business of the Company. All personshaving unsettled accounts with the company will please present them at thattime. By order of the Board.

E. P. YOUNG, President, Tisdale TownCompany.

J. M. B_________ [CANNOT READ LAST NAME], Sec'y,T. T. Co.

Tisdale, Sept. 18th, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

The Walnut River has been very low for severalweeks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

The Doctors report the health of the communityquite good.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

A heavy rain visited this locality last Sabbath.Those farmers who have their wheat sown are happy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, was amongthe dancers at the ball given by the band last Thursday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Mr. John Moore of Rock Township has sown 160acres of wheat, and intends putting in 40 acres more.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

S. H. Myton drew the valuable wax fruit madeand exhibited at the fair by Mrs. H. P. Mansfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Capt. Hunt of South Haven was in town last Saturdaypurchasing seed wheat for his farm. He is a granger now.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Work has commenced on the Paola, Garnett &Fall River Railroad. It will ultimately enter the Walnut Valley at thispoint.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

The finest job in stone-cutting yet out is achimney for Capt. Lowery's new house. The stone are solid hollow joints;being put together with cement joints.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Squire G. C. Swasey of Vernon Township leftat our office for trial a gallon of the best sorghum molasses that we evertasted. The Squire is making a large quantity of it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Foughty, the would-be candidate for county treasureron the farmers' ticket says he is a self-made man. Our respect for an All-wiseCreator confirms the statement. It was a nasty job that no one else covets.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Last Saturday an election was held in the severaltownships in the county to elect delegates to the Republican NominatingConvention, to be held at Tisdale next Saturday, the 27th inst. The followingdelegates from Winfield Township were elected: B. F. Baldwin, G. W. Prater,S. H. Myton, W. E. Bostwick, James Dever, Frank Weakly, and Dr. W. G. Graham.The whole number of votes polled was 182.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Delegates at Dexter were chosen: L. R. Bryan,J. H. Reynolds, and J. H. Serviss, all farmers. The following alternateswere chosen: R. T. Wells, Wm. Hobit, and Dr. G. P. Wagner; all farmers exceptWagner. The following township committee was elected: T. R. Bryan, chairman;J. D. Maurer, F. A. Creager; all farmers. Dexter is taking hold of the farmerquestion in earnest.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

We give this week a cursory report of the 3rdannual fair of the Cowley County Agricultural Society, held last week. Notwithstandingthe dust which at times was almost stifling, the fair was quite successfuland the managers are entitled to much credit for the energy and good judgmentthey used. We are informed by the secretary that there were over 400 entries,and more than 1,000 different articles on exhibition. We report some ofthe premiums as furnished us. The race horse and fast trotter had to takea back place this year, while the horse for service came to the front. The"pure agricultural horse trot" gave way to the tests of strength,and excellence was not measured by the short time required to run 300 yards.We were glad to notice some very good young stock in this department. Thepremiums were awarded as follows.


Thoroughbred stallion, H. C. Fisher.

Stallions for general purposes, over 4 yearsold, H. C. Fisher; over 3 years old, R. Richards, under 3 years old, JamesRenfro.

Brood mares with colts by their side1st pr.J. Stewart; 2d pr. J. Renfro.

Mares and fillies 2 years old: 1st pr. D. Miles;2d A. P. Forbes.

Spring colts: 1st pr. J. Stewart, 2d, John Renfro.

Draft horses, spans: 1st pr. J. H. Davis; 2d,J. E. Willis. Single horse J. Mooso.

Saddle horses: 1st pr. R. B. Saffold; 2d Jas.Stewart.

Spans for general purposes: 1st pr. C. C. Price;2d, J. Mooso.


Best Jack: 1st pr. T. H. Wright.

Span mules: 1st pr. H. Shaver; 2d W. K. Davis.


In this department there was a fair exhibitionof grades in all lots, but it might have been largely increased if peoplewould have brought out their stock.

The premiums were:

Bulls, three years and over: 1st pr. John R.Smith; 2d E. B. Johnson.

Bulls 2 years old and under 3: 1st pr. W. K.Davis. Yearling: 1st pr. A. P. Forbes; 2d J. A. Churchill.

Best cow: 1st pr. W. H. McArthur; 2d T. H. Johnson.

Calves: 1st pr. J. A. Churchill; 2d, W. H. McArthur.

Working oxen: 1st pr. A. J. Thompson; 2d Wm.Bartlow.


The exhibition here was worthy the attentionof every farmer. We never saw a larger or better collection at any fair,and we are glad to attest the fact that the county is so largely stockedwith fine blooded stock.

There were 77 swine on exhibition. The premiumswere awarded as follows.

Poland China, Magee, and other large breeds.

Boar, 1 year old and over: 1st pr. C. C. Pierce;2d W. K. Davis.

Sows 1 year old and over: 1st W. K. Davis; 2dC. C. Pierce.

Boars under 2 years old: 1st pr. F. W. Schwantes;2d C. Duen.

Sows under 1 year old: 1st p. F. W. Schwantes,2d H. B. Lacy.

Pigs best lot under 6 months old shown withdam: 1st pr. C. C. Price; 2d the same.

Sows 1 year and over: 1st pr. L. Cottingham;2d the same.

Boar under 1 year: 1st pr M. B. Keagy; 2d H.J. Page.

Sows under 1 year old: 1st pr. M. B. Keagy,2d A. Meaner.

Pigs best lot thrown with dam: 1st pr. L. Cottingham,2d the same.

Best Boar pig any age or breed: C. C. Pierce.

Best sow pig any age or breed: M. B. Keagy.

Best litter of pigs and age or breed: W. S.Voris.


The exhibition in this department was a remarkablylarge one. All the most approved breeds were on exhibition in great numbersand pure blood. Premiums were awarded to E. B. Johnson, Mrs. J. Magness,Thos. F. Wright, and J. A. Churchill. Mr. Voris' special premium to J. A.Churchill.


We took great interest in this department forthe future wealth of the county is assured if the soil and climate are welladapted to corn and other small grains. The exhibition in this departmentwas quite full, and the quality of the samples excellent.

The premiums were awarded on corn to J. G. Titus,R. L. Cowles, F. W. Schwantes. On wheat, white, A. Meaner; red, J. H. Curfman,spring wheat, J. Lowery.


The collection was good. We remember the timewhen vegetables were as rare and as great a luxury in this county as therarest tropical fruits. Now most every kind is abundant and the qualityexcellent. There were some forty entries in this department.

The premiums were awarded to J. H. Land, J.Lowery, H. H. Johnson, C. M. Wood, J. H. Curfman, J. A. Churchill, Jno.Irwin, and Mrs. J. H. Curfman.

The exhibition in the Floral Hall was not asextensive as last year, yet there were some very fine articles shown.

We were pleased to find excellent fruit treesfrom nurseries in this county.

Premiums were awarded to J. O. Matthewson ofWinfield and H. D. Gans of Lazette, for house plants, and cut flowers toMrs. McLaughlin and Mrs. W. K. Davis.

In the department of fine arts were some splendidarticles. The oil paintings of Miss Foos and Miss Stewart, the crayons ofMrs. Howard, and the collections of photographs of Mr. Bonsall were deservedof the premiums they received.

We call attention to a rose made by Mr. MaxFawcett, the beautiful wax work of Mrs. Mansfield, which excited a greatdeal of admiration.

In the department of needle and fancy work,there were many beautiful articles. We have not time to specify but givea list of those to whom premiums were awarded.

Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. McLaughlin,Misses Deming, Mary Stewart, Foos, Porter, Jane Stewart, Lakosky, Mrs. Anderson,Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Bostwick, and Mrs. Shepherd.

In the department of millinery, premiums wereawarded to Mrs. Howard, for the finest collections.

In the class of textile fabrics, domestic products,etc., premiums were awarded to Mrs. Curfman, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Voris, Mrs.Shepherd, and J. Irwin.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,September 25, 1873.

Please announce the name of Dr. Samuel Thompsonof Tisdale as a Republican candidate for the office of Representative. Subjectto the decision of the Republican County Convention.

W. W. WALTON: Candidate for the office of CountySurveyor.

John Irwin: Register of Deeds.

E. B. Kager: Re-election as County Treasurer.Backers: S. H. Myton, Wm. Orr, Geo. W. Baily, S. W. Green, W. P. Duncan,J. H. Finch.

N. C. McCulloch, Beaver Tp., Register of Deeds.

L. Lippmann: Sheriff.

John Gayman, Maple Township, Sheriff.

R. L. Walker: Sheriff.

A. B. Odell, Ninescah Township, Register ofDeeds.

James F. Paul, re-election as Register of Deeds.

A. T. Shenneman: Sheriff.

J. B. Noffsinger, Maple Township, Register ofDeeds.

Ruben Rogers, Winfield Township: Sheriff.

M. G. Troup, Tisdale, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.


For Representative: JAMES McDERMOTT.

For County Commissioners

1st District: JOHN MANLY.

2nd District: J. G. TITUS.

3rd District: R. F. BURDEN.

For County Clerk: M. G. TROUP.

For County Treasurer: E. B. KAGER.

For Register of Deeds: N. C. McCULLOCH.

For Sheriff: R. L. WALKER.

For County Surveyor: W. W. WALTON.

For Coroner: S. S. MOORE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.


E. B. Kager was nominated for Treasurer on firstballot. Mr. Kager is a young man of sterling integrity, has been an efficientofficer, and made many fast friends by his gentlemanly conduct while inoffice.

N. C. McCulloch is a young man, and has mademany friends by his upright, manly conduct during his residence in our county.He is honest and capable, etc.

Capt. R. L. Walker was nominated for Sheriffafter a sharp fight; it seemed that many applicants for that position weredetermined not to yield the point, but all acquiesced in the choice of theconvention. Capt. Walker was one of the boys "in blue" duringthe rebellion, and no doubt did valuable service for the country then ashe will now after his election to the office of sheriff of Cowley County.

M. G. Troup, of Tisdale, is a man of business,and knows how to attend to it.

Wirt W. Walton has been deputy surveyor forthe past two years, and attended to all the business of the office duringthat time, and has done the work well and faithfully. Wirt has the reputationof being the best surveyor in the county. His books speak for him as a skillfuldraughtsman, as anyone can see by calling, and examining them. Wirt is ajolly good fellow, and we make him our best bow as County surveyor, andwish him all good luck.

Mr. S. Moore was nominated for the positionof Coroner, by acclamation. Mr. Moore is a good man, and fitted to fillany position in the gift of the people.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

The son of J. N. Flehart was severely cut onthe leg with the cutter bar of a mowing machine last week.

The schoolhouse in Bowen's district, south ofthe Arkansas River, was struck by lightning last Saturday night and damagedconsiderable.

The Arkansas River Bridge was made free lastSaturday.

The storm of last Sunday night impeded Cass.Endicott's cattle and two were killed by lightning.

A. H. Hane, of the Telegram, roostedat our office last Sunday night.

C. R. Sipes' cotton wedding took place at hispleasant home on last Wednesday evening. A few friends gathered in and apleasant evening was spent.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

A number of Winfield sporting men have startedwest on a buffalo hunt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

Maris & Baldwin's new building on Main streetis fast being completed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

The Rev. J. E. Platter will preach in Hudson'sbuilding on Main Street next Sunday at 11 o'clock a.m. and 7 p.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

Mr. Holmes on the Martin farm just south oftown is preparing to build a fine large brick house. The foundation is in,and the brick and other material are being put upon the ground.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

Next Tuesday the farmers of Cowley County meetat Tisdale to nominate a Farmers' Ticket, whereon none but the names offarmers and laboring men shall have a place, which leaves farmers Allisonand Paul out in the cold.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

The United Brethren will hold a Quarterly meetingat the Braine Schoolhouse in District No. 14, Pleasant Valley Township,on Saturday and Sunday, October 4th and 5th. The Rev. D. Wenrick will preside.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

MARRIED. LOCKWOOD - GRAHAM. Married at Dexter,Kansas, Wednesday evening, October 1st, 1873, by the Rev. Joshua Jones,Mr. Eugene Lockwood of Winthrop, Missouri, to Miss Augusta Graham, of Dexter,Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

Tonight and tomorrow night our citizens willbe favored with an entertainment to be given by the Musical and DramaticClub of Winfield, which will eclipse all other entertainments of the kind,ever given in this place. There will be an interesting Drama in connectionwith the regular entertainment. An entire change of programme each evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

Mr. C. P. Spaulding's store at Tisdale was burnedto the ground last Monday night. The loss was estimated at $1,560. Insurance$2,500. It is supposed to be the work of an incendi ary. The back windowwas found open which was evidently entered by somebody. A shot was firedat Mr. Spaulding, which grazed his temple. An attempt was also made to firehis hay stacks, it is supposed by the same person.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

The ball given by the United States SurveyingCorps, at Arkansas City, was a grand affair. It was no doubt the best conducted,and in every way the finest affair of the kind ever witnessed in SouthernKansas. The music was splendid and the supper was such that the variantepicure could have found no fault, either in the variety or quality of theeatables. Great credit is due the managers for the taste and ability displayedin every feature of the entertainment.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 2, 1873.

Soldiers Reunion.

We, the undersigned, late Soldiers of the UnionArmy, take this method of calling a meeting of the Soldiers of Cowley andadjoining counties to meet at Winfield, October 18th, 1873, for the purposeof getting acquainted and having a good social time.

W. M. Boyer, Co. 9, 15 N. Y. Vol. Cav.

J. C. Bigger, Co. F, 92 Ill. Vol. Infantry.

J. P. Short, Co. M, 8 N. Y. Artillery.

J. B. Fairbank, 36 Mass. Infantry.

Enoch Maris, Co. F, 4 U. S. Cav.

Reuben Rogers, 25 Ky. Infantry.

A. A. Jackson, 12 Ill. Vol. Infantry.

P. Himrod, 105 Ohio Vol. Infantry.

A. H. Green, 9 Ind. Vol. Infantry.

D. C. Scull, Co. C, 13 Ind. Vol. Infantry.

James F. Paul, Army frontier.

E. S. Torrance, Co. G, 135 Pa. Vol. Infantry.

W. M. Berky, 25 Iowa Vol. Infantry.

J. B. Nipp, Co. C, 49 Ky. Infantry.

Frank Cox, Co. F, 61 In. Vol. Infantry.

Max Shoeb, Co. D, 24 In. Vol. Infantry.

E. Davis, Co. C, 4 Mo. Vol. Cav.

W. T. Dougherty, 45 Ill. Vol. Infantry.

L. B. Paul, Co. G, 126 Ohio Vol. Infantry.

C. M. Wood, Co. C, 96 Ohio Vol. Infantry.

Sam Darrah, Co. K. 1 Ohio Cav.

W. B. Doty, Co. F, 2 Kan. Cav.

W. Q. Mansfield, 92 N. Y. Vol. Infantry.

James Kelly, Co. A, 84 Ill. Vol. Infantry.

Burt Covert, Co. H, 21 N. Y. Cav.

Jack Swigart, Co. D, 124 Ill. Vol. Infantry.

M. W. Everleth, Co. F, 1 Maine Cav.

W. F. M. Lacey, Co. K, 33rd Ill. Vet. Infantry.

W. E. Doud, Co. F, 151st Ind. Vol. Infantry.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873. Editorial Page.


The make believe "farmers" met atTisdale last Tuesday for the purpose of nominating a ticket to be votedfor next November. The meeting was called to order at 2 o'clock p.m., andelected J. L. Shaw of Pleasant Valley, temporary chairman, and George Melville,secretary. J. G. Young of Tisdale, J. C. Roberts of Winfield, and A. N.Deming of Creswell were appointed a committee on credentials. Committeeon Resolutions, appointed as follows: C. C. Krow, G. Melville, Robert McNown,Dr. Sylvester Wilkins, and Wm. Voris. Both committees retiring, a motionwas carried that the convention organize when the proper time came. GeorgeMelville's appointment on committee on resolutions was objected to by J.C. Burger as he (Melville) was not a delegate. Motion to displace Mr. Melville,lost. Burger thought Melville ought to be displaced, as he was not a delegate,he might pack the Resolu tions. He thought the committee should be selectedby the crowd. John Smiley also thought the committee ought to be selectedby the crowd.

The crowd was finally organized, with J. L.Shaw as President, T. A. Blanchard, Vice- President, W. S. Coburn, Secretary.

Committee on Resolutions reported in substanceas follows.

That we desire to curtail expenses. That weask the aid of honest men regardless of party.

Resolved, Thatwe confine nominations to farmers and laborers as far as practicable. Thatwe invite the press of Cowley County to assist us to elect the ticket nominatedhere today.

The list of candidates nominated will be foundin another column, with our comments on their qualifications, abilities,etc.

Column did nothing but blast candidates nominated.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

VERNON TOWNSHIP, October 4, 1873.

Please publish the following report of the farmers'primary election, held in Vernon Township. J. WORDEN, Chairman, T. B. WARE,Secretary.

Motion by J. B. Evans that all persons presentwho took part in the primary election and are dissatisfied with the Republicanticket be cordially invited to take part in this meeting carried.

Moved that the manner of electing delegatesbe by acclamation. Carried.

The delegates and alternates were then electedas follows.

Delegates: C. McClung, T. A. Blanchard, J. B.Evans, J. Worden, K. McClung, F. S. Norris.

Alternates: J. W. Fabenstock, A. T. Williams,J. R. Taylor, P. M. Waite, C. Sutton, Wm. Martin.

Moved that the delegates be instructed to votefor no man that has announced himself a candidate or sought a nomination.Motion carried.


Resolved, ThatWilliam Martin is the unqualified choice of this convention, for Representative,and we cheerfully recommend him to the farmers' nominating convention.

Moved that the secretary furnish a copy of theproceedings of this meeting to the county papers for publication. Motioncarried. Adjourned.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

Maris & Baldwin have moved into their newstore room.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

Two or three of the cells of the jail are nowin readiness to receive and retain any of our citizens who can't behavethemselves outside.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

The disappointed candidates at the "farmers'"convention, now console themselves with the declaration that the conventionwas run by Amos Walton and Col. Manning.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

There will be a dance at Thomasville tomorrow(Friday) evening, which everybody is cordially invited to attend. Ticketsfifty cents, and supper the same.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

The photograph artist, Concannon, intends toemigrate to Wellington, where he will stay two or three weeks and give thepeople of the wilderness a chance to have their visages trans ferred tocardboard for a reasonable consideration.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

We understand that our county attorney madehis mark as the prince of wire-pullers by the manner in which he handledthe wires attached to the curtains at the entertainment given by the WinfieldLiterary and Dramatic Club, last week. Wire-pulling is getting popular.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

The Literary and Dramatic club gave two entertainmentslast week, which, we understand, showed very fair ability in our young people,although not having been present we are unable to "write it up."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

Many of the citizens of Tisdale are highly incensedat the manner in which the Traveler of last week alluded to themas being instrumental in the recent burning of Spaulding's building. Thecitizens referred to by Scottthose who had opposed Mr. Spaulding in townmattersare among the most respectable of the many estimable citizens ofthe rural burg of Tisdale, and strongly object to having so serious a mattercharged to them. We understand that a considerable sum of money has beenoffered by the aforesaid citizens for the apprehension of the incendiary.We sincerely hope that the perpetrator of the crime may be discovered, asthis event would remove certain unpleasant suspicions concerning the originof the conflagration, caused by the insurance so far exceeding the loss.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 9, 1873.

Board of County Commissioners met at the CountyClerk's office Oct. 6th, 1873. Present: Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, and O.C. Smith.

E. B. Kager appeared and asked that he be alloweda statement that he had settled with the County Board for the year 1873,and on motion of O. C. Smith it was ordered that E. B. Kager be furnishedwith a statement that he had settled.

Petition of Menor for County Road was granted,with J. H. Land, A. J. Thompson, and W. D. Roberts as viewers. Survey orderedon the 16th of Oct., 1873, to meet at the county Clerk's office.

Petition of W. Street for county road was laidover for want of affidavit of publication and posting notices accordingto law.

Petition of Thos. Randall for state line roadwas laid over under the rule, commencing at the S. W. corner of sec 30 tp32 r 3 and N W cor of sec 31 tp 32 r 4 east.



Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

The courthouse is enclosed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

Stone pavements are all the go.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

Blandin's mill is running steadily.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

Covered wagons constantly dot the prairies.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

Capt. Braidwood left for New York this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

The Winfield sports have returned from theirBuffalo hunt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

The teacher's institute at Arkansas City commencedlast Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

A large number of buffalo hunters are passingeast and west daily.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

Not a single billiard saloon is open in thiscity and the billiardists are all disconsolate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

Owing to the illness of Mrs. E. P. Hickok therewill be no school until Monday next.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

Capt. McDermott and the republican candidatesleft on the grand rounds of the county last Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

The Catholics of our city are notified thatPaul M. Ponziglione of Osage Mission will hold mass next Sunday the 19thinst.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

The U. S. Survey corps left Arkansas City onthe 4th inst. for their field of labor in the Indian Territory. They expectto be gone two years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

Rev. Parmelee and J. B. Fairbank, Esq., returnedthis week from Eureka, where they have been as delegates to a CongregationalChurch Association.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

The drug store of Maris and Baldwin is, we think,without exception the finest room of the kind in this part of the state.These gentlemen have taken great pains, and show excellent taste in thefitting up of their room and when their new stone walk is finished, everythingwill be complete.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

The COURIER office was honored with a call fromCaptain Stubblefield of Sheridan Township and A. J. Truesdall of Tisdale,both old soldiers, and neither taking any stock in the bogus farmers ticket.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

J. C. Fuller wants it distinctly understoodby those persons in the east part of the county who think all the banksin the county have suspended, that the Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller hasbeen opened for business every day at regular hours, has paid all demandsand checks in cash, has continued to loan to its regular customers, andis prepared to do the same in future. The bank is not buying eastern drafts,but takes them for collection.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

A semi-barbarian with a cut-throat countenance,who sails under the name of Gamble since he came to this country, has threatenedto spoil the countenance of the COURIER's editor if he don't quit abusingrebels. Gamble is a rebel soldier who unfortunately escaped the minnie ballsof the boys in blue to be broken upon the wheel, or submitted to a moredeserved torture if he attempts any of his old games in this free country.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

A new Boot & Shoe store has just been openedat Maris & Baldwin's old stand, by Mr. T. E. Gilliland from Independence.His stock is composed exclusively of Boots and Shoes, and is the most completein every respect of anything of this kind in the Southwest. Mr. Gillilandrelieves a want long felt by our citizens and we hope he will succeed inestablishing a flourishing business.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

A Soldier of 1812 Gone.

From the Syracuse (New York) Standard,we learn that Mr. John Crocker, the father of Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield, diedon the 29th ult., at Bristol, New York. He was an old man and his vigorousdays were spent in our nation's morn. He was born in 1789. In 1807 he drovea team, carrying merchandise from Albany to the then "far west,"in Genessee Valley and the Holland Purchase. Canals and railroads were notthen dreamed of. In 1807 he first visited Syracuse with a large potash kettleto exchange for salt, and after transporting the salt to Augusta, he soldit for five dollars per barrel. When war was declared in 1812, he volunteered in a rifle company and marched to Sackets Harbor, and performed militaryduty there at Ogdensburg. He was engaged on board the schooner Julia inthe engagement with the British vessels Earl Morta and Duke of Gloucester.In 1812, he married Miss Typhena Butler, of Paris, Oneida County, who borehim eight children, four of whom are still living. In 1831, deceased wentto Albany and became a contractor on the Mohawk and Hudson railroad, andwith his men laid the first rail that was ever laid in the state of NewYork, in June, 1831. He remained there until the road was completed in 1833,and was afterwards engaged under Governor Bouck as a contractor on importantportions of the Chenango canal. He died universally esteemed. Mrs. Mansfieldhas the sympathy of many friends in this affliction.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 16, 1873.

The following cases will stand for trial atthe October term of the District Court of Cowley County and have been placedupon the trial docket in the following order.


State of Kansas vs. Norman Shether.

State of Kansas vs. Clabourn Purdew.


Zimri Stubbs vs. Samuel Jay et al.

Clabourn Purdew vs. Jonathan L. James.

Wm. Bartlow vs. Jennie S. Tousey, Adm'x et al.

Joseph T. Hooker vs. Emanuel Davis.

C. P. Spaulding vs. Will M. Allison.

John C. Smith vs. Samuel P. Berryman.

James Beatch vs. H. Hanson.

Herwig and Lane vs. A. D. Keith.


J. J. Williams vs. A. J. Covert et al.

Geo. W. Ballou vs. James A. Brake.

Wm. Rogers vs. James Renfro.

C. J. Brane vs. E. Fredrick.

N. J. Keffer vs. J. C. Smith et al.

W. M. S. Curtly vs. John B. Plumb.

Amos Smith et al vs. A. J. Reves.

T. H. Johnson vs. Jas L. M. Hill.

State of Kansas Ex rel A. S. Williams, Att'yGen'l vs. Board of Co. Com. of Cowley Co. and Stewart & Simpson.

H. W. Gillett vs. A. D. Keith.

Thos. L. Clark vs. A. D. Keith.

Smith and Boswell vs. A. Bisbee.


B. W. Woodard & Co. vs. A. D. Keith.

Geo. W. Pitkin vs. A. D. Keith.

Theo Egersdorf vs. A. D. Keith.

A. V. Polk vs. John Richards.

A. H. ho*rneman vs. John Richards.

Richard Woolsey and John Brown vs. W. J. andR. A. Mowrey.

L. Ray Blake vs. Elter Arlet Blake.

Martin L. Read vs. S. E. and John Dudley.

D. W. Allen vs. John Weis et al.

Chas G. Fawcett vs. Geo. Hayden et al.

G. W. Bailey, C. M. Sloan, and C. L. Rood vs.Board of Co. Com. of Cowley County.

Garrett W. Thompson vs. Saml P. Reynolds.


Sarah E. Apple vs. Jacob Apple.

Thos. Tool vs. Wm. W. and Maria A. Andrews.

John C. McMullen vs. W. D. and R. L. Wilson.

Drake & Hall vs. Wm. H. Brown.

Wm. Bartlow vs. Phillip Koehler et al.

Isaac and Ezra Greenwold vs. Phillip Koehleret al.

T. K. Johnson et al vs. Winfield Town Co.

W. E. Doud vs. A. G. Headrick.

John Swain vs. Seymore Tarrant.

Mary E. Porter vs. John Porter.

C. A. Bliss vs. Joseph C. Blandin.

C. M. Wood vs. John W. Millspaugh.


E. S. BEDILION, Deputy.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

The jail will be dedicated by a dance tomorrownight.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, was outto the reunion Saturday last.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

George Miller is butchering and Goldie Triplettis running the St. Nicholas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

A. T. Shenneman left town last Tuesday for thewestern plains where he expects to locate for the winter, hunting bison,etc.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

Thos. B. Adams, Esq., a prominent attorney ofSoutheastern Indiana, is in town on a visit to his son-in-law, Louis T.Michener, Esq.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

Chas. A. Roberts has just ten days in whichto substantiate his charges against the Grand Mogul of the COURIER, or sufferthe consequences.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

The Teacher's Institute at Arkansas City wasa great success, lasting from Monday night until the Thursday evening ensuing,ending with a select dance on Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

LOST. On Tuesday last, on the Oxford road afew miles from Winfield, a small case of surgical instruments belongingto Dr. Mansfield. The finder is offered a reward of two dollars by the owner.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

S. S. Dickinson, the gentlemanly agent of theHumboldt Bridge Manufacturing Company, gave us a call last Monday. He hasbeen in this and neighboring counties working up the bridge question.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

A few days ago Mr. Higginbottom brought to ouroffice a sackful of some of the handsomest turnips we have seen anywhere.They were sent us by our old genuine Republican friend Lit Cottingham. UncleLit, besides raising some of the finest blooded hogs in the county, alsoraises some of the largest vegetables.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

MARRIED. Mr. J. N. Yerger, our enterprisingjeweler, returned last Saturday from the east, bringing with him his newlywedded, young and handsome wife. He has resumed business just as thoughnothing had happened. The band boys gave him a serenade Monday night andfound him bountifully supplied with beer and Limburger cheese. Long andhappily may they live.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

As it is the rule for bankers to make statementsto the public in vindication of their management of the business duringthe recent "currency flurry" for the benefit of those who wereso fearfully anxious for fear Read's Bank would not be forced to close itsdoors (the customers and depositors of the Bank need no statement as theyhave manifested no anxiety about the matter) and to correct any erroneousimpressions that may have been created in the minds of the readers of asmall paid local, that appeared in the last issue of the COURIER and Telegram.Read's Bank "wants it distinctly understood by those parties in theeastern part of this county, who think all the banks in the county havesuspended," and by all parties everywhere, that all the banks in CowleyCounty have sustained themselves during the recent "money panic,"in a manner that should be a matter of pride to every good citizen of ourcounty, that Read's Bank has been open for business at all business hoursduring the "panic," that we have conducted our business as usual,except as a matter of prudence and a decent respect for the interests ofour customers and depositors, we did not loan freely to parties who hadnever been customers of the bank and had no claim on us for accommodations,but to our customers, we have made the usual amount of loans and renewals.We have taken eastern drafts at all times, and placed them to the creditof our customers as usual, and in many cases have allowed our customersto draw against their drafts in currency when we could not get a dollarin currency from eastern banks, on them. The bank has paid every demandagainst it in currency as desired, and in many cases have allowed overdraftsto accommodate our customers, when the same was properly secured.

We would say further that we are abundantlyable to take care of ourselves and our customers despite the assiduous carpingsof some of our jealous enemies, that our capital which is ample for ourbusiness is unimpaired by any losses during the "panic"and ourjudgment perhaps improvedand we hope to serve our many citizens, in thefuture as we have in the past, and afford them every customary facility.We propose to do a safe Banking business and nothing elseoffering a safeplace for deposits, a place that shall always [REST OF THIS ARTICLE IS COMPLETELYOBSCURED].

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

The many friends of D. C. Scull, the pleasantand talented lawyer of the firm of Scull & Michener, will learn withsincere regret that he takes his departure from our beautiful city for theSoutheastern states in one of which he expects to make his future residence.Mr. Scull has been but a short time among us, but during that time has mademany warm friends. His household furniture will be sold at auction nextSaturday the 25th inst., at 1 o'clock p.m. The furniture is all new andwill doubtless go cheap.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

Meeting of the Veterans.

At half past 2 o'clock the soldiers, to thenumber of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and precededby the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which hadbeen kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T.A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary.

The chairman stated the object of the meetingto be to organize a permanent Soldiers' Union.

On motion a committee consisting of A. A. Jackson,A. D. Keith, Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthur, Capt. Henry Barker, and Col. E. C.Manning were appointed on permanent organization.

During the absence of the committee, D. C. Scullentertained the meeting with a few appropriate remarks.

The committee on permanent organization reportedas follows.

Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organization,recommend the following as a permanent organization for Cowley County, ofthe Union Soldiers of the late war.

1st. The association of all soldiers into anorganization to be known as the Cowley County Soldiers' Association.

2nd. That said association elect a president,3 vice presidents, secretary, and assistant secretary, and treasurer, andadopt a constitution.

3rd. That said association request its membersto subscribe the constitution as an evidence of membership, giving the requiredcompany or battalion to which each belonged, and to attend the meetingsof the association.

4th. That said association meet semi-annuallyfor celebrations, and as much oftener as business requires. A. A. JACKSON,Chairman.

The above was unanimously adopted. The rollbeing called; the following "Boys in Blue," answered to theirnames.


C. J. Duncan, Co. B, 1st Bat., 16th U. S. Cav.

Enoch Maris, Co. F, 4 U. S. Cav.


J. A. Barr, Co. C, 2nd Ill. light Art.

James Renfro, Co. K, 98th Ill. Inf.

J. P. Carter, Co. K, 80th Ill. Inf.

Z. T. Swigart, Co. D, 124 Ill. Inf.

W. F. M. Lacey, Co. K, 33rd Ill. Vet. Inf.

James Kelly, Co. A, 84 Ill. Vol. Inf.

A. T. Shenneman, Co. I, 7 Ill. Cav.

W. T. Dougherty, 45 Ill. Vol. Inf.

Frank Cox, Co. F, 61 Ill. Vol. Inf.

Max Shoeb, Co. D, 24 Ill. Vol. Inf.

A. A. Jackson, 12 Ill. Vol. Inf.

J. C. Bigger, Co. F, 92 Ill. Vol. Infantry.

Curtis Wilson, Co. D, 119th Ill. Inf.

Stephen Johnson, Co. E, 92nd Ill. Inf.

Jas. Benbroke, Co. K. 20th Ill. Inf.

J. L. Shaw, Co. K. 17th Ill. Inf.

H. H. Causey, Co. F, 11th Ill Inf.

Thomas Chappin, Co. I, 83 Ill. Inf.


T. W. Morris, Co. E, 92nd O Cav.

Sam Darrah, Co. K. 1 Ohio Cav.

L. B. Paul, Co. G, 125 Ohio Vol. Inf.

C. M. Wood, Co. C, 96 Ohio Vol. Inf.

P. Himrod, 105 Ohio Vol. Inf.

G. W. Foughty, Co. B, 57 Ohio Inf.

B. B. Dougherty, Co. A, 59th Ohio Inf.

Samuel Harvey, Co. K, 55 Ohio Inf.

Joseph Smith, Co. B, 1st Ohio Art.

John W. Millspaugh, Co. B, 19th Ohio Inf.

David S. Beadie, Co. G, 14th Ohio Inf.

W. H. H. McArthur, Co. G, 31st Ohio Inf.


Harry Smith, Co. Co. R, 14th Ind. Inf.

S. H. Wells, Co. G, 7th Ind. Cav.

W. E. Doud, Co. F, 151st Ind. Vol. Inf.

D. C. Scull, Co. C, 13 Ind. Vol. Inf.

A. H. Green, 9 Ind. Vol. Inf.

H. Parks, Co. H, 1st Ind. Inf.

A. B. Odell, Co. C, 86th Ind. Inf.

B. F. Harrod, Co. H, 57th Ind. Inf.

L. K. Barnewell, Co. K. 13th Ind. Inf.

H. S. Greer, Co. I, 53rd Ind. Inf.


W. B. Doty, Co. F, 2 Kan. Cav.

E. C. Manning, Co. H, 3 Kas Cav.

I. D. Newton, Co. D, 6th Kas. Cav.

H. L. Barker, Co. G, 15th Kansas Inf.

G. H. McIntyre, Co. C, 11th Kan. Inf.


Burt Covert, Co. H, 12 N. Y. Cav.

W. Q. Mansfield, 92 N. Y. Vol. In.

J. P. Short, Co. M, 8 N. Y. Artillery.

W. M. Boyer, Co. G, 15 N. Y. Vol. Cav.

Joel Mack, Co. M, 12th N. Y. Cav.

E. P. Hickock, Co. E, 2nd N. Y. Inf.


T. A. Blanchard, Co. K, 7th Mo. Cav.

E. Davis, Co. C, 4 Mo. Vol. Cav.

G. W. Robinson, Co. C, 3rd Mo. Cav.

I. N. Breman, Co. K, 1st Mo. Cav.

S. C. Cunningham, Co. D, 8th Mo. Inf.

B. E. Murphy, Co, I, 8th Mo. Cav.


T. C. Bird, Co. C, 31st Is. Inf.

W. M. Berky, 23 Iowa Vol. Inf.

C. A. Seward, Co. C, 2nd Iowa light Art.

Wm. Seucaney, Co. D, 13th Iowa Inf.


J. B. Nipp, Co. C, 40 Ky. Inf.

Reuben Rogers, 25 Ky. Inf.

W. K. Falar, Co. B, 26 Ky. Inf.


C. L. Rood, Co. A, 1st Mich. Cav.

W. H. Melville, Co. C, 4th Mich. Inf.

Oliver Decker, Co. H, 12th Mich. Inf.


John McClay, Co. E, 55th Penn. Inf.

E. S. Torrance, Co. G, 135 Pa. Vol. Inf.

D. N. Egbert, Philadelphia Union League Bat.


James Stewart, Co. F, 1st Col. Cav.

A. D. Keith, Co. G, 2nd Col. Inf.


M. L. Brooks, Co. H, 1st Tenn. Cav.

John Brooks, Co. C, 4th Tenn. Cav.


Archie Stewart, Co. G, 5th Vermont Inf.

H. H. Stewart, 2d Vermont light Art.


M. W. Everleth, Co. F, 1 Maine Cav.


J. B. Fairbank, 36 Mass. Inf.


L. J. Webb, Co. E, 16th Wis. Inf.


A. J. Truesdale, Co. K. 1st Minn. Inf.

The following were elected to hold the respectiveoffices until the next meeting.

C. M. WOOD, President.
Wm. H. H. McARTHUR, 1st Vice President.
A. D. KEITH, 2nd Vice President.
BEN F. HARROD, 3rd Vice President.
JAMES KELLY, Secretary.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Assistant Secretary.
Dr. W. Q. MANSFIELD, Treasurer.
J. W. MILLSPAUGH, Color bearer.

Mr. Wood, on assuming the chair, made a fewbrief appropriate remarks.

The following were appointed a committee tomake arrangements for the next meeting.

A. A. Jackson, L. J. Webb, J. P. Short, E. S.Torrance, and James Kelly.

A committee to draft constitution and by-lawsto be submitted at the next meeting was appointed as follows: Col. E. C.Manning, Capt. H. S. Barker, A. D. Keith, John W. Mills- paugh, and Capt.Wm. H. H. McArthur.

Several anecdotes and reminiscences of armylife were told by Capt. Carter, Enoch Maris, D. C. Scull, and E. C. Manning.

"Rally Round the Flag Boys," "Tramp,Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching," and other old songs were splendidlyrendered by Miss Emma Leffingwell, organist, Dr. Egbert, John Swain, A.A. Jackson, and Capt. McArthur; the entire assembly joining in the chorus.

A rising vote of thanks was tendered to MissLeffingwell for the music, which was given with a will. The following resolutionwas offered by L. J. Webb, and unanimously adopted.

Resolved,That we extend a cordial invitation to the soldiers of the Union Army inCowley County, to meet with us at our next meeting, and to become membersof the society; and that the papers of the county publish this resolutionand the proceedings of this meeting.

On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at Winfieldon the 29th day of November, 1873. C. M. WOOD, Chairman.

JAMES KELLY, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

NOTICE. Owing to the impossibility of negotiatingbonds of any kind at present, the Township Board have decided to let thebuilding of the bridge across Timber Creek rest for the present. J. P. SHORT,Trustee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

S. H. Myton takes this opportunity to informthe public that he will sell plows and other farming implements on notespayable April 1st, 1874.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

McMillen & Shields will not be undersold,but they want the cash.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 23, 1873.

Maris, Carson & Baldwin, at the City DrugStore, are now in their new storerooms, prepared to accommodate their manycustomers with PURE DRUGS of all kinds, Notions, Toilet soaps, etc.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Go to the Old Fellows' sociable in the Courthouseon the 6th of November.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Judge Campbell deals out justice with his usualenergy and promptness.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Hackney looks as innocent as if he did not intendgoing to the legislature this winter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

The award for seating the Courthouse was letto the Kansas School Furniture Company of Iola.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

S. H. Myton was awarded the contract for furnishingthe stoves, pipe, etc., for the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

The Secretary of the Treasury has resumed speciepayments and gold and silver will soon be plenty.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Frank Williams has added a full stock of groceriesto his business. He will be found at his old stand ready to receive andoblige all his customers as usual.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Let every voter see that his ballot containsthe following words before depositing it: "For Amendment to sectiontwo, article two of the Constitution." If it is not printed on yourticket, write it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

There will be a public examination of teachersheld at Tisdale, Monday, November 10, for all those who were unable by reasonof sickness or absence from the county to attend the Teachers Instituteheld at Arkansas City, Oct. 13, 1873.

T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Last week Curns & Manser sold 40 acres offthe east side of G. W. Thompson's farm to Cyrus M. Perrine at $60 per acre;also David A. Crawford's farm to Nancy Linscott for $1,400; also W. E. Bostwick'sfarm to Chas. Hayes for $900. Mr. Perrine will have 50,000 grafts set outon his place by the first of April. This nursery will be a fine additionto the town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Mr. Chas. A. Roberts came in yesterday, andmade such explanations and apologies as to warrant Mr. Kelly in suspendinghostilities as far as Mr. Roberts is concerned. But from what we could "nose"out of the affair, there is somebody else in the "fence;" we lookfor interesting developments soon, as our grand mogul though one of thekindest most reasonable men alive, when he does start, maketh it warm forsomebody.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Among the lawyers in attendance at the DistrictCourt from abroad, we notice Col. J. M. Alexander of Leavenworth; Hon. Wm.P. Hackney, of Wellington; Gen. Rogers of Eureka, and Judge M. L. Adamsof Wichita. From Arkansas City are C. R. Mitchell and A. J. Pyburn. FromDexter, Hon. James McDermott. Our own bar is, as usual, ably representedby Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Webb & Bigger, Manning & Johnson,Louis T. Michener, Pryor & Kager, and T. H. Suits.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Our friends, T. A. Blanchard and E. S. Bedilion,thinking perhaps that the bushel of turnips left us last week would be devouredby this time, and not willing to see the printers starve before their veryeyes, brought us each a peck of the finest potatoes we have seen this year.Mr. Blanchard has some four or five acres of potatoes which netted him herein Winfield about $65 per acre.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Last Monday night as Capt. McDermott and W.W. Walton were returning from Tisdale, where they had been speaking, thebuggy overturned and they were emptied carelessly into the road. W. W. landedupon his head and therefore his injuries were very slight, but the Captain,less fortunate, struck on his face with such force as to lose consciousnessfor a time. His injuries were not serious, however, although his proboscisis somewhat the worse for wear, and looks as though somebody had been puttinga head on him. On the same night E. B. Kager came into town balancing ona single spring.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

The jail dedication dance of last week was agrand affair. The jail was illuminated. The two Cranes were perched uponstools in the corner, scraping sweet strains on the entrails of some defunctfeline, a single set was formed upon the floor in the shape of a hollowsquare walking through the changes of a quadrille; a solitary lady sat uponone of the benches which were ranged along the wall, a few of the gentswere practicing some choice jig and clog steps in the corner, while theremainder of the assembly (fifteen military "stags") gatheredin a knot near the door gazing at and enjoying the scene almost as muchas the participants. C. L. Rood was acting officer of the day and chiefspokesman, which positions he filled with the dignity becoming the occasion.Owing to the wonderful success of this effort, Rood thinks he will giveanother entertainment of the same character some time.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

The members of the Fraternity of Odd Fellowswill give a Sociable on Wednesday evening, November 5th, in the large roomat the Courthouse. Evening entertainments will be of a social character.Supper will be provided at an early hour.

SOLICITING COMMITTEE: Mrs. M. L. Mullen, Mrs.J. J. Todd, Mrs. S. W. Greer, Mrs. Braidwood, Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. J. Bullene,Mrs. Jeffreys, L. J. Webb, T. A. Blanchard, A. S. Williams, G. W. Martin,Mrs. Fannie V. Curns, A. G. Jackson.

COMMITTEE ON PREPARING AND DECORATING THE ROOM:P. M. Shell, J. W. Curns, A. J. Thompson, Miss Ada Millington, Miss Quarles,Mrs. McMasters.

COMMITTEE ON KITCHEN: J. J. Williams, P. M.Sholl, F. D. Davis.

COMMITTEE ON MUSIC: Miss Lewelia Blandin, MissKate Lowery, Miss Kate Porter, Miss Braidwood, J. Swain.

COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION: Mrs. Flint, Miss J.Stewart, Mrs. Capt. Davis, J. J. Williams, J. Swain, Dr. Houx.

By order of the general Committee.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

Proceedings of the Cowley County District Court,to Oct. 29th, 1873, the Following Causes having Been Disposed of.


Arkansas City vs. Norman Shether, continued.

State of Kansas vs. Clabourn Purdew, dismissed.


Hayword vs. Green, continued.

Zimri Stubbs vs. Samuel Jay et al, continued.

Clabourn Purdew vs. Jonathan L. James, dismissed.

Wm. Bartlow vs. Jennie S. Tousey Adm'x et al,dismissed.

J. T. Hooker vs. Emanuel Davis, continued.

C. P. Spaulding vs. Will M. Allison, continued.

J. C. Smith vs. Samuel P. Berryman, continued.

J. Bestch vs. H. Hanson, judgment for plaintiff.

Helwig and Lane vs. A. D. Keith, death of Lanesuggested, and cause continued for revivor.

J. J. Williams vs. A. J. Covert et al, judgmentfor plaintiff by agreement.

Geo. W. Ballou vs. James A. Brake, continued.

W. Rogers vs. J. Renfro, settled and continued.

C. J. Brane vs. E. Fredrick, continued.

N. J. Keffer vs. J. C. Smith et al, appeal dismissed.

T. H. Johnson vs. Jas. L. M. Hill, judgmentfor plaintiff.

State of Kansas Ex rel A. S. Williams, Att'yGen'l vs. Board of Co. Com. of Cowley Co. and Stewart & Simpson, dismissed.

Thos. L. Clark vs. A. D. Keith et al, continued.

L. Ray Blake vs. Etter Ariet Blake, continued.

M. L. Read vs. S. E. and J. Dudley, judgmentby default.

D. W. Allen vs. J. Weis et al, judgment by default.

Chas. G. Fawcett vs. Geo. Hayden et al, judgmentagainst defendant for costs.

G. W. Bailey, C. M. Sloan, and C. L. Rood vs.Board of Co. Com. of Cowley County, continued.

G. W. Thompson vs. S. P. Reynolds, continued.

J. C. McMullen vs. W. D. and E. L. Wilson, continued.

Wm. Bartlow vs. Phillip Koehler et al, judgmentfor plaintiff.

John Swain vs. Seymore Tarrant, report of refereeconfirmed.

Mary E. Porter vs. John Porter, continued.

C. A. Bliss vs. Joseph C. Blandin, dismissed.

C. A. Bliss et al vs. J. C. Blandin, dismissed.

Haywood vs. Greer, attachment dissolved.

C. M. Wood vs. John W. Millspaugh, C. A. Blissgiven leave to become a party defendant, and cause continued. JAMES KELLY,Clerk.

E. S. BEDILION, Deputy.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

NOTICE. All persons indebted to C. C. Stevensare notified that their accounts have been left with the undersigned forcollection, and they are requested to call and settle at once.


Winfield, Oct. 29th, 1873.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,October 30, 1873.

[Kansas legislature had "proposed amendment"to state constitution submitted at last session for ratification or rejectionby Kansas electors at next general election.]

The number of Representatives and Senators shallbe regulated by law but shall never exceed 125 Representatives and 40 Senators.From and after amendment adoption, each county in which at least 250 legalvotes are cast at the next preceding general election, and each organizedcounty in which less than 200 legal votes are cast, shall be attached toand constitute a part of the representative district of the county lyingnext adjacent to it on the east.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

The Modocs have at last reached their destination,and will hereafter be "at home" on an island in the Platte River,near Fort McPherson, Colorado, where there are no lava beds.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Recap: Due to the vote by farmers dissatisfiedwith the status quo in Cowley County, William Martin was elected by a smallmajority as Representative of Cowley County, defeating Captain McDermott.

A Card.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 27th, 1873.

MR. JAMES KELLY: Sir: On the evening of October4th, 1873, Mr. W. H. H. Maris told me, in his store, that you would notonly lie but steal, and had stolen from him. He did not state when nor howbutstated the amount was two dollars. And that he would be glad to see youkicked out of town. CHAS. A. ROBERTS.

ED. COURIER, Sir: In reply to a card from Chas.A. Roberts, published in this week's issue of your paper, I would say thatthe statement made therein, is false, and that, according to the best ofmy recollections, I have never mentioned your name to him, at any time.

To one person, I did remark, that I would justas soon one would steal from me as to collect money from me and keep it,when it was not due him. I said further, that James Kelly had, in my absence,collected two dollars, from my clerk, on advertising my business, when Inever had authorized anyone to advertise for me in that paper. I afterwardlearned that you intended to refund me the money collected.

Now for the benefit of Chas. A. Roberts, I wouldsay, that, hereafter, he should be able to prove his assertions, or be willingto shoulder the responsibility of his own statements.


Winfield, Nov. 3rd, 1873.

I was clerking for W. H. H. Maris at the timeMr. Kelly presented his bill for advertising, and remarked to him that Iknew nothing about it, but supposed it was all right. Mr. Kelly said ifit was not, he would make it right. I paid him the bill. Mr. Maris toldme that he had ordered his card out of the COURIER. The next time I sawMr. Kelly, I told him what Mr. Maris had said. Mr. Kelly told me if thatwas the case, he could have his money back, and handed me a ten dollar bill.I could not make the change, and he said he would pay it some other time.P. M. SHOLL.

The above speaks for itself. With regard tothe advertising, we will simply say that when we bought the COURIER, wefound the card of Mr. Maris as well as other businessmen of Winfield, alreadyin it, and that we collected pay for it, never dreaming but that it wasall right until Mr. Sholl, Mr. Maris' clerk, of whom we collected the $2.00,told us that Mr. Maris had told him that his card had been ordered outafact of which we were not awareand immediately offered to refund the moneyand handed Mr. Sholl a ten dollar bill to take two out of, but he couldn'tmake the change. We have simply neglected to pay the money to Mr. Maris,and this is all there is of the great, long abusive article in the Telegram,from Chas. A. Roberts.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Fine rain last Saturday night.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Beautiful Indian summer weather.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

L. T. Michener has removed his law office toFuller's Bank.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Mr. Anderson killed two panthers at the mouthof Silver Creek last week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Only about half the usual number of votes werepolled at the election in this county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Ned Perkins is back again. He thinks herdingcattle isn't what it is cracked up to be.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Capt. Davis and lady started last Friday forNew Orleans, where they will spend the winter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Capt. Folks and Dr. Maggard gave us a call Monday.One of them has lost a hat on the section in their county. Which one wasit!

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

McDermott says he does not so much object toa trip up salt creek as he does to the shabby crew with whom he is compelledto make it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Mr. Silver undertook to burn around his stackslast week when a few sparks reached them and in a short time they were totallydestroyed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

The Republicans elected their entire ticketwith the exception of Representative and commissioner for the second district,who were defeated by small majorities.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

The foundation of Mr. Andrew's new brick houseis rapidly being laid. He has some of the finest building stone on the groundthat we have ever seen in this vicinity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Vernon Township was subjected to a severe conflagrationlast week which swept over nearly the entire township, burning stacks andhedge rows, causing considerable damage.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

W. H. Parks has recently bought the wagon shopof the Robinson Brothers. He is also a producer. This year he produced somefine California russet potatoes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

Judge Wilkins of Garnett, agent of the lineof the Missouri Pacific road now building between Paola and Garnett is inthis county for the purpose of securing aid in the extension of that roadto Arkansas City by way of Eldorado and this city. If he succeeds in effectinghis purpose, it will give us a direct route to Kansas City and St. Louisby a trunk line.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

The Odd Fellows' sociable last night was oneof the finest affairs of the season. The large cake was voted to Mrs. SamDarrah, as the handsomest lady in the room, despite the strenuous effortsof some of the young men in behalf of Miss Blandin. After the sociable,the festivities were continued by the young folks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

WILEY - DIGGENS. Married at the residence ofGeo. B. Green in Silverdale Township, on the 2nd day of November, 1873,by Elder Joshua Jones, Mr. Amos A. Wiley to Miss Ellen E. Diggins. All ofCowley County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 6, 1873.

SMITH - RICE. Married at Dexter, Kansas, onthe evening of Oct. 25, 1873, by T. R. Bryan, Esq., Mr. C. T. Smith to MissLucy Rice. All of Dexter.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Last Wednesday evening (the 5th inst.) at anearly hour, a large crowd of our wide-awake citizens gathered at Jackson'sHall. The meeting organized by electing Col. E. C. Manning to the chair,who stated the object of the meeting and introduced to the audience JudgeWilkins, of Garnett, the energetic and able representative of the Paola,Garnett & Fall River Railroad.

"The road in whose interest I am here tonightis not a new thing, not a "paper" road, but a road that has alreadyentered your state, is in running order to Garnett by December 1, 1873,and the contract let to Col. Hall, of St. Louis, who has a force of over300 men at work upon the road to build the same to the Arkansas Valley bythe 1st day of June, 1875. When I say that this road is a St. Louis project,you need not be surprised, for the very fact that it leaves the MissouriPacific at Holden and then runs west in this direction should convince youthat it is a branch of the aforesaid road, and purely a St. Louis measure.It is now, however, under the direct management of the Pennsylvania CentralRailroad and supervision of Tom Scott, the railroad King."

All this road wants is 30 year 7 percent bonds,or about $5,000 for each mile of road laid in our county, which would amount,probably, to $125,000 in bonds. After asking for an expression from someof the businessmen in regard to the project, he then thanked the audienceand took his seat.

Mr. Fairbank being called upon, said:

"We need, we want, we must have railroadconnection with the outside world! We have no lakes, canals, or navigablerivers, and we, as an agricultural people, must have some other means besidesour farm wagons to send our surplus grain to market.

"Owing to a kind providence, we, this year,have a surplus of corn in our county. What can we do with it? Ship it east,you say. Very well, but it will cost four bushels to get one to market,by the means of carrying we now have. Four sevenths of the cost of shippingan article from Bangor, Maine, to this place, accrues between here and Wichita,our nearest railroad point.

"The farmers of this county can grow richin a few years, if they will go to work at once, and secure a railroad bywhich they can send their products direct to market. . . .

"In conclusion, I would say, as our abilityto purchase increases, our wants increase, and it is of vital importanceto our country, our county, and our town, that we have a railroad immediately,even though we have to procure it at a sacrifice."

Mr. Manning being called upon, said that hewas in favor of an East and West road, and would do all he could to helpthe road that would first show signs of helping us. He wants a road throughthe Territory to Galveston, Texas, and then good bye St. Louis, or any othereastern market. Galveston is to be our future market.

Judge Hilton, of Lincoln, Nebraska, being present,was loudly called on for a "speech." He responded by giving us,for about an hour, one of the most lively, vivacious, and original speecheswe ever listened to. His theme, Labor Saving Machinery, and its applicationin Europe, Asia, America, and the Indian Territory, was good, very good.

The audience was convulsed in laughter at Mr.Hilton's peculiar, and attractive way of handling the Indian question, andhis bits of poetry, quotations, and the like, will long be remembered, whenthe railroad meetings and speeches will be a thing of the past. Long maythe Judge wave!

An expression of the meeting was had, whichresulted unanimously in favor of the Paola, Garnett & Fall River Railroad.E. C. MANNING, President.

NOT A FARMER, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

A porcupine was captured near Wellington, SumnerCounty, last week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Col. H. C. Loomis, the best old bachelor inmarket, returned in fine condition last week, from a six months' visit downeast.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

From the Arkansas City Traveler, we learnthat the Pimos Indians, 10,000 strong, are to be located in the Territorysouth of us.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Mr. McMillen, of McMillen & Shields, hasabout completed a comfortable looking two- story stone dwelling house inthe south part of town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

The Presbyterian church (Rev. Mr. Platter, pastor)will hold service next Sabbath in Mr. Jackson's building three doors southof Lagonda House.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

The Winfield Silver Cornet Band held a meetinglast week and took in enough new members to fill the heretofore vacant instruments.The band now contains twelve wide- awake members.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

S. B. Littell has built himself a new residenceon his place in Beaver Township.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

C. C. Stevens, for two years an apparently honestand thrifty grocery merchant of Winfield, recently sold out, pocketed thecash, and left his creditors and wife to mourn his unknown whereabouts.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Mr. Allison, the editor of the Telegram,was arrested last week, on complaint of J. W. Hamilton, upon the chargeof disturbing the peace (hearty peace). Upon a hearing before Squire Millington,he was acquitted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

We return our thanks to Mrs. Darrah for a tasteof the big twenty-seven dollar cake which was voted to her at the Odd Fellows'social last week. The cake was the work of Mrs. Darrah and showed that sheunderstands the art of cake baking to perfection.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

An intellectual and musical entertainment willbe given by the citizens of Arkansas City, for the benefit of the free church,on Thursday evening, Nov. 13, 1873. Ministers and their ladies are respectfullyinvited free. Admission fee: 25 cents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Tuesday morning E. S. Torrance, our County Attorney,started for his home in Pennsylvania to visit his parents, and two sisters,who have returned on a visit from their residence in South America. He wasescorted to Wichita by M. L. Read and the Grand Mogul of the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

In another column we give the official voteof the county at the late election. The vote of Bolton Township is not countedon account of the poll books not being returned to the County Clerk withinthe time required by law. Those of Silvercreek were not properly certifiedto. Several scattering votes in each township are not enumerated.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Last Saturday C. L. Rood gave Fin. Graham a25 cent cigar, and a wheelbarrow ride the distance of two squares and backon Main street, on the loss of a bet on the election. The procession wascomposed of numerous boys of divers ages with the wheelbarrow in the centreand headed by Johnny Rood, who hammered the death march on a bass drum.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Festival Notice. There will be a Public Installationof the officers of Adelphi Lodge No. 110 A. F. and A. M. at their hall Thursdayevening, Dec. 21st, A. D. 1873. All are cordially invited to attend. Byorder of Committee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Soldiers' Reunion on Thanksgiving Day. At ameeting of the committee of arrangements held at Dr. Mansfield's, the followingreception committee was appointed. Enoch Marris, A. H. Green, J. C. Bigger,E. C. Manning, Mrs. C. M. Wood, and Mrs. Flint. Soldiers arriving in thecity will please report as early in the day as possible to the above committeeat the city council room in the jail building just north of the courthouse,register their names, and receive their tickets for dinner. A full programmewill be published next week.

C. M. WOOD, President.

J. P. SHORT, Secretary, pro tem.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

We welcome to our midst Dr. Andrews, who comesamong us to stay. The Dr. is a polished gentleman of culture. He speaksseveral languages, knows his profession, has traveled four years in Europe,and is altogether a very interesting man. We hope to see him reconciledto his new home, and that pleasure and prosperity may be his.

LATER. Since writing the above we learn thatthe above gentlemen has "lit out" leaving a disconsolate landlord.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Here is what the Traveler says of a littlefellow that once flourished in our neighboring town as a partner of A. Walton,and left with a few hundred dollars of another man's money.

"Lawyer Stewart, who absconded from thisplace some months ago with considerable money belonging to parties here,was recently met at Fort Collins, Colorado, by one of our citizens. Afterleaving this place he went to Newton, where he became drunk, and then wentto Los Angeles; from there to Denver, and then to Fort Collins, where hehad a good practice and large income. While there he became acquainted withthe daughter of a wealthy miner, whom he afterwards married and startedfor Salt Lake City, where he is at present. After leaving Newton, Stewartassumed the name of Frank Conroy, and is familiarly known by that name athis last place of residence. When met by our townsman, he said he did notknow him, but afterwards owned all, told his story, and begged for secrecy."

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

RICH. Amos Walton exploded as follows the nightfollowing the election, when information was received in Arkansas City thatthe farmers had elected the whole of their ticket. "I became awaretwo years ago that Manning was running the republican party of Cowley Countyand I swore then that I would bust it, and by G___d I have done it!"The official returns do not make so much noise as Walton did, but they reada good deal better than his bombast. Apropos to the above is the story toldby a bedfellow of Walton's the night following the farmers' speaking meetingat this place during the canvass. Walton had made a rambling speech andamong other foolish things said: "I am opposed to sending smart mento the Legislature and I believe the people feel a good deal so." WhereuponManning asked Walton if he contemplated ever being a candidate for the Legislaturehimself, and if that was the reason why he opposed the rule of sending smartmen there. The audience saw the point and laughed heartily, but Walton showedthe white of his eyes along the lower lids and looked toward heaven in amental effort, and said: "There may be a point to that but I can'tsee it." That night at 2 a.m., his bedfellow was awakened by two orthree vigorous thrusts and shouts from the aforesaid Walton, who sat boltupright in bed and was cursing Manning, and among other things said: "Why,d___n him, he insulted me, didn't he?" He had evidently been all thattime finding the point.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

County Commissioners' Proceedings.

The Board of County Commissioners of CowleyCounty met in the County Clerk's office November 7th, 1873. Present: FrankCox and O. C. Smith.

Proceeded to canvass the votes of the electionheld Nov. 4th, 1873, which resulted in the election of the following officerswho were declared duly elected.

For representative of 75th district: WilliamMartin.

For County Clerk: M. G. Troup.

For County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.

For Register of Deeds: N. C. McCulloch.

For Sheriff: R. L. Walker.

For Coroner: Sam Moore.

For County Surveyor: W. W. Walton.

For Commissioner, first district, John Manly.

For Commissioner, second district. M. S. Roseberry.

For Commissioner, third district, R. F. Burden.


Petition of A. A. Mills for county road wasgranted with E. H. Boyer, James Utt, and G. W. Gordenhein appointed as viewers.Survey ordered Dec. 1st, 1873.

Time was extended on William Steel's road toNov. 26th, 1873.

Ordered that the contract with L. J. Webb forCounty printing, be declared void.

Ordered that the County printing be awardedto C. M. Scott, of the Arkansas City Traveler, and James Kelly ofthe Winfield COURIER as per agreement on file in the County Clerk's office.

Bill of E. P. Hickok, rejected.

Bill of A. A. Jackson, County Clerk's fee, allowed$218.20.

Bill of J. P. Short et al, road viewers, allowed$14.50.

Bill of A. H. Green, office rent, allowed $40.

Bill of W. W. Walton, surveyor, $4.00.

Bill of Judges and Clerks of election Nov. 4th,1873, allowed $286.80.

Bill of Frank Cox County Commissioner allowed$12.40.

Bill of O. C. Smith County Commissioner allowed$8.00.

Board adjourned. FRANK COX, Chairman.

A. A. Jackson, Clerk.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Best brands of flour and good table butter atthe new grocery the sign of the Red Flag.

Frank Williams.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Houghton & McLaughlin at the Green Front,Arkansas City, are turning out goods to the amount of $5,000 per week. Andwhy is it? Simply because they sell cheap, and keep everything anyone wants.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

Triplett now has charge of the St. NicholasRestaurant. His city and country friends will find the best the market affordsat the St. Nicholas. He will keep constantly on hand fresh oysters whichwill be served in any required manner. Give him a call.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

The meat market of Miller and Davis is in fullblast and anybody wishing fresh meat can get it by calling upon them attheir place of business on Main Street.

Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 13, 1873.

KNOW all men by these presents, that the co-partnershipheretofore existing between Frank Gallotti and Joseph Bossi, under the nameof Gallotti & Bossi is this day dissolved by mutual consent. FRANK GALLOTTI.JOSEPH BOSSI.

Arkansas City, Oct. 4th, 1873.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 20, 1873.

"Another Swindle."

The circ*mstances are just these: A short timeago, our readers will remember the Telegram was made by Mr. L. J.Webb the County printer, the official County Paper. Not liking the Telegramthey laid their heads together to concoct some plan whereby they could venttheir spite against the Telegram, and thereby deprive it of the CountyPrinting. They agreed to annul the contract with Mr. Webb, but then camea little hitch between Cox and Smith. Cox wanted to award the printing tothe "COURIER" and Smith wanted his pet, the "Traveler,"to get the benefit of the change.

The other Commissioner being absent, neithercould carry his point without the assistance of the other, and consequentlyafter a considerable amount of snapping and snarling over the bone, theyagreed that both should have his way. As the sequel to this, an agreementwas entered into with Kelly whereby he is to receive ALL THE COUNTY PRINTINGfor which he is to receive the fees allowed by law, and in addition to thisfive cents per line for all Commissioners' Proceedings. Another contractwith Scott of the "Traveler," was also entered into wherebyhe is to be furnished ALL THE COUNTY PRINTING for which he is to receivethe same fees allowed Kelly for the same services. This makes each the "officialpaper," when the law provides for but oneand by this they pay two dollarswhere the law allows but one.

Now the contract between the county and Mr.Webb, was that ALL such work should be done FREE OF CHARGE. So you see bythis contract being annulled and the Commission ers satisfying their feelingsof spite, the county now pays two dollars for the same work which they wereformerly having done free of charge.

Thus the people of the county are put to over$1,500.00 extra expense per year just because Manning and the Commissionersdo not like the Telegram. This is economy with a vengeance. Out uponsuch economy and the men who so defraud the people. The jail is too gooda place for such menand indeed we think that hanging is nearly too good.

It makes not a cent's difference to us. We werereceiving no money for the services we were rendering the County, and consequentlycan lose no more in the change than any other taxpayer in the county, butwe do despise to see any set of men so devilish mean as to gratify theirhates at the expense of the people. As the editor of a peoples' paper, wefeel that it is our duty to show up all such frauds, and to not be "mealymouthed" in our criticisms of such officials.

These same officials we had occasion to showup several times last winter, and since they have been pretty careful notto dive too deep into the trickery. But now that the election is over andtheir term of office has nearly run out, they make one grand grab so asto gain all for themselves and friends that it is possible to wrench fromthe people.

And then to enter into these contracts whilealready under one with Mr. Webb, whereby he can make them pay to him allmoneys likely to come to him under such contract. This shows business tact,does it not? It certainly takes two to make a contract and just as certainlyone party cannot of his own free will annul such contractand so long asMr. Webb holds himself in readiness to fulfill his part, just so long canhe hold the county for the fees justly due him. If he had broken his contract,they had his bondsmen to go back on. But did they do this? Not much! Hisbondsmen were Kelly, Manning, and Johnson, and if they sued on the contract,these worthies would stand the loss. By their own action they clearly recognizedthe fact that Mr. Webb had in every way come up to his contract. Yet theymake a show of annulling it, as if he had no right in the matter at all.This arbitrary way of doing things might have been appropriate for the darkages, but is not to be borne by the people of this age, and these men shouldbe made to pay the amount of extra expense, to which they have put the County.Telegram.

The foregoing tirade from the little boyis piteous. If the Telegram did not lie, it would be out of originalmatter for its readers. The first lie [We think it best to call things bytheir right names.] in the above, is the statement that the Commissionershave by their action squandered $1,500.00 of the county money. The contractfor publishing the proceedings of the board of Commissioners in both papersat five cents per line amounts to only regular rates for such advertisem*ntsin one paper, to-wit: Ten cents per line. The COURIER and the Travelerreach about every intelligent family in the county, and the County Boardis desirous that the largest circulation shall be given to its proceedings,and did wisely by directing that the proceedings be published in both papers.And the publication of said proceedings will not amount to one fifth theamount stated by the Telegram. Just so many and no more blanks willbe printed and used, and it will make no difference, so far as expense isconcerned, whether the Traveler or COURIER does the work. This workwill cost the same it always has, so that there is no additional expensehere. The balance of the county printing does not amount to enough to speakof.

The second lie in the above article is thestatement that Mr. Webb had made the Telegram the official paperof the county. Mr. Webb never had the authority to do this, and if he attemptedto, he failed. If the county printing had been given to all three of thepapers so as to include the Telegram, there would have been no howl.

Another lie is that "all the countyprinting is awarded to the Traveler and COURIER." For the mostexpensive and extensive of the county printing is the blank work, and ofcourse only so many blanks will be printed in any event no matter wheredone.

Another lie is the statement that this actionof the Board causes "the county to pay two dollars where the law onlyallows one." There are no legal rates for Commission ers' proceedings,and the two papers charge just half regular rates and thereby put the reportsof county business into twice as many readers' hands as they would be ifpublished in only one of them, and into four times as many hands as theywould be if published in the Telegram. In fact, the Commissionersconsider it a more acceptable policy to the people to pay regular ratesfor publishing the county business in papers having a large circulationand some character than it would be to have it published free in a paperwithout either circulation or character.

Mr. Webb did violate his agreement with theBoard of County Commissioners. The assertion that the violation of the contractby Webb made his bondsmen responsible is rather hard on Webb, who is therebyadmitted to be irresponsible individually. The Telegram had renderedthe county no service, and of course was "receiving no money"for the said service.

The Commissioners have done in this matterwhat they considered for the best interest of the whole county. The falsehoodsand howls of the Telegram have not deterred them in the past fromexercising their own judgment in such matters.

The Telegram would have the peoplebelieve that the County Board were bad men, but as one single evidence oftheir integrity and official ability, we call attention to the beautifulCourthouse erected by them at less expense than any similar building inthe state.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 20, 1873.

County Printing.

At the last meeting of the Commissioners, theaward for the county printing was again let. For sometime past the countyhas had no official paper, and the proceedings of the Board, which the lawrequires to be published, was left undone. Knowing this to be the fact,we repaired to Winfield and put in the claims of the Traveler forthe printing, as it has double the circulation of either of the other two,and is largely taken in parts of the county where the others are not.

Mr. Kelly then made his claims that the printingshould be done at the county seat, and that the COURIER had a circulationwhere the Traveler had not, and in order to benefit the greater numberof people, it was decided to award it to both, and divide the job work.This, we believe, will give greater satisfaction to all than any previousaward, except to the Telegram, who will, more than likely, howl asusual, because he was not there to see that his claims were made known,and again the Traveler is the official paper of Cowley County. Traveler.











Winfield Courier, Thursday,November 20, 1873.


Mr. A. C. Williams, of Leavenworth County, Kansas,has been appointed special agent for the Mexican Kickapoo Indians, to belocated at the junction of Bitter Creek and the Sha- kas-ka River, twenty-fivemiles southwest of this place. A portion of the tribe, consisting of oneman, fourteen women, and twenty-two children, passed through here last Monday,accompanied by the agent, teamsters, and O. P. Johnsonthe guide. The peoplewere all looking hearty and in good spirits, although they really are prisonersof the United States, having been captured by Gen. Mackenzie last spring,while raiding into Mexico, and held as prisoners at Fort Gibson, until the6th of this month, when they were placed under charge of the agent and startedfor their reserve. One hundred Kickapoo warriors are on the road to theirreserve, and will arrive in about three weeks. Mr. Williams leaves for FortSill today, to meet them. They are mounted, and own a number of ponies,although they are poorly clad. The balance of the tribe, numbering somesix or seven hundred, will come up in the spring. Their supplies will bepurchased at this place, as far as possible. O. P. Johnson has the contractfor building two log housesa commissary store and a dwelling house. Theremainder of the buildings will not be commenced until next summer. ArkansasCity Traveler.


Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Killed by a Tarantula.

This week we are called upon to record the firstcase of death by the bite of the most deadly poison species of insect, inthis section of the southwest. Sunday last, about 12 o'clock, while Mr.Samuel Vallier, Chief of the Quapaw Indians, living three miles south ofBaxter, was going about his farm, he was bitten on the toe of one foot bya large tarantula. He immediately started for the house, but a short distance,and by the time he reached it the pain from the bite was so severe thathe was unable to sit up, and threw himself across the bed, not thinkingthat his deadly foe had followed up his victim, to repeat the bite in amore vital place. But such was the case, the insect had crawled up his clothing,and soon after he lay down it gave him the second bite in the small of theback. This, with the former bite, charged his system with the poison almostas quick as if by electricity. Medical aid was immediately summoned, butbefore it reached him, he was too near gone for it to do any good. And inthe most intense agony he lingered until about 10 o'clock that night, whendeath relieved his sufferings.


Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

An untruthful report has been started in somesections of the country that the settlers are abandoning their homes inthe Arkansas Valley on account of the failure of crops, etc. Such reportsare wholly false, the settlers all being satisfied with the abundant yieldof their crops, and instead of being discouraged, are inducing their friendsto join them by thousands, in this, the best country in America. We learnfrom the Wichita Beacon that the sales at the land offices in thevalley amounted to $240,000 in the months of October and September last,exclusive of railroad land sales during the same period of $215,000.

It is no fault of the country if a settler everleft the Arkansas Valley. Oxford Enterprise.


Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

The Telegram says the election of Hon.Wm. Martin was an anti-Manning and McDermott victory. If this be true, thenthe election of the remainder of the Republican ticket is a Manning andMcDermott victory. If all the labor and all the falsehoods spent in thecanvass by the Telegram were for the purpose of obtaining an anti-Manningand McDermott victory, so far as its interest in the election was concerned,then we are content. It ought to know its own impulses. But so far as thevote of the county was concerned, we presume that other motives enteredinto the question of electing candidates.


Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Fresh pork by the dressed whole hog sells atfrom four to five cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Last Tuesday night was the coldest of the season.Ice formed to the thickness of half an inch.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

The sixty feet of sidewalk just put down infront of our office is an improvement worth mentioning.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

A herd of cattle numbering about 1,400 passedthrough this place on their way to Howard County, where they belong.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Mr. Troup, the newly elected County Clerk, hassold his store in Tisdale, and is going to move to Winfield to take chargeof his office.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

One of our citizens was arrested last week forrefusing to build flues to his house in accordance with a city ordinance.His trial takes place next Monday.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

The citizens of Arkansas City will give a ballthis evening for the benefit of the Liberal church of that place. It promisesto be an elegant affair.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

The fact that our new supply of paper has beendelayed somewhere between here and St. Louis is our excuse for finishingout this issue with yellow paper.


Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

The Odd Fellows and Masons have rented the upperstory of the building next north of Myton's hardware store, and are goingto occupy it for their lodge room.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Terrible prairie fires rage all around us. Oneran down the divide between the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers before that heavywind Monday night, doing considerable damage.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Read George Brown's new wagon shop ad., in anothercolumn. Mr. Brown is a first-class workman and keeps a full stock of thebest seasoned wagon timber to be found in the country.




Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.


A CORDIAL INVITATION To participate in the festivitiesof the day is hereby extended to all the soldiers residing in the county.The following PROGRAMME will be observed.

AT 10, A.M. THE Reception Committee will commenceto make up the Roster and distribute tickets for DINNER To all whose namesare entered thereon.

AT 11, A.M. SOLDIERS will fall into line, inmarching order, on Main Street, the right resting on Ninth Avenue, underthe direction of the officer of the day, CAPT. McARTHUR, And march to theCOURTHOUSE Where an address of welcome will be delivered by Captain S. C.Smith, The Mayor of Winfield, and the organization of the Soldiers' Unioncompleted.

AT 1, P.M. SOLDIERS will fall in for dinner.

AT 3, P.M. THERE will be a meeting in the Courthouse,and addresses will be delivered by the following soldiers: Chaplain E. P.Hickock, Maj. J. B. Fairbank, Capt. James McDermott, A. D. Keith, S. M.Fall, Maj. T. B. Ross, Rev. N. L. Rigby, J. C. Bigger, Esq., and other soldierspresent.

AT 7, P.M. THERE WILL BE A GRAND BALL! And dancingwill be in order, to conclude the festivities of the day.

The proceedings of the day will be enlivenedwith appropriate music by the Winfield and Arkansas City Cornet Bands. A.A. JACKSON, Chairman Committee on Arrangements.

J. P. SHORT, Secretary.

Committee on Music. T. A. Wilkinson, Chairman,Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Emma Leffingwell, L. J. Webb and John Kirby.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Soldiers' Re-union on Thanksgiving Day. At ameeting of the committee of arrangements held at Dr. Mansfield's, the followingreception committee was appointed. Enoch Maris, A. H. Green, J. C. Bigger,E. C. Manning, Mrs. C. M. Wood, and Mrs. Flint. Soldiers arriving in thecity will please report as early in the day as possible to the above committeeat the city council room in the jail building just north of the courthouse,register their names, and receive their tickets for dinner.


Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

The timetable of the trains arriving at andleaving Wichita is changed, arriving late at night and departing at 2 a.m.The mail now arrives here at 6 p.m. and leaves for the north at about 8a.m.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Judge G. H. Hilton, of Lincoln City, Nebraska,will read from Shakespeare, at the M. E. Church, Friday evening. The judgeis eloquent and fascinating. Our citizens will enjoy a rich literary feast.Admittance free.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

We are under many obligations to M. L. Readof this city for courtesies during our late trip to Wichita. Those who havebusiness with Mr. Read will find him a gentleman in every sense of the word.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

John Land, a son of J. H. Land, while carelesslyhandling a gun, last week, was forcibly reminded of tunnels by having onedug in his side by a bullet. His wound, although anything but pleasant,is not serious.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Mr. Wm. Slaughter gave us a call last week.He had just returned from a buffalo hunt with a goodly number of skins andsome meat. He also captured a bullet from one of his companion's guns, andwore a moccasin. The bullet split, one piece striking him in the arm andthe other in the leg.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

We are pleased to see the good natured countenanceof Judge R. B. Saffold on our streets once more. The Judge has been forthe last month recuperating and pleasure seeking among friends in the balmyair of old Kentucky. It is compliment enough to any man to know that hisfriends missed him when absent and were glad to welcome him back.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

There will be a public examination of teachersheld at Winfield on Saturday, November 30th. All teachers desiring certificatesfor the winter term, will be present as this will be the last public examinationuntil the one following the county institute in the spring.


Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

There is a man confined in the county jail forthe offense of stealing a corn knife. He was committed for the period ofabout seventy days. Squire Gans, of Windsor Township, a reformer in thelate election, and an advocate of economy in county expenses, was the justicewho rendered this ridiculous judgment.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Since it became known that the senior editorof the COURIER signed Allison's bond to keep him from going to jail lastweek, all the criminals and scalawags in the county have applied to himas surety. He desires to give notice that he is not doing a general bailbusiness and only consents to bail such fellows as are of more use to himoutside than inside the walls of a cell.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Oyster Supper. The Ladies of the PresbyterianAid Society will give an Oyster supper on New Year's eve., for the benefitof the Presbyterian church.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Our local in the last issue concerning the danceat friend Horneman's on Little Dutch Creek, created something of a sensation.It was not intended as a reflection upon Mr. Horneman or his worthy spouse,who did all they could to make the dance a pleasant and agreeable affair.No more hospitable people can be found in the county than they are. It waspersons who came there and brought their whiskey with them that made thedance a "rough" one.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

By an oversight, a note we had made of a callfrom Mr. I. N. Ripley of the firm of Gilbert, Hedge, & Co., wholesalelumber merchants of Burlington, Iowa, was omitted in our issue of last week.Mr. Ripley came down to look after the lumber trade of Southern Kansas.He met with success far beyond his most sanguine expectation. He found CowleyCounty one of the best places in the state, off the railroad, to sell lumber.We hope to see the firm which Mr. Ripley represents open up a trade in Winfieldat no distant day.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Soldiers' Re-union on Thanksgiving Day. At ameeting of the committee of arrangements held at Dr. Mansfield's, the followingreception committee was appointed. Enoch Maris, A. H. Green, J. C. Bigger,E. C. Manning, Mrs. C. M. Wood, and Mrs. Flint. Soldiers arriving in thecity will please report as early in the day as possible to the above committeeat the city council room in the jail building just north of the courthouse,register their names, and receive their tickets for dinner.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

The charge against the editor of the COURIERhas been clearly and satisfactorily explained and proven false. The onlydoubt left is whether the editor ever had a $10 bill which he offered inpayment for the $2.00. Traveler.

Right, brother Scott! All the charges evermade against the editor of the COURIER have been proven false. As to that$10 bill, it was a great mistake of his to have made it so large, as everyoneto whom he owed a nickel (and their name is legion) have been haunting theCOURIER office ever since hoping to get their "little bill."

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

A. Walton is out again in the Telegramcrowing over the defeat of James McDermott. Walton has labored for the lasttwo years to destroy the Republican party, and boasts that he has succeeded.What a giant Walton is, to succeed in breaking up a party his friends failedin a four years' war to break up. He has also tried, the same length oftime, to make the people of Cowley believe that they did not want to sendsmart men to the Legislature. Knowing that if the people conclude to dropsmart men and take up ignoramus, there would be a good chance for A. Walton.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Fine Stock. He who spends his time and moneyto improve the stock of this country is a public benefactor. We were ledto this thought while looking at the splendid bull calf imported from Kentuckyby Judge Saffold. The animal is a pure short horn Durham, five months old,weighs five hundred pounds, and cost five hundred dollars, or one dollarper pound. He will be kept at Mr. Saffold's fine dairy farm near town wherethe Judge will be happy to exhibit his pet to anyone who wishes to see him.Judge Saffold has now one of the most complete herds of fine Durhams inthe county. The energy and public spirit evinced by him in this line entitlesJudge Saffold to the thanks of every lover of good stock.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

Thanksgiving. There will be a Thanksgiving serviceat the Baptist Church Thursday (Thanksgiving) at 11 o'clock a.m. The followingprogramme will be observed as near as possible.

SKIPPED PROGRAMME....PARTICIPANTS: Rev. Mr.Lowry, Rev. Mr. Platter, Rev. Mr. Parmalee, Rev. Mr. Rigby....choir.

Winfield Courier, November20, 1873.

MARRIED. ENGLAND - WELLS. Married at the residenceof the bride's father in Dexter Township, November 8th, 1873, by Elder G.W. Bell, Mr. James England, to Miss Amelia F. Wells, all of Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.


The fatted calf was bought of John Davis.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

The Parlor Bar has been re-opened in grand style.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Donation party at Rev. Mr. Lowery's last night.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Remember the Masons public installation on Christmaseve.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

BIRTH. George Miller grins and says the youngMiller must always wear dresses.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Over fifty characters in full costumes willappear in the tableaux of Pilgrim's Progress.

Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress in tableaux vivantsat the new courthouse Dec. 9th and 10th.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Capt. McDermott called upon us Wednesday. Helooks fat and hearty since the race.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

The Party at Mooso's last night was a splendidaffair. Lots of gay girls and brave boys were present.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Rev. J. E. Platter will preach next Sabbathin Mr. Jackson's building, three doors south of the Lagonda house, at 11a.m. and 7 p.m.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Grading has commenced upon the Paola and FallRiver railroad this side of Garnett. Rush it through, gentlemen.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

We are under obligations to Nate Robinson, thegentlemanly and obliging state agent at this place, for bringing our newsupply of paper from Wichita.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

The sociable of the M. E. Church will meet nextWednesday evening, Dec. 3rd, at H. Brothertons, with refreshments.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

The grand ball at Arkansas City last Thursdaynight was a very nice affair. We enjoyed ourselves hugely. There are somany pretty girls at the City, it is a pity there isn't some good lookingyoung men there too.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Tuesday night being a "calm still night"was improved by some of the more sensible citizens by burning the grassfrom around the town to guard against the possibility of having the fireswoop down upon us before a whirlwind. They deserve credit for their energyand forethought.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

The members of the Winfield Dancing Club arehereby notified that a meeting will be held at Webb & Bigger's law officetomorrow (Friday) evening. All the members are earnestly requested to bepresent. By order of the committee.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Readings, tableaux, and songs representing Pilgrim'sProgress will be given at the new courthouse Dec. 9th and 10th, 1873, underthe auspices of the Baptist Church. Single tickets, 50 cents; season tickets75 cents. Children under 12 years 25 cents.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Judge Hilton's reading in Hamlet's Ghost lastFriday evening was complimented by a full house comprising the best citizensin the place. The Judge was very entertaining in his reading and was applaudedat the close of the exercises.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

We are preparing a history and description ofWinfield and Cowley County, which will be ready we think next week. It willbe well worth reading and those who have friends "back east" shouldmake it a point to send them copies containing it in order that others maysee what kind of a country we have got. Send in your orders early.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Judge C. C. Quinlin, R. F. Crawford, and SimHolstein have made arrangements for the wintering of 14,000 head of cattlein this, Sumner, and Cowley counties. These gentlemen are in co-partnership,and have shipped largely during the season. The wintering of the cattlebelonging to this single firm is money to the amount of $70,000 to the peopleof the counties named. From information at hand we estimate that not lessthan 35,000 head of Texas cattle will be wintered in the counties of Sumner,Cowley, Butler, and Sedgwick. Eagle.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

The contractors on the Paola, Garnett and FallRiver railroad say they will probably commence laying the iron on the firstof next month. The line is graded out beyond Ossowatomie nearly to Lane.The work is substantially and permanently done.


The above is the same road represented byJudge Wilkins, and proposed to be built down through Butler and Cowley counties.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Last Thursday night a terrible fire swept overthe country east of town doing considerable damage. The following is a notefrom one of the sufferers, who lives four miles southeast of Tisdale, wholost nearly everything he had, leaving him in a destitute condition.

MR. EDITOR: Last night a terrible fire sweptover the prairie, carried by a powerful whirlwind, completely destroyingall my corn, hay, barn, one pair of the horses, chickens, two set of harness,one new wagon and a buggy, plows, corn crib, and a great deal of fencing,and some small articles, leaving me in rather a destitute condition, withnothing but my hands to do with. E. C. CLAY.

November 21st, 1873.


Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.


The dispute about the location of a cornerstoneon section 25 near Tisdale culminated in a sanguinary (?) affair last Monday.The parties, Jim Moses and Will Beard, have, it seems, been at "outs"for some time; they met after the closing exercises of the Tisdale Lyceum,on Wednesday eve. of last week, exchanged a few angry words, appointed thefollowing Monday at 10 A.M. to try the effect of cold lead upon the humansystem. Seconds were engaged who made all the necessary arrangements forthe coming duel. At precisely 10 o'clock A. M. the combatants appeared uponthe ground on the high divide between Silver and Spring creeks where theseconds and a large crowd of spectators awaited their arrival. There theyshook hands with their friends, sent tender messages to their mothers, sister,and sweethearts, gave a last fond squint at the sun, the sky, the earth,and took their positions. Back to back they stood with their formidablesix-shooters in their hands, eager for the command "to march threepaces to the front, wheel, and fire." The second gave the word, "Forwardmarch."

* * * * * * *

If those fellows kept the gait and directionthey started, one of them is now crossing the Mississippi, while the otheris fording the Rio Grande.


Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Re-Opening of the Parlor Bar.

Messrs. Barnes & Wright desire to informthe public that they have re-opened the Parlor Bar saloon, and will be pleasedto see their customers at all times.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

How to sleep warm these cold nights. Go to Ellis& Black's and get a pair of those nice warm, soft blankets they areselling so cheap.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

If you want a fine boot put up by a workmanwho understands his business, go to G. W. Martin. He can fit you to a T.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Oats! Oats!! Oats!!!

A bankrupt stock of oats for sale at panic pricesat S. H. Myton's. The cheapest and best feed you can buy. Go right off andlay in a supply.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

S. Varner has just received the finest lot ofwhips ever brought to Southern Kansas, which he sells cheap for cash.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Buy an overcoat from Requa & Bing.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

The finest Glass sets to be found anywhere inthe city will be found at the blue front of the Weathers Brothers.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.

Miller & Davis, having fitted up their shopanew are now prepared to sell to the people of Winfield the very choicestbeef to be had in any market, and at the lowest figures. Their plan is tosell a great deal on the lowest possible margin.

Winfield Courier, November27, 1873.


Notice is hereby given to all persons not topurchase a certain promissory note executed by Michael Miller to Hiram Brothertonfor $500, on the 1st day of November, 1873, due sixty days after date withinterest at the rate of ten percent per annum after maturity, as paymentthereof has been stopped by the creditors of said Brotherton.

WEBB & BIGGER, Att'ys for creditors.

Winfield, Nov. 25th, 1873.


Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

The Soldier's Association met at Winfield Nov.27th, 1873. After falling into line under command of Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthurand preceded by the Winfield Silver Cornet Band, they were marched to Hudson'sHall, the place designated for the business meeting. The Association wascalled to order by C. M. Wood, President of the Association, who introducedCapt. S. C. Smith, Mayor of Winfield, who in a few happy remarks bade theheroes welcome to Winfield. The Secretary read the minutes of the meetingof October 18th. Col. E. C. Manning, chairman of the Committee to draftConstitution and By-Laws then submitted the following, which was read bysections and articles and after some amendments was adopted.


ARTICLE I. This Association of Union Soldiersliving in Cowley County, Kansas, shall be known as the Cowley County SoldiersAssociation.

ARTICLE II. Every union soldier or sailor whoserved with honor and was honorably discharged from the United States service,and now living in Cowley County may become a member of this associationby subscribing to the constitution and paying the fees proscribed by theby-laws of the same.

ARTICLE III. The object of this Associationshall be the perpetuation of memories of military achievements of the armiesto which the members of this association belonged and to promote confidenceand good fellowship among late comrades in arms, and protect and relieveas far as possible the needy families of those members of this society whomay hereafter be called hence. And the welfare of the soldiers' widows andorphans shall ever be a holy trust with this association.

ARTICLE IV. The officers of this associationshall be designated as President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer,and shall consist of one President, two Vice Presidents, one Secretary,and one Assistant Secretary and one Treasurer, and the aforesaid officersshall be elected by ballot with a majority vote immediately upon the adoptionof this constitution and by-laws, and said officers shall hold their officefor one year, or until their successors are elected. All vacancies in theaforesaid offices shall be filled by election.


SECTION I. The regular meeting of this associationshall be held on the 4th day of July and on Thanksgiving day in each year.

SECTION 2. All regular meetings of the Associationshall be opened by prayer to Almighty God, offered by the Chaplain or aminister of the Gospel to be designated by the President.

SECTION 3. All meetings shall be presided overby the chief presiding officer present and the usual duties incumbent uponsuch officers shall be performed by the respective officers herein named.

SECTION 4. In all deliberations of the societyunless otherwise specially provided, parliamentary law shall govern.

SECTION 5. Every person desiring to become amember of this association may do so by signing the constitution and payingto the treasurer such amount as annual dues as the Association shall designate.

SECTION 6. All money expended by the Treasurershall be paid out on the order of the secretary, countersigned by the president.At each annual meeting the treasurer shall make a report showing all receiptsand expenditures for the preceeding year.

SECTION 7. No member of the society shall speakmore than twice upon any question nor longer than five minutes without theconsent of the association.

SECTION 8. The association shall select fromits members a person to deliver each annual address before the association.

SECTION 9. Any member in arrears for dues forone year shall be dropped from the rolls, and can only be reinstated bya vote of the society. A member may be expelled from the association fordisorderly or dishonorable conduct by a vote of the association.

SECTION 10. Special meetings of the Associationcan be called by the president and secretary, and any meeting may adjournfrom time to time.

SECTION 11. No discussion of a political charactershall be allowed.

The meeting then adjourned to meet at the courthousefor dinner.

The soldiers then formed into line and the entireassociation marched to the courthouse, where a beautiful dinner was spread.

After dinner, Major John B. Fairbank, J. C.Bigger, Col. E. C. Manning, and Judge Hilton addressed the association.

On motion the old officers were elected to holdover until the 4th of July 1874.

A vote of thanks was unanimously tendered tothe ladies of Winfield for their interest in behalf of the soldiers.

A vote of thanks was also tendered to the WinfieldSilver Cornet Band [MISSING LINE]

services and also to Messrs. Stewart and Simpson,contractors, for the use of the courtroom.

After singing the old soul stirring song "Tramp,Tramp" the association adjourned to meet July 4th, 1874. C. M. WOOD,Pres.




Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.


We have received several communications thisweek, some of which we would be glad to publish, especially one from ArkansasCity. But we will take no notice of any such, no matter how meritorious,without the writer's signature. He or she may adopt any Nom de Plume theysee fit, but we must know who are contributors are.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Auction store, at Bing's old stand.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Unknown parties got away with numerous overcoatsat the Soldiers' ball Thanksgiving eve.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

A. T. Shenneman has returned from his buffalohunt. He reports game rather scarce on Cimarron.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Mrs. Tarrant, of the City Bakery, cooked themeat and bread for the soldiers on Thanksgiving day.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

A unanimous vote of thanks was given by thesoldiers to the ladies and the band of Winfield for their services at there-union. It was rightthey deserved it.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Ex-farmer Jackson is preparing for the expirationof his term of office. He is fitting up his rooms preparatory to going intothe restaurant business.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Owing to the pressure of other matter, the historyof Cowley County, as advertised to appear this week, is crowded out of thisissue. It will appear next week without fail.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

The members of the Winfield Dancing Club arenotified that a special meeting will be held next Monday night at Webb &Bigger's law office for the transaction of important business. By orderof the President.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Allison is up to Topeka making preparationsfor the meeting of the legislature. He expects to have things ready forit to meet by the middle of next month. He has not yet decided how longthe session shall be this winter.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Take Notice. Those taking a part in the playof the Pilgrim's Progress will meet at the Baptist church for rehearsaltonight (Thursday). This is intended for those who take part the first night,only. Those for the second night, will meet tomorrow (Friday) night.

Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress will be representedby readings, tableau, and songs, at the Courthouse Dec. 9 and 10, underthe auspices of the Baptist church. Doors open at 6 p.m. Exercises beginat 7. Single tickets 50 cents, season tickets 75 cents, children, underfourteen years, 25 cents, season tickets 35 cents. Tickets for sale at thepost office.

Some of the scenes given at the Courthouse Dec.9 and 10, are "Crossing the slough of Despond," "Christianfight with Appolyon," "Faithful burnt at the stake," "Inthe castle, Giant Despair," "Crossing the river of death,""Christian borne through the gates by a legion of angels," "Christian'sdream," "Mercy's courtship with Mr. Brisk," "Jacob'sladder," and "Pillar of salt."

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

The Soldiers' ball Thursday evening was wellattended, about 90 couples being present, and was acknowledged by all asbeing the finest affair of the season. The courtroom makes a splendid dancing-hall,and everybody seemed to appreciate it. Messrs. Webb and Jackson deservepraise for the interest manifested by them to make the ball pleasant andenjoyable.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

The soldiers' re-union on Thanksgiving day wasan entire success. The weather, which was very disagreeable, prevented alarge number from attending, but, notwithstanding, there were about fivehundred names enrolled upon the roster. A constitution and by-laws wereadopted, dinner was eaten, speaking and music were listened to and the dancein the evening finished the order of the day. Everybody appeared to be satisfiedwith the entertainment and we expect there will be an immense crowd at thenext re-union.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following is a list ofmarriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge during the month of November,1873.

R. B. Corkins to Amanda Wright.

Benjamin A. Lombard to Ellen Wiston.

Chas. A. Craine to Maggie J. Foster.

James A. Bryan to Sarah E. Nicholson.

S. H. Wells to Mary Pennix.

Albert G. Covert to Flora E. Tansy.

T. H. JOHNSON, Probate Judge.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Some parties, on the evening of Nov. 26th, enticedthe Pastor of the M. E. church and his family away from home and in theirabsence took entire possession of the parsonage, talking, laughing, singing,eating cake, apples, etc., to the comfort of said parties and numerous others,all of which was a "surprise" to the said minister and family.Then on leaving, these parties failed to take with them numerous sacks offlour, potatoes, with groceries, dry goods, and greenbacks, supplementingthe whole with a copy of Lange's Commentary, which they had brought, tothe amount of $75.00. Dear friends, you didn't spite us. Come againalwayswelcome. The latch string is out. Accept the thanks of self and family forthese tokens of regard and kindness. J. W. and J. A. LOWERY.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

Some time since, a couple of officers passedthrough our city upon the track of some thieves who had robbed a jewelrystore at Wichita. A couple of accomplices were discovered to have stoppedat this place, and the officers after pointing them out to Marshal Youngwith injunctions for him to keep his eye upon them kept on upon the trackof the gang. Last Saturday Mr. Young arrested them upon suspicion of theirbeing the persons who got away with a number of overcoats which mysteriouslydisappeared at the soldiers' dance. The prisoners were thoroughly searchedand a watch and chain was found upon the person of one of them, which wassupposed to belong to the Wichita jeweler. They were lodged in jail whilea man was dispatched to Wichita for instructions as to their disposition.In the meantime their lodging places (hay-stacks) were searched, as wasalso every other place upon which the slightest suspicion rested, but withoutsuccess. The messenger returning from Wichita without the necessary evidenceto hold them, they were released from custody, and immediately made themselvesscarce. The watch and chain were retained by the Marshal.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride'sfather in Sheridan Township on the 29th [?] of November, 1873, by __ [?]R. Bryan, Esq., Mr. Samuel H. Wells to Miss Mary Pinnix [Pennix?], all ofCowley County.

Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

MARRIED. COVERT - TANSY. Married in the Cityof Winfield on the 27th day of November, by the Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr.Albert G. Covert to Miss Flora E. Tansy, both of this city.


Winfield Courier, December4, 1873.

A new auction store in townwill only remaina few days, and now is the time for everybody to get cheap dry goods. Theysell goods fifty percent lower than any wholesale house in Kansas. Everybodyshould rally to Bing's old stand and see for themselves. Their goods arenot old damaged good goods, as you usually find in a traveling store, butare all of the best assortments and latest styles. Now is the time to buy.

For some reason next issue was printed eightdays later rather than seven. They explain that the printing day has changedto Friday later on.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.


The Courthouse is now completed, and the countyofficers assigned to their respective places. We think that a descriptionof this beautiful structure will not be altogether uninteresting, at least,to the tax payers of the county; although we may say right here, that nopen picture can give more than a crude idea of this splendid building.

The main building is 40 x 50 ft. The foundationis of stone, rubbleworked, cut-stone water-table, door, and window sills.The walls are 16 in. thick, and are of the best quality of brick. The firststory is 11 ft. high, and the second 15 ft. The roof is what is commonlydenominated double gable truss and heavily iron strapped, and bolted, witha tower 22 ft. high, the foundation posts of which are 12 x 12 inch oaktimbers extending clear across the entire width of the building, the wholesurmounted by a beautiful weather-vane, constructed by Mr. C. R. Sipes ofArkansas City, and we believe, a present to the county. A hall 8 ft. wideruns through the building, from South to North, with heavy double paneldoors at each end. The offices are arranged on each side of the hall, sixin number, and are 13 x 15 ft. sq. with two large 10 light windows in eachroom. The Courtroom proper is on the second floor, and is 37 x 38 ft. inthe clear. On the north end, and on either side of the stair landing, aretwo jury rooms each 12 ft. square, which open into the courtroom by foldingdoors. The inside is painted both inside, and out, with three coats, andhas three coats of plaster, the last a plaster paris finish; and is, onthe whole, one of the best, prettiest, and most substantial buildings, ofthe kindand certainly the best for the moneyin the state. Of the contractors,


we need say but little: their work speaks forthem. The brick bank building of M. L. Read, and now the courthouse, willstand as monuments of the skill, honesty, and integrity of Messrs. Stewart& Simpson, long after they will have passed away. The sub-contractors,Messrs. Rice & Ray, carpenters, also deserve special mention. But ourspace will not permit us to say further than that they have shown themselvesto be master workmen, and have done the county a good, honest job.

We cannot close this imperfect sketch withoutsaying a word for our county Board, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and John D.Maurer. They early saw that the building of good substantial buildings wouldbe a saving to the county every year. The history of our neighboring county,Howard, is just now a case in point. Election after election has been held,the county seat moved, to use a homely phrase, "from pillar to post."Thousands of dollars annually squandered in vain attempts to settle it.They, in common, with all right thinking men, saw that in a short time thehistory of Cowley would furnish but a parallel to the history of Howard,and that so long as the county had no buildings of her own, the county seatwas simply a bone of contention, to be pulled hither and thither at thewhim or caprice of any who might take it into their heads to move it.

The Board of County Commissioners of CowleyCounty have built a better courthouse, for less money, than can be foundin any other county in the state. No stealing, no jobbing, no trickery,of any kind whatever, but honesty, faithfulness, a desire to do the verybest for the public have marked the history of the enterprise in an uncommondegree. The Board of County Commissioners deserve the thanks of every taxpayerin Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

General Barrett and Captain Darling have paidout over $40,000, through the Arkansas City Bank alone, in defraying theexpenses of the surveys now being brought to a close.

Several lines in next article next to impossibleto read.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The following is a list of teachers who weregranted certificates at the examination held at Arkansas City, October 17th,1873.

(Those marked with a star are entitled to firstgrades after having taught in the county one term.)


Miss Ida Daggett, Arkansas City.

Mrs. Mina Hawkins, Winfield.

Ella Wickersham, Tisdale.

Lizzie Landis*, Arkansas City.



_____ Roseberry*, Arkansas City.

Stacy Roberts* [?], Arkansas City.

G. W. _________* [?], Winfield.

P. W. Smith*, Nenescah.

Miss E. J. Greenlee*, Winfield.


A. C. Reinhart, Arkansas City.

W. E. Ketchum, Maple City.

Monroe L. Wells, Dexter.

J. A. McNown, Maple City.

R. B. Overman, Dexter.

Annie Smith, Silverdale.

J. W. Turner, Arkansas City.


W. E. McNown, Oxford.

J. J. Estus, Maple City.

M. H. Smith, Baltimore.

D. Ferguson, Winfield.

R. J. Maxwell, Arkansas City.

J. F. Tucker, Baltimore.

Three applicants failed entirely, and receivedno certificates.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

OFFICE on the Corner of Main Streetand Tenth Avenue,
WINFIELD, Cowley County, Kansas.

Below will be found a partial list of landsthat we have for sale, and which is changed each week. To parties wishingto examine or purchase lands, we will furnish a conveyance free of charge.All property purchased for parties at a distance, carefully selected andpersonally examined. In connection with the Real Estate business, we havean Abstract of Title office, showing all transfers by deed or mortgage,liens, judgments, or defects in title to any lands or lots in Cowley County,and therefore guaranty the title to any property purchased through thisoffice.

Collecting rents and paying taxes attendedto promptly.

108 Acres, adjoining the City of Winfield, onthe E. Price from $55 to $60 per acre.

No. 63. 112 acres, all bottom lands, 5 milessouth of Winfield on Walnut River. Good well, pasture fenced of about 50acres, part timber and part prairie. 50 acres timber. Stock water on place.Price $1,200.

No. 77. 160 acres, No. 1 upland, 2-1/2 milesnorthwest of Winfield, S E 1/4 Sec. 19 Tp. 32 S of R 4 east. Price $1,000.

No. 82. 80 acres, S ½ of N W 1/4 sec.10 Tp. 33 R 4 all bottom land, about 2 acres of timber. 2-3/4 miles southof Winfield on section line road to Arkansas City. Price $1,000.

No. 56. 140 acres, 5 miles west of Winfield.No. 1 stock farm, about 80 acres bottom, balance good upland. Beaver Creekruns through north 80 which is well supplied with springs of clear runningwater. Hedge rows broken, 125 fruit trees, about 30 acres in cultivation.Price $850.

No. 29. 79 acres bottom land 3/4 of a mile southeastof Winfield. Frame house 13 x 25, 1 story 4 rooms, front room 12 x 12, kitchen9 x 12 with pantry and closet, all plastered and painted, cellar 13 x 13feet; good stables and other out buildings; good well, spring on place,35 acres under cultivation. 20 acres pasture fenced; 30 bearing fruit trees.Price $3,000.

No. 50. 480 acres N E 1/4 S E 1/4 and S W 1/4sec 31 Tp. 33, R 5 east; 80 acres of breaking, 35 acres timber; Walnut Riverruns through place; splendid stock farm. Price $4,200.


No. 6. Lots 7 and 8 in block 167; house 18 x24, 3 rooms plastered, good cellar, well of good water. Price 600 dollars.

No. 82. Business house on Main street in a centrallocation: House 18 x 60 with back room and cellar. Price 1,200 dollars.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

W. M. Boyer has a big stock of Christmas toys.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The County officers will move their officesto the Courthouse next Monday.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

J. M. Rood will give his first writing lessonat the schoolhouse next Monday eve.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

We understand the Masons have engaged a hundredfat turkeys for their Christmas dinner.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

B. F. Baldwin has returned from his trip toCherryvale looking "as happy as a big sunflower."

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

Mr. J. T. Shields of Wooster, Ohio, and of thefirm of McMillen & Shields of this place, is here on a visit to hisfriends.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The Masons have issued three hundred invitationson postal cards for their grand ball on the evening of the 25th inst.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

Our patrons will take notice that our day ofpublication is changed from Thursday to Friday. The change was made on accountof the mails.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The Union Sunday School, and Congregationalservices by Rev. Mr. Parmelee will be held next Sabbath at the Courthouseat the usual hour.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The County Commissioners have accepted the newCourthouse and took it off the contractor's hands, allowing them their lastpayment, at the recent meeting of the Board.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The man of the corn-knife notoriety, who occupieda lower room in the "little brick" was restored to his home onthe Grouse, on Sunday last. Marshal Young was his escort. How are you reformers!

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The continuation of the sublime allegory Bunyan'sPilgrims Progress has been postponed on account of the inclemency of theweather, and will be concluded next Tuesday evening at the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

Parsons is rejoicing over the first cotton ginand press in the state. Several bales of cotton have been ginned and pressedthere. Several farmers in Cowley County have sent their raw cotton overthere to be ginned. Mr. Levi Harrison raised eighteen hundred pounds thisseason, and says it pays better than corn raising.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

Our old legal friend, "Judge" M. S.Adams, who removed to Wichita in order to run for Congress, and came downto Winfield to enjoin the building of our Courthouse, we notice by the WichitaEagle has succeeded in having himself employed on one (1) case outof eighty (80) on the Docket of the Sedgwick County District Court.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

We would call the attention of the public tothe new ad. of Curns & Manser. These gentlemen have been in businessbut a short time, but during this time have succeeded in working up thebest real estate business ever established in this county. The success thathas attended them thus far is but an index to the business that will bedone by them in the future. Anybody wishing to dispose of a piece of landquickly will do well to place it in their hands.

[Portions of ad given already.]

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The Co. Commissioners at their last meetingaccepted the Courthouse. And the contrac-tors, Messrs. Stewart & Simpson,take this method to return thanks to their bondsmen, S. C. Smith, CharleyBlack, R. B. Saffold, Hiram Silver, S. H. Myton, Rice & Ray, J. J. Ellis,J. D. Cochran, M. L. Read, J. C. Blandin, John Lowry, and C. A. Bliss, forthe confidence reposed in them when they were entire strangers, and to saythat they are honorably discharged from any further obligation on accountof the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

The Tableaux. Listing participants mentionedby editor only. Mr. Michener, Mr. Howland, Mr. Mansfield, Mr. Bedilion,Mr. Saffold, and Mr. C. A. Bliss; Misses Parmelee and Leffingwell also mentioned.The spacious new Winfield Courtroom was filled to overflowing with an orderlyand appreciative audience, number at least 500 persons to watch John Bunyan'ssplendid conceptions of "Pilgrim's Progress" for the exhibitiongiven under the auspices of the Baptist church of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

MARRIED. BRYAN - NICHOLSON. Married at the residenceof the bride's father, in Dexter Township, on Thursday, November 27, 1873,by Elder Joshua Jones, Mr. James A. Bryan to Miss Sallie E. Nicholson.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.


To be given for the benefit of Adelphi Lodge,A. F. & A. M. At the Courtroom, Winfield, Kansas, Dec. 25th, 1873.


There will be a public installation of officersof the Lodge at the Baptist church at one o'clock P.M. After the Installationthere will be a few short addresses by members of the order.

Dinner will take place at the courtroom at fiveo'clock P.M.

A cordial invitation is extended to the public.

After dinner a grand ball will be given at thecourtroom. Good music will be in atten- dance. A cordial invitation is extendedto the fraternity to be present. Special invitations will be given by theCommittee to those not members of the order.

The following is the list of the committeesappointed for the occasion.

COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. A. A. Jackson, T.A. Rice, J. E. Saint, W. M. Boyer, L. J. Webb, J. C. Fuller.


SOLICITING COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, S. H. Myton,I. Bing, A. T. Shenneman, J. A. Simpson, J. Swain, T. A. Blanchard, R. B.Saffold, John Rhodes; Mrs. Flint, Mrs. McMasters, Mrs. A. H. Green, Mrs.Brotherton, Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Limbocker; Miss Jennie Stewart, Miss Lowry,W. W. Limbocker.

RECEPTION COMMITTEE. Dr. Graham, M. L. Read,A. Howland, P. Hill, J. P. Short, Mrs. A. A. Jackson, Mrs. P. Hill, Mrs.Robinson, Miss Ella Quarles, J. L. M. Hill.

TABLE COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, J. F. Paul,T. A. Rice, W. M. Boyer, J. E. Saint, J. D. Cochran, J. C. Fuller, JohnSwain, J. A. Simpson, A. T. Shenneman, A. S. Williams, J. P. Short, Mrs.J. P. Short, Miss Read, Miss Mary Stewart, Mrs. Geo. Oakes, Mrs. J. F. Paul,Mrs. E. Maris, Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mrs. W. M. Boyer, Mrs. L. R. Paul, Mrs.L. J. Webb, Mrs. J. C. Weathers, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Howland, Mrs. Hickok,Mrs. W. G. Graham, Mrs. J. D. Cochran, Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Miss Parmelee,Miss Lizzie Graham, Miss Yount.

VOCAL MUSIC COMMITTEE. Mrs. Hickok, Mrs. Brotherton,John Swain, H. Brotherton, Mrs. Green, Miss Newman, Miss Parmelee, MissBryant.

TICKET AGENTS. C. A. Bliss, J. Newman, J. C.Weathers.

COMMITTEE ON INVITATION. L. J. Webb, J. F. Paul,T. A. Rice, W. M. Boyer, J. C. Fuller.

FLOOR MANAGERS. A. A. Jackson, L. J. Webb.

Instrumental Music for the Day: J. W. Johnston,J. A. Simpson, J. E. Saint.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.


Mr. J. M. Rood wishes to inform the citizensof Winfield and the surrounding country that he will commence a writingschool at the schoolhouse next Monday evening. Mr. Rood is well known toour citizens, both as a writer and a gentleman, and needs no recommendation from us.

Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.

T. G. Peyton, Proprietor LAGONDA HOUSE, Theonly First Class House in the City. Stages arrive and depart daily fromall points north, east, and west. Corner of Main and Eighth Streets, Winfield,Kansas.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873.


Winfield Courier, December12, 1873. Last Page.


Cowley County is situated on the South lineof the state, towering on the Indian Territory and one hundred miles fromthe East border of Kansas.

It was organized in February, 1870. It thencontained 700 inhabitants. The present population is 15,000.

The county is upon the Osage Diminished ReserveLands, and has been open only to the actual settler, in quantities not exceeding160 acres.

No railroad grants cover any part of the soilof this county. The question of title is in no respect complicated by theconflicting claims of railway corporations and the citizens.

The rapidity with which the county has settledand the permanent character and extent of the improvements are marvels toall observers, and speak more impressively than words can express of theindustry and enterprise of the citizens.

A few words as to the topography, soil, climate,etc., may not be uninteresting and possibly may prove of great service tothe immigrant into our rapidly growing common wealth, and to those in otherstates, who possibly contemplate "going west."

Cowley is one of the large counties of the state;being 33 miles square. It lies west of Howard, south of Butler, and eastof Sumner counties.

The Arkansas River flows along its western border.The Walnut through its entire extent from the north to the south, about10 miles east from the west line and forms a confluence with the Arkansasat the state line. The Grouse Creek is a large stream, in the eastern partof the county, flowing from the north and is a tributary of the Arkansas.

These streams with several important tributaries,as, the Rock, Timber, and Silver creeks, are all heavily timbered, and makethe county one of the best watered and wooded counties in the state. Thechief timber is Oak of several varieties; Black Walnut, Elm, Hackberry,Cottonwood, Mulberry, and Sycamore. The streams are all rapid, and, savethe Arkansas, clear, with rock or gravel beds. The Walnut, Timber, and Grousefurnish unlimited water- power.

The editor of the American Agriculturist,says:

The soil is a deep, black loam, resting on alighter colored subsoil, consisting of loam, clay, and gravel, both soiland subsoil being so porous that surface water readily passed through them,and in no case is there any difficulty experienced in crossing with horsesand wagons or stock, any water courses or beds of streams. Teams may bedriven across springs or creek bottoms fearlessly, without danger of miring.This porosity of the soil, while it renders it capable of being plowed orworked immediately after the heaviest rains, at the same time keeps constantlymoist from evaporation below, and protects it from drouth. Within six hoursof the cessation of a rain in which we judge at least three inches of waterfell, I saw farmers breaking sod and cultivating the young corn. The cropsof corn, oats, rye, spring and fall wheat, potatoes and garden vegetables,which I saw growing, both on new and old breaking, in various localitiesin the valley, are equal to any that I have ever seen elsewhere, duringmany years' experience. I know of no part of the country possessing a moreattractive soil for the farmer than this."

Fifteen bushels of corn from this valley, exhibitedat the State Fair this year, gave an average weight of one and one halfpounds per ear.

The upland between the Arkansas and the Walnutis a smooth, level prairie, every acre of which is tillable by the steamplow, when it shall come into use, and for fertility and beauty, challengesan equal area in any other part of the state.

Of the valley of the Walnut, nothing need besaid. It is unrivaled and unsurpassed by any other valley in the state.The Walnut River is a large clear stream, flowing over a limestone beditsbanks deeply bordered with heavy timber of the best kinds, native to theState of Kansas. The bottom lands of the Walnut extends to the bluffs oneither sidein some places several milesand in fertility is unequaled inthe state. Eighty bushels of corn and thirty-five bushels wheat per acreare not uncommon yields the past year, while fifty bushels of corn and twenty-fiveof wheat are probably less than average.

The upland between the Walnut and Grouse isa rolling prairie, with here and there a ledge of limestone cropping outand interspersed with mounds of considerable height. This land is full ofsprings and small streams of living waterfor which reason, for grazing purposesis not surpassed. The settlers on these lands think them superior to anyother class of lands in the county. The mounds and ledges of rock form areceptacle for water, which keeps the vegetation fresh during the entiresummer while the gradual decomposition of the mounds keeps the soil veryfertile. Wheat and other small grains yield rich harvests on this landcornis good.

The stone of these mounds and ledges is a beautifulmagnesia lime formation, easily quarried and worked, and make an excellentbuilding and fencing material.

The valley of the Grouse resembles that of theWalnut. It is heavily timbered and extensively improved.


Winfield is the chief town and the county seatof the county. It is located on the Walnut, in the center of the countynorth and south. It is a beautiful town of about 1,000 inhabitants. It possessessome fine public buildings, a splendid brick Courthouse, one of the bestin the state, a substantial stone Schoolhouse, and a stone and a wood Church.Its business and residence houses of wood, stone, and brick are all of amost substantial and for a new county, elegant kind.

The Walnut River is spanned by two bridges nearWinfield. Two large flour mills are busy grinding the corn and wheat ofthis and adjoining counties. Near town are three brick yards in full operation,at which brick of the first quality are made and sold at very low prices.

Arkansas City is finely located at the confluenceof the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, near the south line of the state. Ithas a good trade and is a thriving town. Near this place, both the Arkansasand Walnut Rivers are bridged, and one of the best flouring mills in thestate is in successful operation. Both Winfield and Arkansas City have adaily communication by stage to Wichita, the nearest railroad station, andtri-weekly with Independence.

Dexter and Lazette are flourishing towns inthe Grouse Valley. And Tisdale is a thriving hamlet centrally located betweenthe Walnut and Grouse.

Of the climate we only need say, it is thatof "Southern Kansas." There is more of blue sky than in any otherpart of the world, not excepting Italy. We have not the long rigorous winterof Iowa, Illinois, and the northwestern states while the heat of summeris always tempered by a breeze. It is the universal testimony of settlersfrom New England that the summers are more comfortable than in the climateof Vermont and New Hampshire, while the New England winter is unknown here.The laborer is interrupted less here from heat, cold, and storm than inany other part of the country, with which we are acquainted.

The climate is healthful. There is no malaria,no stagnant water; but abundant, clear, and fresh as from any mountain spring.

The atmosphere is pure, bracing, and invigorating.


This county, like all Southern Kansas, is settledwith people of the highest character.

Their enterprise and industry is manifestedin the extent and permanence of the improvements which they have made, andthe care early taken to promote and secure learning and morality by theorganization of schools and churches.

The late Receiver of the United States LandOffice remarked that he had spent almost an entire life time on the frontiers,but had never seen any part of the country settle with so good a class ofsettlers as those who for the last few years have been coming to southwesternKansas.

As evidence of the interest which the peoplemanifest in education may be instanced the fact that Cowley County, onlythree years old, has 97 organized school districts, in 55 of which are goodschoolhouses built and furnished at an aggregate cost of $55,000, and innearly all the districts, good schools are in successful operation.

Numerous churches are organized, of the Methodist,Congregational, Baptist, Presby- terian, and Christian denominations.

Societies for social and intellectual cultureare formed in all parts of the county.

The Free Masons, Odd Fellows, and Good Templarsare organized. There is established a county agricultural society, whichhas fine grounds enclosed, and suitable buildings, and has held two verysuccessful fairs.

The patrons of husbandry are organizing.

There remains in the county much choice landyet to be taken of the Government, and many good improved farms for sale.

The times of peculiar hardship to the immigranthere are past. He will find good society ready to give him a hospitablewelcome and markets in which to buy all the appliances and appurtenancesof old and well organized communities.

We can say to all in other states contemplatingremoving to this stateCome to Southwestern Kansas, and as you come to SouthwesternKansas, take a look at Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

J. B. Burkey, one of Arkansas City's soldierboys, was in town last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

The Masonic fraternity are preparing to havea grand time on Christmas.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

We noticed the good natured face of M. M. Jewett,the most extensive farmer in Cowley County, in town the other day.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

Arrangements are being made to have a Christmastree on Christmas eve. This will bring gladness to the hearts of the littlefolks.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

The splendid stone mill of C. A. Bliss is nowin running order, has plenty of water, and grinds day and night. Their flouris said to be the best manufactured in the county.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

The members of the "Winfield Dancing club"are particularly requested to attend a meeting of the club at Webb &Bigger's law office on Wednesday eve Dec. 24th at 7 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

J. B. Sweet, successor to Close & Greer,has removed his furniture and cabinet store to the room formerly occupiedby Mr. Isaac Ring, opposite Hitchco*ck & Boyle's. His many friends willfind him there in future ready to sell them anything in his line.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

Manning says that since the Telegramcharges him with trying to get away with $150,000 of the county bonds, itis also reported that he is to pay Allison the one hundred dollars thatMaj. Durrow owes him for supporting the bonds, as soon as the bonds arecashed and that consequently Allison's landlord, washerwoman, barber, andother creditors have asked that he retain enough of the one hundred dollarsin his hands to satisfy their claims.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

In our description of the Courthouse last week,we made a misstatement in regard to the weathervane which embellishes thecupola of said building. We had understood and so stated that C. R. Sipes,of Arkansas City, made and presented the weather indicator to the county.We have since been informed that the aforementioned article was purchasedof Mr. Sipes by T. A. Rice, who made the donation.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

MARRIED. NICHOLS - STEVENS. Married at the homeof the bride, Nov. 5th, by Rev. F. Calkins, Mr. Enos G. Nichols and MissMattie Stevens, both of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania.

Wellsboro, (Pa.) Agitater.

The early settlers of Winfield will all recollect"Nick," and his many friends will join with us in wishing thehappy couple joy, and a prosperous journey through life, hoping that theonly thing they may find to make the way rough will be now and then a little"Nick."

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

A FRAUD. There is a petition in circulationin town asking the city council to purchase the present cemetery. Spot it!Don't sign it! And those who have signed it should erase their names therefrom.Winfield and vicinity needs a cemetery, but it don't want any stock or interestin the one under consideration. Graves cannot be dug in it without strikingsolid rock. The land slopes to the west and south, and bodies buried asthey are with their feet to the east have the appearance of laying withtheir hands down hill. The enterprise was started as a private speculation,and failing in this, they seek to have the public take it off their hands.It is to be hoped that the Council will not heed their petition.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

A CARD. Allow me to extend the cordial thanksof the Baptist church to all the friends who have so kindly assisted usin the representation, just given, of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Prog ress, hoping,at the same time, that each participant has been amply repaid by good derivedfrom the exercises themselves. As Pastor of the church, I would assure themalso that their earnest sympathy and co-operation will ever be rememberedwith grateful pleasure.


Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

A. A. Jackson and Geo. Miller have formed aco-partnership to engage in the restaurant business. A. A. Jackson has,for the past two years, been the County Clerk of this county, is a kind,sociable gentleman, and with Geo. Miller for an associate, will make therestaurant businesswhat it has failed to be so far in Winfielda success.Everybody in need of a good square meal, or fresh oysters any way they wishthem served, should call on Jackson & Miller.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

The representation of the Pilgrim's Progresswas concluded last Tuesday evening and the size of the audience warrantsthe belief that the first night had been fully appreciated. We have neithertime or space to notice each participant separately as we would much liketo do. Mrs. Dr. Andrews, as Christiana, entered into the spirit of her partin a manner entirely creditable, and Mrs. James F. Paul, as a Pillar ofSalt, was indeed beautiful and fully sustained her reputation of the eveningbefore. The music, if possible, excelled that of the previous evening. Rev.N. L. Rigby, the projector, brains, and manager of the entertainment, assistedby Mrs. Jennie Tousey, worked with an energy truly refreshing. It is nosmall matter to manage one hundred and fifteen persons, big and little,and raw material at that. Mr. Rigby and Mrs. Tousey are certainly entitledto the thanks of every lover of the beautiful and good for giving them soexcellent a representation of the production of John Bunyan's fertile brainwhile in jail at Bedford. Everyone connected with it did nobly, and gavethe good people of Winfield such an entertainment as they have never seenbefore. May we soon have another.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

The following ladies and gentlemen were appointedas committees to make preparation for the Oyster supper to be given by theLadies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church on New Year's eve.

COMMITTEE ON MUSIC. Mrs. Roberts, Miss Leffingwell,Mr. John Swain.

COMMITTEE ON OYSTERS, ETC. Mr. F. Williams,Dr. Egbert.

COMMITTEE ON TABLES, STOVE, AND LIGHTS. Mr.O. F. Boyle, H. Silver, Mr. Saint, Mr. Baldwin.

COMMITTEE ON COOKING OYSTERS. Mrs. Dr. Black,Mr. S. Darrah, Mrs. Curns.

COMMITTEE ON COFFEE. Mrs. Hane, Mrs. McMillen,Mrs. F. Williams.

COMMITTEE ON DISHES, ETC. Mrs. Houston, Mrs.Darrah, Mr. Marris, W. Doty.

COMMITTEE ON TICKETS. Dr. Black, Mr. J. F. Paul.


Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

Board of County Commissioners met in Clerk'soffice, December 9, 1873. All present. After a thorough inspection of thework, the Courthouse was accepted from the contractors, and the bondsmendischarged.

L. J. Webb appeared for school district No.45, asking to have one percent of the school tax remitted, it appearingthat the same was taxed illegally. County Clerk was instructed to make thenecessary change at the district's expense. In the matter of dividing tractsof land on tax roll, clerk was also instructed to make the change when appliedto by the Treasurer.

Ordered that the County Treasurer be allowedto cancel $590.04 in county warrants.

Bond of Sheriff fixed at $10,000.

Petition of W. B. Norman for section line roadwas laid over under the rule, for want of affidavit.

Petition of James Stewart for change in roadgranted.

Time on Wm. Steeles' county road extended atrequest of viewers to December 18.

Petition and affidavit of M. A. Graham on personalproperty laid on the table.

District Clerk authorized to procure blanksfor his office.

Superintendent of Public Instruction was authorizedto procure a black board and stationery for his office.

The county officers were assigned to the Courthouseon Monday, December 15, 1873. After that date no bills for office rent willbe allowed.

James Kelly was directed to procure appropriatesigns and place the same on the office doors of the Courthouse.

The County Clerk was directed to have the woodprepared for the stoves in the county offices.

The sheriff was ordered to set up the countystove that is in the District Clerk's office in the courtroom of the Courthouse.

The following bills were audited and allowed.

A. A. Jackson, Co. clerk's fees: $449.00

T. A. Wilkins, Co. Supt.: $27.00

E. B. Kager, for tax sale: $8.05

J. M. Young, jailor and sundries: $41.07

James Kelly, Co. printing: $19.50

W. W. Walton, Co. surveyor: $64.80

L. D. Jacobs attending' prisoner Lyon Co. jail:$4.00

T. A. Wilkinson, stationery: $21.60

S. H. Myton, Co. wood: $45.00

S. H. Myton, stoves and pipe: $174.55

A. T. Stewart, ice bill: $6.00

O. C. Smith, gopher scalps: $2.40

E. C. Walton, gopher scalps: $4.20

James Parker, sheriff: $41.50

J. F. Paul, repairing seal: $2.05

Stewart & Simpson, last payment on Courthouse:$4,390.00

Stewart & Simpson, extra work: $131.00

Crain & Byron, books: $206.00

A. S. Williams, juror: $2.80

A. D. Keith, pauper bill: $20.75

W. S. Mullen, chamber for jail: $1.50

H. & Boyle, blankets for jail: $12.75

J. G. Bullene costs in case allowed.

Braden & Buford laid over.

McMillen & Shields paupers bill rejected.

C. M. Scott county printing laid over, not itemized.

A. J. Williams guarding prisoner rejected.

D. A. Byers juror rejected.

O. C. Smith, Commissioner: $12.00

J. D. Maurer, Commissioner: $12.40

Frank Cox, Com. and Supt. Courthouse: $49.40A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.

Per J. P. SHORT, Deputy.


Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

Mr. C. A. Bliss desires to inform the farmersof Southwestern Kansas that his mill southwest of Winfield is now in runningorder and he is prepared to accommodate all who will give him a call. Hisflour has been pronounced by good judges to be excellent.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 19, 1873.

To show what a good flouring mill does for aplace, we notice that teams from near Wichita come to the mill of C. A.Bliss to get their grinding done.


Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.


The grave yard petition is a corpse.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

Bliss has four run of stone in operation steady.That must be bliss for somebody.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

Concannon has his new photograph rooms fixedup in good style and is now ready for business.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

We lodged two tramps from Arkansas City in thisoffice last night, and now we are afraid to use that bed.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

DIED. Dec. 23, 1873, at the residence of Mr.H. B. Lacy, James Bishop, aged 15 years. Funeral services conducted by Rev.N. L. Rigby.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

Mr. James Land, living near town, has a sowthat is a success as a producer. During eleven months and seven days justpast she gave birth to forty pigs in three litters. If any other hog canbeat this, "shell `em out."

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

Mrs. Nancy Valkus, the much respected motherof the COURIER's imp, better known to the craft as the "devil,"presented the office with a splendid hickory nut cake, which was undoubtedlythe best cake of the kind ever demolished in this office. Thanks.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

We are under many obligations to Mr. J. F. Newlandfor a splendid cake to us this morning. Mr. Newland has plenty of such tosell at his bakery as well as anything else a person may wish to eat. Forparticulars see his new advertisem*nt in another column.


Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

That school land sale that operated so seriouslyon the spleen of Mr. Nixon as to cause him to give Mr. Wilkinson a punchwhen he thought Hopkins had him down, is so throughly explained by the StateSuperintendent and Attorney General, that we hope Nixon will take the dosequietly, go to bed and sweat it off.

RECAP: Wilkinson obtained affidavit from DavidM. Hopkins, stating: "David M. Hopkins, being first duly sworn, deposesand says, that he is a resident of Vernon Township, in said county of Cowleyand state of Kansas. That he is acquainted with the northeast quarter ofsection sixteen in township thirty-two south of range three thebest of his knowledge and belief said quarter section belonged to the stateof Kansas as school land prior to May 13, 1873, and that on the said day,one Charles Tilton made an application before the Probate Judge of saidcounty to enter the same and did enter the said land upon complying withthe Statute made and provided for the entry of school land, and that saidentry, he believes, was fraudulent and void." H. D. McCARTY, STATESUPERINTENDENT, responded to Wilkinson, who sent him Hopkins' affidavit:"I have submitted the affidavit to the Attorney General. He says theaffidavit amounts to nothingno decision can be giventhe question is opento the courts."

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

The agony of the individual who has become worriedabout the money raised two years ago for a school bell will now be over,since its deep tones are heard from the belfry of the Courthouse, whereit will remain until a suitable place is prepared on the schoolhouse. Forfurther particulars, inquire of the school directors. MRS. MANSFIELD.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

The following granges were organized recentlyin our county. (We would be pleased to receive, for publication, anythingthat our farmer friends wish to have published in connection with the movementin the county.)

Floral Grange, Dec, 8, 1873, 28 members. JamesVandersdol, Master, Dr. Phelps, Sec.

Richland Grange, Dec. 19. 26 members. S. W.Phoenix, Master.

New Salem Grange, Dec. 9. 16 members. J. J.Johnson, Master.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

Last Tuesday evening a party of the very eliteof the city met at the residence of Squire Millington to the number of aboutfifteen couples and until sometime after midnight made the Squire's splendiddouble parlor floor ring with the heel and toe. A splendid impromptu supperwas served at 12 o'clock to which the guests did ample justice, especiallythose hungry spongers Allison, of the Telegram, and the Editor ofthe celebrated COURIER. No better place than Squire Millington's can befound to chase a few hours with flying feet. As hostess Mrs. Millingtonand her four charming daughters cannot be surpassed. Everyone who had thegood fortune to be present came away highly pleased with the evening's pasttime.

Winfield Courier, Friday,December 26, 1873.

The Christmas tree at the schoolhouse Christmaseve was a very fine affair, and the distribution of presents afforded theadults as well as the children considerable merriment. John Swain, as SantaClaus, assisted by Messrs. Fairbank and Michener and numerous ladies, handledgifts inspiringly. Several songs were sung and pieces spoken by the littlepeople, among them one by Master Harold H. Mansfield entitled "Annieand Willie's Prayer." This beautiful poem was well rendered by Harold.Several persons, especially "men about town," received snappingturtles, jumping jack, and other highly useful toys. The editor of thispaper was presented with a fine plug hat, he fondly thinks, for his goodlooks, also a splendid cake with the compliments of the donors.



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