WotLK Affliction warlock PVE 3.3.5a guide (2024)

Affliction Warlock 3.3.5a guide

Navigation (CTRL+F to search and find specific section/spells, make sure to add hashtag symbol (#) if you wish to get to specific section):

1. 1# Description of Affliction specialization
2. 2# Stat priority
3. 3# Talents, Glyphs and rotation
4. 4# Gems
5. 5# Enchants
6. 6# Consumables
7. 7# BIS item list
8. 8# Rolling Corruption and detailed explanation of ability
9. 9# Known bugs
10. 10# Recommended addons
11. 11# Changelog

Brief introduction

Greetings, my IGN is Heraxion and I've been playing World of Warcraft since 2010 October. I play on Deathwing realm and currently trying to do my best to perfect and master Affliction talent specialization and increase overall number of Affliction warlocks on Wrath of the Lich King realms. Seeing that there are very few detailed guides for this specialization, I decided to make one of my own. I hope that whatever is below will encourage newer players to choose Affliction specialization as their main spec as well as prove older players that are currently rolling with hybrid/Demonology/Destruction specs that Affliction warlocks are as good when it comes to DPS.

1# Description of Affliction specialization

Affliction is a very potent single-target specialization with immense self heals. While it may lack the burst of damage compared to Demonology spec, it is able to compete just fine DPS-wise throughout the encounter as it progresses further on. If you like playing more complex classes in PVE, I recommend picking up Affliction warlock since it requires bonus management when it comes to your abilities. It is a very fun talent choice to roll with and if you are eager to improve and maximize its potential, you will be able to see yourself amongst the top charts of Recount/Skada. Naturally, there are always questions such as "Why should I pick up Affliction over hybrid?" and "Is it worth running Affliction warlock in raid?" when it comes to warlock discussion. Frankly, the main reply here would be very simple-gameplay style. If you don't like managing your DOTs and other abilities, being a ranged caster DPS or hate managing your pet, I recommend you not to choose this class at all and simply close down the guide. If you are, however, interested in things I wrote about earlier, then let's begin.

2# Stat priority

Let's begin with mandatory stats you will need in order to succeed and thrive as Affliction warlock:
Hit rating-being Affliction warlock means you get to run with extremely low hit (which essentially means more useful DPS stats such as haste/spellpower/crit). Due to nature of Affliction talent tree, Suppression allows you to drop down your spell hit cap to 14% which is roughly 368 hit rating (hard cap for Affliction warlocks). Assuming you raid 25mans and/or always run with Shadow Priest or Balance Druid, spell hit cap drops down to 11% which is roughly 289 hit rating (also known as soft hit cap for casters). There is also a possibility to drop down to 10% spell hit (roughly 263 hit rating) with Draenei in your party but I recommend running with 11% build.Haste-one of the most important stats after hit rating and spell power for Affliction warlocks. I do not recommend gemming pure haste gems as it isn't entirely a DPS increase when it comes to the overall value of spell power. Eventually you will end up with 1461 haste rating when all BIS items have been acquired (not counting in any bonuses, only pure gear without gems/enchants).Critical strike rating-do not gem for it. Even though it comes from your gear It isn't the most important stat of your specialization when it comes to passive fight. Crit is necessary for Affliction warlocks and I'll explain why later on.
Spell power-this stat will come naturally from your gear as well as procs/gems/enchants/consumables and other sources.

Secondary stats
Even though I do not recommend gemming or even gearing in such way, the following stats are viable and will give you mediocre results when it comes to DPS:

Spirit-if you gain much more spell power/haste than your current item gives, go ahead and grab it. As an example, if you have Palebone Robes from Pit of Saron normal and you have an option to take Sanguine Silk Robes from Blood Prince Council 25 normal, go ahead and grab it. It isn't ideal but it provides much better overall stats such as spell power/intellect/haste which makes it a worthwhile pick.Intellect-don't ever gem/enchant for it. It will come from your items naturally and you shouldn't even bother about this stat.Mana per 5s-even though not completely useless, this stat is below average for you and you shouldn't ever pick it over hit/haste/crit/spell power and even spirit.Stamina-it will come from your items, don't bother with it.

#3 Talents, Glyphs and rotation

Lets begin with our talents. This is the talent spec I am currently using on my warlock It is pretty much more or less standard Affliction spec although there are a few optional talents you can pick up. If you wish to read on and get into detail of every talent, continue. I highly recommend not skipping this part as it contains few important details regarding the spec.

Red color=mandatory talent/Green color=optional talent (meaning you can switch it around with whatever other talents you like)


Tier 1:
Improved Curse of Agony-mandatory talent since you should be using Curse of Agony at all times if you have more than roughly 3400 spell power passively due to nature of Affliction scaling as well as Curse of Agony/Curse of Doom. If you are below that amount of spell power with raid buffs, use Curse of Doom unless fight lasts less than 1 minute.
Suppression-mandatory talent, reduces the amount of hit rating you need to have which results in capability to get other stats such as haste/crit.
Improved Corruption-mandatory talent, Corruption is one of your main damage and self-healing sources.

Tier 2:

Improved Curse of Weakness-pretty much useless talent for PVE warlocks. There is always some other class providing same attack power debuff. Not recommended speccing into this talent.
Improved Drain Soul-one of more decent talents in 2nd tier of Affliction tree, you will be generating quite a lot of threat, especially when you get to end-game and due to Soulshatter having 3 min cooldown, that may just be enough to be able and DPS constantly without any worries.
Improved Life Tap-rather decent talent as well, increases mana gained per tap. Personally, I never felt the need to take this talent since I don't really increase my DPS nor survivability in any way. Optional pick.
Soul Siphon-Mandatory, increases your Drain Soul damage by quite a bit.

Tier 3:

Improved Fear-rather useless talent for PVE. Fear doesn't work on bosses as well as majority of spawns/adds in raids (as majority of this expansion is classified as Undead)
Fel Concentration-a must-have talent for PVE Affliction. It's simple-you get pushback from any spells, you lose DPS. And no one wants to lose DPS.
Amplify Curse-optional choice, highly recommended when using lower-level gear (900-1100 haste) as it takes less time for your GCD to 'reload'.

Tier 4:

Grim Reach-
Nightfall-mandatory talent. Unfortunately, it is currently bugged but even then, still a better choice than anything else since you will have to move during majority of the fights at some point so it still is rather mediocre.
Empowered Corruption-mandatory talent, makes your main damage source inflict more pain.

Tier 5:

Shadow Embrace-mandatory talent, increases your Curse of Agony/Corruption/Unstable Affliction/Drain Soul damage which are pretty much your main sources of damage.
Siphon Life-must have. Yet again, increases your main abilities damage which is what you want (% scaling is the best possible scaling into end-game content)
Curse of Exhaustion-Not recommended for PVE, not too many targets to use it on.

Tier 6:

Improved Felhunter-doesn't increase your DPS as much as other talents above and below Tier 6. Not a recommended pick but viable option nevertheless.
Shadow Mastery-yet again, % scaling which means crazy damage with end-game items. Must have talent.

Tier 7:

Eradication-it is an amazing feeling when this talent procs since it makes your DPS shoot up by quite a lot (it's like a mini-heroism/bloodlust built in your spec). Take it without any exceptions.
Contagion-must have talent, no exceptions.
-Dark Pact-useless talent for PVE, you can get mana by using Life Tap. Don't ever pick this.

Tier 8:

Improved Howl of Terror-again, Fear is near useless for PVE and so is this talent. Don't pick it, you've got priests to cast the same spell without having to waste 2 talent points into it.
Malediction-knock knock, % scaling coming in. Must have talent.

Tier 9:

Death's Embrace-did someone say % scaling?
Unstable Affliction-one of your main damaging abilities, a powerful DOT. A necessity.
Pandemic-yes pls.

Tier 10:

Everlasting Affliction-one of the best talents in this tree. Makes your Corruption become THE best possible ability for your specialization.

Tier 11:

Haunt-huge DPS increase for DOTs and some decent damage too.


Nothing here, we love spamming Shadow Bolt when our DOTs are up on target for a while which is why it's necessary to move on to Destruction tree.


Tier 1:
Improved Shadow Bolt-one of your main abilities just got stronger AND it gives a raid-wide buff. Must have talent.
Bane-even though you use only 1/4 of this talent, it is still better than anyhting else as it yields quite fine amount of DPS increase. Must have talent.

Tier 2:
Nothing here, moving on.

Tier 3:

Ruin-only talent you should be picking in this tier since it increases damage of your Shadow Bolt.

Tier 4:

Intensity-mandatory talent to be able and cast Shadow Bolt freely without any disruptions and pushbacks.

That's about it for talents. Moving on to Glyphs.

Major glyphs:
The following major glyphs are mandatory and should not be replace by anything else
Glyph of Haunt-not a lot to say, your DOTs just got stronger. Also, SCAAAAALING.
Glyph of Life Tap-spirit buffs from priests and druids just gave you some bonus spell power, must have glyph.
Glyph of Quick Decay-crazy good glyph. Increases rate of various procs as well as overall Corruption damage. #1 glyph for Affliction warlocks.

Minor glyphs:
Anything you wish to pick up, all the minor glyphs are optional.

Now, for this section I'd like to change word rotation with priority list as it is easier to manage Affliction warlocks this way.
Before pull:
Pre-pot (Potion of Wild Magic)
Life Tap (Rank 1)
Pre-cast Shadow Bolt (make sure you don't ninja-pull the boss, no one likes that kind of people)
After pull:
Haunt>Curse of Agony (use Curse of Doom if you have less than 3400 spell power with all the raid buffs/use Curse of the Elements if you have no Balance druid/Unholy DK/other warlocks which use Curse of the Elements)>Unstable Affliction>Corruption>Shadow Bolt

After you've gone through your initial rotation, you should keep the following in your mind:
Always keep up Haunt+Shadow Embrace, that is your 1# goal in fight (unless boss flies/moves away for specific phase/fight mechanic)
Always keep up Unstable Affliction and Curse of Agony, manage your DOTs according to fight, if you have to move soon, make sure you re-cast Unstable Affliction and Haunt so you can cast instant spells while moving.
Always keep up Shadow Bolt cast when your DOTs and Haunt are on your target for a longer time. You must not stop casting if you can. Remember, every second spent not casting results in a DPS loss (unless you have to move). Try to be as efficient when it comes to movement and casting an ability.
When you get T10 4 piece proc (increased damage by 10%, recast Corruption on your main target with Haunt)
When your target is at or below 35%, recast Corruption again.
When your target is at or below 35% and you get T10 4 piece proc, recast your Corruption again (and if you can, ask rogue to use Tricks of the Trade on you for 15% bonus damage)
When your target is at or below 25%, begin using Drain Soul instead of Shadow Bolt. This is one of the best fight parts for Affliction warlocks as you get to see your true potential. Remember to refresh every single DOT on boss+Haunt (Don't ever let your Haunt+Shadow Embrace fall off if it's possible). If your Shadow Embrace falls off target, cast Haunt+2 Shadow Bolts and continue with Drain Soul. This is the most complex part of Affliction warlocks and you will have to run through few instances before you get comfortable with the priority list.

I may repeat myself but remember-if your Haunt and Shadow Embrace expires, you have to reapply both of these debuffs as soon as possible by casting Haunt and 2 Shadow Bolts. Do not ever let these 2 debuffs wear off boss otherwise your DPS will suffer a huge loss (only reason it should wear off is if boss runs away from group to begin a different phase OR if you die (but you shouldn't die) ).

That concludes the rotation part.

4# Gems

Gemming is quite simple thing on warlocks and is pretty much straightforward with just a few exceptions. Explanation below:
Metagem: Chaotic Skyflare Diamond
Gem Runed Cardinal Ruby in every single red socket (as well as bonus sockets from Eternal Belt Buckle/Blacksmith enchants)
Gem Reckless Ametrine in every single yellow socket if socket bonus is 7 spell power or more. If socket bonus is less than 7 spell power, gem yellow sockets with Runed Cardinal Ruby.
Gem Purified Dreadstone in every single blue socket if socket bonus is 7 spell power or more. If socket bonus is less than 7 spell power, gem blue sockets with Runed Cardinal Ruby.

That pretty much concludes the gem section. Not a lot to tell or explain here, basically speaking a stat efficiency all the way. Spell power is your strongest possible stat and you want to be as efficient when playing around it.

5# Enchants

Head: Arcanum of Burning Mysteries -no alternatives
Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Storm -alternatively use Master's Inscription of the Storm if you are a scribe
Cloak: Greater Speed -alternatively use tailor enchant if you are a Tailor or Springy Arachnoweave if you are an Engineer
Chest: Powerful Stats -no alternatives
Bracer: Superior Spellpower -alternatively use lw enchant if you are a Leatherworker
Gloves: Exceptional Spellpower -alternatively use Hyperspeed Accelerators if you are an Engineer
Waist: Eternal Belt Buckle -if you have Engineering, enchant your belt with Frag Belt , it is usable on NPCs such as Shambling Horror which may prevent a wipe when used well
Legs: Brilliant Spellthread -no alternatives
Boots: Icewalker -alternatively use Nitro Boosts if you are an Engineer
Rings: Greater Spellpower on both rings (only for players with Enchanting)
Weapon: depending on weapon type (Staff of 1h weapon) use highest possible spellpower enchant Mighty Spellpower for 1hand weapon, Greater Spellpower for Staff. Don't forget to enchant your weapon with Grand Spellstone at all times.

6# Consumables

Best food/flask/potion: Flask of the Frost Wyrm with Firecracker Salmon with Potion of Wild Magic .
Basic explanation of consumables choice-increasing spellpower means more damage for every single ability. More crit=better Corruption.

7# BIS item list

Head: T10 HC
Neck: BQL 25hc
Shoulder: T10 HC
Cloak: RS 25hc
Chest: T10 HC
Wrist: RS 25hc
Weapon: LK 25hc
Off-hand: BPC 25hc
Wand: Rotface 25HC
Gloves: T10 HC
Waist: LM HC
Legs: Festergut 25HC
Boots: Festergut 25HC
Ring 1: Ring 1
Ring 2: Ring 2 or Ring 3 if you have Draenei in group (you will have to get 20 hit rating to be capped with this ring)
Trinket 1: Trinket 1
Trinket 2: Trinket 2

8# Rolling Corruption and detailed explanation of ability

A few weeks back I have found a must-read post for Affliction players. I'd like to share it with you, I did not contribute to any of it, I'm simply spreading the word and all the credit regarding this section should be given to that post author.
Link here
To explain the mechanic with my own words-whenever you cast Corruption it doesn't refresh 2 of the following stats: Critical Strike rating and % damage increase modifiers. What this means is if you have 70% crit when you cast Corruption but your crit drops down to 50% during mid-fight, the Corruption will keep 70% crit stat unless it has been manually refresh or has expired. Same goes for % damage modifiers-whenever you get (for example) BQL bite, you should refresh your Corruption as soon as possible otherwise it'll deal the damage it dealt before the bite has happened.



If you wish to read full post, follow the link to WoWHead.

9# Known bugs

Currently known bugs are the following:
Nightfall is being consumed when it procs mid-Shadow Bolt cast (if you finish casting Shadow Bolt)

10# Recommended addons

Quartz-one of the best addons for Affliction warlock. The amount of configuration you can do with this addon is immense and I'd honestly say it is mandatory to have it in order to maximize your DOT potential (especially Drain Soul ticks).
Mik's Scrolling Battle Text-very good addon when it comes to combat text. Due to many possible configurations it is possible to make sure no tick of DOT slips through an eye.

These are the addons I use and personally I see no reason to use any more than these 2 when it comes to combat. Frankly, addon choice is optional and depends on the way you would want your UI to look.

That's about it for my guide, I hope to receive some constructive feedback and would love to see more Affliction warlocks around. Good luck and have a great time playing the specialization!

11# Changelog



WotLK Affliction warlock PVE 3.3.5a guide (2024)


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